Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Tue Jul 03, 2012 7:35 am

Art wise, probably some backgrounds, map design
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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby corta » Tue Jul 03, 2012 8:27 am

backgrounds, huh?
I'd keep it simple and use a skybox as a bg. playshapes made a VERY nice one. (hey, I'm even using it)

map design is not the artist's job, though - that's for the level designer.
(and that's you, if you want to make a game.)

you want a mountain, ask for a mountain.
but asking for an entire cohesive map is a HUGE ask of anyone.
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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby IrrelevantComment » Tue Jul 03, 2012 9:40 am

Not to mention character models, enemy models, dragons etc. My point was that a LOT of stuff would need to be made.

Besides, I wasn't saying it won't go anywhere, but that it won't go anywhere until we have an artist...
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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby corta » Wed Jul 04, 2012 6:21 pm

well, I can't add anything that hasn't been said in this thread already..

but, whenever Skyrim's mod scene is ready for the new animators to jump in - I'll take a try out making a some stuff..
who knows, maybe you could end up making this project a game mod..

well, you were.. ;)
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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby Slayer_J » Wed Jul 25, 2012 7:18 pm

So how is this coming along?

Is it "don't know but there's a possible chance" or is it "pretty much dead or dying"?
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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:20 pm

Pretty much dieing considering i lack the people and resources to create a game, but i see you're trying to create something out of this and you're doing better than i could so good luck.
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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby IrrelevantComment » Mon Oct 15, 2012 1:51 am

So I'm going to go ahead and necro this - hell, it's not like anything happens in creative discussion anyway. So here are some ideas that have come to me recently:

Basically I think this would work really well with a Mass Effect/Dragonage style mechanic, where cities, caves etc are all marked locations on an overworld, and you travel between these points on the map for everything - that is, with the exception of random encounters when travelling, nothing takes place between two locations on the map. You select a destination and your party auto-paths to the selected location. Like in ME/DA, you have a party of characters with their own skill sets and you choose which character(s) you wish to have as your active party.

Your party would consist of a predefined mixture of genders, races and classes, and part of the game would be matching the right characters to the problems. Found a girl who has had an item stolen? Well if you have the male thief in your party then he can offer to steal it back, and as a reward you will get a sex scene involving the thief and the quest giver - that sort of thing. Note that the characters that make up your party will always be the same (if you do whatever it is you have to do to recruit them) ie there will always be a male Argonian thief or w/e.

The main part of the game would take the form of a sidescrolling platformer, in which your character uses magic, melee weapons and ranged weapons to fight typical Elder Scrolls enemies. Each member of your party would have a specific method of playing - in your party there will only be one swordsman, one archer, one healer etc. Unlike DA/ME, characters do not level equally - only your active character gains EXP from battling; however as combat is level based (in true ES fashion) this will not lead to huge difficulty spikes. There will however be bonuses to levelling up all you characters revolving around more content being available (locations, quests, sex scenes etc).

I'm inclined to move this away from Skyrim and dragons and towards a more general Elder Scrolls setting, but that's quite a minor detail at this stage.
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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby IrrelevantComment » Mon Oct 15, 2012 2:04 am

I wanted to say a thing or two about a development plan. I realise I have set this up to have a huge amount of content. Too ambitious? Maybe, but the upside is that with a working engine, quests can be added one at a time in small updates. Ideally this would be developed in a similar manner to Ivanaedler's version of MiM, where the game is developed by one or two people and new content and improvements to existing content are contributed by others who play the game.

With regards to the earlier conversation about what would be needed to make this work, I've drafted up a list of the major components. These are just the major things, more would be needed as development continued.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

  • platforming engine
  • combat engine
  • overworld travelling system
  • exp/levelling sytem
  • male and female base models
  • model variants for races
  • armour/clothing
  • backgrounds
  • overworld map
  • enemy graphics
  • platforming graphics
  • character movement animations
  • character combat animations
  • enemy movement animations
  • enemy combat animations
  • character+npc interactions

I suppose the trick to getting this done would be to make it in sections so that no-one is trying to take on such an epic task at once. Something like thsi could be beneficial:
  1. Draw character models
  2. Create a few simple sex scenes with the models - this allows you to make sure the models are animatable and also means that if you fail before getting anywhere with the engine, you still have something created to show for your time.
  3. Create movement animations
  4. Create the platforming engine - at this point you could scatter the sex scenes throughout the platform level, so you have a 'game' in the loosest definition of the word.
  5. Draw and animate a single enemy
  6. Create the combat engine - now you actually have a game: the player fights enemies and is rewarded with sex. Hell, that's already more of a game than lok was.
  7. At this point you can continue adding content and graphics, and each update makes the game more playable
  8. ???
  9. Profit
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Re: Skyrim-Desperation of the Dragons

Postby whatdontlookaatme » Wed Oct 17, 2012 3:41 am

Can't make profit off something that wasn't your original idea, Bethesda would get angry and sue you for copyright in fringement, just sayin
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