Not sure where to post this, but this seems a good spot....
I know there are a few GM writers here, hopefully with more experience than me in posting HTML5 ...
Recently, I posted my balls and bats game to .... I wanted it to be free because of licensing issues with
Humbird0 assets (some ripped from other places ...) and was having problems uploading in a format liked...
My solution was to release it as a windows download .zip file and to include a link in the description to
my webpage to play it in a browser ....
(got 3 downloads .... someone must have spent alot of time searching for this thing, it is well hidden )
Got a few views though.
that out of the way .... here's the questions
1 - how to upload a multi-page html5 project to Do I just .zip all the directory trees and send it that way?
how would that be playable in a browser ?
2 - I tried there tag system ... It does not seem to work well. My game sucks, but that is not the point. It seems it takes a few days
before my game even made it to any list. The few people that did find my game, must have been looking for a long time;
maybe they had already played every game on, so had to try mine last. Any suggestions there?
3 - I do like how lists what tags people used to find my game; usually by new,adult,nsfw (in that order).
No questions there, just an interesting observation.
Should I post Baby Sitter's Club (1 and 3) there in a similar way, with a link to BSC-2 on Humbird0's site? (Only he can answer that one)
Maybe I will also upload my other html5 games there too (I do have much better games than balls and bats) but they are not NSWF
EDIT: I heard from Humbird0 ... He says my games are not polished enough, but he does not care anyway... (short answer: up to me)
I think that about covers it. Thanks in advance, this should be an interesting discussion ...