I played with Samus platformer for a long time. A lot of us do
, but as i see no full game with Samus was done
So i decided to go to play may be by another rules
And to summon the idiotic power
For game you need: Character/ a lot of Art Works / BackGround/ Animation / Code / scenario.
What all of us already have. Good stuff based on MarioIsMissing, a lot off stuff that was shared by play shapes
and LoK game.
A long time ago when i and my friend decided to make our first game we go to that rule =))) If you can not make stuff that is based on your scenario - made your scenario based on what you have
And what we can have:
Krystal disappeared. We can go to her story any time we want - adding new details. What other characters did all that time ? For example they could send some body to safe her. For example Samus (we have a lot of her animation
) - and what do we see in LoK game - they have strange tehnolagy (flying dinos
) - Marrio World have not got high end technology too - and he eat Mashrums and fight with Bowser and Jump on big turtles - and they for example Bowser - is it Dino or turtle ? So they can exist one one planet where Krystal falls down. (But may be on different parts of it).
So i get a good idea
1)Krystal falls on planet
2)Samus was Send by for example Renamon for her rescue.
3)Ship was attacked by strange creatures like metroids - that are absorbing i do not know may be temperature and was landed in defferent part of planet. Or they are mega fucking pervert animals
4)Samus was looking exit from the place she lands (but ship was not hard damaged - so she need not find new - only Krystal).
Now we need Samus get lost - becouse it is not logickal to find Krystal without ship - what can we do - for example:
5)In some cave she can find big metroid that cought some king of big panter or i do not know big animal. It was on exit of the cave - so Samus have to fight him. Then for example she can look on that animal - and i do not know stuck on it - i do not now may be metroids make some glue or if they do not it was in cords from trees (lianas).
6)Animal (like some kind of panter+ dino i do not know) get scared and run away with Samus over forrest with fucking lianas (trees) - like it already was with DarK Elf - but there she will be mounted on pet. In that process she can broke her GPS - or i do not know some thing that let her know where is her ship and after she would be unstucked in some kind of lake or swamp.
7)That swamp/lake cane be connected to Castle from new PlayShapes works. Castles already had lakes / swamps / ditch near it. It will be a forgotten castle – and it have a fucking forrest near it – so I think it can batter be a swamp (but no matter – very short amount f it).
8)Dirty/Wet/Fucked /crazy/shocked about what shit is going on Samus can go to the Castle to find some kind of bath / dry dress or food or I do not know nuclear weapon (just a joke) in it. But what can she find in forgotten castle. For example it can be Peach - she always were stolen by some body. For example it can be big flying creature. Like some kind of flying dino. She can be in prison where she is in original version of New_Bowser's_Castle. After she will get rescue they can go eat / wash / dress etc . –
Then Peach can tell us that she was stolen by Big Flying dino – and it comes to fight. (After fight if you will not conquer it) it can be fucked to death by those 2 ladys.
9)Than after they win – she can tell that there is some body like Bowser that stole ladys and Krystal can be in his Castle and they can go to fuck him up too – or only peach does like reconnoitring. Or may be it can be a story hove was she stolen by Bowser (Mario Missing Huck content).
10)Peachs world is more idiotic (They eat mush rumes jump on enemies) than LoK original content – so they can travel to another island. So they will need ship (or may be not only her was stolen some of mush room peoples like command for a ship too). It can be a big ship in the castle – and they can use it to go throw the ocean.
11)We need the ship will be stoped some how. For example good mash room man from Mario world
can be some how attacked by big bird (or it can drop some thing on him) so he can fire in some ird like that one from cannon of that ship and it can fall and destroy sail of the ship. And they cane go next or may be only Samus (or with Peach) on the mall boat. That can be attacked by the way and stop some where in the ass of the world.
12) Anything can happen depends what will be in the original version of LoK. And it can use all it’s content bu story line.
Sorry for my bad english