I had this idea for a while now to create a h-game that displays a variety of fetishes and all this will take place in a dream world where the player can explore around, find secret areas, and solve puzzles. There will be some top-down action like the 2D Legend of Zelda games just to add more interactivity and fun into the game. As far as story goes, the player takes the role of Lainie who wakes up in the dream world filled with messed up pervy abominations. She is looking for a way out of this dream world and she goes around to explore the dream world to find a way to escape. So far I only made some sprites, animations, and couple tilesets. I'm currently making more sprite work and ANooB and I plan on hopefully making at least a demo of this game.
For now we're going to focus porting the game on windows since ANooB and I are using Gamemaker Studio free version to create the game. We really want to port the game in multiple platforms, so hopefully the game demo is well received and there are those willing to pitch in to have us purchase the Gamemaker Studio pro license, which has modules to port the game in Mac, Linux, mobile devices, and web browsers.
By the way, anyone is free to write down what fetish one wants in the game. I made a list here:
LEWD Fetish List Feel free to make comments on this thread as well. We really need feedback so we can create a fun h-game for people to play.
My artworkSpoiler (click to show/hide):