So I've been lurking for quite awhile and never really had the urge to post until ker posted his "Harem" game. It was then I questioned myself, "Hmm... Is this the first harem game I've seen on this site? Yes it is. Why is that?". So I decided to bring up the 'issue' as well as introduce my own idea for a harem game. Not gonna lie, this game will have been heavily influenced after trying out ker's game; but it will sport:
-an entirely new setting and story with AT LEAST three different paths to follow that will affect both the story itself and the sex scenes you'll see,
-options before and during sex scenes (the latter having no effect on what's unlocked in the obvious gallery mode it will have [because every H-game needs one, really they do, better for convenience of the player]),
-existing spells and abilities you and your party-mates have will become stronger or have alternate effects as the story progresses,
-new spells and abilities can be acquired through a variety of methods: leveling, training, combat, merchants, items, etc.,
-combat against women will be... different than combat against monsters and men *wink wink*,
-will use 3DCG for the porn scenes (since it's becoming the new trend and quite popular and all that),
-the women will have varying personalities (some may actually favor you choosing a darker path while others will abhor it),
--and skills (both in and out of combat [and I dont mean just sexually...
---and not all of them are entirely(or at all) human... *cough* furry/elf/alien *cough*...,
-inventorception (all your key items and quest items will be put in a bag that you'll find in your inventory, so you can avoid the usual clusterfuck of items when your carrying a lot of shit [now you can carry items while your carrying items... yo dawg]),
-a VERY basic crafting and enchanting system (at least until development starts),
-lootwhoring abound (loot on the enemies, loot in the barrels, loot in the toilets, loot on that old man, loot EVERYWHERE... most of it useless like a +1 ATK sword, but it's still there regardless just for your hoarding needs),
-sidequests (what more is there to say, really?),
-reputation system (higher rep with certain cities/factions/etc. will unlock more quests, lower prices from merchants, attract women/party members, etc. again),
-and finally but MOST importantly... MINI-GAMES!!! "YAY!! WOOHOO!!!" (will most likely never ever be put in the game in the entire history of mankind FOREVER! /dreamcrusher).
Yeah, that all sounds great and what not (probably not), but the one itty, bitty, tiny, little issue I'm having is I just don't have the time nor resources to make such a game. /sigh But that's why this is a request topic (as well as whatever the hell I stated earlier). Plenty of ideas, but no way of implementing them myself which I would imagine is fairly common here. Anyone with the resources, time, and competence which all three I lack is free to take any interesting idea from this topic and put it into their own game or contact me and somehow make this game work or ask for more suggestions on the game since I'm not short on ideas here and I haven't even mentioned the story at all (*hint: there are women and they get fucked a lot, mostly by the main character). Can't PM though since this is a newly registered account.