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Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 7:27 am
by CondorBoH
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The Holy Grail War. A famous event in the magical community that is said to take place every 60 years. The exact details are sometimes vague for the less wealthy and powerful magus families, but many are willing to take the risks involved in the contest to enter. Those who enter had best be prepared to fight to the bitter end against potentially better prepared and more powerful opponents, not to mention the wild-card factor of not knowing half of your enemies until they slip up...

Regardless, this particular War is going to be different. The promise was one with a peaceful resolution, rather than a total bloodbath. The side effect of this is, of course, the reward at the end being lesser. Normally the winner of a Holy Grail War can make a wish, or so they say. But this time that wish will be... weaker. The participants must lower their standards when it comes to their true desires. There are other rewards, as promised, but they will become clear in time.

Competitors: You are aware that the Servants present in this war will regenerate after their defeat, and the act of totally killing a Master through a Servant is forbidden. A strange magic is present in this area, one that seems to drive your emotions wild. You feel physical need growing every hour, twice so for the Servants. If you defeat an enemy team, they are forced to join you, slaves to your own desires. After you have grown comfortable with your Servant, you will receive a message from the War's 'Sponsor', which will go into more detail of the rules, deliver a map of the area that includes safe zones and other important information, and announce the official beginning to the Holy Grail War.

There are 2 days before the first round of battles, and you begin on the eve of the first.
The game starts as a Seal forms on your hand...

Servants: Keep in mind you do not have access to your Noble Phantasm right from the get-go, and you do not have to reveal your identity to your Masters. Being public with your identity is a great way to paint a target on your back.

Players, OOC: Take your time to describe the location of the scene you are in, I chose to be rather vague. Use this opportunity to plan out your own 'home base' of sorts and, if you are partnered with another player, establish who you are to each other.
If you don't want to describe your surroundings, that's fine, I'll just take care of it.

mrblah and Lord Butts
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Cade, looking down at your hand you see the symbol start to form on it. It stings for a moment as the body of a woman begins to appear from the light of the summoning, before settling into a recognizable shape just as the Servant does.
Judging from the shape of the mark... Rider. Not your first pick, but it would do. You do a quick look around your study room, making sure the summoning didn't knock anything over.
Huh, that weird wind that blew through must be superficial or something. It felt strong but nothing but a few papers were disturbed.

Rider, you shake off the quesy feeling of being summoned, stretching your spiritual body a few times. You feel way stronger, which is good, you're meant to. Servants are far tougher than they were as humans. You know you are far away, and wistfully note the distant smell of the sea. This city was a port one, thank the heavens for that. You'd be in your element, so long as you could convince your new 'Master' to take that route. He looked young, perhaps a student, which could prove to be a disadvantage. Still, to be involved in this circumstance he would have to be a decently powerful Magus.

knightvanilla and Earthling
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Avenger, you feel your vision swim as you are pulled from the other side, an odd blue blur filling the room as you finally take it all in. Lines dance in your eyes for another few moments until you shake it off, colour and light becoming clear. You find yourself in a large bedroom, a young woman's in fact. Clothes and other personal effects and thrown about haphazardly. The exception to this mess is, of course, where you are standing. Instead it is laid out in a surprisingly well constructed summoning circle.

Another lurch in your vision, and you find yourself face-to-face with your Master. You know it's your Master automatically, but did you expect this person?

Chloe, the summoning of your Servant appears to have gone off without a hitch. That said, it's not as if you've performed something like this before, so who knows if something bad happened or not.
Ah well, not that it matters, you got your Servant right here in front of you. She's not exactly what you'd expected though, not quite human. But then again, the stories of some people in history make them seem more (or less) than mere humans.

Some excess magic from the summoning crackles around the circle once before disappearing. That reminds you! You should have a mar- oh yeah, new temporary tattoo essentially. You have a Command Seal on your hand. But you can't quite put your finger on what type of Seal it is.
You've studied what shapes the Seals take for each class, and again... this one...
Ah doesn't matter, you just must be having a short term memory loss. Isn't a problem, you'll put your finger on it later, time to see what you got.

Gorbaz and NPC
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Ah, there you are."
You awaken in a warm, comfortably lit room. So much different to the world you were raised in. A sudden lurching fills your body, new strength flowing through your veins. You can feel your mind slowly slipping away and a powerful strength and bloodlust takes its place... until it all stops and retracts, your mind returning to how it was before. You can think normally again, though you swear it is the slightest bit harder to concentrate than it was in life.
"Do excuse that no doubt uncomfortable sensation, I am merely checking the influence of Madness Enhancement on your faculties, Berserker. Can you speak? I wish for you to be more than a rabid dog, so I do hope you are able."

The woman standing before you wears an impeccable tuxedo and is ordained as if she had just returned from an expensive event. Though she is wearing gloves, you can feel the Command Seal on her right hand.
As you look around, you see that the room has glass windows, huge ones that occupy most of the wall to one side, affording an expansive view of the nighttime city lights below. Clearly your Master is quite well off, especially so as it becomes quite clear the size of this apartment. Penthouse, perhaps? This could be quite advantageous.

Reaver and NPC
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Assassin, you awaken in a dark room, not something you're uncomfortable with to say the least. Even if your body wasn't that of a spirit, with all senses enhanced, you wouldn't have any trouble seeing in this darkness. A couple of blinking lights are visible to one side and you slowly come to realize that this is what would be a 'garage'. Your mind floods with information, befitting a modern day thought.
... Turntables, keyboard, guitar, speakers.
This room screamed 'LOUD' in large letters.

On that note, so did the man standing in front of you. Roughly early twenties... or maybe late teens, hard to tell. He's got a dumb grin on his face and you can feel rather than see the Command Seal on his right hand.
"Yo, yo! Man that took a while, shit I was expecting it not to work all of a sudden. Hell yeah! Yo Servant, what's yo deal? Wasn't so sure what one I'd get, but let's be real man, any Servant is rad enough. Let's get along and get it on, future winners right here!"Image

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Fri May 26, 2017 10:57 am
by mrblah
The summoning is a success, I thought to myself. A Rider can do a great many things if applied right... I just need to be careful and precise. This Holy Grail War is different from all the previous ones. Too different, in my opinion... but it's no matter. I'll work with it, I'll win, and I'll gain a power that will make my family legendary.

Before I address my new partner for this war, I look around my study room once more. I had specifically adapted it just for this summoning, to impress my servant. It was a large room that was underground, with a few tasteful decorations made to give it a Victorian era feel. It was candlelit, of course, and its walls that were covered by neat bookshelves had been given a new coating of blue paint. The room had a few rugs I positioned specifically in various battle formations, in case of a sudden attack. My desk was situated in the center of the furthest wall from the door, with a large painting of a castle behind me. Any Magus worth their salt could see that the painting wasn't any normal painting, but to the untrained eye, it'd merely look like a normal castle. I had made sure to hide all of my research in various places in and out of my home. You could never be too safe in a Holy Grail War.

I do hope all of my work pays off... it's time to greet my guest. Just as practiced, Cade.

"So, you are to be my servant for this Holy Grail War... it's nice to meet you. My name is Cade Caldwell, heir to the Caldwell family." I spoke calmly, and stood up from my chair. I gave a practiced and formal bow, showing respect to the woman before me who no doubt deserves it. Heroic Spirits are legendary. Amazing beings who once were incredible humans, but humans still, just as I am now. The woman before me must have done many awe-inspiring things to have became one, although I have no idea who she is.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Sat May 27, 2017 7:58 am
by Reaver
Clarissa cringed and her nose crinkled as she took in the appearance of the room she was summoned in and her 'master'. By 17th century standards, he was rather well dressed, but by modern standards, he was in casual-wear. He definitely didn't seem like someone of high status, even if he was a magi if his clothes and room of summoning were anything to go by. She was tempted a little bit to just kill him and try her luck at finding a new master to form a pact with, but figured it'd be best to at least give him a day to provide her with some assurances of victory that wouldn't be solely based on her own efforts.

"Right..." Keeping her voice neutral and calm while forcing herself to remove a hand from the hilt of a dagger on her waist. "The ritual and the Holy Grail caught me up on mostly everything, so the only unimportant things I don't know are who you are and who our adversaries will be." Hoping to direct him towards acting more professional and focus him on what she had been summoned to do before he even considered doing something stupid like get her to play the guitar. The saber on her hip jingled as she took a step forward and gestured with a clenched fist across her chest. "I am Assassin. I slew many in my time from the darkness and I will do so for you as well. Tell me your wish for the Grail and I will strive to make it a reality." Formally going down on one knee in front of her master. Her lovely red hair fell down in front of her face, hiding her eyes as she considered what should be her next steps. Even if she did plan on eliminating her own master sooner rather than later, gaining his trust would be important to make the action go undetected. To that end, playing the role of the subservient and professional assassin would go a long way. "Also.... If I may ask, what did you use for my catalyst? I died at sea as a nobody with all of my belongings."

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Sun May 28, 2017 9:26 pm
by Earthling
Chloe stumbled backwards as the bright light shone into her eyes, catching her off guard. With a flompf she fell onto the big soft bed. "Wooow, that was so cool!" She exclaimed in amazement as the light started to fade, and her Servant started to come into appearence "And you look so cool as well!"
Sitting up straight in a quick motion, her breasts jiggling in their bikinitop, the young Master began to examine her Servant. She onestly didn't expect the ritual to be such a success on the first try, and she had been quite nervous to be honest. But she did manage so summon a badass-looking lady (too bad there probably were not cock down there though) and the house didn't explode, so that's good! She thinks.
"The name's Chloe! Chloe Yamakaze, and I guess I'm your Master for this war!" The spritely young girl lept up from her bed and reached out a hand in greeting "Nice to meet ya!"

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Mon May 29, 2017 8:23 am
by Gorbaz
The sudden wrenching feeling of living again pulled at Chunhua's guts at the same time that her mind with pulled and twisted, before getting let go. She tried to stay standing even as memories of her violent death mixed with the sudden return to life, wobbling only slightly as everything inside and out righted themselves. Looking around, she could tell that she was no longer in China - the architecture was all wrong, and the woman standing infront of her was not one of her countrymen. Strangely, she could understand the words spilling out even when the language was not her own.

"Yes. I can talk" she said, keeping her voice quiet and level, straightening herself as everything settled into place. Things that she should not know swam into her mind as the power of the Grail told her of the summoning, and her purpose. "It seems I am once more bound to a path not of my choosing. Tell me, what is this place?"

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 9:44 pm
by KnightVanilla
Oblivion.... The state she felt her soul stuck in... This place was foreign but familiar... She might have remembered stories of it from her father, but had no means to confirm it yet. Then the flame once more sparked... Anger.... Hate... Bloodlust, but it was kept at bay by it's cold stone core. In her slumber she had forgotten who she was... But now she remembers. Now as information floods into her mind a new desire and a new goal are presented to her. In a flash she begins to feel the ground beneath her feet. The stuffy air of the enclosed room... The cracking and popping of her fingers as she stretches her grip. Testing her movements as though she were just waking up.

To think the mages would had organized in secrecy to craft such a complex system to grant a Victor a wish. Or in today's expectations a contest to compare magical, tactical, and aptitude to become a Victor. Such honor would had been seen as great within her time if it were not for the bloody beginnings of the other holy trail wars... The trail however seemed to dictate only vague details of previous wars. It was then she became aware of herself... Her capacity for thought... And the calm demeanor... She was no beserker... She has become the anomaly, Avenger.

As is the question of every servant she asks her first question before the girl spoke. "Are you my master?" that question was quickly answered in her master's excitement. She had an abundance of energy... Something she found adorable. Although her choice in attire was unbecoming. It did occur to her that most magi without a catalyst could only summon a servant of like spirit and mentality. "It is pleasant to make your acquaintance. I must inquire of you... What did you use for your catalyst. Under normal circumstances it should be impossible to summon me in the state I'm in. From my new found knowledge I would had normally have been a beserker. However the trail has seemed fit to bestow upon me the role of avenger... How much do you know of this holy trail war?" shaking the girls hand she wondered just how knowledgeable she was in the practice of mage craft. In her previous life she was by no means a great mage like her ancestors, but she did know to keep her practice away from her personal quarters.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2017 10:33 pm
by Lord Butts
Grace, no, it was to be Rider now. Stepped down from the light, her form glowing. After a moment of this her clothes form and she stops glowing but stands before the boy, stretching slightly, she wore what one might expect, a long jacket, stolen from no doubt. A tricorn hat with a few feathers in it. In her belt she wore a pistol and a long saber.

She looked around the room, brushing a bit of red hair from her face, grinning wide as she stretched, then she spoke.

"So you're the one who summoned me then? Well let me get a good look at ya." she appraises him, eyeing him up and down. "Yer a bit young...but I suppose I was too when I got my start, so you'll do." she offers him a hand. "You can call me Rider, or saber, or archer. You and I both know what I am,but they don't have to. My skills lie in the sea, but by the smell of things that shouldn't be too hard. What about you? What do you do?"

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 1:11 am
by mrblah
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(switching to third person narration to conform with everyone else's posts)

He wasn't too quick to take her hand, but neither was he too slow. He shook her hand, and subsequently pulled back afterwards. "I'm a student at West Bank Extra Academy. It's a college that many other magi attend, which means we'll need to be cautious... and I mean no disrespect, Rider," He began after a moment of hesitation, "But you don't appear to be that much older than me." Which he's very much aware of. It was something he found to be a bit curious, but didn't see any reason to bring it up or think much of it; until this opportunity to quench his curiosity was presented to him.

He also took a quick glance at the clock, hoping that not too much time had passed. Thankfully, it appeared that he still had plenty of time to finish his last minute preparations. Two days was the amount of time given to the Masters before the war begins, and two days is more than enough time for a Caldwell to prepare. Although, he had been preparing the moment he heard of the chance; there were still a few things he couldn't do without his Servant. But now, he has Rider, and he'll be able to prepare as necessary.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 6:49 am
by Lord Butts
Rider shakes his hand firmly, keeping eye contact. When he speaks, she laughs softly. "The grail obviously pulled me in my prime, I don't think you want a seventy year old woman shuffling along beside you." she nods. "So then, Cade, what do you need from me to get ready for this war." she looks around the room. "And do you have any booze?" she chuckles softly. "Kidding...mostly. Anyway, we'll need a bigger place if we want to practice anything besides kissing." she winks at him. "Once again, kidding...mostly."

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:35 pm
by mrblah
... Mostly? What does she mean by that? He thought, giving her a brief incredulous look (complete with a slightly red face he'd deny having), before he decided to move on. Probably just teasing him. "To answer your questions in order of importance; I need your help to plan out our battle strategies. You are a Rider, so you must have some measure of ability in tact, I believe. It also appears that you are a pirate," he gestured to her clothing, "which makes me assume that you'd prefer long-ranged assaults. My family's specialty happens to be alchemy, and I'm well-versed on the subject. I am also proficient in trap creation, as well." Something he believes will be an invaluable skill to have in this war.

"And you don't have to worry. I've already found and prepared three separate locations we can use as a backup base of operations, trap, or combat zone. The one we currently are in, my home, is the most secure of them all." He was proud to admit this fact, as he put a great amount of time in securing these locations. Of all three of them, he's confident the traps in his home has the best chance of defeating an invading enemy. "... And to answer that other question, I'm afraid I have no alcoholic beverages. If you wish, I can acquire some before the war begins."

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2017 7:50 pm
by Lord Butts
She nods. "I am indeed a rider, but that doesn't mean all I do is ride, I'm a skilled fighter when I have to be. We need a ship...I can sail any of them, and it seems I will be skilled in handling modern vehicles as well." she twirls the pistol in her hand, then in a flash her clothing changed to a more modern look. a black tanktop with a skull and crossbones. and some jean shorts, even having some flipflops on. "This should let me get around town without looking like a freak so to say. Let's go check out the harbor, hmm?" she pats him on the shoulder. "Also, don't worry about booze...I'll find my own."

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 7:56 am
by mrblah
"If you so wish, but before we depart..." He reached down to one of his desk's drawers and grabbed something out of it. He then walked over to Rider and gave it to her. "I'm not entirely certain if you're aware, but this is a phone. It's a device created by people with no chance in utilizing Magecraft or any knowledge that it exists whatsoever, to communicate over long distances. Normally, I would not even be touching this... but I made an exception.

These particular devices can be rather useful, in a number of ways. With these, we should be able to communicate over long distances. I've already added my phone number to the contacts list, as well as added several saved locations to the GPS." He explained. Cade then proceeded to the door and unlocked it. He had made sure the room was secure with mundane and not-so-mundane means, which included 3 different locks, as it were. He then opened the door and politely gestured for Rider to proceed. "Ladies first."

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2017 4:54 pm
by Lord Butts
She takes the phone from him with a bow of the head. "Thank you kindly, it's no compass and map, but it will do." she snickers slightly at her own joke. "I don't plan to separate from you for that long if I have to, I may be a good shot but I'm no Archer, I need your mana. Besides, and I mean no look like you'd get you ass handed to you in a fight." she passes by him. "And cut the gentlemanly crap, I'm a no good pirate, not a fancy lady of court...well, I CAN be a fancy lady of court but I choose not to be."

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 8:53 am
by mrblah
"Apologies. I was raised to be courteous and polite to my guests, but if you wish, then I'll try to tone it down. And your assessment of my ability in a fight is... well, it unfortunately hits close to the mark. I know a few basic martial arts moves, but my family's cursed with low endurance." He admits in a slightly sour tone. The Caldwell's low endurance is a weakness he'd never admit to anyone but an ally, which his Servant is, even if only for the duration of the war. "Still, I am by no means an easy win. I have a few tricks up my sleeve that I'm sure no enemy I face against would see coming."

He proceeded through his home, which wasn't truly the biggest nor smallest of homes. The rest of it looked rather average, with sparse decorations and ordinary furniture. It was perfect, to him. Ordinary and unassuming, which is exactly what no one would expect. He had his family's 'contacts' acquire it for him in one of the suburbs in Brisbane. It was a bit big for just himself, and were one to check, that'd be a very apparent fact. Of course, no one would or would really care.

Eventually, the pair arrived down in his garage, and he flicked a light switch off to the side. His garage was clean, with little to nothing else in it except for a toolbox, an old dresser, and his car... well, not his car. Once more, his family's contacts had seen fit to supply him with a mundane contraption for quick transportation... is what his father would say. But this specific device is favored by Cade. It was a normal white sedan, but he liked it. So much so, in fact, that he had taken several drives at night simply for the pleasure of driving. It's the only piece of technology (and also the phone and his TV) that he believes is truly necessary.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Fri Jun 02, 2017 11:23 pm
by Earthling
"Hmm.. Catalyst? I... Didn't really use one." Chloe seemed almost ashamed over the fact "My parents never was big on gathering artefacts, and I'm still technically in school so I haven't really had opportunity to get one. I mostly just hoped for the best." She fidgeted a bit "As for what I know of the Grail War, from what I've heard the winner may make a wish. I intend to wish for everyone to be able to have fun and enjoy life!"

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Sat Jun 03, 2017 1:31 am
by Lord Butts
She nods to him. "And I'm sure that will serve you well in life, but I'm not a guest. I am your servant and you are my master, this bond is closer than that shared by lovers. So don't put on airs around me. We're partners, through and through." she grins and gives a thumbs up. "With a little bit of teamwork and planning there is no way we can lose!"

She walks over to the car, putting her hand on it and stroking it like one might a horse. "Wow, now this is one fine sloop. Mind if I drive? The grail seems to have made me a master of most transportation."

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2017 11:52 pm
by mrblah
Cade was rather possessive of this particular device, and he almost denied her the chance, but he paused. She's his partner now, and this could be considered a show of trust. He nodded, and handed her the keys. While he knew that there was no logical way she could harm his car (since she's a Rider and obviously could drive it better than him), there's always that nagging voice in the back of his head...

He ignored it and got in the passenger seat of the car, immediately putting on his seat belt as all within a car should. He then opened his mouth to say something, but thought better of it. Telling her to be careful with it would only insult her skills as a Rider. "Then, I'll be the navigator."

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 1:42 am
by CondorBoH
All Masters:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

At once your phones, or whatever communication device you want to use, chimes in. A new message, a video message. Upon opening this message you are greeted by the sight of a smiling Japanese man. A priest. He is seated on what appears to be a couch, facing the camera. Behind him is a doorway to another room, and on occasion you can see a young woman walk past carrying various cardboard boxes. Her face is hard to make out, but her hair is obviously dyed purple. When the man speaks, his English is perfect.
"Greetings, Masters. Thank you for participating in this War. I know it has come at an odd time. However, it has still come to be. I am to be your 'Mediator' and judge for this Holy Grail War. I am to establish set rules and provide safe areas wherein Masters may not harm each other, and Servants cannot enter. To avoid attempting to hide out near Safe Zones to gain an advantage, you will only be made aware of such locations when you wish to seek them out and I, and the Ruler, deem the circumstances necessary. The one exception to this rule is the Private Hospital. Each Master has permission to come and go from that area freely, under the condition that there is to be a grace period of 15 minutes upon exiting before any actions can be made against each other. This includes tracking their location."

The man leans forward on his chair, taking something from beneath the camera. A piece of paper, which he examines and reads from.
"The Holy Grail War will begin at dawn of the day after next. So in two days time. We have taken... steps to ensure that Masters have no chance of interacting before this period, so as to avoid any advantages. These steps will not impact a majority of your normal day, so relax. Take your time to prepare for the War at hand. Now then, keep in mind the following rules:

Once two Masters have been defeated, we will call to end that 'Round'. Each remaining Master will be given a One Day grace period, before the next begins. Combat will be put on hold for that time.
The defeat of a Master doesn't necessarily mean death. Once a Master is defeated, the winner obtains... rights to them. I am not to go into any more detail, you will simply discover what this means when the time comes. The same goes for Servants. Though those rights do not permit you to turn a Servant against their Master, or to be used in combat. In the case of Servants, they remain with the victor of their bough for 24 hours before being returned to their Master.
To win, simply be the last Master standing."

The man puts down the paper, his smile broadening.
"Enjoy. You will get more information on That dawn. Be prepared."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The young man smiles at you, holding out a hand after your bow.
"Hey, hey. There's no need for that. Master and Servant are partners, despite what they're called, yo. Name's Nathan, and trust me, someone like you is going to go well with someone like me. Traps are my specialty, so with an Assassin... Anyway, we can talk more about that shit later. Let's get to know each other first."
He practically dances backwards, pointing to something on the wall. A whiteboard, plans and pictures covering it.
"To put it simply, Assassin, my wish is Re.Vo.Lu.Ti.On~! See, there are families, magus families, that are always in the spotlight. Money, fame, power, they have it all. That leaves us with nothing. My family barely practices their gifts because, in the eyes of our 'betters', it's just trash. That's fucked up, yo.
So I'm going to wish for a flip. Us no name, minor families are going to the top, and those assholes on the roof will come crashing right down."

Nathan is quite jovial when he's saying this, punctuating his words with movements. Once his speech was done, he looks towards you, and then at the magic circle beneath.
"Funny story. When I got picked by the peeps running this show, they just gave me a photo on my phone. It deleted itself right after I summoned you with it,
and it was super fuzzy in the first place so who knows. Maybe something of yours got dredged up in the time since you died. I ain't gonna complain, but I sure as hell am gonna find out when I hit the top."

His phone, which he was holding out, buzzes with a message. He frowns when he sees it.
"Speaking of the devil, here's our watchdog for this shit."
Nathan stands beside you, holding the phone so you both can watch the video...

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Marvelous. The fact that you can speak and think as a Berserker will make this so much easier. My instructions will be followed to their absolution then..."
The woman nods her head, partially ignoring you for the time being and stepping towards the window. New information fills your mind. Her accent was... British? She's not from here.
"My temporary home in this city. It shall be yours too for the time being. Worry not about what you choose or not, you will have the opportunity to have a wish of yours granted once we win this War. You are to call me simply Master, or Mistress if that is to your tastes. I'll answer the questions you wish to ask, till I think you know enough. For courtesy's sake, I shall give you my wish. Control. Of everything. But if that cannot be granted, than over this one heap of rock will do for now."

The lights cast a deep shadow over your Master's face. Clearly she is a woman few trifle with, or a madwoman who is a control freak. But for the time being your destinies are intertwined. A small 'beep' interrupts your thought as your Master holds up a device. A few taps on it and a screen, hidden in the dark of the room, comes to life and displays a certain video...

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Mon Jun 05, 2017 3:18 am
by Lord Butts
Rider grins and gets in the front seat, taking the keys from him to start up the car, putting on her seat belt as well. "I'll need my own of course, I doubt we'll only be fighting over sea...But I can always steal one closer to time." she revs the engine before shooting out of the garage, flying around bends and turns much faster than one should, oh, and the speed limit? She left that behind fifty miles ago. "Now this is a ship!" she lets out an insane bit of laughter as she flies around a tight corner. She of course was in no danger of wrecking....but he might not know that. And then his phone beeps. "You can answer it, don't mind me." she says as she drifts around a turn.

Re: Fate/Sexual Order

PostPosted: Tue Jun 06, 2017 9:03 am
by mrblah
He screamed bloody murder as the maniac he allowed the driver seat of his car proceeded to fly like a maniac. He gripped his seat tightly, and at some point past the speeding limit, he managed to glance over at the soon-to-be car wrecker next to him. "For God's sake, woman!! Don't drive my car like a maniac!! You're gonna wreck it, and I don't have -" Interrupted by the sound of his phone beeping.

"Don't mind you, you say, as you suspend my vehicle in the air for over 2 seconds?!" He retorted, but nonetheless grabbed his phone out of his pocket. It could be important, and though he was very much against Rider's reckless maniacal driving, he was certain she wouldn't crash and get them hurt... but he's still never letting her touch the wheel again. He then played the video message.

... Well, it appeared as if the war will soon begin, he figured. Cade had already been making preparations since he was aware of event, so he should be safe to take it his time with the final preparations. Maybe even outright get them out of the way and relax... no, that's a foolish idea. The victor of a war never relaxes during it.

Now... "Pull this damn thing over, I'm not having you jeopardize my car any longer!!"