Hey there! I've managed to finish the current set of animations within the deadline I originally scheduled, yay!
But before I exhibit the latest already-known animation, let me quote kind Eidolon...
Eidolon Wrote:You clearly know what you're doing. Your work is very Ralph Bakshi in my very inexpert opinion which is a great style but more comic than erotic.
The game looks cool though. Mental too.
Good luck with it!
Thanks a lot chum, your comparison makes me very happy
! His works/style are rad... and thanks also for the mental! I do my best to achieve that slapstick delirium ( which I'm fond off)!
What I'm posting here is the latest and last animation I've got.
I mean, I had a few more but they were far too rough and dated... I've already planned to get rid of them ( maybe they'll be featured as " extras").
So, AFTER this thing down here there's nothing else.
Which means a couple of things...
First: the prototype is ready to be built! Right now I've got no GUI plans and most of the background's assets are just placeholders, but these animations are " certified" ( I'm ok with them) and thus I can move on to the gameplay!
Second: things could be on hold for a while... I said " could"
Here's exactly what I'm planning to do, so we are all on the same page
I'm going to build the prototype, which is something near to a proper Alpha, and then test it.
If it disappoints me way too much... well let's skip this!
If I'm ok with it, but not outright convinced, I'm going to send it on request and to a dozen of people I'd like to hear from... I don't like the idea to go public with something that can let you down folks!
Last but not least, if it happens that I'm cool with it, then I'll make it public
I got my reasons to be this prudent... like, you know, this is sort of my first game and it won't even feature the " story mode", so its gameplay could be misunderstood and that would be of no use!
Once the proto-alpha will be ready I'll tell you, just so you know in any case.
To clarify a little more what I mean with " things could be on hold for a while"... I mean that if Bangoonate XXX keeps doing good with feedback and appeal once the proto is out ( if I choose to release it 'cause it's good enough), or maybe even better then how it's doing now, then I'll declare openly my full intentions with it and try to translate it into business stuff ( I'll invest some of my money on it... low-amateur-budget of course)
If things go " wrong" or " not as expected", I'll take a step back and reconsider my options with it ( we'll talk about that in this case)... this would do no harm to my other projects, they could use some of my attentions...
The glass is always half full to me, as you can see!
But enough speech I suppose... here it is!
Cya soon!