I can do some stuff in GameMaker (studio 1) for HTML5 target or windows ...
Currently teaching myself PHP ... I am planning on creating an RPG world (windows target for now)
that is persistent and sorta multiplayer .... in that users can interact with NPC and the game remembers
those interaction and tracks all user locations in the game. NO, not exactly realtime ... and strictly 2D.
Sorta thinking along an RPG Maker type of game but persistent...
I'll be using my website to store the data with GM interacting via PHP .... I am just insane, I know.
Side note: I have been programming using various languages since 8080 IMSAII (before it became Intel).
I remember one "minicomputer" that I programmed using 8800 machine code.... and RCA 1802 [VIC/ELF] and 6502 [Comodore]
For now, I am sorta retired, and this is my outlet instead of building bird houses ....
(also Dark Basic and PureBasic ... good for .dll and asm work [windows])
Code: The international language of math.
EDIT: removed Godot, added CT.JS (free, posts to html5, uses JS) Have done multiplayer games with CT.JS