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Looking for ... Please read.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2012 2:20 am
by Nyshiv
So uh, probably not the most attractive title going on here, nor am I a 'long-time member', more or less a long time lurker. So, without further adieu, I'll just wing it.

Hey guys, I'm looking for a CODER, you don't have to be 'ub3rl337'' experienced or anything, I'm just looking for someone who is able to code text-based and/or graphic games, seeing as how I'm looking to write content for such a thing. I'm actually looking to be a part of the creation and expansion of one of these fancy, handy-dandy games which seem to be pumped out by the truckload, only problem is, I don't have experience with coding, and to be quite frank, I write /literature/, not /code code code code code code/, so.

For anyone who is interested in partnering up with a mostly literate, semi-experienced writer, please reply, and let me know. I'd really like to see something get started.

Re: Looking for ... Please read.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:53 am
by BlueLight
Nyshiv Wrote:So uh, probably not the most attractive title going on here, nor am I a 'long-time member', more or less a long time lurker. So, without further adieu, I'll just wing it.

Hey guys, I'm looking for a CODER, you don't have to be 'ub3rl337'' experienced or anything, I'm just looking for someone who is able to code text-based and/or graphic games, seeing as how I'm looking to write content for such a thing. I'm actually looking to be a part of the creation and expansion of one of these fancy, handy-dandy games which seem to be pumped out by the truckload, only problem is, I don't have experience with coding, and to be quite frank, I write /literature/, not /code code code code code code/, so.

For anyone who is interested in partnering up with a mostly literate, semi-experienced writer, please reply, and let me know. I'd really like to see something get started.

Good code is easy to do, crappy code is like good literature.

Anyways, would you be willing to join a team? and I might have some working alpha in a month so I might want some one else to write a story.

Re: Looking for ... Please read.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2012 4:02 am
by Nyshiv
BlueLight Wrote:
Nyshiv Wrote:So uh, probably not the most attractive title going on here, nor am I a 'long-time member', more or less a long time lurker. So, without further adieu, I'll just wing it.

Hey guys, I'm looking for a CODER, you don't have to be 'ub3rl337'' experienced or anything, I'm just looking for someone who is able to code text-based and/or graphic games, seeing as how I'm looking to write content for such a thing. I'm actually looking to be a part of the creation and expansion of one of these fancy, handy-dandy games which seem to be pumped out by the truckload, only problem is, I don't have experience with coding, and to be quite frank, I write /literature/, not /code code code code code code/, so.

For anyone who is interested in partnering up with a mostly literate, semi-experienced writer, please reply, and let me know. I'd really like to see something get started.

Good code is easy to do, crappy code is like good literature.

Anyways, would you be willing to join a team? and I might have some working alpha in a month so I might want some one else to write a story.

I'd be glad to join a team, it'd be my pleasure to work alongside any number of people to help create something wonderful for others to enjoy. I can do any literary editing, or writing that needs to be done, and all within the veil of a request.

Re: Looking for ... Please read.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 22, 2012 1:50 pm
by IrrelevantComment
Care to expand on what you want a little more? I am a programmer (to some degree) so I might be able to do it, but it would depend on what you want made....

Re: Looking for ... Please read.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:25 am
by trunks2585
Nyshiv Wrote:I'm looking for a CODER,

And that right there is where you lost me totally. The fact that you are a writer as well makes this seem all that much more like another "OMG! I HAVE AN IDEA BUT I WANT SOMEONE ELSE TO MAKE IT" thread. Not gonna ask for an artist while you are at it?

Yes I'm being a major dick about this. Just because you asked nicely and you say you want to join a team, doesn't change the fact that you started your thread asking for someone to work with you, not the other way around. And how many threads have we seen where someone 'has a idea but no way to make it'?

Re: Looking for ... Please read.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 23, 2012 4:40 pm
by Zinnel
You know, two days ago I'd probably have been in the same boat as you; being able to draw or write to some degree but totally lost at code. Dirtyc101 posted a link to this site:!/exercises/0 It teashes you in a way that is easy to understand, about Javascript. Which gives you the basic theory of how code works; it also contains an option of studying Python or Ruby when you do the introductory section. (I haven't tried those)

I only started yesterday, and already I have an idea of how to code a very basic text-based game. I know you didn't ask to learn how to code, but as I'm lead to believe it's quite easy to get to grips with, that a Coder wouldn't need you at all to make a game. While it's not flash's action script it does have it's perks of being Free, and more simple (for now.)

Re: Looking for ... Please read.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 4:22 pm
by IrrelevantComment
100th topic in forum btw.

Re: Looking for ... Please read.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 28, 2012 1:31 am
by Nyshiv
trunks2585 Wrote:
Nyshiv Wrote:I'm looking for a CODER,

And that right there is where you lost me totally. The fact that you are a writer as well makes this seem all that much more like another "OMG! I HAVE AN IDEA BUT I WANT SOMEONE ELSE TO MAKE IT" thread. Not gonna ask for an artist while you are at it?

Yes I'm being a major dick about this. Just because you asked nicely and you say you want to join a team, doesn't change the fact that you started your thread asking for someone to work with you, not the other way around. And how many threads have we seen where someone 'has a idea but no way to make it'?

You're not being a dick at all. I was actually fully aware that you might come around and drop your opinion, and I appreciate it. I can also see where you're coming from when you say that this is, well, pointless. However, at the same time, I've noticed that a lot of the coders - and pardon the criticism - can code just fine, but can't write for shit. Left up to me, I could find a thousand different typos that they knew of, but didn't bother to change.

My problem is, I'm too lazy to L2Code, but I'm not too lazy to L2Write. Because, well, I already learned to write a long time ago. Just, coding is not my thing. Nor is drawing. Neither of them makes any sense to me, nor do I have a way to make them happen. In opposition to that fact, I can write just fine, and I've been complimented time and time again for my writing. Which is why I'd be a... er, asset, I suppose, to any team looking for a competent writer and/or editor.

Once more, though, I can see where you're coming from, and I'll leave with saying:

I apologize to everyone for the presence of yet another nuisance-like thread.