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Sauria Lustopia (Old)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 13, 2017 11:52 pm
by Sauria Lustopia
The Plot:
Deep within the Lyrat System lies a planet called Sauria, formerly known as Dinosaur Planet because of its inhabitants being mostly consisted of prehistoric animals. Slippy even mentions coming back from a ten day flight from this planet.

One day the second moon of Sauria crashed down onto the planet and gave birth to a new and dangerous race called the SharpClaw. This location where the moon dropped would later on come to be known as the Moon Mountain Pass. They spread all over the planet, raping and breeding all of its female residents and imprisoning all of the male ones.

A special force associated with Star Fox went over to the planet to investigate and do damage control...however they have yet to report back. Now it is up to the new recruits to brave into the endangered world and save it!

(Like Star Fox Adventures, you will begin on ThornTail Hollow. For now you will only "fight" SharpClaw S(mall) enemies, the Monster Manuel will be coming soon. Even sooner if someone is willing to draw them out for me.)

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 9:20 pm
by Sauria Lustopia
As the initial explorers ride the spaceship towards the planet Sauria, they receive a mission breifing from Peppy Rabbit: "Krystal and the rest of her team have yet to report back from their expedition on Sauria, so we've sought help from the lot of ya'. It is your job to brave any danger that comes your way and find the missing members. Good luck!" And with that the transmission cuts off and the ship takes landing. The door opens up, revealing a tropical area with seemingly nothing in sight.

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Tue Feb 14, 2017 10:27 pm
by Crestchan
Name: Zoey Smith
Tagging: Anyone

Zoey walks off the ship as she yawned and stretched. She had been taking a nap before the mission briefing, so she was still felt a little sleepy. She looked around at their landing spot. Zoey wasn't sure which way they should go. There were many strange trees on this planet, but it was still a pretty sight. "So, which way do you think we should go?" She asked no one specifically, as she turned to look at the others. "They could be anywhere. I wonder what happened to them..." Zoey's mind wondered, wondering just what had happened to the three girls.

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:25 am
by BlueLight
Lina peeks out of the ship, taking a breath of fresh air and is able to objectively prove, it has enough oxygen to sustain galactic standard life.
stretching her limbs and surveying her surroundings. The landing had been fairly standard, suggesting either the life here was primitive or most likely the inhabitants hadn't notice them. Both were also a good possibility. While scanning the terrain, her fellow team mate, 'Zoey' started talking. Every word sent a cold chill down Lina's neck. A careless mouth could easily ruin a stealth mission, and that fool was just yapping. While it was doubtless that Ms.Smith wouldn't see it, Lina instinctively put her left index to her mouth in a shhhhh action, but no sound left her lips. She was half tempted to tackle the fool.

*Requesting general description of the area we're in. Anything my character might thing is dangerous? Any noticeable paths. Like well traveled paths? *

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 12:56 am
by MelissaB
Cindy steps out next his outfit tight and looking a little nervous with this mission, the last team hadn't returned and they had no idea why but right now they were here to find that out and likely get them to safety which meant fighting whatever caused them to fail in the first place, a situation he wasn't quite all up for. Still was his job and he was going to be professional about it. Looking around she shrugs at Zoey's words as if to say he hadn't a clue a smile smile on his wolfen features as he puled at his attire, he had picked a female's uniform from the standard issue and was adjusting to it nicely his cock tucked away and left hidden giving him the look of a rather flat chested woman with his wide hips and plug rear, assented by his wagging tail. Seeing Lina shush Zoey made him chuckle quietly so as to not upset her himself.

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 1:11 am
by Biles
Name: Mocha
Tagging: Anyone, mostly Zoey and Lina, but an interest in Cindy

No sooner did the two girls exited the ship when an anthropomorphic hare stepped out from amidst a stack of boxes and crates carrying a couple of large backpacks onto her front and then stepping immediately out of the ship before dropping the bags off to the side. Standing up she let out a grunt as she stretched out both arms out into the air.

"Uuuuaaaahhh god that was intense!" she grunted out stretching her body. Mocha was dressed like a workout 80's girl that time forgot. Even though she was wearing a skimpy outfit, at least she was not going to suffer too much from the intense humidity from the planet's jungles and forests. However, the sports bikini athletic thongs she had on revealed a bulge revealing that she was far more than just a female as Mocha was now turning her attention to the girls.

"Hey girls, you mind helping me unload some of this stuff?" she asked. While Mocha was assigned to the team responsible for ascertaining the whereabouts of the legendary Star Fox, the hare was more of a cargo loading crewmember of the ship than anything else, but she was also assigned to carry some items and stuff for the trip.

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Wed Feb 15, 2017 3:55 am
by Sauria Lustopia
The tropical area the crew had landed themselves into is known as the ThronTail Hollow, which while the safest area in terms of potential enemy encounters is still pretty dangerous for inexperienced explorers. There were three paths that they could take: the left one smelt very musky even from the spot they were standing on (which would at least suggest there were tons of males in that direction), the middle one looked like a pretty straight forward path (meaning they were the least likely to get ambushed there), and finally the right one which was dark and could contain a powerful foe that they possibly could not hope to dominate this early on.

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 8:00 pm
by Fantasy Fanatic
Stella found herself lagging behind the others. Last one of the ship, she had made sure to bring her her personal supply of medical supplies. One never knew when medical attention could come in handy, especially on a search and rescue mission. As Stella made her way out she found herself happy that the clothes were made for harsher environments. She was sure water proof clothing would come well in handy in a tropical climate, keeping both water and sun from damaging her skin. Of course her clothing was also made with a certain amount of comfort in mind and circulated air quite well, although Stella had to spend some time changing the setting to better fit the planets atmosphere in this tropical climate.

Like the others, Stella stretched her arms and legs from the flight, glad to get some fresh air. Looking around, she once again observed what an odd collection of people they were. As Mocha asked for help, Stella decided to help her out. After all, this mission was a team effort. Wouldn't do to be on anyone's bad side. While helping out with the cargo, she also made sure to take stock of what they had to work with. Hopefully they had been granted some kind of transport, otherwise they would have to waste a lot of time walking if they had to go far.

Seeing the three different routes, Stella checked for the sun, trying to determine the time of day since her own watch wasn't synced to her current position on the planet. She wished to know how much time there was left before they would have to set up camp, seeing as how they would have to travel for a while to find the missing team if they were last seen far away. "Which way do you think we should go?" She asks the rest of the team. "I personally believe the middle one. It seems the safest and we can most likely handle anything going on down there." Stella reasons, not understanding why Lina was attempting to have them all stay silent. After all, anything able to hear them would already have either seen, or at the very least heard their ship landing.

*I dunno if our characters know anything about each other Prior to landing. Also, all characters arrived in the same vessel, right? Do our characters at least know each other by name? Also, what is this tagging?

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Thu Feb 16, 2017 9:18 pm
by Sauria Lustopia
(Just assume you guys only know each other by name. Also, it is morning as of right now.)

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2017 4:41 pm
by Crestchan
Zoey had seen the shush gesture that Lina gave her. Zoey wondered why she thought they needed to be quiet,but remained silent on that. "At least Cindy is on my side." Zoey said walking quickly up to Cindy and hugging him. "The cutest team member likes me." She said sticking her tongue out. Zoey then looked over at Mocha, curious about what kinds of stuff she packed. She then looked at Cindy. "Want me to carry your junk?" She asked with a grin. She wondered how Cindy would react to Zoey's actions, she really wanted to see what Cindy would do. Zoey did wind up thinking Cindy was a flat girl though.

Stella called out which direction she thought they should go. Zoey looked down the three paths, the first two seemed promising, but the smell of musky males was a turn off. Zoey was not sure what they would run into on that path. Which left the middle path as the obvious choice. Stella already seemed to be thinking that, because that was the path she suggested. Suddenly, something became obvious. A problem that she hadn't noticed before. There didn't seem to be a team leader. She hadn't been told who was to lead this rescue mission. "Aye, aye, Captain." Zoey said a little playfully and saluted Stella. She seemed a good fit for the role anyways.

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Sat Mar 04, 2017 7:20 pm
by Fantasy Fanatic
"C-captain?" Stella asked, having been caught off guard. "I'm not sure I'm cut out for that kind of job." She said, slightly nervous that she'd be dubbed their leader. "Shouldn't we have a vote on a matter like this?" She asks hopeful that someone else would agree with her.

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Fri Mar 10, 2017 12:27 am
by MelissaB
Smiling Cindy covers his mouth to hide his enjoyment and hugs Zoey back with a slight blush at the compliment, glancing at those around him though he felt a little... light in the chest area, something he was used to but right now it felt even more vivid with Zoey's large rack pushing against him as she pressed their bodies together in a warm embrace. "Oh I don't know, I mean it's a lot to take." He states grinning and giving her a wink before continuing to speak. "But I certainly won't say no to you." He offers back equally as suggestively, even if she didn't know about what lay in his panties the idea of having her carry his things still appealed to the wolf femboy.

Back to Stella he smiles. "Sure we can go with the middle path and captain?" He asks looking back at Zoey and Stella. "Well if I get to be the cutest I can't be captain so sure, you can be the boss." He states before moving to likewise help get their stuff off of the ship and ready for their mission to truly begin, wondering if Zoey truly had it in her to carry both of their things at once or if he'd actually have to end up carrying them himself which was a disappointing thought at best.

Re: Sauria Lustopia

PostPosted: Fri Apr 14, 2017 6:54 pm
by Uproarious Ash
Scurry smiles, watching the rookie Star Fox crew stumble out of their ship, glad to encounter a piece of levity after all of her time alone, even if in the corner of her mind there's this wry sense that perhaps this mission should've been assigned to anyone more experienced than these novices considering that an armed science ship and a specialized team have both already gone down in this area. Thick-skulled decisions like these are exactly why she never got into the bureaucratic side of anything the Snowdriver ever did. Watching another group get misassigned normally would've made the little rat pull her hair out of its roots, but right now there was nothing she'd rather see than this handful of recruits, and you know what they say about gift horses.

Hope is hope is hope. So, uh... let's go... introduce ourselves. Probably a good idea.

The leaves rustled around her, catching on her matted coat wherever it's visible beneath her crude wooden armor as she pushes out of the undergrowth and emerges in the clearing with the others. One off-white paw clutches a marred scrapmetal spear, but the other is raised in a gesture of peace, her chemical muzzle crackling, barely letting her voice out through the static.

"Hello!" she says, raising her voice a bit to be sure she's heard, and there's a gentle mirth in her tone as she spies the two recruits hugging. "I... come in peace?"

...mentally, she facepalmed, though physically she kept very still and tried to minimize anything the armed and twitchy recruits could see as dangerous.