Revenge of the beasts!

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Revenge of the beasts!

Postby Nan » Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:44 pm

Intro: *girl warrior* (no name yet) stumbles into a cave, and kills one of the baby monsters which was going to be one of there leaders when it grew up, this made the monsters vary outraged, and when they get pissed they rape 8-) so this warrior must fight her way out of the cave. I was thinking of a game kinda like "MythComplex" You can level up buy armor and weapons. but... the only problem is that i cant make game for shit. and i can't do anything with making the game.. but i would love to see this game come to life.. if anyone want to take this idea and make it into a game and post it on here i would be super grateful, to everyone else, please leave ideas, and so on. Thanks!

"Monster ideas"
(King) Dragon
Zombie(lore) *king of the zombies*
The devil *king of the dark monsters and demons*
Dog types(Zombie)(Demon)
Im leaving the rest up to you guys! :mrgreen:
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby Nintendolo » Mon Jul 11, 2011 10:47 pm

i think this belongs in the discussion section but good ideas anyway and i like the little story to go with it
inactivity was due to account being lost and me forgetting this forum while i was building a new pc
Sorry folks...
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby Latios411 » Mon Jul 11, 2011 11:51 pm

I can definitely see where the MythComplex comes in.
So you got nothing in way of making it? Damn. :/
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby origamitoast » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:35 am

hey wo uriel no need to be so negative this guy has an idea, he can always get someone like digfree or trunks or katsoo to help him out theres never only 1 way! he sending out a request to anyone that can and wants to help! personaly i cant do flash and i have no room to judge people but i can think of ideas not stop being so smug... and its more (grammar police)
I love riddles? Do you like riddles? I've got one: What always runs but never walks, has a mouth but never eats, has a bed but never sleeps, has a head but never weeps. Can't get it? It's a river >:3 i've got plenty more just ask me.
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jul 12, 2011 12:53 am

Do you even have a plan?
What are you thinking of coding this in?
Why the hell should we help you?

If this isn't a badly done "MyIdeaThread" and you really are going to make this on your own in the start then where is the content to prove it and why is this in Creative Corner if you don't have any such content.

How is the game going to play.
Why does every one thing zombies as hot sex monsters? really why do they, THEY EAT FLESH AND BRAINS!?%

Now that i've basically stated that i think this isn't going to work and you didn't at all have a plan i have a request of you.
Prove me wrong.
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby PatchPirate » Tue Jul 12, 2011 1:40 am

You basically just made a post that says, "all of you should make a game for me! And no, I won't help!" Bad form. If you're gonna post something like this, you really need to have some of YOUR OWN CONTENT to contribute. Learn to draw. Learn flash. Do something.
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby FruitSmoothie » Tue Jul 12, 2011 2:53 am

You guys sure get these requests a lot. Seems like some people don't know just how difficult and time consuming all the activities of creating a game actually take (Programming, art, etc). I don't know how to do much of any of it, but I'm working on upping my art, and I can at least assume that Programming is insane. Creating an idea for a game = 5 minutes. Actually making the game: 5 months. Perspective, people :P
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby BlueLight » Tue Jul 12, 2011 3:09 am

The the hardest part about the game would be making the monsters and animation.
No one said the game had to be good so all you would need to do is take a samus cave design add the monsters and put krystal in to the game and reuse a old engine . the end.
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby Thaedael » Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:08 am

How about we all stop playing moderator for a few moments, step back, take a deep breath, and then explain to him in a nice manner that doesn't involve publicly degrading him in a manner unsuitable for the civil discussion we are known for? I am going to explain my actions real explicitly, and my intentions behind them.

First and foremost. The rules;
Creative Corner;
This is the place to post new content that you've created, either for yourself, or for the possible inclusion in one of the LoK releases.

Creative Corner;
This forum is for posting and collaborating upon third party work. Please do not post request-threads, and avoid posting artwork that is not your own unless it is being used as a reference.

Discussion about the project. For now this also includes any feature-requests or other ideas. This also includes discussing non-LoK related project, gathering members etc.

As such I am going to prune the comments from this thread, and move it to discussion for furthering this projects goal. However if you want to get anything done you will need to present your ideas better.

For the rest of you;

For the veterans, you should know better, your actions dictate what people think is acceptable behavior on this forum. Instead of making more messes for me to clean up how about acting courteous and civil and set a good example.

For the new members, how about not acting like moderators, and not jumping on the veteran hate band-wagon. The whole point of the forum is for people to come together, learn to make projects, and have fun. Some people treat it like a request forum, feel free to kindly educate them what goes on etc. However do not resort to name calling, trolling, and overall just being rude. You can voice your displeasure, but do it in matter that is civil.


Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby rooiehaan » Fri Jul 15, 2011 12:13 pm

yo, nan, you seem to have a pretty good idea
how about working on the details, the storyline etc?
i've put my hand to some cave backgrounds, so you can use them / i can make more
the monsters... I'm sort of addicted to the monster girl encyclopedia thing, so you can use them for art (perhaps even sprites D: )
then all you need is some flash pro or wha'ever, and you got yourself a game.
instead of asking people to help out with just an idea, i'd suggest you work out the backstories, setting, the whole shabang.
then i'll help ya when i can, and hopefully more people will follow ;)
Breathe easy, the doctors are about to arrive
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Re: Revenge of the beasts!

Postby IronEagle » Wed Jul 20, 2011 6:37 am

BlueLight Wrote:Now that i've basically stated that i think this isn't going to work and you didn't at all have a plan i have a request of you.
Prove me wrong.

You had me laughing my ass off on that last part, mate. :lol:
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