sex strategy game, help needed

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sex strategy game, help needed

Postby that man » Mon Jul 30, 2012 4:30 pm

I have been trying to work on this for a while and, while the concept may sound strange, I wanted to make a strategy based sex game. While this does sound odd, keep in mind it would allow for several different types of sense with different types of people (on both sides), and I was planning to use the whole sex thing as the "currency" in the game (the more prisoner's you have, the more units you can support and more upgrades you have. In addition, you could throw in mini games as a reward for completing the missions). In addition, there are two sides to this: You can either play as the Nation of Maidens (BDSM and femdom based animations) or the Tribes of Men (Gangbang based animations). There is going to be a storyline, but so far I only have the intros worked out:

Tribes of Men:
I am Chief [Long} of the Red Hand tribe, and have been so for all of twenty births . For seventeen births, I was satisfied with the men under my command, as they were loyal enough and always let me go first on our prey (mainly 'cause I beat those who didn't, unless they deserved it). But eventually, after more pleasure-bags then I have fingers or toes, I grew bored, they always broke so easily and weren't all that much to look at, and they always seemed to get quieter and more clingy, some of them seem like they were captured on purpose. So I would wonder away from the tribe and look around on my own (I could be really stealth like when alone) and caught about two and a half hands worth of pleasure-bags over the next three births (some of which wore a short, sort of all dark-white kilt that only went to their knees, a boot type thing that went the rest of the way down, wore a metal type thing over it on their chest (but didn't do anything for it), and had long tubes that knocks you out for a long time IF it hits you (which it never did to me)). One day, I came across this one pleasure-bag who wore the odd outfit, but it was shorter then most and the metal thing on her chest was blue. She also was sitting on her knees, was facing a river away from me, and had her hands in front of her like she was bound. To top it all off, she had her eyes closed and I couldn't see that tube thing. How could I not pass this up?

I jumped her, obliging her hands with some rope I had, knocked her over, tore off that thing they wear under their and kilt, and was about to stick my thing in her ass when I heard a loud strange noise, so I instinctively dragged her into cover with me (I covered her mouth to be sure she wouldn't scream, yet) and looked at the noise. On the other side of the river, how I missed it I don't know (or even how they missed us since I could see their faces) was this stone thing that spanned over the river and connected to this large area that was filled with more stone things with tents on top. The noise was coming from this strange wagon which, despite having nothing to pull it, was moving (although the person at the front might have just had long legs and been really powerful). The back of the wagon was open to the sky, and in it was three pleasure-bags, two of which made me feel something I couldn't place. The first pleasure-bag was around twenty births old, and wore a long white thing with sleeves and gloves, that seemed to be giving off its own light. She had purple hair and blue eyes, and looked like someone when they were thinking about something else, because there is nothing else to do. The other one was maybe thirty-five births old, she wore a version of the weird things which barley had a kilt, and was black, with a red metal thing on her. She had a sort of dark-yellow hair that looked similar to a bowl and had a look of seriousness on her that looked like she practiced it every day. With the second one, I felt like I do when I see one of my men try to cheat me of a pleasure-bag's first time, the other one though, I couldn't tare my eyes from her. I wanted to run out there and ram all her holes, but, the sheer number of the people in the dark-white clothes with the tubes made me think about my options. And one of them was to learn all I could about her.

I forced the pleasure-bag's head In the direction of the stone thing. "What is that pleasure-bag?" I said. "What did you call her?" The blue-chest said "She is the princess! Not a pleas-". I put the top part of my dick in her ass, which shut her up. "Where does 'Princ's-ass' hut lay?" "I'm not-"she began, before I started to push in. I got in about half way before she said, through some restrained moans, "in. the. palace." I didn't know where the palace is, but, I decided to let her keep her ass and birth-hole and brought her back to my tent with the orders of only being aloud to use the talking-hole. Over the next third of a birth, I went back to that sight to look around for "pal-ass", and instead ended up observing the large collection of weird tents (which I heard them call a "Res-ten-fel" or a "Vil-edge"). The place seemed perfect, it was full of more pleasure-bags then I could count and also had a large number of animals and foods going in and out in pulled and not-pulled wagons every day, but no "Princess" (I learned to say it right from blue-chest). I did notice that there were other people in a fully white version of the odd outfit (which, through interrogation of blue-chest, told me they were "soul-de-jers" and the dark-white ones are "mill-ish-a"), who would go out with one or more of those covered not-pulled wagon's, and with another blue chest (or once a yellow chest) coming with in another not-pulled wagon with about half a hand worth of pleasure-bags in a fully light blue (like the "Princess"'s eyes) outfit and with sacks on their backs and this weird squashed cloth thing on their heads. When they come back near dusk, the full-blues have at least one of the soul-de-jers in their wagons crying (something about "ver-jin-it-te") and there are banging noises from the closed not-pulled wagon, but I couldn't find out why.

One day, they had gone out with a full two and a half hands worth of not-pulled wagons, of which four were open. When they all got over the stone thing, another not-pulled wagon tackled one of the closed ones and, for a few breaths, the no-closed wagon tackled had two wheels in the air, while the person directing it (who wore an entirely sand colored outfit (like all the director's), with weird glass things over her eyes) struggled to fix it. She lost, and the wagon toppled over and the back broke open. It was then that I realized what they were doing. Out of the back came about three hands worth of those cowardly Blue Body tribe, who immediately set out to attack the other closed not-pulled wagons or rape some of the pleasure-bags directing or defending them. I had heard rumors of tribes disappearing before, but why they wanted them I didn't know (and was glad they got those stupid Blue Body tribe and not me). They were quicker then the soul-de-jers and, being that pleasure-bags are weaker then them up close, they managed to overcome them pretty fast. But, instead of just ramming them there, they just tied them up, picked up their tubes (and started sliding their hands along the bottom of them, like they were masturbating) and began shooting at the mill-ish-a that showed up. For awhile I just stood their watching them, but then I realized that, if this kept up, they would be ramming the Princess instead of me.

I immediately rushed back to my tribe, and quickly learned that, during the time I was gone, blue-chest had escaped when one of the younger tribe members tried to ram her baby-hole (he's still hunched over in pain). Realizing that if the mill-is-a won and blue-chest went to them, they could easily attack our tribe. Under the presence of getting blue-chest back now (and declaring that, when she is captured, she is to have a dick in her at ALL times and must always swallow) I lead my tribe in the direction of Res-ten-fel.

The Nation of Maidens:
Composed on the twenty-third[/i ]day of the [i]seventeen-hundred and thirty-fifth year of the reign of the eternal queen, and the ninety-first day of the first year of the reign of the thirty-seventh princess.
Written by Tabitha Holdren, commander of the Black Guard
Addressed to myself
Subject current affairs
I am Tabitha Holdren, the current commander of the Black Guard, and, therefore, the overall commander of the Royal Army of the Nation of Maidens, under taking the glorious crusade against the pigs known as men in the name of the Eternal Queen and also the thirty-seventh Princess, Lilith Felicia, to whom I am in lov indebted. I am writing these words with a heavy heart, in the hope that I my analyze them in future years when this problem with a smile as I remember the troubles I endured in order to make the Nation of Maidens, and also the Eternal Queen safe from the threat of men. As such, I will begin not with how things are now, but I shall instead allude to how things where before the barbaric men reared their filthy heads. I shall instead begin five years ago, which is when I was simply a prominent member of the Black Guard. This was under the reign of the thirty-sixth princess, whom by this time had been on the throne for thirty-nine years, and had already given life to the next princess.

Before I met the princess, I had been assigned to capturing and harvesting those worthless things known as men (although I was cautious enough to always wear a chastity belt under my clothes. The looks of pain on the faces of those beasts who tried to do me is priceless.) as well as capturing and punishing the deserters and law breakers (which involved putting them in a cell with one of those beast and coming back an hour later. It also helps to keep our population up.) all in the name of the Eternal Queen. Then, on the first day of the seventeen-hundred and thirtieth year of the reign of the Eternal Queen, I was assigned to protect the next princess, and to make sure she was ready for when her reign was to come. Even though she was only ten at the time, I was still awestruck by her beauty, and every day since then, her beauty has grown even more, to the point where I can barely con of exceeding all others. Then, on the two-hundredth and forty-seventh day of the seventeen-hundred and thirty-fourth year of the reign of the Eternal Queen, the thirty-sixth princess died and Lilith Felicia was named the thirty-seventh princess. She named me commander of the Black Guard (for which I already have my breast plate) and, as is tradition, set out to visit every town and village in the whole Nation.

Every town we went to, their was celebration and prayers, and the garrisons held parades; with the exception of one. The sergeant in command of the village of Reston's Fall militia, had the nerve to go missing on the day the Princess came to town, so all we received was an honor-guard of troops lining the way, and an apology from the city mayor on behalf of the sergeant's absence. If it were not for the fact the Reston's Fall was on the very edge of our Great Nation, and that they brought in at least a score of those brutish men every day, I would have ordered the all of the village's population to spend an hour in the Fertilization rooms. If only I had realized what that disappearance could have lead to, maybe then I wouldn't be writing this now.

Less then fifteen days after Lilith Felicia was actually crowned Princess, the village of Reston's Fall stopped sending in men, and they didn't even send any messenger to explain why they had. Infuriated, I ordered the Black Guard to march against Reston's Fall, but I could not, as I was forced to deal with some accusations made against the Commander of the Militia. Perhaps that was fortunate. About nine days later, after two days of no contact, some militia members who had deserted reported that a large host of barbaric men had captured Reston's Fall, and had also defeated all of the Black Guard sent to investigate, of which only a small proportion were captured for their hellish desires, while the rest are attempting to strengthen other armies. I should have gone to lead the Army to victory then, but, the Princess insisted that, if I was going the she would come with me, so I was forced to direct the Army from the Palace for her safety.

Every day brought grim news, as another town would fall, or another of our Armies was swept away by the sheer barbaric nature of the enemy. To make matters worse, the commander of the Medical Corps, the Commander of the Militia, the Commander of the Army (not me) and the Commander of the Engineering corps were all captured in battle, and there was some outright rebellion amongst some of our maidens, although the cause of it has yet to be determined. As I am writing this now, an advance party of those filthy men, who have daubed their hands in red, have reached the gates of the Eternal City, and I have convinced the Princess to go into the Chamber and pray to the Eternal Queen. Now that she is not in danger, I shall lead what is left of our Militia to crush the vile pigs.

Tabitha Holdren

The Eternal Queen's advice Never let doubt enter your mind.

I would be making this game myself, if it were not for some minor details: I have the programing skills of a rock (not to mention the artistic skills to boot). Any help I can get with this project will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you for your time and consideration.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby BlueLight » Mon Jul 30, 2012 7:18 pm

So i'm trying to finish my latest project. I might be willing to work on this. However it will likely have to be in java.
I'm not sure if i can finish this one to the end however.

Also details on the fearture and game play would be nice. and it's sorta need
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby trunks2585 » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:00 pm

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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby IrrelevantComment » Mon Jul 30, 2012 9:21 pm

We need a stickied thread for this...
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jul 31, 2012 12:05 am

He doesn't seem like he's totally dumping this on other people. I mean he could be but i'd rather hope he at least tried to program it.
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby ker » Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:25 am

You might want to take a look at Civ 4/5. Both are highly moddable with communities that have some quite impressive walkthroughs. 90% of the gameplay and underlying programming is already done and handed to you. Granted, you'd still have to be really willing to put some time into learning how to mod it, but I think it'd be doable. Or you could also use the civ 4 engine which should be a lot less graphically demanding. But you have to define what your role is for the project, what skills you have to make it happen. Just throwing out a plot idea and expecting to get enough programmers to make the game, along with artists presumably, won't happen. So look for a engine that is flexible enough for you to learn how to create your own game. Show that you are willing to put the time in that's necessary to create any form of game (which is probably far more than you're assuming.

I've been thinking of doing something like this to make a rance-like, but alas I have other projects.
I'm making a H game of my own called Harem. Version c6m0 released 4/5/17

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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby that man » Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:54 pm

I did consider trying to mod an existing game, but, I couldn't find one that was like what I wanted. Plus, I wanted a the game to have short rounds, and civilization is not exactly noted for being short.
I did attempt to do some programming for it, but, It's best not to talk about it. I can try to help out with concept art, but I can't promise that it will be anything pretty.

My idea for the game was to have it be like a normal strategy game, except, that when your unit gets to 0 health, it isn't dead. Instead it is incapacitated, which means that an enemy unit can come up and capture it; after a hentai mini game, where you have to fill up a pleasure bar before times run out (if it does and the bar isn't filled up all the way, the unit comes back with 1 hp). A unit that is captured will produce "motivation" which you can use to buy more guys, or to upgrade your base. To make it so that you can get motivation early on, there are around ten maidens (who are always at 0 hp) that you can capture early on, and a new one will appear every few turns. The upgrades you can take at your base are basically expansions that let you take different types of units, a prison which increase the amount of motivation you get per captive, and an area to upgrade your per-existing units. However, you can only take up to 4 to a base, and there's a set number of bases on a field that can be captured so you have to move fast. Aside from that, once you reduce the enemy's main base to 0 hp, you will get another scene, along the lines of a mini-game (open to suggestions as to what) with the enemy's leader. If you beat the game, you win, if not, you lose that unit, and the base is at full health again. I have a few units in mind, but I'm still open to the prospect of more:
Nation of Maidens
-Militia (soldiers are an upgrade), ranged unit, not good at close combat, can run from battle if too damaged (soldiers don't)
-Black Guard, very good close combat unit
-Medics, can heal other units, not good in close combat
-Engineering core, used as a sort of APC, not good at close combat
Tribes of Men
-Red Hand Tribe, good close combat
-Blue Body Tribe, good at ranged combat, ok at close combat
-Sand Stalker Tribe, Very good at close combat, and very fast
-Half-Pleasure Bags, can disguise themselves as maidens, good close combat
I'll try to get some sketches, but it might take some time. Also, my idea for the in game graphics was along the lines of 16-bit, while the animations themselves are going to be more along hentai lines.
If anyone needs something more specific please ask.
concept sketches added. sorry about the quality.
that man
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby that man » Fri Aug 31, 2012 3:39 am

I have managed to do some sketches on the computer for the game. I have done three sketches of maidens, which are mainly a test of art style, as well as several types of terrain.
P.S. yes I know about the eyes, but that was the best attempt I had at getting it right. Advice in that field would be greatly appreciated.
Terrain sketches
4.png (11.25 KiB) Viewed 11403 times
maiden's sketch
3.png (16.07 KiB) Viewed 11403 times
that man
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby Scout » Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:15 am

Sounds really good, cant wait to try it out. Keep up the good work xD
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby that man » Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:43 pm

After the better part of a week's work, I've managed to make up some concept computer sketches for the units for the Nation of Maidens. As for actual programming... not much progress has been made. Comments are appreciated.
Nation of Maidens sketch
that man
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby FuzzFace » Mon Sep 10, 2012 6:04 am

trunks2585 Wrote:ohlookitsthisshitagain.jpg

Ignore him, he's always like that.

So! no need to worry about quality, details can always be hammered out in the end. From the sounds of it, This could go in many directions and erections. Will the unit spaces be hex's, or squared? and there may be the whole economy thing, the biggest obstacle is figuring out the unit values in terms of power and stats. Just remember; the computer can't read your thoughts, so you must go through each unit and figure out just how much health, power, speed, etc they will have. then you take all the information and code it into the game.

There simply must be consept, consept, consepts. Just like a game going through it's Alpha stages, there is no right or wrong.
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby that man » Sun Sep 23, 2012 4:26 am

the unit spaces are going to be squares, simply because it will make programing easier. The economy is something I've been thinking about from the start, and I have mentioned my idea for it before: you capture enemy units who then go and provide motivation for your people to do things.
I have run into a minor problem, and that is, while trying to find a program for the animations, I discovered that Flash maker is rather expensive. I am open to suggestions for something to use in its place, and it would probably speed things up to have something to hold the templates (if they weren't so crude, I'd post them. Trust me, you're not missing anything in not seeing them now).
Since I feel bad in not posting any pictures, I've provided a description of some of the units (a few of which are new):

Kingdom of Maidens
Militia (The pure white core)
-The militia are the local response teams of the Kingdom of Maidens. They are usually chosen from the more valiant maidens, and only heard songs of glory about what they do. Their main job is the protection of their village, but, the more advance among them can be called out on hunting missions. It is a point of note, that the majority of the militia members are virgins, and very few of them have seen an actual man in their life.
Soldiers (The gray white core)
-Soldiers are members of the militia who have fallen to enemy "advances" but are still in a sane mental state. It is debatable as to whether they are the luckier ones, as they have to march out on hunting missions to defend and perpetuate the Kingdom, while the unlucky ones simply have to create the next generation of maidens (or two). Either way, they are highly determined fighters, and will hold the line against the men and actually take a certain amount of pleasure from their capture.
Rangers (Green core)
-Rangers are maidens who were born to man tribes and have been rescued by the Kingdom. Needless to say, the majority of them end up creating the next generation, but those who are found to be sane, often poses the hunting skills of men. Combined with the training and ranged weapons of the Kingdom, they are a more then capable sniper, who enjoy nothing more then revenge (and the occasional quike).
Black Guard
-The Black Guard are drawn from the ranks of the noble houses of the Kingdom and, in order to prevent inter-house rivalry from spilling out on the field, are required to wear masks into battle. They do not use ranged weapons like most other maidens, but instead capture the barbaric men on their own terms, where their humiliation is many times worse when they are captured. The Black Guard's members are considered sadistic, even by some of the less sane soldiers, and it is not unknown for them to torture the same man several days in a row.
Medic core
-The Medic Core is one of the most essential parts of the Kingdom of Maidens. They are the ones who determine a person's mental state, and they also have the abilities to rate captures, and also to help other maidens with recovering from "cock shock". The Medic core's members are incredibly kind and delicate, which goes a long way to explaining why they are so popular among men.
Engineering core
-The Engineering core is the highly volatile side arm of the Kingdom of Maidens. It is do to their explosive efforts that the Kingdom can so rapidly respond to the threats which plague it on a daily basis, with their auto-carriages rocketing around militia, soldiers, and all other essential personal and supplies (such as prisoners). They may seem to be a little singed, but that is only due to their personality (and also the fact that over half of their stuff is "experimental" machines).

Tribes of Men
Red Hand Tribe
-Named for their favorite way of determining if a Maiden is "fresh", the Red Hand Tribe was first identified around the seventeen-hundreth year of the reign of the eternal queen. They are noted for their ability to defeat maidens of all kinds at close ranges, and also for their higher then average tactical sense, as they will occasionally lay ambushes for maidens. While their are large numbers of them split up into numerous clans, they participate in inter-species and inter-tribe warfare very often, and have been classified as harmless by the Kingdom of Maidens.
Blue Chest Tribe
-Named for the pigmentation they apply to their body every day, the Blue Chest Tribe was first identified around they sixteen-hundreth and eighty-fourth year of the reign of the eternal queen. Early in the life of the tribe, they managed to capture several high ranking members of the Gray core, and, overtime, have become very adapt at waging war in a style more-or-less designed around maiden technology to defeat the maidens. Unfortunately, they are still men at heart, and can only do so, until their stock of maidens becomes too big, at which point they revert to the more base ways of man, and are easy pickings for militia.
Sand Stalker Tribe
-Named for their Location in the Ghobi Desert, the Sand Stalkers Tribe, is a tribe of men as old as the Kingdom of Maidens. It is unknown how they have managed to survive for so long, but it is noted that other tribes don't work with them for very long, due to what they call "felling inferior". Needles of that, the Sand Stalkers are very powerful and fast, and only a foolish maiden would stand their ground against them.
Tunnel Rats
-While their existence has not been confirmed, the Tunnel Rats is a name given to a Tribe of men believed to be living somewhere in the Yueltied Mountains. While description very, their appearance seems to be hunched over, and with an almost rat like quality to their clothes. The Yueltied Mountains have been combed over numerous times, and no existence of the Tunnel Rats has been found, leading some to speculate that they are tunneling in the mountains. However, these theories are considered crank by most all military officers, and the Tunnel Rats existence is mainly used to scare young maidens to sleep.
Fish Men Tribe
-Named for their ability to get across water, the Fish Men Tribe is a lose collection of clans that has been identified and destroyed repeatedly throughout the reign of the eternal queen. They live near rivers and streams, often forming villages under bridges or in swamps, attacking only with the tide. They are always considered a major threat, as they can travel quickly across water, and wipe out whole towns if they aren't on the watch for them.
The Outcasts (Half Pleasure Bags)
-After rebelling against the Eternal Queen in the opening years of her reign, the Outcasts are a collection of maidens who also posses man parts. They have continually lived on the fringes of society, often infiltrating to positions of power and attempting to lead uprisings against the eternal queen. These always fail in the end, which simply leads to most of them being captured, and even more resentment at being treated like men. They have never allied with any of the barbaric "men" tribes, due mainly to the fact that they hold the maiden view that men are filthy animals, and nothing more.

As always, comments are appreciated.
that man
Joined: Sat Jul 28, 2012 5:07 pm

Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby FuzzFace » Tue Sep 25, 2012 5:49 am

You mention maidens to have a "sane" state. Would an "insane" maiden have practically no fight at all against tribesman?
on a related note, Would different tribes of men fight each other? (nvmd, I think they do tend to have internal warfare, as explained.)

And It's one thing acquiring some flash program, it's an entirely different thing to learn how to use one. There are these 30-day trial things around you can use, but by the time you've leaned to mess around and get comfortable, you wont have many days left to really get much of anything done. So if one does want a to test a trial version, I insist on looking around some you-tube videos or other souses to get a glimpse at what you will be doing.
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby IrrelevantComment » Tue Oct 02, 2012 1:34 am

Someone was talking about acquiring Flash?

<logs on after month of not coming on lok>

Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free!

<goes away again>
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Re: sex strategy game, help needed

Postby that man » Thu Oct 18, 2012 11:35 pm

Progress. Is. ... gah.
I had most of the templates done, but, my computer decided that It didn't like me, so it deleted them. Luckily, I managed to save one of them (sort of). I'm only including it because I don't want to lose it like that again.
I'm waiting for a clear stretch were I'll have the time to finish the project, so please sit tight. Also, I keep thinking of adding a third faction, but I have no idea how it would work with the men. If you want to see why, keep reading.

Denizens of the Forrest
-Many moons ago, we were the rulers of the world. Men and women alike wouldn't enter our domain, for we would not allow them to escape. We would hunt them down and torturer them, much like they do their own, only we would never allow them to escape. We would stalk the nights on the outsides of their huddles, just waiting for them all to sleep. We never left any survivors.

Those days, are gone.

Man and woman learned to tame the earth, and used it to remove the trees which define our boundaries and to slay the creatures they once feared. They even have the arrogance to clothe themselves in our flesh, and cower inside of our bones. Then they decided that they were the masters of the world, and cast down thousands of my brothers and sisters, all without a single thought for what they were tempting. They even use US as a refuge, seeming to think that we somehow serve them. We are forced to eak out a living by picking off their stragglers and foolish, a pitiful crumb compared to when we'd enslave whole clans of them.

Those days, are gone.

Those mortals are once again at this petty thing they call war, but, the tables have been turned. Both sides have strong leaders, both sides are determined to destroy the other; both sides are fighting for dominance. This, my brothers and sisters, is where we shall rise. They are both exhausting themselves, and they do not protect themselves from the forest anymore, for why would they? The forest is a harmless place filled with harmless creatures, and only occasionally do people go missing; why should we worry about that forest.

Those days, shall end.

Basically, Denizens is a bestiality/botnolity(?) themed army (so wolfs, tentacles, flower traps, etc.). The only problem I have with it is: how do I have it work with the men, without it being creepy? Any thoughts, comments, or suggestions will be appreciated.
it's far from done.
that man
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