[HTML5] itch.io GameMaker

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[HTML5] itch.io GameMaker

Postby Waffle » Sun May 30, 2021 4:43 pm

Not sure where to post this, but this seems a good spot....
I know there are a few GM writers here, hopefully with more experience than me in posting HTML5 ...

Recently, I posted my balls and bats game to itch.io .... I wanted it to be free because of licensing issues with
Humbird0 assets (some ripped from other places ...) and was having problems uploading in a format itch.io liked...
My solution was to release it as a windows download .zip file and to include a link in the description to
my webpage to play it in a browser ....

(got 3 downloads .... someone must have spent alot of time searching for this thing, it is well hidden :roll: )
Got a few views though.

that out of the way .... here's the questions

1 - how to upload a multi-page html5 project to itch.io? Do I just .zip all the directory trees and send it that way?
how would that be playable in a browser ?

2 - I tried there tag system ... It does not seem to work well. My game sucks, but that is not the point. It seems it takes a few days
before my game even made it to any list. The few people that did find my game, must have been looking for a long time;
maybe they had already played every game on itch.io, so had to try mine last. Any suggestions there?

3 - I do like how itch.io lists what tags people used to find my game; usually by new,adult,nsfw (in that order).
No questions there, just an interesting observation.

Should I post Baby Sitter's Club (1 and 3) there in a similar way, with a link to BSC-2 on Humbird0's site? (Only he can answer that one) 8-)
Maybe I will also upload my other html5 games there too (I do have much better games than balls and bats) but they are not NSWF :oops:
EDIT: I heard from Humbird0 ... He says my games are not polished enough, but he does not care anyway... (short answer: up to me)

I think that about covers it. Thanks in advance, this should be an interesting discussion ...
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Re: [HTML5] itch.io GameMaker

Postby BawdyInkSlinger » Sun Jul 11, 2021 9:33 pm

Waffle Wrote:
1 - how to upload a multi-page html5 project to itch.io? Do I just .zip all the directory trees and send it that way?
how would that be playable in a browser ?

You gotta zip up your directory tree and have an index.html file in there. It will load that in their embedded player when people visit your game. Here's an example of how it looks (this is my page): https://bawdy-ink-slinger.itch.io/monster-girl-farmer
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Re: [HTML5] itch.io GameMaker

Postby Waffle » Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:23 am

ok, thanks... that's does not seem too bad. Is the index.html the actual game or can it be an information type with a link to the game? ....
such that index.html has a link to mygame.html (in the same .zip ...)

I will try and post a few of my other games and see what happens.
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