by Marduk » Tue Jun 05, 2012 2:34 am
What kind of game are you thinking here?
Is it a side scrolling game - it does seem like an action game idea; if you look at Sakyubasu - another project in development - that would not be a bad format for inspiration at least.
I have to admit to a preference for more story / game and not all sex all the time; it gets repetitive. YOu mention fleeing from a nightclub.
Apparently combat is an aspect. Who is this woman and why is she able to fight these things when that obviously can't be that easy?
- Naturalist hunter / archer / game warden?
- Cop with gun / batons / taser? (Personally I like chicks with uniforms).
- Ex soldier (afghanistan vet? Reservist? Home guard?)
- Professional athlete (boxing / martial arts / biathlon)
- Nordic biathlon (ski shooting)
Also, why are the aliens turning everyone and everything into fuck machines? "Because we can!"?, need hosts to repopulate their world, want to harvest endorphines for the interstellar black market? (If so, is there another 'alien cop' there that tries to fix things?). THe latter idea - endorphins - may work. The worms may be the infectors AND carry the harvested endorphins back. That would explain it if the invaders were not that lethal - they'd rather have... eh.. repeat donators than corpses.
Back to our protagonist. Should the story be set in stages? For instance:
1: Get from the nightclub to the car, and try to get out of town.
2: Realize the car is full of worms, flee the car upon discovery or try to get further (with predictable result)
3: Resume trek out of the city. Run into aliens. Seek refuge in a shopping mall. (horror game style phase)
4: Find equipment in the mall, escape it only to run into boss monster 1.
5: Set aim for either a mountain cottage, a military base/bunker, survivalist bunker, rural police station (depending on origin).
6: Eventually get there to find out it was/was not so safe after all.
That's just thinking aloud. Now, for the gameplay.
You mention infection. The problem is basically, that some will play the game to see the sex scenes, and since they are the result of loosing, they will 'play to loose', rather than play to win. In fact, it is safe to assume that 'some' in this case is nearly all. A certain amount of loosing is to be expected. An infection level that goes down over time, but if it goes too high becomes 'bad end' style game over will work. A system where you get 'xp' for killing enemies and infection for loosing, but where xp can be used to increase traits while infection can be used to buy mutations might be interesting - you get rewards for either behaviour, but make xp somewhat more useful (or each mutation carries with it a downside) to keep winning as an advantage.
Well, just a few thoughts. Good luck!