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An idea for a flash

PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2011 10:34 pm
by Kuragari
Anyone here ever read some of Dr.Graevling World of Warcraft comics? If you have, you probably have an idea of what my idea is. If not, here is one of them

The idea I had (two actually) was to make either a short flash animation featuring the Draenai Monora getting screwed by a couple orcs or trolls, or to make a short flash game featuring her. The 2nd idea was largely just to add her to the roster of some of the flash games that have multiple characters.


Note, do not mistake this for me saying or thinking I'm going to take a go at it. Don't even have a flash making program right now, and I still suck at drawing :p Just putting the idea out there for anyone who is interested.

Re: An idea for a flash

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:34 am
by BlueLight
eh couldn't care less and the fact that your not going to do makes me think this will flop.

Re: An idea for a flash

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 2:45 am
by KaTsuO_O
@BlueLight no offence but if you dont care about it then you shouldent comment at all, just saying.

Anyways, request threads usualy doesnt work unless you can do some of the work yourself but even then it often doesnt work. You could start learning flash, it is fun once you start.

Re: An idea for a flash

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 10:50 am
by Nookie
Kuragari Wrote:Anyone here ever read some of Dr.Graevling World of Warcraft comics? If you have, you probably have an idea of what my idea is. If not, here is one of them

The idea I had (two actually) was to make either a short flash animation featuring the Draenai Monora getting screwed by a couple orcs or trolls, or to make a short flash game featuring her. The 2nd idea was largely just to add her to the roster of some of the flash games that have multiple characters.


Note, do not mistake this for me saying or thinking I'm going to take a go at it. Don't even have a flash making program right now, and I still suck at drawing :p Just putting the idea out there for anyone who is interested.

I think his unoriginal character got the attention she needs already. :3

Re: An idea for a flash

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:40 pm
by Kuragari
For the record, this was not a request thread. If any thread is a request thread, its the Megaman one I put up. As to Blue lights comment, he's entitled to his opinion. He wasn't offensive, so I have no problems.

As to learning flash, I have tried previously, but either the tutorial sucked, or the fact that my computer at the time couldn't play sound (and therefore I skipped the audio bit) messed up the simple flash i was working on.

Plus, it was a pirated version, so I had considered the possibility it was just a messed up program file I had downloaded. (I hate being broke :( )

Which is why I am currently waiting till I have a nice sized cash buffer in my checking and saving accounts before I buy any computer software.

As to the unoriginal comment, what isn't these days? I don't care if something is unoriginal or not, so much as someone tries to give it a different twist/angle than the original.

Re: An idea for a flash

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 4:54 pm
by BlueLight
Ever thought about downloading the trial? so many fun things can start from there. Like working fla. Evil pop up messages telling you to buy the software. etc etc etc.

Re: An idea for a flash

PostPosted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 5:16 pm
by KaTsuO_O
If you put out a idea that you would like to see done but are not going to make it yourself then it looks like a request to me. Anyways, you stoped because the tutorial wasnt good enough or because you couldent get the sounds to work... Download the trail (30 days), go to this thread: viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1490 and leave your questions instead of looking at random tutorials.