StarkePT Wrote:Well, ignore the post where I said I'd abandon the project, truth is, I found myself drawn to the program over and over again until the point I realized, I've been spending 2 hours per day developing my game... =_=
I guess some people want to continue and are forced to quit, myself, I wanted to quit but my mind forces me to continue... =_=
Ended up doing most of the scripting and animations myself which is a paaaaaaaaaaaaain.
But most of all, I realized there are NOT that many English based RPG Maker hentai games, and well, you guys deserve more! I've been on the leeching side, and I know the feeling, so even if I can contribute with one game, that's what I'll do.
However don't expect my game to end just boom pow it's over, it's gonna be easily weeks of gameplay, well or 2/3 days if you no-life it.
YAY! YAY! And of course YAY!

Well obviously not the part about some of the work being a pain but about you continuing the project and about the 2-3 weeks worth of gameplay.

And you actually managed for me to have an guilty conscience for being consumer-only on these forums.