Artist Needed

Post and discuss creative ideas

Artist Needed

Postby dullman » Tue Oct 13, 2015 3:35 am

Hello i posted some time ago post about making game (in non flash section) whilst i decided to make it in rpg maker i stopped working on it when i heard about new version of rpg maker (waiting for publish to resume work), while waiting in free time i decided to try make a game with vector art, so what i need is character facing four directions, or similar to popular spritesheet for rpg maker xp which are left, right, up and down directions but made in vector art (flash in that case). The game i tried to make is that i post in non flash thread, but since it vector art it should be more beautiful, although to be truthful it something that i try and see in what size of characters it looks good enough. Also if you think if i make game in flash i say that no, although flash is one of target platforms besides e.g. html5 or windows.
Joined: Fri Aug 15, 2014 6:15 pm

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