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New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 1:17 am
by James3167
As a forum member of a very successful forum (ZU), I am used to a fast-paced forum life, ten or twenty new posts per minute on a slow day (maybe more, I have not been there for a long time), I get an itch that makes me want to post more. In order to post more, we need more members with brand new ideas and unique personality in order to further enrich our forum, make new threads, and make the total number of active posters higher. Thus, could someone give me, and other visiting members of LoK Forums ideas for the recruitment of fresh meat?

In a nutshell: This is a place to brainstorm ideas on how to recruit active non-lurker posters. If you desire, please post a posting about how to better the forums.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 5:37 am
by napsii
My honest opinion is that there's no magical trick or scheme that pulls in new members. I think after all this time, it should be easy enough to identify what draws people to the site. The most anyone can do is to try and cultivate those things to be as good as possible to give people incentive to join in on the discussion. The success and interest in a lot of Creative Corner projects, for example, has drawn in new registered users.

That being said, the 90-9-1 principle (the general rule among internet communities that more people lurk than join in) dictates that there will always be way more lurkers than active posters anyway.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 11:25 am
by OwnerOfSuccuby
May be i am wrong but - whose attention do you want to bring to LoK ?

If you want to bring attention of peoples who is interested in Krystal - may be to wright some thing about LoK will be productive in some LoK groups in Social Networks (groups who like Krystal for example) - Like i do not know - just as example: / /and etc.

If some thing is not main stream - even if there are no a lot of big groups - it can be that peoples who are in such a groups are really interested.

There can be active users who like Krystal for example and who can help in future with projects about her.

If you are interested in animators and people who make arts - may be it will be productive to write directly to people or in groups of peoples who like to make arts - like as example on sites like this: - unfortunatly i am not good in arts so i do not know much forums and sites about it :(

The same for programists - if you want to make it on flash for example on flash programists forums and etc.

The same for global idea. If you want more creators and contributors - you have to have some idea people will be interested in. For example game about Krystal - game about some body else. What kind of game - action / rpg and etc. About what - scenario - and etc.

(No scenario not like : She come to new planet - oh what the wonderfull plenet she thinks. She worn away her blue jacket - tra ta ta - then think no it is cold there and put it on again /// tratata)

I mean some thing like how much levels - who is the enemy - who is mani charecters - what player have to do in level 1 / 2 / 3 and etc. How all begins and how it will end (or may be end for continue in future).

But some times all goes good even with out scenario :roll: :mrgreen: I think it is some kind of inspiration.

It all depends - what do you want to do and what for you want to do it :mrgreen:

For example i little do not understand what is going on around on this forum :shock: :lol:
What people are interested in and etc. What they want to make - who are there favorite charecters and etc. What game types they like, and where is Corta :roll: :mrgreen:

It is very pity that it is no news about him and that he do not wright any thing Image

He just dissapead - but i hope he is fine :mrgreen: But it is a little strange - that he do not wright any thing so long :?

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Thu Mar 07, 2013 7:52 pm
by Ayato.olin
I suggest that the forum must to be more organize. I'm not criticized the forum i just give some idee :

There are too much project : we have only 4 games finished...
And more, 95% of the project are done by only one guy. That's why a lot of project failed... I think the forum have to be focused on a few idees : when they are finished, we choose some over project, etc...
we can change the three subcategories in the category "creative" (discussion, creative corner and tutorials) by :
- Finished game
- Game project (where we can find the main projects of this forum)
- Just begun project (the other game project)
- Cancelled project
- Tools, art and animation
- Idees for new games (where every one can post a game concept)
- Discutions
- Tutorials

when someone create a new game, he just create lvl. At this stage, the topic is in "just begun project".
If he continues and seems to be serious, if the game is appreciated it will go in "game project" and some people can (must) help him to do his game as fast as they can.
If the guy stop to work on his project, it will go in "cancelled project" and someone else can finish the game. I hope you'll like...

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 12:40 am
by trunks2585
Well for starters it would help if most of the forum was actually about Lok and people working on it. Not (as I see it) a roleplay forum of god only knows what's going on, the general shoot the shit section, several threads pitching ideas and asking for help, and of course my personal favorite, half started games that have NOTHING to do with LoK and then soon get abandoned half way through anyways.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:04 am
by Mr D
Well to be fair most of the half way abandoned games were the ones that were based of LoK.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:05 am
by QuizmasterBos
trunks2585 Wrote:Well for starters it would help if most of the forum was actually about Lok and people working on it. Not (as I see it) a roleplay forum of god only knows what's going on, the general shoot the shit section, several threads pitching ideas and asking for help, and of course my personal favorite, half started games that have NOTHING to do with LoK and then soon get abandoned half way through anyways.

You are doing your signature proud, trunks. As expected of you.

However, you are not mentioning the fact that there are some good games being made in the creative corner that don't get abandoned. Some of which are even "finished".

I don't even know why LoK got abandoned. Was nobody doing anything at all? The Area 52 project has been locked for over a year now and progress stopped even before that point.

Now, I don't really mourn that loss, I thought that the whole concept didn't have that much praise anyway. The boring, slow walking from one place to another, with nothing interesting on your way there (except for a handful of scenes) is a real turn-off. But hey, at least we got a pretty cool site from it, right? Right?

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Fri Mar 08, 2013 1:53 am
by napsii
I don't know if you guys have caught on yet, but the site has evolved into more than just LOK. Although as I understand it, the LOK project has largely shut down, the site itself has become a place for all sorts of independent creative projects and discussions. Many new projects have been springing up in the Creative Corner, just as an example, and other areas of the site like the Roleplay corner have been lively. If you convince yourself that there's only like one game on the entire site, then yes, you'll be disappointed, but it's not quite like that based on what I have seen: there is plenty of other content (games and otherwise) around and the site itself is on an upward slope. New projects and new users are appearing every day.

Dividing the Creative Corner into like twenty subforums isn't the answer either. It is important to understand that everyone who starts a project here is likely an amateur working out of passion, not the inevitability of a paycheque. They have lives and other priorities, but there are far too many users who continue to complain and get incensed when project creators don't bend to their every whim. All that said, if you have friends you'd like to bring to the site, then go right ahead! But me personally, I would really rather not have users going out and "advertising" per se since that might generate the wrong image. As I understand it, most of our users come from being linked from similar sites.

Because this thread is slipping into a very contentious and unproductive subject, though, I'm going to lock it.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2013 1:52 pm
by Renara
I just want to re-open this briefly so I could weigh in, but what attention exactly do you think the site needs? We're already host to some extremely popular erotic games, finished or not.
To the tune in fact of around 1.6 million HTTP requests per day, or approximately 100,000 page views from 15,000 unique visitors. Sure the majority of these aren't actually active participants on the forum itself, but that's a hell of a lot of activity! Too much actually if our wildly fluctuating site performance is anything to go by ;)

The site's main purpose is for hobbyists to create and share games and other content, including collaborative role-play, the LoK project itself is after all a hobbyist project, based on PlayShapes' hobbyist project. This means that many people that do sign up are doing so mostly to offer feedback on games, or sometimes to have a go at creating something themselves. The site is however pretty much guaranteed to have mostly lurkers who are only interested in playing the games in the creative corner or looking to see if there's anything new, though it is of course great that people are enjoying the role-play section as well!

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 5:13 am
by trunks2585
*See's the past few posts boasting about how great the forums are.*

And two of these posters are a mod and the owner himself. Cute. For the record, boasting about the site you run, or help run, doesn't mean as much as when one of your visitors boast about it, so QuizmasterBos's comment carries more weight to me.

So that's it then? Are we going to be satisfied with ourselves when the original goal of these forums has failed to be met? And Ren, you boasting about how happy you are with all the HTTP requests, and the visitors to these forums, etc., just confirms you don't give a fuck about finishing this game, you're happy with your little forum that you started, and that's it. You hide behind a forum with a lot of threads and users while failing to admit your own shortcomings on the LOK game. I wouldn't even care if you'd just flat out admit it and say it's over. Make it official so anyone that's desperately clinging to the belief that you'll come through will stop it, who knows then maybe we'll get more people stepping up to the plate to make their own version of LOK. Then again who knows how many might be working on it in secret already.

Say what you want about the games on here that are finished or not. Say what you want about the number of users and the level of activity this forum sees.

And by all means, confirm the shift in priorities of these forums to just 'give hobbyists a place to create and share games and other content.'

None of that changes the fact that the purpose of this forum was to make a game. And when everyone failed to carry through, the forums moved onto plan B. Settle for the next best thing with a large active community, only of which a fraction produces or has attempted to produce something.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:27 am
by BlueLight
trunks2585 Wrote:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

*See's the past few posts boasting about how great the forums are.*

And two of these posters are a mod and the owner himself. Cute. For the record, boasting about the site you run, or help run, doesn't mean as much as when one of your visitors boast about it, so QuizmasterBos's comment carries more weight to me.

So that's it then? Are we going to be satisfied with ourselves when the original goal of these forums has failed to be met? And Ren, you boasting about how happy you are with all the HTTP requests, and the visitors to these forums, etc., just confirms you don't give a fuck about finishing this game, you're happy with your little forum that you started, and that's it. You hide behind a forum with a lot of threads and users while failing to admit your own shortcomings on the LOK game. I wouldn't even care if you'd just flat out admit it and say it's over. Make it official so anyone that's desperately clinging to the belief that you'll come through will stop it, who knows then maybe we'll get more people stepping up to the plate to make their own version of LOK. Then again who knows how many might be working on it in secret already.

Say what you want about the games on here that are finished or not. Say what you want about the number of users and the level of activity this forum sees.

And by all means, confirm the shift in priorities of these forums to just 'give hobbyists a place to create and share games and other content.'

None of that changes the fact that the purpose of this forum was to make a game. And when everyone failed to carry through, the forums moved onto plan B. Settle for the next best thing with a large active community, only of which a fraction produces or has attempted to produce something.

Sorry but i have to support Ren here trunks.
Ren gave some numbers as to how popular the site is. Now what the hell does the LOK game have to do with the thread? Hell if my blog was as popular as LOK, i'd be happy even if i never finished a game; why? Because i'd be able to pay my way though college; duh!

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 6:32 am
by trunks2585
"What does the LOK game have to do with the thread."

.....You want to bring people to this site? Make progress on the LOK game, you know, the game that the forums are named after. Just saying when you name the forums after a project, you expect to see work on the project. They could always change the name of the forums, that'd be as good as Ren admitting the project is dead, and it wouldn't be as misleading. Or you know, we could start seeing more work done on LOK besides what AA is doing.

My point still stands. Yes the forums are a success in generating traffic and hits and creating a community. But they are still a flop in achieving their original goal.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 11:58 am
by Renara
trunks2585 Wrote:For the record, boasting about the site you run, or help run, doesn't mean as much

I wasn't trying to boast, I was just pointing out that the site traffic is already massive, to the point that the site has been struggling to cope recently; indeed it was down for most of yesterday because the number of visitors is still growing and my current hosting plan is no longer sufficient to handle it all at peak times!

trunks2585 Wrote:Are we going to be satisfied with ourselves when the original goal of these forums has failed to be met?

Well, firstly, the original goal hasn't failed to be met; the forums were set up as a place to get the community involved in LoK and to get people using what PlayShapes gave us, which is still the case today. I know you mean LoK v0.3 though, and I haven't given up on it at all; I'm still eager to see my version of v0.3 and beyond finished, but I'm just keeping quiet on it, because some people in the past have been pretty vocal about my talking about it openly ;)

People are as welcome as ever to embark on their own LoK related projects, as I hold no monopoly on those. As ever I'll also happily give team projects their own sub-forum(s) if that's what they need to work on whatever they want to work on. While the forums may have been aimed toward a single game initially, but like it or not they outgrew that a very long time ago (within months of the forums being created), and are now an extremely popular place for original games; it was never a "plan B", it just happened.

Am I happy with it? Sure I am! Why shouldn't I be? We have some incredibly creative people here and a vibrant community that enjoys and supports a wide range of games and tastes. But it doesn't change what I'd like to see for the LoK game, not one bit.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 1:34 pm
by GoRepeat
Sure you sold 5,000,000 hamburgers and are more profitable than ever, but your CHICKEN SANDWICH SUCKS. It used to be about the chicken, man, why are you such a sell out now.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 2:47 pm
by trunks2585
Gorepete Wrote:Sure you sold 5,000,000 hamburgers and are more profitable than ever, but your CHICKEN SANDWICH SUCKS. It used to be about the chicken, man, why are you such a sell out now.

If we are going to through out a metaphor, I was thinking more along the lines of Getting second place at the Olympics. Yes that's still a great feat and should be celebrated, as long as you acknowledge it's not first.

I'm not even going to bother with a rebuttal to Ren. We've had the same conversation too many times.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:18 pm
by OwnerOfSuccuby
I even do not know what to say ;) People people let's be less agressive to each other ;) :mrgreen:

In one point it is really good that there a new members / new projects and etc.

But in some point "trunks2585" is right too. The global idea is a little erodeing.
Even if we will have a big community that will each work with seporated projects what will it be ?

I respect Ivan-Aedler for example now that he can make such a big team and progress in his project - i really do not espect that ;)

I really think first that it will start like with samus projects - we had some seporated lines and then all of them start to stopping.
I afraid that it will be some thing like that becouse it already was a same project.

Now for example community have a lot of logickally seporated stuff and charecters.
Some good animators dissapear unfortunatly. But yes may be there are a lot new too but for example now i even do not know what is going on on forums :roll:

It is bat that there is now new information - global idea about all this. No coordination, so i belive that it is possible that may be there are a lot of people interested in it but they are seporated and do not know what to do for example.

It is not good to make dibbats like this - buy the way all this requests - may be one man made 4.999.999 - we do not know it right :lol: ;)

It is much more productive think what to do and what to change. What will be good if we will speake about - all is bad - all is shit and etc :mrgreen:

All is not too bad - believe me - the real bad is in contry where i am living :lol: :? (Just a joke ... i hope :lol:)

Let us see what is logickal going on ? Peoples are interested in different charecters. Most of them are interesting in adult content. But on example of other projects arcade games with adult content are very popular. We have a working forums with a good people on it ;)

We only have not idea what is going on and what to do :lol: - so things are not really to bad ;)

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Sun Mar 17, 2013 3:31 pm
by IrrelevantComment
Not sure if my post was deleted, or I'm just to stupid to hit send. Probably the second one. Can't be bothered to retype it, so to paraphrase: Many of the games in CC are better than LoK was.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:18 pm
by OwnerOfSuccuby
LoK really was a good game - i like charecter there. But it was short :roll:

Dusty Custle and game about Succubus by gorepete were larger. DC have a good scenario, but some times it was a little hard but the game is really good.
The game about Succubus was very hard :roll: and becouse of that it was hard for me to get full pleasure from gaming it.

MiM game about peach is long enough already and have adventure part - and some kind of quests - and for now i can say that i think that it is the most complicated game on LoK forums. It is very big already and growing - it is good. And in another way it is Adult game with not very hard playing realization. It is possible to win it and get pleaser from it. If the adult game is to hard some times it makes mad becouse for game like this you do not want only to fight you want to see anoimations and what will be next. And if you always lose :roll: like i do in Sucubasu :lol: - some times it do not bring pleasure - but i finnaly win that game ;)

For now we have very good old stuff that was created by PlayShapes - a lot of charecters and animation. We have very good made Renamon model / Krystal Model and Cortas Charecter templates.

I even see some kind of scenario.

I hope some body can use it some day and make something about Krystal and all of this charecters too.

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 3:26 pm
by James3167
I was originally going to PM Renara, but as a few other members already posted on the thread and it has not been locked, I will post my two cents rather than PM them,

First of all, before I created this thread, I failed to realize that most people just come to cum/masturbate/Jerk-out (a reference to the song by Caesars) as I assume that most other members did (including myself, and to the visitors yes that means YOU) to the latest and greatest Flash Projects (RPG Maker if they are not in a hurry). Secondly, whenever I see the active users list, I only see around 40-100 guest or so and it usually stays that way with minimal change over neighbouring minutes. However, with the information I have above, most of these guest only stay for about 15 minutes or so, maybe more if they actually care about the work put into the game and play it, so even though the number of guest stays the same, maybe only one or two guest stay for more than a few hours per day, everyone else are switching webpages to and fro LoK Forums.

Therefore, yes the site has been doing what it was built for, but my main problem is that when you get to LoK Forum's more sociable part (General, RP,?????, PROFIT!), it is only the same 20-40 posters that you recognize all over the board; such as this thread, the only ones with fewer than 100 post are me and Ayato.olin (I do hope to change that), everyone else is pretty recognizable in LoK Forums. In the forum that I was in, you would only recognize about 20% of the posters in one sub-forum from another (such as General-Chit-Chat to Zelda Theorising), this means that someone with a big ass dick (4,000 or more posts, remember kids, the bigger your post number, the bigger your penis grows... or the sweeter your pussy juice is) could comment on something and you could make and you had no damn idea who that person was. (I'm probably exaggerating btw). That is what I want to change, have more outstanding members of the community. I always thought that LoK Forums was this drop in the bucket, but what Renara said changed my mind, this place is known (15,000 new guests per day is about 5.5 million new guests per year) within the porn community.

*****Warning NON-Sence Rant Ahead!*****

Nonetheless, I would not call this extremely popular as most people from (or is it .org, one of them is a webcam service provider, the one I am talking about is the hentai image/story hosting wepage) would not have an idea of LoK (I might even try it out, to mention if anyone knows LoK, tell me if you have an unussual traffic spike ;)) and THAT is one place that many porn artist frequently visit, (does anyone know Wolfy-Nail? Damn good artist btw, he/she should have some demos/old artwork in the site). Oddly enough, their forums (which has less visitors than the site) have too many people for my liking.

*****End of Rant*****

What I said in a nutshell: We need more active posters.


In the end, I could actually care less about the actual LoK Project itself, it's members have drifted off to other activities that in my opinion are equally as good as the LoK game. The forums have a good namesake, and I could have not done it any better.

Thank you Renara, for hosting such as incredible (but not flawless) forum.

EDIT: Damn I was ninja'd!

Re: New ways to bring attention to LoK

PostPosted: Mon Mar 18, 2013 10:02 pm
by napsii
James, I'm not really sure why you felt the need to use your post to praise a racist and genocidal community of white supremacists, but cut it out.

There will always be a portion of the userbase that simply wants to view the content as guests, and that's fine, but as more projects spring up and see success, more will register to provide input or start projects of their own. The roleplay section works much the same way: more users join in and it snowballs from there. Considering the site on an upward slope (Ren's statistics are very impressive to me), it will only get better from here. As the userbase expands, the interest in adding more specialized features and areas to the site will multiply. For now, I think it's best to just cultivate as good of a community as we can and welcome those who wish to both enjoy the content, create it or just hang out. You cannot expect to jump from 100 active users to 1000 over night.

If we continue to measure the site against the LOK project per se, we'll be disappointed, but the site has evolved into something more than just that. While I'd agree that a lot of users come here for the erotica, it is not just that. Far from it.