After playing some of the RPG games here on the forum, I came up with an idea for a game. If anybody is interested in using my idea to try to make a game, by all means, go for it, I'm just posting up the idea.
The Rise of Emmeril
The city of Emmeril was settled two years before the Holy War of the Asmagar Continent began. The Holy War consisted of three of the most powerful kingdoms on the continent, fighting over land, and religion. Two years before the Holy War began, the Asmagar Continent was once a unified principality of nations, unified under the flag of King Vincent III, king of the Church of Light. It was said that King Vincent was sent from the heavens to bring peace and stability to the world, along with faith, faith that did not exist in the souls of mankind. History is not clear on how King Vincent became King, or King of which country, and how he could create an army so large, that he would crush the opposing city-states into becoming a unified empire, matter of fact, history does not even explain when he was born, where, or who his parents were. The only records of King Vincent was when he joined the Church of light, which at the time, was a small cult of men who prayed to angels. After joining, he travelled from city to city with his small cult, recruiting the poor and those with illnesses. By the time he had returned to the Church of Light, he had an outstanding 100,000 followers. One day, the small city-state of Xavior fell to King Vincent, who somehow obtained military equipment from somewhere and managed to train his men to become a professional army in days. The invasion was so surprising, word spread extremely quickly, and although other nations attempted to fight back, they all failed. His army invaded, and did not stop until they had control of every single city-state. King Vincent controlled the throne of Asgamar until he died of old age, and left the Kingdom to a man named Rusker. Unfortunately, the once very noble knight could not handle the power, and abused it in very evil ways. With King Rusker abusing his power, his generals immediately split, taking their serfs, and remade the feudal system they once used. Three of the generals managed to invade the surrounding city-states, and made the three large kingdoms that have engaged in war today. During the City-State Wars, some of the followers of King Vincent departed the mainland, looking for a safe haven from the war. They found a small island, and settled by the coast. The citizens called it Emmeril, named after the knight who led the expedition for new land. Upon arrival, the citizens of Emmeril decided that they had been left alone by the angels of light, and that they did not need them, so they stopped praying. Emmeril became a successful city, growing with escapees from the war on the mainland, producing trade thanks to the deposits of iron, steel, and food, and produced good leaders, so there was no decline of economy or politics in the small city-state.
Current Event:
Not too long ago, the Port City of Emmeril suffered two major catastrophes that would change the city forever. On a rainy day, a farmer on the outskirts of Emmeril claimed to see a woman in a white cloak walk through his grain field. As she grazed the field, he claimed the ground and grain behind her instantly died, and once she crossed the field, she vanished in the thick rain. A famine struck Emmeril because of a lack of food, and only those who were poor died because they could not afford to purchase imported foods from other parts of the world. Emmeril's economy weakened, but the city-state stayed strong and continued to exist in peace. The farmers who claimed they saw a woman with a white cloak kill the grain were sent into exile.
It was not long after when a guard at the front gate of the city called on his superior to examine an old man who stood at a distance from the town, all dressed in white, looking through the gate into the city. The Captain of the city guard attempted to talk to the old man, but as he walked through the gate, a horrific earthquake shook the entire city, leaving nothing but blood and destruction throughout the entire city. The Captain, who not once took his eyes off the old man, claimed he saw the old man disappear. When the city examined the ruins of the church of light for answers, they found a book that survived. In this book, the citizens discovered that the visitors in white were angels, who had cursed the city for not believing in them anymore. Thousands of people left the once busy port city, many moving back to their original countries on the mainland, or to the city of Karlisa.
(This is where the game starts)
You wake up to a thunderous pounding on your home door. You get up and open the door to find the Priest of the Church of Light at your door step. You are about to ask her if she would like a cup of coffee since it’s so early in the morning, but she interrupts by holding you from your shoulder.
"Roxana, there is a demon in my church! Holy light, a demon Roxana!"
A demon? Hahahaha... Holy Mother, you need to calm down. Where you up all night reading those church books again?
"Roxana! You must believe me! The demon appeared to me in my church, and asked me for you! She told me I should come get you, or she would destroy the entire village at a snap of a finger!"
Y-you’re kidding... right..?
"Roxana... when has the Holy Mother of ANY church ever played any jokes?!"
O-Ok... I... let me... get dressed.
You immediately make your way to the church with the priest, and you notice a cold breeze get colder as you get closer to the church. Upon arrival, you burst through the church doors, scared to death but acting like you can take on the world, to find a female with black angelic wings towards the end of the church. You slowly make your way down the walkway, until you come to a complete halt when she calls you out.
"Roxana... it is so good to finally get to talk to you. I was becoming quite impatient with the... Holy Mother... A few more seconds, and this whole town would have gone up in smoke."
Y-you... called me... here?
"Yes... I did. I have a message for you from my Queen. We hear that you wish to help your town, and we would like to help you rebuilt this town."
H-help me? H-How would you help me rebuilt?
"We will lend you our power silly!"
Lend me your power? Your demonic power?
"Yes, but in exchange we would like you to help us with a task later in the future."
What kind of task?
"That, my little friend, will be discussed when the time comes. For right now, you just need to know that we can give you the power to fix this city and restore peace to this entire continent, IF you agree to our conditions. Your promise to help us when we ask for you, so you can borrow our power to do what you need to do."
(Phew... yea... I wanted to give you all the history to understand this story. That history will be found throughout the game, in a more detailed explanation. You might even find some secret records of the ancient king! Yes, it can also be changed around, have things added or removed, improved, whatever, but I hope you liked this story. Obviously, there is much more, but I would like to share the rest with someone who is interested in making this story become an actual RPG game.)
If you are interested, I can also make some maps to help.
Please let me know if you all like this game idea, or need more info to make up your mind. If there is enough people who like it, I might even try to make it myself