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Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Tue May 14, 2019 6:06 am
by RandomRoninKitten
Prospera Giovannucci/LittleManKitten
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Prospera's investigation takes her to Doctor Lecter's former home, a colossal mansion with an equally large yard. Upon walking in through the gate, she's met with a line of bushes on each side. While, when the man was alive, the bushes no doubt would have been perfectly trimmed, they were now overgrown and lopsided from having been unattended for years. Deeper in the yard, Prospera finds hedges, a large square-shaped hedge, also overgrown, in the shape of a wall around an area with a table and two chairs, where Lecter would have previously taken his patients on nice days. The wall-like hedge had an opening on each side, and another in the shape of a doorway directly across from the table, which would bring her back to the stone walkway, with a fountain and four pools, each with stagnant water that had been immobile for years. Beyond this, to the right of the walkway, opposite of the wall-like hedge with the table, was a group of four more walled hedges, each with a statue of Doctor Lecter in the middle, and an opening on each side.
Traveling straight down the walkway, passed the fountains and the bushes, up the stone steps, brings Prospera to the front of the mansion. Standing on the front porch, in front of the wooden double-doors, Propsera can see on the left side, a set of stairs leading up to a higher floor, while the double doors led to the ground floor. Feeling the wooden doors before her, she can feel that they're much sturdier than one would expect, being several inches thick, and feeling as though they hadn't deteriorated over the years at all.
Upon touching the door, it slowly swings open, showing Prospera that it had actually been left ajar, allowing her to just walk inside the mansion. The
interior of the mansion is almost fully wooden, and left fully furnished. The floor was made of hardwood, with a red and gold carpet stretching across the floor to a staircase, with a chandelier above it, made of gold, with burnt out light bulbs all around it.
Up the steps was a series of walkways with wooden railings and red carpeting n more hardwood, leading off to numerous other rooms, including one which led to a higher floor. On either side of the staircase were staircases leading to two separate basements.
Alexandra Palmer/Phoenixcz
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Alexandra's expedition to the house brought her through the elaborate yard with its cobblestone walkway, passed the fountain and the hedges that had been trimmed into walls. Rain had started coming down hard while she was outside, which drove her inside rather quickly before she could view more of it.
interior of the mansion is almost fully wooden, and left fully furnished. The floor was made of hardwood, with a red and gold carpet stretching across the floor to a staircase, with a chandelier above it, made of gold, with burnt out light bulbs all around it.
Traveling up the stairs and around to one of the many doors takes her upwards, to an even higher floor, where she finds a rather plain floor made of hardwood. The plain black walls, and wooden floor didn't match the sections of the house she had already seen, however there were numerous portraits on the wall, however all of them showed the same man, in the same outfit, a man with pale skin, in a suit, with short-cropped hair. Looking at the portraits, his face looked absolutely flawless, and his blue eyes looked beautiful. Traveling further down the hallway, through the wooden door separating the main room from the entrance would show her a family room, with a single table with a vase on it, a couch on one side, and a fireplace with a statue of a gargoyle on top. All around, there were numerous doors leading into other rooms, as well as another section with some stairs, one leading up, and another leading back down.
Monica Angelique/Mark3000
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Monica spots her student that she was following just as the girl took the stairs to the second floor, prompting her to follow the girl through the pouring rain, across the front yard with a fountain, cobblestone walkway, hedge walls surrounding statues, and up the stairs to the second floor, after her student.
Following the student into the second floor brings Monica first to a small room with some steps leading up, and some steps leading down, as well as a door into the main room. Going through the door takes her into a room with a blue rug in the center, on a hardwood floor, with the walls covered in numerous portraits of the same man, in the same outfit, with short-cut brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a black suit with a red tie. All four walls in the room is a door leading into another room, with a pair of vases attached on either side of one, a pair of lights on each side of another, and a wall with a fireplace on the final side. Overhead hangs a chandelier, with a circle of burnt-out lights around it. The student, however, was nowhere in sight.
Winnie Toland/MrBlah
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
When Winnie arrives to the front yard of the mansion, she finds a colossal mansion with an equally large yard. Upon walking in through the gate, she's met with a line of overgrown bushes on each side. Walking deeper into the yard, along the cobblestone walkway, she finds four pools of stagnant water, each surrounding a single stone fountain, however the fountain looks as though it had been unused for years. Beyond the fountain, on the left, was a wall of bushes that had been previously trimmed into a wall with a doorway in the center, however it had become overgrown through the years, resulting in only a semi-wall, with a semi-doorway which led to a white table with a single chair on each side. On the right side of the fountain was a set of four similar shrub walls, each overgrown, simply forming two sections of a full square around a statue, each square around a different statue.
Winnie couldn't investigate the front yard of the mansion for long, however, due to the fact that it had been raining since before she had arrived, forcing her to make her way into the mansion to keep try to get out of the cold. Taking the stairs up to the second floor, then continuing up to the third floor, then the fourth floor, she finds a large room, she finds, at the top of the steps, a room with a heavy metal door, which she finds to be locked.
Doctor Lecter/MiscChaos
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Deep in the bottom floor, something that one may refer to as the negative fourth floor, four floors beneath the ground floor, "Doctor Lecter" awakened from his sleep, as he felt his sanctuary entered by seven invaders. Sitting up in his bed, he looks around the room at all of his numerous medical tools, walls upon walls of them, along with the nob he had installed which floods the house with a special gas that forces individuals to relax, a gas he himself had grown immune to over time. Across the stone room, was a wooden door leading passed several holding cells, to a narrow hallway, to the steps which lead to the negative third floor, three floors beneath the top floor.

Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Tue May 14, 2019 7:09 pm
by Littlemankitten
Prospsera always scouted out the outside of a building first, it may seem obvious, but it was amazing how few 'investigators' actually tried to make sure the coast was clear and to see what it was they were dealing with. Barging headlong into where your investigation leads you, even if its supposedly a abandoned building, is always a poor choice. She had to be extra cautious thanks to how large and elaborate the surrounding was. Eventually though, she finally decided to herself that there was nothing to worry about, and after taking a moment to appreciate how good the place looks even after all this time and how dilapidated it all was, she steps into the house. When she finds that the door was ajar however, her immediately goes back into alert mode. It was very possible the hinges had just rusted out after all this time, but it was just as possible that there was someone else that came here recently. She pauses for a minute or two, trying to listen for the sounds of another presence, but eventually she presses forward. She decided to first to investigate top to bottom, and so went up the flight of stairs that led up and began slowly making her way through the rooms, taking her time to find anything worthwhile in each of the rooms.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Tue May 14, 2019 8:14 pm
by Phoenixcz
At the first sight, the house is a bit disappointing: it doesn't look decrepit enough to give the proper "haunted house" atmosphere. It makes Alexandra feel like she's trespassing, and the owner can show up at any time to call the cops on her. Sure, there's dust, and the hedges and grass outside clearly haven't been trimmed for a long time, but it's just too preserved. Visiting during the day also takes something out of the experience, though the rain adds some ambience. Alexandra feels a little tense, but more from the idea of getting caught than from encountering actual ghost. Assuming ghosts exist, that is.
She doesn't touch anything beyond opening the door as she walks through the first few rooms and hallways... she's a visitor, not a thief, after all. Her exploration doesn't have any specific goal... she knows little about the place, and she regrets not doing more research a little. Her friend was the one with the knowledge, and she's not here. Perhaps more knowledge of the house's history and the legends would put a little fear in her mind, but alas, it's a bit too late for that now. Most likely creepy places would be the cellar and attic, but she doesn't want to go there just yet. Just checking random rooms would be enough for now... who knows, perhaps there's some hidden gem of creepiness hidden there.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Wed May 15, 2019 3:33 pm
by mrblah
Winnie spent 20 minutes in an Uber's car before she got to the Lecter House. Her driver was an older man who very much enjoyed listening and singing along to the mariachi music he played from his radio, and when he wasn't, he spent his time talking off Winnie's ear about his life story. His name was Dave, and he was an almost retired worker who still works with Uber to give himself something to do during the day. He had three kids. One of them was close to her age, and Dave insisted that she'd really like him because he was handsome and smart.
Needless to say, the drive to her destination wasn't particularly fun for her. The paranormal investigator had bolted with all of her (useless) gear first thing, paying the man and muttering some form of thanks before she did. She made a beeline for the gate and only stopped rushing through when she was too far to her any of that man's mariachi over the rain. "Thank God..." Winnie sighed, then focused on her mission. The Lecter House was supposedly a mansion that belonged to some great therapist named Doctor Lecter. Her background research revealed a lot of discrepancies about the man's life and some interesting tidbits about his patients, so Winnie had a sneaking suspicion that he may have been more than he appeared. A demon hiding in human form, perhaps? Or maybe a vengeful spirit disguising itself as a therapist to take vengeance upon the unsuspecting mentally ill? Winnie didn't know. But with her top-notch investigative senses, and armed with her digital camera, she'll get to the bottom of this—
Her camera broke in the rain. "... God, damn it." Right. Winnie took a few quick looks around the yard for any outside clues, then hurried inside to escape the rain. The rest of her gear was just as fragile as her camera was, and she couldn't afford to order any more paranormal gear off of GhostStop. She did note the lack of attention paid to the yard, however. One would expect that to be the case for the abandoned home of a dead man, but usually, ghosts would still perform caretaking operations if they valued their haunt ground.
Winnie made her way inside the mansion, taking careful mental notes in her head of everything she saw as she ascended the floors. Supernatural activity was usually strongest in the bottom floor, but more telling in the top. She'd find some useful clues about the mystery if she took it from the top. It was her usual plan, and... "A heavy metal door?" It seemed to work again. Winnie tried to open it and found that it was locked, prompting the girl to look around the room for more clues. She needed to find a key, and if it wasn't there, perhaps it would be in a bedroom, closet, or bathroom? If she found nothing, Winnie would head to the closest bedroom. Or bathroom. Closets are creepy so she's putting them at low priority.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Fri May 17, 2019 10:05 pm
by Mark3000
"Now where did that girl run off to?" Monica wondered as she looked for her wayward student. Winnie's adventurous nature was well known among the faculty. While most of the staff were content with informing Winnie's parents or merely punishing the girl when she was in class, Monica took a different approach. She tried to get Winnie to channel that energy into her studies and other extra curricular activities. Even if she couldn't stop her from going off, she ensured the girl would bring some form of safety equipment of even a first aid kit. On one of two occasions, Monica even covered for the young student when she on one of her expeditions. As a teacher, she wanted to foster this aspect of Winnie's personality.
But that didn't mean she wasn't worried about her. About the way she isolated herself from other in class, about the dangers of the places she visited. Case in point, this mansion just gave Monica chills down her spine. She had followed Winnie this time around after what happen on her last expedition. It wasn't anything major, but it did cause the teacher to worry more then usual.
Outside the creepy atmosphere, the mansion had a rather gothic feel to it. Monica took a bit of time to appreciate the furniture and portraits that decorated the main room. " Was he the owner of the house" Monica wondered as she looked at the portrait. Once she was finished, she left the main room and took the steps going up to look for Winnie.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Fri May 31, 2019 3:34 am
by MiscChaos
She's not sure what sets her off, maybe it's the spirit of Doctor Lecter guiding her senses. Maybe the Doctor is saying she's worthy of taking His place! It's what she's dreamed of ever since His light was ripped out of the world far too soon. His light saved her from the dark place that she inhabited and she can only hope that she has the opportunity to shine a similar light on similarly lost souls. So when she senses people have entered the Doctor's house, she gets the feeling that this could be it! This could be her chance to guide people the way the Doctor guided her! Oh, she hopes she can do this even a fraction as well as Doctor Lecter did! To that end, she moves to put on her uniform. With it on and a mask to hide her face, she looks just like the Doctor did when he advised patients into the light! Sure, she has to bind to make herself look like a man, but such a small amount of pain is worth it to continue bringing His light upon the world. With a final giggle of excitement, she calms herself down, closes her eyes, and tries to put herself in the mindset He would have used. Eternally calm even with the most uncooperative cases, kind enough that even the distrusting opened up to Him, stern enough to do what needed to be done even if His patient didn't know it yet.
When she opens her eyes next, she is Doctor Lecter put back onto this earth to continue His work. "There is work to be done." She says to herself as she exits her chambers in B4F. Finding fault in her voice, she pitches it down to sound more like He would have. "Good, very good. Now we may begin." With her voice much more androgynous, she ascends the stairs. While His light may have let her know that they have patients to guide, He found that she must work to bring her patients to peace and did not tell her where they are. At the very least, she can be assured that they have not found their way to B1F, hidden as the below ground floors are. Only the chosen or the unruly who do not yet know they have been chosen have permission to descend to those floors. Her first guess is they must still be near the Entrance. And what kind of host would she be if she didn't greet her guests? Through the complex passageways underneath the surface, Doctor Lecter surfaces in the North East Corridor of the first floor. From there, she will make her way to the front door. With luck, she will meet her patients along the way. Every minute of their session must be used assisting them with their problem after all and spending time finding them cuts into their time.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Sat Jun 08, 2019 9:07 pm
by RandomRoninKitten
Prospera Giovannucci/LittleManKitten
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Prospera chooses to move up to the second floor and start searching the rooms.
she takes the stairs up to the second floor, each step making soft creaking sounds as she does so, showing the age of the wooden steps beneath her. Once at the top of the stairs, Prospera chooses to make her way to the right first, taking the wooden door into a U-Shaped corridor. The room is decorated similar to the main room, with red carpeting, gold chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, and wooden walls, with four other wooden doors, similar to the one she had taken into the room. Inside the room is series of old wooden tables with vases ontop which were filled with wilted and withered lilac flowers, and drawers in them. After checking the drawers, she eventually finds an iron key inside the last one, in the pile of useless junk, which just clutters the drawer.
While checking the drawer in the U-shaped hallway, Prospera hears the sound of footsteps inside the first floor entrance.
Alexandra Palmer/Phoenixcz
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Alexandra Palmer chooses to look around in one of the rooms on the second floor, taking her to one of the rooms on the left, from the main hall. The room is much like the rest of the house, or what she had seen, a red rug on the floor, and wooden walls, gold chandeliers hanging from the ceilings above her head. The room she is brought to is a dining room, with a large wooden table filled with plates and circled by numerous chairs, silverware on each side of the plates and with empty glasses in each spot, on one side of the room was one glass door leading to a stone balcony, with wooden railing, and two statues of a man with short-cropped hair, wearing a business suit, and another wooden door on the other side of the room. Lining the walls are multiple portraits of a man with short-cropped hair and a flawless face, wearing a business suit and a doctor's coat. Beneath each one is a wooden table, with a vase full of lilac flowers on it, and a wooden drawer attached. While Alexandra is distracted by the portraits of the man, she bumps into a table, knocking one of the vases off, causing it to shatter on the floor, creating a puddle of stagnant water, with the wilted and withered lilacs laying in it. Despite the house being abandoned, she can't help but feel that what just happened to the vase was very bad.
Monica Angelique/Mark3000
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Monica chooses to leave the third floor and head for the fourth floor.
As soon as Monica leaves the room and heads up the creaky, bare, wooden stairs, she reaches a blue-painted wooden door which leads into the fourth floor. Her search takes her through the main room, which contained just a chandelier, a suit of armor on one side, and a desk on the other. The desk has many drawers, and was bare on top aside from an old lamp. Lining the walls were even more pictures of the same man that Monica had seen in the portraits on the third floor. While she was distracted by the portraits and wandering about the room, she bumps into the suit of armor, which topples over with a loud, metallic crash. After knocking over the suit of armor, she notices that the door to the bathroom is standing open. She can see from her current position in the main room that the room is also made of wood, however she can't see far enough into the room to see what else is in it.
Winnie Toland/MrBlah
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Winnie chooses to leave the top floor and check the fourth floor.
Moving back down the steps and through the blue-painted wooden door that leads into the fourth floor takes Winnie into a room with bare, creaky wooden floor, with many portraits lining the walls, all of the same man with brown short-cropped hair and a flawless face, wearing a business suit and a white lab coat. Her search for the key to the top floor takes her across a bare main room with a chandelier, a suit of armor, and a desk on one side, and into a bathroom, though there were many other doors on the floor, at least eight other doors, four of which lead to bedrooms. Within the bathroom is a metal sink and a metal toilet, the sink being above a set of wooden cabinets, and rather than having a mirror on the wall above it, it had a full length mirror beside it. Inside the cabinets was a mostly-empty space, though the wear on the bottom made it apparent that it used to be filled with cleaning products. The only thing she finds in the cabinet was a lead pipe that looked like it had been replaced, and just never disposed of. While she was checking inside the cabinets, she hears the suit of armor from the main room being knocked over with a loud, metallic crash.
Doctor Lecter/MiscChaos
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
As Doctor Lecter makes their way to the main room of the Mansion, and to the front door, she finds the door had locked, just as it was designed to do. Every exit in the mansion was designed to open for people to enter, but not to exit, requiring a key to be used from inside. The room, however, and outside within the boundaries of the property, were devoid of any individuals. Lecter then, however, hears the sound of a vase breaking in the Dining Room, followed by the sound of a suit of armor being knocked over in the main room of the third floor. Lecter could sense that other people were present in the building, of course, but specifically people had displaced objects in those rooms.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:34 am
by MiscChaos
A brief surge of disappointment fills her as she notices her guests are not at the door. How poor a host must she be to not greet them at the door for a prompt beginning of their session? She simply must make up for lost time. And it sounds like she has been given hints as to where to start. Either the Dining Room next to her or the main room of the third floor. In the interest of beginning treatment as soon as possible, she decides to make her way to the Dining Room. Still, it's possible that a patient could return to the door or a new guest may enter. In the interest of not being rude, she says, "Calling the Doctor to the Front Door. Calling the Doctor to the Front Door." Within moments, another of the patients saved by The Doctor's Light appears by the Front Door. "We have patients roaming the house. Please keep an eye out for them and escort them through the process if they come around."
"Of course, Doctor." The new Doctor seems to have a lot less trouble sounding like a man than she does. Maybe he shares The Doctor's gender? Well, such a small thing means little to those trying to bring The Doctor's Light to the world. With the front door secured, she is free to move into the Dining Room and take a look around, trying to see who exactly broke The Doctor's vase. She'll need to extend their session a bit longer than anticipated for destroying a part of His property.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Fri Jun 14, 2019 10:05 pm
by Phoenixcz
On a more detailed examination, the house is more interesting than it seemed at the first glance. It's got style, and as Alexandra walks through the hallway and the room, she thinks it would actually be a great place for a ghost, despite... or maybe because...not being just some decrepit ruin. It would be great backgdrop for a horror movie, and at night, the big, empty house would certainly rouse imagination. Too bad she doesn't intend to stay that long... she's got no source of light, for one, and stumbling around in the dark while trespassing isn't a great idea.
As she looks at the statues and the portraits, she wonders how narcisstic must someone be to have so many depictions of himself in one place. It's clearly the same man, not just multiple generations of men that look similar due to being related. And his appearance provides some clues to the house's history. His clothes look relatively modern, and there doesn't seem to be anything showing someone else so far, so the house can't be abandoned that long... as if the good condition wasn't enough of a clue for that. He was some kind of doctor, judging by the coat in the portrait, and rich, if he could afford all this. She'll have to check it out once she gets back home.
As she's a bit lost in thoughts, she, by accident, breaks her promise not to touch or damage anything as she knocks a vase off the table it rested on. She's a bit startled by the noise, but there isn't much she can do about it, and feels bad about that. The house may be abandoned, but that's still no reason to destroy property. Cleaning the mess is a bit pointless for the same reason, though... what's done is done, and she has to be more careful about this sort of thing in the future.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Tue Jun 18, 2019 11:36 pm
by mrblah
Wow... creepy paintings. She supposed these were of the doctor guy who owned this house. Winnie stared into each of them as if trying to peer past a thick smoke. It was a common trope in horror to have secret rooms behind paintings in haunted houses, but there's actually a nugget of truth to it. Most expensive haunted places with an expansive background typically have old rooms that were forgotten during remodeling. Typically, property owners of those places would use those for hiding whichever they wanted. Winnie's family once lived in a hotel with a similar room, though she only found a bunch of boring stolen money and other criminally obtained goods...
What a disappointing day that was. Not even a skull of a long dead robber or something.
She hurried along with her search, eventually coming to a bathroom. Maybe something would be here... Winnie searched it thoroughly, checking the cabinet last to find nothing unexpected, sans a lead pipe. "Who puts a pipe in a cabinet..?" Ghosts. Old ghosts that misplace things do, of course. Winnie shook her head, closing the cabinet with the pipe inside. She didn't find anything useful... the paranormal investigator sighed. She'll have to search elsewhere. But before she could, a loud racket sounded from the room she just passed through, making her jump in surprise and paranoia. Was that... a ghost?! Winnie checked her equipment. She pulled her EMF Meter from her waist belt, checking it for any signs of activity before she would head over to investigate the disturbance. Winnie also reached for a voice recorder.
"This is Specter Investigator Winnie Toland on scene. I'm within the Lecter House, and am closing in on a sound that may or may not have supernatural origins... logging data for further investigation." This was a common act of hers. She'd log possible suspicious activity on her recorder, then play it back and edit the recording's audio later to see if she could find anything hidden. Now, she was ready. Winnie left the bathroom and slowly, cautiously, headed back to the main room with both equipment in hand.
Re: Something in the Dark: The Lecter House (IC)

Thu Jun 20, 2019 2:22 am
by Mark3000
With the foreboding atmosphere of the mansion, Monica began to whistle to herself. No particular tone, she just wanted to fill the building's emptiness with something, anything to pass the time. Though she could see why Winnie was always leaving her classes to go exploring. It was quite the exciting experience.
Now on the fourth floor, Monica decided to give the room a closer inspection. She walked to the desk and started to rummage through the draws. She was a bit curious about the figure who's face was plastered all over the wall. Taking the old lamp, she began to examine all the pictures on the wall. "It would be nice if there was something to light it with" Monica said to herself before running into a suit of armor. "AHHHHH!" She screamed her lungs out at the unexpected surprise. Pausing for a moment she checks the fallen armor to make sure their isn't anything inside. Moving deeper into the room, Monica moves to the open bathroom, giving the door a light tap before entering to check for anyone else.