Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

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Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Gorbaz » Sat Sep 16, 2017 7:50 pm

((Apologies if I have forgotten anyone))

The land of Luxoria has been at peace for the last 80 years, monsters have been forced back into the farthest wilds, evil spirits no longer haunt the graveyards, and the three kingdoms have a standing alliance preventing hostilities from breaking out between them. Trade flourishes in the larger cities, while the villagers on the outskirts get on with their daily lives, content in the knowledge that they looked after. This all came about after the demise of the Lord of Demons, a powerful sorcerer who pulled the evil things from their hiding holes and tried to rule everything with force. Life, to a lesser or greater extent, is good.

Three generations of people have been born and grown up knowing nothing but peace. Those born under the Hero's Star find themselves drawn to become leaders of men, just as much as they do becoming adventurers. While there are still may dark places out in the world, the promise of uncovering hoarded riches are few and far between. However, stories have started to circulate that the villages closest to known monster haunts are suffering from fallow fields, and something drawing off the natural mana of the land. It could just be fanciful tales to explain bad harvests, or it could be the rise of a new dark lord... or the return of an old one...

=Village of Corbry, Arken province=
A small village, consisting of a few dozen simple thatch houses built around a modest paved square. One area has been put aside for merchants from Arken to exchange coin for farmed goods, and nearby is a taphouse intended for those merchants to spend the night. Surrounding the village are large open fields full of various grains, with an area to the south-west given over to pastoral land. A single dirt road leads from the south of the village, towards the provincial capital. The people are close-knit, and follow a village elder in all things.

It was time. Time to bring about the culmination of decades of work, and claim the lands of mortals as your own play-thing. It did not matter to you that a being of immense power summoned you into this realm, or that you had lied through your teeth when he demanded your true name, instead giving him the name of one of your siblings. All that mattered now was that you were here, and you had been given a goal which the fool had been lax in giving the exact details of. Of course, this made your task perhaps a bit too simple - you had been instructed to bring the villagers under the domain of that sorcerer, but without initiating combat with any of them. It seemed that he wanted them to follow of their own free will and, while he undoubtedly had a plan in mind, and had probably written them into that contract, you had been left up to your own devices. As far as you can see, the locals are minding their own business, tending to their fields and whatnot.

Fenric has given you your marching orders - to investigate why the flows of magic have been subtly tapped, and are not running quite as strongly into the lands of Man. He does not know to where they are going, or why, which is why his favourite pet has had her collar released, and sent out into the world. While your skill with magic is non-existent at best, there have been clues which have drawn you to the most northern village of the Human lands of Arken - growth in the north being slightly stunted, the recent vacation of a tribe of Goblins from their home, whispers of the dead rising beyond the mountain range, and it seems that your hunch is on the money! While scouting out the village, your keen vision picked up a feminine figure with copper hair, wings, scant clothing, and a certain air about her. Clearly she was a demon, and at this village for reasons other than taking in the view. A direct confrontation may not be wise, but it could get an answer quickly. Of course, there is the chance that the peasants might know something, too.

=The Five Old Men=

The world has changed. Or, rather, you have changed and see the world differently. Although strange and difficult to process, the barriers of the physical world yield to your presence as if they were not there at all. It is a simple matter to move down the pitch-black stone corridors of the dungeon, everything seeming well-lit to your eyes even when the wall sconces have long since had their contents burn out, and the iron begin to corrode. You can recall the way in, and it should be a simple matter to retrace the steps that your captors once took and emerge from the dungeon, but who knows what else is here? Could some evil still lurk within the crumbling walls? It is difficult to understand why, but you can *see* the fain trails of magical energy in the air and, if they are flowing anywhere in your prison, then it would be toward something of power.

=City of Arken=
Provincial capital of the smallest of the three realms, Arken is still a large city in its own right. Powerful stone walls ring the city, and keep the cramped streets safe from wandering monsters. With space at a premium, the city is not divided into quarters like the other provincial capitals, but instead residential homes press up against commercial properties, and inns nestle against temples. Multi-culturalism is a way of life here, as the only way to get away from persons or species that are undesirable is to leave the city. Most of Arken is built around the base of a hill, on top of which is another stone wall which surrounds the ducal palace

Finding people to have your fun with has been easy in the city. Perhaps a bit too fun? There is always some simpleton wanting to engage in one perverse thing or another, allowing you to wrap them around your finger and feed at your leisure. Still, recent days have given rise to a pall falling over the city, as word filters from the north of failed crops close to the border of the Five Old Men, and those old enough have started to whisper of the return of the Demon Lord. You know that your master has spoken of him in the past, but has always been evasive when it has come to explaining the Lord's goals. He may be able to shed some light on if this is the same, or perhaps you could strike out on your own. The light of day doesn't hurt nearly as much as it used to, and you always have your magic to make it more tolerable.

=Guild of Venture, City of Tonner=
(All the other heroes!)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

It is up to you if you are already here, on your way, or just leaving on a contract. I will leave the specifics of the *how* up to you.

The city of Tonner only holds that title by simply being the biggest collection of buildings in the province. It is far less a city, than it is a collection of villages that are close enough together to offer mutual protection. There is no outer wall, but there is a ring of inner defences that connect the fortified homes of the ruling caste together. Each district has its own watch and, while functionally their own town, there Is no barrier preventing movement from one to another. The Guild of Venture, located within the defencive ring, is run by a co-operative of the ruling families combined with the official Adventuring Guild, and is a large enough structure that all of the city's adventuring types will end up in at one point or another. Contracts are often posted up on the boards, but local and foreign, with payment backed by the families. This has led in the past to people placing contracts up and not paying personally, but each time that happens the families simply raise the taxes to cover their expense. Very few do so anymore.

Contracts on offer today:
Goblin extermination (Local farm)
Garrison Duty (Village of Po, western border fort zone)
Dungeon Investigation (Western border fort)
Bodyguard Duty (Travelling merchant)
Artefact Retrieval (Vandamire Family)

=Church of Valestrn=
If it was located anywhere else, then the Grand Church dedicated to the Lord of Knowledge would be considered little more than a large library, with its two stories packed with tomes of various designs, with attached cloisters for the priests. All the more dangerous books, however, are kept under lock and key in what can affectionately be called the dungeon. Knowledge is strength, but be careful from whence that strength flows.
Today was a good day. The priests had, so far, been welcoming of your presence within their walls. With your appearance resembling some sort of cross between monster and human, they still opened their doors to you so that you might learn. Today was different to most others, as there was a very specific shift in the air. The flows of magic had shifted, and begun to flow more weakly than before. Strange, considering one tome you had found suggested that magic flows like a river, at a constant pace and down specific channels. Although your had been forbidden from accessing the books in the basement, there may be one or two around who might have an idea of what is going on. However, there is little substitute for personal investigation
Last edited by Gorbaz on Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Lorielle » Sat Sep 16, 2017 8:05 pm

Victoria had just woken up in her room at the inn, it'd been quite the journey from Arken to here but it was nice to be on the road. Her family expects her to make a name for herself and win more glory for the long line of knights that have come before her. This meant combat, lots and lots of combat. So as a bit of a ritual Victoria found herself in her little red clock the previous night after seeing what contracts were available then she had a bit of fun with some farmers who were more than happy to tell her the woes of a goblin infestation.

The night was fun but awake and less frustrated it was time to actually do her duty as a knight of the realm. Setting off she went to find the farm that was being harried by goblins.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Sep 16, 2017 10:51 pm

Henrietta left the inn accompanied by two young adventurers. The two of them had approached her the night before. Both seemed nervous to take one their first contract together, so she escorted them to her room ... for a light fee. Henrietta giggled as she remembered how stiff young men were the night before. Entering the guild building, she strutted over to the contract board looking for her next job. Henrietta had developed quite the reputation among her other adventurers, but that didn't keep them from coming to her.

Looking up and down the list, her eyes settled on the Garrison Duty post.These jobs were usually a breeze and provided ample opportunities for some side-action. Taking the contract, she made her way to the Village of Po.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby MelissaB » Sat Sep 16, 2017 11:41 pm

Amy as she had introduced herself looked upon the village, she had a distasteful look on her face, clearly unhappy with her task though at least the means and her pass times would be her own thanks to the loosely worded task set before her, still she would have to start small. Folding her wings behind her back she moves off, trying to sneak over to one of the locals that was off on their own so she could behind weaving her magic into seducing the town to her current task master's wishes.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby mrblah » Sun Sep 17, 2017 2:44 am

It seemed like her search finally yielded some fruit, she believed. It had been some time since her master had given her this task, and in that amount of time; she's found nothing of worth to him. Various towns and cities she had visited seemed far too untouched by the recent mysteries afoot in Luxoria, and none of them granted her any clues as to where to go next. But finally, she had found her way to something seemingly of worth. A series of lucky breaks led her to a small village that had been in the vicinity of more than one suspicious happening, and if her keen eyes tell right, it's about to receive another directly.

Cresca couldn't fathom why a demon would appear or seem interested in the village, but from the looks of things, that may be her next clue to whatever's happening. Still, she was wary. Her skill with the bow is non-negotiable, and combat comes easy to the elf; but who knows what this demon could do? It's likely she might have a few of her own tricks up her nonexistent sleeves (she dressed in a rather risque fashion, Cresca noticed), and though Cresca's not the brightest of the bunch; her master stressed heavily the consequences of rushing into a battle without knowing your opponent. Before she even gets close; she'd rather scope her out first. And that leads to the question... what to do next?

Well, instead of over-thinking it; she simply drops down from her perch on top of a branch and makes her way into the village, intending on finding the nearest bar (like her master suggested) and asking around. Normally this would be a terrible idea; but Cresca had been smart enough to acquire some robes on her travels. A large hood covered her head, and the rest of the robes cloaked her body. Unfortunately; it also meant that she had to leave her bow and quiver in plan sight, meaning it was on her back. Hopefully she can explain it away by saying she's just an adventurer.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Lord Butts » Sun Sep 17, 2017 7:46 am

Myst licked a bit of blood clean from her teeth, leaving the man drained to death. The stable hand had been kind, and so he was spared being locked away and used as live stock, but a girl has to eat after all. She started to leave the man's house but hissed when she reached the door, it had taken longer than she thought and the sun had risen. She pouts her lips and sweeps back inside, her cloak flourishing. She decides it might be time to meet with her master, or at least get some answers. She gathers parchment and uses what little blood the man had left to first, write a letter, second draw up a demon circle and third draw up a binding contract, should the demon not respond to a verbal one. She wanted to summon an imp, or something else stealthy and fast to deliver the message. She wanted it to also slash the former stable hand's throat, making him seem like the one who summoned it and failed. Once she had done all this she cast summon minor demon.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Littlemankitten » Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:32 pm

Nuria had been in the middle of a tome about the history of the church itself when he first noticed the change in the air. It brought with it a tiny feeling of dread to him, though he didn't know why. Looks like history is going to have to wait. He made his way back to the magic section of tomes and scrolls and began pawing around, looking for that one might be able to explain a disruption in the flow of magic. He didn't expect much, many of the magical books on the top floors seemed to be small and for people that knew nothing about it. Perhaps some of the books in the basement explained more, but he wasn't about to break the rules of such hospitable people without more reason. Well, if the readings on the top floor yielded no results, he would just have to ask a priest about something more in detail about the flow of magic. Which, given his nature, shouldn't be that unreasonable of a request.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Urhr93 » Sun Sep 17, 2017 9:40 pm

With steady steps Jade walked away from the Guild of Venture after having signed up for the Goblin Extermination job, strolling along as she headed out of town while thinking back at the available tasks and her choice.

There was no way she'd go retrieve the missing artifact, after all the masses had much more need for a savior than any random noble family. No, she wouldn't be lackey for them, nor she'd go be a bodyguard for the traveling merchant. If she had to protect someone, wouldn't the garrison duty be better? After all she'd guard the safety of many more people, compared to a single individual or at most a small group.

But standing watch wouldn't beat actively go search for evil monsters to deal due retribution, and as such the goblin extermination and dungeon investigation were the best choice for Jade.
The first would have her go exterminate an immediate threat, whereas the second may make her prevent a future yet possibly more dangerous menace... in the end she choose to go with the first one, mostly due to how near it was. First she'd go help those poor farmers out, then after reporting she'd most likely travel to the western border if the investigation duty was still there.

Once she was done reiterating the train of thoughts that lead to her current choice she noticed that she was already out of town, the last building of Tonner a few yards behind, so without losing anymore time she'd raise her hands to summon a steed, parting her heavy cloak as she did so and revealing the golden silk underneath, intent on riding all the way to the farm.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Sep 25, 2017 8:31 pm

=City of Tonner=

(Victoria + Jade)
Moving out from the Guild of Venture, you both find yourselves on the same path, leading out and to the East and the village of Vester. While the roads than run between the cities are well paved and lived with stableposts, those that run out to the villages are less well maintained. Still, the open pastoral land seems undisturbed, and although you pass a few commoners on your way out of the city, everyone seems in high spirits - at least until you are out of sight of the city itself, then travellers seem to thin out. It will be a short while before you get to the village, and while there are no signs of goblin infestation so far, it may not be far off.

The village of Po was a long way away. Still, the money was good, and unless something had really rilled up the locals, then it would be an easy job. Of course the prospect of walking that far was none too appealing, so that left public transport. Simple wagons run to all locations across the known world for a small fee, and some will take payment on arrival so there was no need to be overly concerned with immediate payment. But, it would be slow - probably a couple of days to travel the full distance. Private hire carrages existed as well, and were much more flexible with their rates. Still, although faster, it would still be the best part of a day to get there. There was one other option, and that was contracting a mage to open a portal, but without a guild regulating them, what they could demand in exchange for their services could never be anticipated.

=Village of Corbry, Arken province=

The townsfolk out in the fields were all busy trying to maintain a good harvest, and as such were not that attentive to things going on around them. Sneaking through the long grains, most that were spotted were middle-aged and weathered from a life in the fields. It might be unconventional to start with a plain peasant, but off on one of the livestock fields was a younger girl, seemingly new enough to a life of labour that she still had a modicum of respect for her own appearance. Her hair was cut short and her frame, although small, was still firm and well-built. It should not be too difficult to put her to sleep, but there is always the more direct approach (even if it is more likely to blow your cover)

The demon seemed to move off through the fields and, with the rest of the farmers seemingly occupied by their own work, it was a simple matter to drop down and slip through into the village proper. The place itself is not very big compared to other places, and while it does not have an inn at the same level as other places, the small taphouse door swings open easily and you are able to enter without any real problems. The barman has a hollow look in his eyes as he leans on the bar, and the only other two patrons look to be locals. All turn to look at you as you enter, somewhat unused to seeing an Elf in the area, but as you were not considered to be a monster, they go back to their drinks. Any one of them might have useful information, but the question is where to start... and what to say

=Church of Valestrn=

Moving down from the upper stacks, it was not hard to locate one of the more senior priests, and it was fortunate that it was the older Raymond who had always been kindly towards anyone wandering through the doors. Although not the top of the order, he was much higher than most of the priest-scribes. The bearded man once again gave his smile at your approach. "Greetings, seeker. Is there something that I can help you find?" A brief explanation of your feeling, and his brow furrowed. "Hmm. A change in the flows of mana? Well, it could be a natural occurrence, say like if one of the main springs suffered a landslide or something. But we have not had any events like that recently. Otherwise it would have to be manual interference. Of course, anyone with the skill to subtly change the flow would have to be quite powerful"

=City of Arken=
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Magic casting roll - 4. Success!

The circle is small - no need to draw undue attention by having a huge glowing portal - and it is a simple matter to link it through to the demon realm through the use of shared blood. Before long, an imp materialises in the middle and, after a moments confusion about exactly where it was, looked up at the buxom young woman in front of him. Rubbing his hands together, and with a grin, he cocks his head to one side. "What can this one do for you, oh grand summoner?" he asks, clearly trying to butter you up. Of course, you were already wise to such simple manipulations, and it came off as more snivelling than anything else.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Urhr93 » Mon Sep 25, 2017 9:40 pm

Sae kept going at a steady pace, letting her steed trot forward among the various peasants and figures moving about on her same road. It wasn't that she liked the view or was too laid back to hurry there, but rather she choose to not go too fast least she ended up trampling some innocent walking through the road, a worry that progressively decreased as she left the more travelled road for the practically empty and unpaved paths leading to her destination, her speed slowly increasing and then galloping forward at full speed towards her destination.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Sep 25, 2017 11:08 pm

Despite her appearance, Henrietta was a very patient woman. If it meant she could save a few coins, public transportation wouldn't be a problem. With a skip in her step, Henrietta walked to the closest station and waited for the next wagon run to the Village of Po.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby MelissaB » Tue Sep 26, 2017 7:51 pm

Pouting at her choices. "The man could of given me a wealthy city to corrupt, no out here in the inbred country." She mutters bitterly before spotting the maiden, smiling she can't help herself and finds herself drawn towards her, humming softly to herself as she made her approach, her wings folding up over her back while she herself moved towards the girl, moving to cast a spell and put her to sleep so as to not expose herself on her first attempts.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby mrblah » Wed Sep 27, 2017 2:19 am

Cresca shrunk back within herself a bit, nervous to have so many curious eyes upon her. Her time back with her master and his underlings hadn't prepared her for anything of the like, as they were all elves themselves and weren't the type to pry into their leader's business. If anything, most of them had avoided her, seeing her as Fenric's personal plaything, as well as his deadliest weapon. The newfound attention she brought made her almost believe they saw through her disguise, somehow.

That thought left as soon as the humans went back to their business, and Cresca let out a sigh of relief, though she attempted to hide it. Gazing around the bar, she located the one who seemed to be the owner of the bar, and made her way to him, careful as to keep her hood in place. Standing before him, she looked the man up and down to gauge how threatening he may be -- a habit she developed rather early in her rough life. She opened her mouth to speak, making a few false starts due to her nervousness. This would be her first time speaking to a human, and the first time speaking to someone NOT a monster. Realizing how odd it might have seemed for her to just stand and gape her mouth like a fish; she forced the words out somewhat quickly. "H-have you noticed anything odd?"
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Lord Butts » Wed Sep 27, 2017 6:51 am

Myst smiled sweetly at the little demon and, without saying a word held up the written contract. The contract stated that the demon was to deliver a message to her master and contained details of where he was likely to be. In return he would be allowed to touch any part of her before returning to the demon realm, and if he is quick and is not seen by anyone, she would allow him to jerk off onto her, if he so chose, if not he would still get a touch and then have to return. She put the paper in his circle as well as a quill and ink for him to sign it.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Littlemankitten » Wed Sep 27, 2017 10:57 pm

Nuria thought about the priests answer for a moment. Indeed, he thought if one of the mana springs had suffered some sort of natural disaster, the priests would be in a form of panic. And for some reason he figured he would know even if no one told him about it. Though a being strong enough to disrupt the very tides of magic does not sound like good for anyone. Though what could possibly be that powerful? Could a human mage gain enough power to alter the flow of magic? Perhaps, but Nuria doubted it.

"How much power? Something a powerful human mage or other such creature could attain? Or something that has an innate connection to magic itself? A better question would be, why would someone want to alter the flow?" He asked the priests these questions as he asked himself. His telepathic thoughts bouncing through the priests mind. His way of communicating had put almost all the younger priests on edge, and only the senior ones seemed to speak to him. Better for Nuria, they would be more knowledgeable.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Lorielle » Thu Sep 28, 2017 1:18 am

Victoria was walking along the path greeting and being cordial with any passerby that she happened to see on her way the mission area. A lot of it was quite peaceful, different from the hustle and bustle of city life, but the change was welcomed nonetheless. The knight was eventually passed up by a woman in golden robes, though she didnt see any reason to make contact with the woman and continued to walk along keeping her eye on the treeline for goblins.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Gorbaz » Thu Oct 05, 2017 7:06 pm

=Farmland (Goblin contract)=

With the woman in gold racing off ahead, you continued on your way, noting that she was going down the very same path as yourself. It was quite probable that she was hoping to get to the village first, get the contract, and then move along before you even got there. Still, walking through the open countryside was at the very least relaxing, and distracting from any worries. There were so few other people on the road that your mind was able to wander for some time, until the village came into sight - along with a familiar figure glinting in the sun. It was still some distance off, but if you picked up the pace, you could make it in decent time. Or, of course, knowing what the contract was, it should not be too hard to move off the beaten track and find the goblin hideout yourself - after all, they often left their spoils outside to mark their territory.

Having moved out of the more populated areas, and coercing your steed into a steady canter, you are soon making very good time toward your destination. A short way along the road you pass by another adventurer from the guild but, as they decide to keep to themselves, the most your ears pick up is the sound of the wind whipping past you. It was probable that they were on the way to the same job as yourself, but if you got there first, you would not need to share the reward and glory! So it was that, after a good fifteen minutes of moving at different speeds, and waiting for your steed to rest every now and then, that you entered into the local village. No sign hung over the gate to advise of the settlement's name, but that was hardly uncommon for the smaller places of the world.

The farm itself was quite small, counting barely a half-dozen homes clustered around a manor house. Fields of wheat spread out in all directions and, while it seemed well-grown, the peasants were not out harvesting. Instead, outside of the manor house was what you took to be the village headman, with a small grouping of other humans around. While not close enough to gather the whole story, raised voices from the crowd alluded to one or more members of the community being given away for an unspecified reason.

Patience was the better virtue and, taking your time to find a reputable carriage, you approach one going in the right direction. It looked comfortable for a local wagon, with both an open section and a closed one - presumably the open section was for hauling grains. The driver gave a curt nod as you approached and asked for a destination. "Aye, I'm going out that west" he said, sitting back in the drivers seat, reigns for the pair of sturdy horses in his lap. "I take payment on arrival, and how much depends on where you sit. Inside costs more, but you will actually get a seat. Oh, and if you are hard up for cash, I'm open to negotiation at the end."

With no other wagons going that way today, or at least for any kind of reasonable price, you hop on and take your seat of choice, before the reigns crack and, with a jolt, the wagon trundles off down the road. The journey was expected to take the best part of the day. There were only two other people in the enclosed carriage - a young woman who, by her appearance was some kind of lordling, and a Halfling apprentice. The open carraige was, however, empty.
=Village of Corbry, Arken province=


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Cast Sleep: roll=3. Success!
Chance for peasants to spot anything unusual = 20% Roll=4. Nobody saw a thing!

Whatever his reasons, you had your orders, and besides it would be less notable corrupting a village like this over one of the province centres (although there would be a greater indulgence of the flesh with so many bodies behind their walls). Still, here you were, and there ahead was the first step on your road to... what? Your own empire of flesh? Bringing the demon realm into this one? Thoughts for a future time, perhaps, as you let the energies of the higher planes flow through you, out from your fingers, and ensnare the young farm girl. She blinks for a moment, takes a faltering step, and then collapsed into the soft mud. A quick glance around revealed that no other humans were on their way over to investigate, leaving you free to go on your way... or perhaps play with the mind of the girl first? After all, you know that your magic will let you control her head and, while a bit sloppy, will allow access to her mind.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Charisma check: Roll=7. Fail.

The inkeep looked you up and down, raising an eyebrow slightly at the image of the stammering beauty who had just wandered into his establishment. "Anything strange? Other than you walking in my door?" he asks back with a slight chuckle, before busying himself with cleaning a mug with an altogether used-looking rag. "Can't say there's anything going on hereabouts that concerns any outsiders. Now, why don't you have a seat, miss, and have a drink or two? It might not be Elvish wine, but it will put a fire in your belly" It was clear that the man was going to be tight-lipped, but there were other ways to loosen a tongue - perhaps a bit of gold going his way might yield some information, or some of the more... exotic lessons your master gave you might work o the others once you can get them alone?

=Church of Valestrn=

Raymond turned and gave a brief gesture for Nuria to follow even as he stroked his beard. Like all the other humans, feeling words entering his mind rather than hearing them was somewhat disturbing, but he kept his expression as neutral as he could around the unusual being. "You show more wisdom than most" he said, leading Nuria towards the stairs that descended towards the forbidden vaults. "Asking who is simple, but asking why shows learning. I cannot answer all your questions, but I can say that it is more likely to be a mortal that would alter the flow. One more in-tune with mana would simply travel to where it is strong. As for how much power would be needed? I believe there is a tome below that could answer that question".

Reaching into his robes as the two of you reach the sealed door, Raymond pulled out a heavy key and unlocked the door, pushing it aside and letting the cold, stale air flow out. Swiftly, he lead Nuria inside and, lighting one of the torches with a wave of his hand, he moved over to the single stack that dominated the centre of the room. Although it was crammed full of various books and scrolls, he pulled a very particular one off the shelf and placed it on the one lecturn in the room. "This is a journal from nearly a hundred years ago. I will not bore you with the details of its previous owner, but know that within its pages is a description of one who aimed for immortality, and who it is said tried to bind both the mortals and demons to his will"

=City of Arken=
The little imp glanced over the contract, clearly not paying attention to the find details and only interested in the parts about delivering a massage, and getting to cum on her flesh. Quickly taking up the quill, he scratched the name 'Quixok' on the bottom line, and thrust it back at Myst with a grin on his face. "This one will be quick, oh great summoner, you can count on that! Just give me the message, break the circle, and I'll go find your master." Already his little wings were fluttering with excitement, and what little scraps accounted for clothing were being pushed up between his legs as his mind worked overtime with the promised reward
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Once the message is given, he will leave to deliver it, leaving Myst free to do whatever she wants for a post or two
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby mrblah » Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:47 am

Cresca carefully considered her options, standing awkwardly at the table as she did. After a moment of silence, she reached back into her robes, slipping her hand into her pouch and pulling out a few coins from her meager supply. It was only 4 coins, but anymore and she'd risk her dinner, in the case that her future hunting provides no food. Then again, the chances of that happening are unlikely, so long as there are animals to hunt in the first place.

She placed the 4 coins on the table, discreetly moving her hand back to show them to the bartender, but made sure to shield any eyes glancing from behind. "Is this enough... for you to talk?" She tried, hoping she could persuade the man otherwise. She had her orders, and Cresca truly would rather not make her master angry. An angry Fenric is a very physical Fenric, after all. "I-if it's not, then I can give you more." She continued, carelessly letting her desperation be clearer than she'd want, a clumsy move to make.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Oct 06, 2017 2:54 am

Henrietta gave the driver a sincere smile as she took a seat in the enclosed carriage. Noticing the two travelers, she naturally gravitates towards the the young woman. Sitting right in front of her, Henrietta gives the woman a smile. "It's not often you see a woman of high standing travel with commoners." She said in a joking fashion.
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Re: Dungeon Raiders / Rise of the Demon Lord

Postby Littlemankitten » Fri Oct 06, 2017 10:03 pm

"A foolish prospect, trying to bend the world to ones will can only result in failure." Nuria stated as he glided over to the journal, feeling it softly with his hands. Being able to read words by touching the letters, regardless of how they were made. Though it gave him quite the headache after a while. Nuria carefully flips through the journal, taking his time to gather the information and not mess up the journal somehow.
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