Re: Sakyubasu no Tataki Walkthrough/Guide

Fri Dec 14, 2012 12:32 am
by Nice Guy
@Lucky777: Thank you, I'm fine with that cheesy method

Re: Sakyubasu no Tataki Walkthrough/Guide

Fri Dec 14, 2012 3:09 am
by Hip0krit
Next will be the instant kill attack so run to the right of the boss leaving enough space so you can dash through it and when the flames begin to come up jump to max height and shield then hold attack and dash through it to the other side while pressing shield again then going back through to the right then to the left where you shield 1 last time. Stay on the left side and use honey pot if you took damage.
So you mean when he uses the flames I have to stay in the air the whole time?
When the shield vanishes immediately dashing through and then using the shield again without falling down?
At the moment that seems impossible for me. Seems I'm not a good enough player for that enemy.

Sadly this is the only way to beat it or else you will just die in the flames right beneath him. It takes practice but this is, im my opinion, the hardest boss of the game and just remember that the boss itself can be skipped as it just gives you a nice armour which you can survive without. I might actually go ahead and make a video on me doing it just to see if it helps.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tataki Walkthrough/Guide

Thu Jan 24, 2013 1:44 pm
by Mofuggaman
Well i-m afraid to reload the pop-out in fear of losing my data. but currently i'm stuck in time and space. what do?
Re: Sakyubasu no Tataki Walkthrough/Guide

Fri Feb 01, 2013 10:41 pm
by calintz
to get ol' reliable, use slam on your statue after you beat 1st boss, this should be when you get invaded.
pass the bee guard by luring her out first, then wait for her to attack by herself and use that time to air dash over her immediately and attack her from behind.
Re: Sakyubasu no Tataki Walkthrough/Guide

Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:34 pm
by Abadok
im such an idiot

I didnt fuck the bee assaisans so i didnt have the heal the entire game(The last bossfight with beezelba i actualy won only thans to brigete. The first stage i figured out and as soon as i hit her 4 times i swaped to brigete. i then sedused her one time and when she started her first atack agiain i just waited for bridgete to load so i can win

took me about 2-3 hours). I managed to do that and even tho it was frustriting as hell i m now proud of my self

I missed a whole lot of sex scenes tho so i am currently replaying the game and it feels SO EASY when you actualy know what you are doing:D
Re: Sakyubasu no Tataki Walkthrough/Guide

Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:05 am
by MajorMajorMajorMajor
Also, it seems that Eva has a mechanic that few or maybe none have ever discussed, where she's able to completely dodge an attack - it's when she does a cartwheel. It seems to either be chance or related to some kind of attack or shield input. I'm still not sure how that works.
Bees: Hit them at maximum range, and run away and come back to dodge their attack. hit them again and repeat. This is the fastest way to kill them when you first encounter them.
Mask: If you dash across the mask too early during the fire phase, you can actually screw yourself over. I've dashed through the mask really early and it turns out the fire ends up being wayyyyyyy too high and it burns you immediately. It then stunlocks you to death.
The guide here suggests using slam, but I found that the throwing thing (blitz) works WAY better. At level 8, I could beat the mask after fire phase and begin to seduce it, whereas with slam, it didn't seem to work too well to be able to do that. It's not as easy to use blitz, and I'm not sure how exactly I did it right, but I think beginning to blitz the mask and using the damage enhance AS SOON as the mask fight begins is helpful.