First thing is get about 5 known and liked developers of LOK to make a tutorial (or a draft of one). I might have to emotionally blackmail them but that’s okay because i’m already emotionally bankrupt.
(User must be willing to have a blogger account ... or have a go between) <- notetoself
We need a
1 Basic Flash Graphic Tutorials
2 Basic Flash Action Script (As much as i bitch about as2, i’m fine with it since we’re just getting people started.)
3 RPG Maker Tutorials
4 Game Maker Tutorials?
5 (fill in)
(Might be able to get thae to give a very basic pixel art Tutorial but I’m not sure if he really has time if he says yes and i have no clue if he would say yes. Must get 5 tutorials started before officially asking.)
The next step is to use blogger. We will use the blogger site as a testing ground for new tutorials and to generally have a back up. We will also not have a 18+ warning (this means we won't have to adult links or content). This is so it’s family friendly and people are able to invite their friends and family without being embarrassed about it. While we won't be able to link to LoK it might still get traffic from people checking out our development blogs and finding a link to LoK in there. hopefully you have a adult splash screen set up or tell people it’s a adult site in the post.
Since most developers on LOK use Blogger already (Part of the reason we would use blogger) , we will set up so all the writers can make a Tutorial post whenever they want. We will however, take in to account that some people will not want to make blogger account or don’t want to be connected to the blog in this manner. We will work out a way for them to give us their Tutorial and we’ll post it for them. They might have to give up credit on the blog and just be called “anom”.
All post on the blog would be posted on LoK, hopefully by the writer. The blog will serve as basically a drafting point for the less sexual Tutorials. The idea is to make the developers experience easier to get to for new members of LoK and this is the best way i can think of to get developers to open up more.
Now one could just follow the blog to get tutorials, but if they follow LoK then they get all the tutorials ever made on the blog and get the ones made from other sources.
I do plan on trying to get someone to write a post every week to keep activity up.
Is anyone willing to help with the idea or ever criticize it?