I currently know Java, C, and a bit of python, and HTML, CSS, XML, and a bit of Javascript for layouts. I really want to learn flash, and I have the entire Adobe Suite, so i'll probably end up learning it in the long run. I was mainly thinking of a text-based game kind of like Fenoxo's CoC, but built in Java, since animation is kind of hard without Flash. If anyone else wants android versions of their games,I can make those in about five seconds with on-screen controls specific to the device, but as for original content WITH animation, I will need to learn Flash first.
As for your game idea, I think it is actually the one feasible idea for Java implementation. It would probably be easier for Mac/PC/(Xbox?) though, because of the way the graphics would have to be displayed.
I am a HORRIBLE artist.I would need someone else to design the resources. I am great at photoshopping existing artwork... but creating? (shudder).
I will work on the initial framework for the concept, and if it works with placeholder artwork (grey boxes shooting red boxes at blue boxes
) I will let you know!
Also, as I said, any existing flash games I can easily port to Android with on-screen buttons or tilt-controls or whatever makes sense.