Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

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Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby zephyr » Mon Dec 26, 2011 8:20 pm

Well I have no preview or images but I have an idea and that's all I need for now, other than a team. If anyone would be willing to help please let me know. The help needed is as follows

Flash Scriptor
Animation person
Bouncing Board/Art Person

Everything else I have covered but I have issues drawing on computers and therefore will need help.

The basics. [I make names for things by combining random sounds until I like how it sounds, you have been forewarned :!: ]
Two worlds, both part of a system of mirror worlds and universes (gets very complicated but think of The One [Jet Li]). Ker'aath ("normal world" to Bei'al, your character) has been slowly declining over centuries of crime, pollution, and perversion of morels. The Overbeing (Naazkal) of Ha'at ("Fuckin Demon world thing" in the words of Bei'al) starts sending his army through via some crazy ass machine that needs a name but can only send souls (you can see where i'm going with this). Pretty much anything goes, here is a lot more but until I can type it out from my notebook but the main things have been stated. Your goal is to "survive"

and as a side note, it will be finished not abandonded.
Last edited by zephyr on Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby Biles » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:22 pm

If you go to this post, you can download the animation Flash work file template. Keep in mind the FPS is set to 35 so you'll need to adjust the frame settings. Hopefully those animations may contribute to what you're looking for.
Need some basic Flash character animations? Then stop by at:
Biles' Animation Kit

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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby Kuragari » Mon Dec 26, 2011 11:57 pm

I apologize if this sounds rude or offensive, but I'm gonna go ahead and say it anyways.


I can actually remember when I was stupid enough to try doing this...boy did I get some interesting responses.

Just so you know, this forum is a predominantly "Do it yourself" forum in regards to games. Oh sure, they'll provide tips and advise, and some will actually help you out. But only AFTER they've seen what your able to actually do, and have seen that your actually invested in getting the game to work. I highly doubt anyone on here would actually simply help you before you've actually even given us anything to go by.

I have only two pieces of advise for you. 1)Start practicing drawing and animation and 2)Get over being paranoid, and put up your story idea, and pray pray pray that someone goes "Hey, that actually a cool idea" and decides to be nice and help.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby zephyr » Tue Dec 27, 2011 12:42 am

Kuragari I thank you for your useful input and as a side note I have been working on the paranoid thing. And Biles, thank you for the most helpful feedback thus far.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby Biles » Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:46 am

Well, you can thank me by showing us some of the work you've done. I assume graphic-wise, right?
Need some basic Flash character animations? Then stop by at:
Biles' Animation Kit

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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby zephyr » Tue Dec 27, 2011 3:20 am

You are correct sir, I could do that but all I would be showing is arms and legs. Instead I shall edit to add my idea as a sign of good will.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby FruitSmoothie » Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:28 pm

Some mod on a power trip here? What I said wasn't incorrect, at the time, the TC had absolutely nothing posted here about his game to go on, while asking for a team and making promises that you can't possibly keep if you're not making the game solo. Whoever erased my post undermined the TC themselves, kinda by saying "Oh, he can't answer for himself, I better delete any "problem" posts for them so there's nothing to scare them off from making me porn games." Haha. But really, it's a good skill to know how to discuss things with people, rather than just delete their opinions :) You can't do that in real life, without a blunt weapon and a jail sentence.

I'm all for a game being made, completed or not, I just don't like false promises. I've seen threads deleted for having the kind of info he posted here, or moved, anyways.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby BlueLight » Tue Dec 27, 2011 1:32 pm

I think the mods are just getting annoyed with people posting the own god damn immature thing.
Grow up... LIKE A BOSS!

Anyways i hope this project kicks off.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby FruitSmoothie » Tue Dec 27, 2011 4:54 pm

I guess some people don't understand that you NEED to show some work of your own before anybody is going to help you. How many people come in here with just a story and nothing else and expect people to make them a game. The TC didn't even have a story posted at first. Why would I or anybody else trust somebody that isn't showing they have any skills to help the game. The person with the story and the idea to make a game, damn well better be able to do about 2/3rds the work by themselves considering you're controlling the entire game with the mechanics and story that YOU want. You're asking people to help make your dream game a reality. You think 3 people want to get on board and use their precious time for that with just a story you thought up? No, they'd go make their own dream game.

Anybody can write a story, very few can make a finished game. A story is practically optional.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby Mr D » Tue Dec 27, 2011 5:27 pm

I am not sure if I understand your description of the game.
But if I understan it correctly than this is what you are saying - There is an world that is corupted (world 1) and there is another world that is similar to the corupted world (world 2). And a guy from world 2 sends souls to possess dead bodies and have sex with the people of world 1? Becouse.....evil?

And here are the questions:
Is that the story in a nutshell or did I get it wrong?
If it is. Why would the guy from world 2 send his army? They are mirror wolds so they should be about the same right?
Will there be humans (something like Earth) or are those sort of ailien/fantasy worlds?
What about the gameplay? platformer? strategy? slideshow? adventure?
Do you have the story? begining - middle - end ?
What is your flash experience?
Do you have some artwork to show your degree of art skills?

Those are the things anyone who is making a game should have answered in his first post if he is not known around the site yet.
And if you make a game thread start with: 1-introduction (who you are and what you do). 2- What you have (story,art,ideas). 3- What can you do (art,coding,writing). 4- What do you need . Try to keep it short and simple (if you use complicated names like Ker'aath or Naazkal to soon, people will start loseing focus).
1 game (oh I mean story slideshow -_-) and 5 flash loop FINISHED...fuck yea
My mini flashes link : ... f=7&t=1972
Also I am working on a project right now.But remember, it's a secret to everybody >:D
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby Smackman » Tue Dec 27, 2011 7:02 pm

ideas are worth jack shit, and thats barely even a description.... the problem you will run into is that if anyone can animate and wants to make a game like this, they will always run with their own ideas.

im sure if you wrote some kind of 14 page epic story it might get a little attention (if it gives people boners aha) but id say spend the time learning how to code flash and stuff, i hear its not that hard to learn.... im going to start up myself once i get a tablet or some kind of device that I can draw with
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag :P

OMG IM SO HURT *Whatever*
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Wed Dec 28, 2011 2:23 am

I feel your pain, FruitSmoothie.

Have to agree, I'm... not entirely sure what is being suggested from the OP. . .. Wants to make a game.. with porn in. Okay. The rest is very hazy but I can understand the appeal, perhaps of it almost becoming a community project (maybe?) that evolves and such.
If that's not right then I've no idea what this is about.
Personally, I simply liked the title of the thread and waded in.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby zephyr » Wed Dec 28, 2011 6:30 am

While I enjoy constructive criticism I would enjoy making a few points, 1st I'm a bit busy at the moment having just been released from the hospital with a spinal injury so excuse eh moi if it's taking me a bit to draw, code (which I'm still learning hence the thought that I would ask for assistance from the kind people of the forum) etc, 2nd Smackman ideas make the world go round, without them humanity would be nothing, 3rd Fruit my post got edited because I said very unkind things about you and vice-versea, 4th Beard, You are partially correct, My idea, while solid, will be (since apparently ideas in and of themselves don't count) open to new ideas and change. Mr D, here is the very watered down story, Take Metroid prime echos, make the light people still alive, and add sex and zombies. (No sarcasm intended, not currently in the best of moods following my being arrested last night because the cops here are assholes.)

Blue, Thank you very much, your support is appreciated.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby MastrMarz » Thu Dec 29, 2011 10:49 pm

I support the developers myself. If someone has an idea, let 'em roll with it. If they don't work on it, the topic becomes dead. There ya go. Don't try to scare him off or anything by saying no one will help, don't brutalize the guy for trying to get started. Jeezuz. I didn't know making porn games was equivalent to politics. Dx

Zephyr, I say you take your time and if no one can help, then it might help to learn the stuff yourself and show everyone else how awesome you really are. :P I personally don't know jack shit about anything /advanced/ in flash, and I DEFINITELY don't know coding. But I'd be damn well proud of myself if I ended up learning that stuff myself.

Sorry to hear about your unlucky circumstances, take your time and put some effort into things, it'll all turn out fine. :)
Just saying.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby lowlandwolf » Fri Dec 30, 2011 12:16 am


well zephyr, i just wanted to put the word out that im willing to help you along with the storyline. (like on msn or whatever)
i cant program anything or do flash magic. BUT writing a story is something i am actualy quite good at. making up shit is part of my daily routine after al.
and beiing from holland makes it so that i can always smoke a fatt pound of grass if i need some inspiration (gigles).

this long time lurker just wanted to speak up for once...

PS: first post!
PPS: please forgive the grammar.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby ByHisBillowingBeard » Fri Dec 30, 2011 3:03 am

There are English people with far... far worse grammar problems than pretty much every other nation with regards to the English language. Don't worry :p

There's a lot of impatience lurking on the forums. I don't feel I've been around for a long time but it feels like it's built up for a while. Seems to be surfacing a bit.

A donation of chill pills is necessary.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby zephyr » Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:42 am

Well some good news, I've almost finished the first enemy! Wolf, I'm speechless, in both the amount of pot in Holland and your kind offer. *Takes chill pill* And there goes the walls.....

Which reminds me, thanks Marz, I really appreciate that! *Zephyr has received a second wind, all stats increase by 300%*
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby FruitSmoothie » Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:51 pm

I believe it's because at some point, this forum "Creative Corner" was marked against people just posting ideas for games, because that's all it was becoming, and they were moved to another location, probably "Discussion" in Creative. As you can see, even the descriptions under them point to that:

Post and discuss creative ideas "

"Creative Corner
This is the place to post new content that you've created, either for yourself, or for the possible inclusion in one of the LoK releases. "

So people that were here during that, tend to try to listen to that. I was mostly a lurker then, but I still read everything. That's why it may seem harsh to somebody that wasn't, but it's people talking about that that are trying to help these forums.

Long story short: This place is for inprogress projects, not inprogress ideas.

I'm not mad at anybody that does that, just trying to make them less ignorant to the goings on of these forums as I've seen them. People online seem to assume if your message is anything but flowery and love/worship of somebody else, you're attacking their character or something. I'm neutral as fuck, lol. If you read my messages without assuming some kind of malice towards yourself, maybe you'll notice most the time I'm just trying to help. I'm all for new content, even just stories, just want these forums running smoothly.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby zephyr » Fri Dec 30, 2011 4:33 pm

*Hands Fruit a chill pill* This is some good scherze, and you are absolutely correct, and I will have a non-functioning enemy up by the end of the day. On another note I don't expect a love message, just a bit of an open mind towards honest mistakes.
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Re: Here Goes Nothing: A Tale of Zombies and Darkness

Postby Smackman » Fri Dec 30, 2011 5:04 pm

oh so you can do something at least... i thought since you said you needed a person for animation. programming, and art you were basically saying you cant do shit but you have a half baked idea lmao

i was also here when they posted that shit about ideas. ideas are usually useless, someone needs to have the knowhow to bring those ideas to life, and usually if they have the knowhow they already have the idea.
Suraru Wrote:Hey smackman, I've decided your a douchebag :P

OMG IM SO HURT *Whatever*
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