Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

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Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Oct 05, 2016 2:55 am

First Battlefield (Freya Farmlands)

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KnightVanilla - Elizabeth Cordral (Starting point A3)
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Idyllic was the only way to describe the land. A cool breeze blows by you as your groups arrive at the location of their new Headquarters. It was an old wooden fort that seemed to be abandoned. But it would be the best place to carry out the Maiden Princess's orders and the Eternal Queen's Will.

When you met with the Maiden Princess, she made your mission clear. You were to protect the farmers and settlers on the Freya Farmlands from any men who might threaten them. To do this, the Maiden Princess granted you a group of workers, Militia members, Rangers, engineers and even a member of the Black Guard To the east you can see one such village.

Areas Controlled (A3; Headquarters)

Earthling - Krath Drakhain (Starting at G4)
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As your band of warriors enter the farmlands, you can't help but note how easy it was to get here. There were no walls, forts or even border patrols. It seemed as though the Solfather's information was right, these farms were ripe for the taking. You could even see one of the Maiden settlements to the west of you.

After being appointed as one of the Solfather's Warlords, you were able to see the forces he was amassing first hand. But you could also see that he didn't have the supplies to support this large force. That's where the Freya Farmlands came in. If you could gain control over the lands, the Solfather's army could be fed for years. To accomplish this, you have been given the best Tribesmen, Builders, Warriors & Hunters. Even a Berserker had become a part of your group.

Areas Controlled (G4; Headquarters)
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby KnightVanilla » Wed Oct 05, 2016 4:40 am

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Elizabeth arrived within their new headquarters the needed living space to sustain her forces here while they set out to defend the farmlands. The Freya Farmlands had been a place that had supported the strength of the Maiden Hierarchy as it allowed any army to sustain themselves in any battle. However if this place were to fall to the tribes of men then the war of attrition would turn against her new people. The savagery that the men will spread must be stopped here and now. Speaking of which with her forces gathered together to discuss the first week of orders. Elizabeth debates the priority and need for supplies versus man power. First of all she needed to know what she would be constructing on her established base. Securing a source of food would be vital, especially if they were to lose any ground within this battle and the amount of space allotted for Seven buildings total within the area of her headquarters. Ordering a farm to be built to help stock pile food for themselves as they would take only what the farmers would be willing to give. (Building Requirements: 10 Mat + 5 Food, 1 Builder, 3 Grunts)

While smaller teams would be sent out to scout the other areas. A Ranger would lead a scouting exhibition of the forest with the coordinates of B3(1Ranger[L] and 2Militia), while a second would scout the forest of A4(1Ranger[L] and 2Militia). With those scouting parties sent she would need to gather another set of forces to canvas and request what assistance that could be offered by the local farms. Sending her loyal black guard as the lead (Blackguard[L],1Militia,1grunt) With that all said and done. She sent out her forces to their tasks. Only a matter time could tell whether or not fortune would favor their war on the tribe of men.
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Earthling » Thu Oct 06, 2016 9:18 pm

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Krath looked proudly out over the camp being built. These men were the ones that was going to bring Freyas farmlands to fall, be it by conquest, plunder or destruction the Maidens would no longer have access to these fertile farmlands during the war. But, he would need a solid base and his men would have to be at their best if he was going to conquer, and as such he ordered the construction of the Fighting Pits (Building Requirement: 15 Mat, 2 Builders, 1 Champion, 3 Grunts). He had no time to start establishing a food supply yet, they could take what they need from the surrounding villages... And speaking of villages....
Krath ordered his two scouts to check out the closest village (F4), but they had to be quiet and stealthy, it was not yet time to reveal their presence in this region.
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Mark3000 » Fri Oct 07, 2016 12:06 am

Phase 1:

KnightVanilla - Elizabeth Cordral Material: 95 Food: 80
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Building Project: Farm

A small plot of land is quartered of by your troops to start growing wheat and corn. The rumor's of the lands lush soil aren't false as you can already see your work start to bear fruit (Receive 30 Food Per Phase starting next turn)

Expedition: Scouting (B3)

The first of your rangers returned to you. "Commander" She says. "The forest to the west is filled with giant oak trees. Their is also a fair bit of game in the area. Though it appears the locals avoid this area and I may know why". From her pouch, the ranger pulls out a piece of cloth that had the seal of the SolFather. "I found this and an abandoned camp in the forest. No doubt spies from one of the Men's Tribes. They will need to be cleared out before we can do anything on this land."

Retrieved 5 Material and 5 Food

Expedition: Scouting (A4)

The second of the rangers follows with her report. "My group found a similar situation. Plenty of wood and game for us to seek. But instead of men we ran into dire wolves. They were aggressive and we narrowly avoided a confrontation. If we do any work their, those wolves may prove troublesome."

Retrieved 6 Food

Diplomacy (B2)

The final one to speak was your Blackguard champion. She came in being followed by a middle aged woman with a homely appearance. "Commander, this is Anna. She's one of the farmers on this land" your champion said. Anna stepped forward and gave you a bow. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I knew the Eternal Queen would send her aid. My name is Greta Cobblestone. I have lived on these lands all my life as a farmer. The girls back home wanted me to come talk to you. Everyone's been saying there are wild men running out. One even took Old Mabel's girl. Oh I shutter to think what might happen to her. We can't give a lot but if you're here to help us, me and my own will help you in any way we can."

Your champion walked to you side and whispered into your ear. "The village was pretty bare bones. A few cabins, a farm and that's it. They don't even have a proper cage for their men. A single invader could easily overrun them. "

Areas Controlled (A3; Headquarters, Farm)

OOC: Special Event: Choose "Blossoming Maiden (Train a special unit) or Wild Boys (Tame a Wild Man)

Earthling - Krath Drakhain Material: 85 Food: 74
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Building Projects: Fighting Pits

A cheer rings out from the camp as the fighting pits are completed. While it may look simple, the pit is lined with practice weapons, dummies and a variety of stone free weights. From the top of the training area, your Berserker stood proudly and addressed the men. "Those who seek glory, prepare your bodies here first!"

Expedition: Scouting (F4)

After celebrating the completion of the Fighting Pits, your two hunters return. "Warlord Karth" The first says. "We have finished scouting the village as you requested it is ...."

"As defenseless as a newborn cub" The second hunter interjects. They possess no defensive or offensive weapons. A farm, a few cabins and a trading post are all they have. Their militia is small, I counted three maybe four max along with a maiden from the black guard."

"We also found where their men were being kept. They are tired but not broken. With convincing, they could fight again." The first hunter said.

OOC: Special Event: Choose "Budding Student (Train a special unit) or Curious Cat (Tame a Curious Maiden)

Areas Controlled (G4; Headquarters, Fighting Pits)
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby KnightVanilla » Fri Oct 07, 2016 2:09 am

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Upon hearing the reports and all the information made the next decisions to make all the more easy. Those that swore fealty over the solfather must die esepcially those that remained this close to the settlements. It was only when champion had returned did she think on her thoughts further. Thinking on their offer and plea for help was not only a sign of weakness, but a sign of strength as they offered what assistance they could muster. "I thank you for words Gretal, consider yourselves as well as your family as defending members of the militia. We'll do what we can to defend your people, while your home is under the threat of men. Take comfort in knowing we are here not only to protect you, but to teach you to defend your home long after we've won and left this place you call home." She said graciously having some men gather and giving them orders to build a defensive camp within vicinity of their farm.(Location B2: 1builder,2grunts)

With that done she has the woman escorted by those that would build the defensive camp. Once that was done she gathered another builder to make plans for a blacksmiths within base. (A3:1builder, 2grunts). She sighed having to think on whether to prioritize the small faction of men or the wolves. If they men knew of their existence then they must be eliminated. Pulling her champion to the side she orders. "There are hints of the solfather's tribe to the south of us. Take the militia with you and make an example of them." (A4:Battle Blackguard lead, 4 militia) With that done she was glad to know that all that was left was the active rangers on duty. "Rangers I need you to explore the north and report back to me on what inhabits the area." (2Ranger L, 1builder)
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Earthling » Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:22 pm

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Krath thought about it... If they could enlist the aid of the men here, their forces would be greatly bolstered... Nodding to himself as he reached a decision he sent the scout that brought him the news to go try convince the men to join him when they attack during the night (4 Soldiers, 1 Champion, Krath) as to not raise awareness to their precense in the other parts of this region. But they could not leave the camp just like that, if they were going to have recruits, they'd need a place to stay, and as such he ordered the grunts and worker to start building barracks (40 Mat, 2 Workers, 4 Grunts)
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Mark3000 » Sat Oct 08, 2016 11:37 pm

Phase 2:

KnightVanilla - Elizabeth Cordral Material: 72 Food: 93
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Building Project: Defensive Camp (B2)
The Maidens of Cobblestone Farm look on in awe as your girls set up the defensive camp. The tents were set up around the border of the camp looking out. Once the camp was filled, they would serve as the farms first line of defense. In appreciation, Greta and some others give you a gift. You even have a few volunteers to help guard the camp

Receive +5 Food, +1 Villager, +2 Militia Soldier

Building Project: Blacksmith (A3)
You hear the clanking of a hammer on an anvil in the distance. Looking out, you see a Blacksmith set up in the heart of the camp. You could already see her working away at a few projects. You could see the muscle bound woman work away, ready to make your army new weapons and armor.

Battle: A4 (Elizabeth's Troops: 68 HP; Spy's Camp: 36 HP)
Round 1: Elizabeth (Black Guard Atk 18, Def 5) Vs Spy's Camp (Warrior Atk 5, Def 2)
Results: Spy Camp - 16 HP
Round 2: Elizabeth (Milita x 4 Atk 20, Def 10) Vs Spy Camp (Warrior x 2 Atk 10, Def 4)
Results: Spy Camp - 16 HP
Round 3:Elizabeth (Milita x 4 Atk 20, Def 10) Vs Spy Camp (Warrior x 2 Atk 10, Def 4)
Results: Spy Camp - 16 HP Spy Camp Defeated.

Your troops return victorious as they bring in their spoils. Despite the vicious battle, the blackguard managed to secure one of the male spies. He was a grizzled man with a scar over his right eye and a bald head. "Commander, the male incursion has been dealt with. We brought back this beast to extract information from him.

The spy looks up from the floor and ogles you. "So you're the commander, my boys back home will love getting their hands on you hehehe." He laughs before being knocked out by the Blackguard.

Received: +5 Material, +1 Captive

Expedition: Scouting (A2)

As the captive is pulled of the main room, your rangers return. "We traveled to the area north of here. The land wasn't anything special. Wood and food are in no short supply but we did find this." The rangers pulled out a totem that seemed to have tusks carved out. "It seems to belong to a tribe of Trolls. I'm honestly surprised, I figured they were extincted. They weren't in the area up north but we'll run into them eventually.

Received: +2 Material, +4 Food

Special Event: Blossoming Maiden.

Just are you are about to leave the Command Room for the night, you hear a knock on the door. You let the visitor in and see a shy young girl come in ( ) "Uhm ... you're the commander aren't you" She asked quietly. "I heard that you're going to be protecting this land with Greta. I .... I wanna fight too! I want ta be able to protect my mama and sisters on the farm. I heard about ya from the other girls. Will you please take me as your student? " She said with a bow. "Oh no! I never introduced myself, I'm Nozomi Hearth. It's a pleasure to meet you."

(Nozomi Hearth: HP: 3 ATK: 1 DEF: 1 Endurance: 1 can now undergo training with you or any other maidens in your army. Aside either yourself or your troops as her teacher for a phase. If you train her yourself, her stats will rise faster)

Areas Controlled (A3; Headquarters, Farm, BlackSmith) (B2: Defensive Camp)

Earthling - Krath Drakhain Material: 45 Food: 48
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DIplomacy (F4) -> Battle (F4)
Your hunters return with a simple sheet of paper. You open the note and read the message.We're In. Our lives are yours to command. When the battle begins you can count on us to fight. With their support secured, you commence with the battle.

(Krath's Troops: 88 HP; Cherrybell Militia 56 HP)
Round 1: Krath (Berserker + Warriorsx4 + Krath + Shackled Men Atk 66, Def 25) Vs Cherrybelle Militia (Black Guard + Militia Atk 17, Def 7)
Results: Cherrybelle Militia - 59 Damage, Cherrybelle Militia Defeated

The supposed militia defending the village are slow to respond. Just as they are able to respond to your forces, they are blindsided by the men they had shackled. Now free, they tackle the militia to the ground. Stripped of their armor, the once jailed men have their way with their captors. One or two of your own men join in the fun. But the rest scour the village rounding up anyone they can find. Most of the villagers have ran leaving behind a total of 10 women including the militia members. Of these captives, One stands out. She has bright red hair and is better dressed then the rest of them. If you had to guess, she was the leader of this settlement (

Looking around you see that you've managed to keep the farm and trading post in tact. Though they will need to be refurbished if you want to use them.( To Refurbish builds, Use 5 Mat, 1 Worker for each building.)

With the Battle finished, your men await your next command.

Received -> +10 Captives, Area (F4), +2 Tribesmen, + 1 Warrior

Building Project: Barracks G4

Meanwhile, back at your home base your men finish construction on the new barracks. True it isn't the fanciest building but it will serve your purposes well. From her you will be able to recruit new men to your army. And after they hear word of your latest successes, you'll have plenty of new volunteers.

Special Event: Curious Cat

As you celebrate your latest victory, your men approach you dragging in a girl as she continues to struggle. "Warlord, we found this maiden on the outskirts of the camp. She seemed to be spying on us and collecting information. She may work for the Maiden Princess and her lackeys." the warrior said.

You take a closer look at the girl ( It's clear as day she isn't a spy. Shes most likely a girl who got curious and wondered into their camp. What you also notice is the look in her eyes. Defiant and filled with fire. If you were to let this one go, you could tell she would get stronger and maybe one day oppose you. She doesn't talk but she does spit at you and continues to glare. The warriors pull her back. "What will we do with her?" They ask.

(This curious cat is now your personal captive. She is Defiant. How ever, each phase you can try and make her more obedient. Either choose to discipline her yourself or hand her over to your troops. You can ever have her stay in a building to be used by it's inhabitants. As she becomes more obedient, she will do special jobs for you like support you men in battles with "buffs", lure maiden troops into traps and even sabotage maiden defenses.)

Areas Controlled (G4; Headquarters, Fighting Pits, Barracks) (F4: Farm (Needs Refurbishing), Trading Post (Needs Refurbishing))

Unit List:
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Earthling » Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:09 am

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Krath smiled as he looked over the captured leader of the village "Well well well... What do we have here?" He paced around her, examining her from every angle before he reached out with his hand and started to caress her body, groping her breasts, crotch and butt. "Quite beautiful are you not? Yet you are responsible to the oppression of my kin. Well, I guess the tables are turning!" With a grunt he tears her clothes off, leaving her naked in the middle of the town square. "Look around you, your civilization is crumbling, and the true natural order is being imposed upon the world. You are benath me, bitch." He growls and with a hand on her should begins to push her onto her knees, his massive and erect cock quickly and mercilessly forced its way down her throat.
The town square was soon filled with the mayors gagging and choking sounds as Krath brutally face fucked her. This lasted until he decided to change it up a little, pulling her mouth away from his limb and throwing her on the ground. He lift her hips and with great force rammed against her womb again and again, finally cumming, flooding her with his seed.
Rising up, leaving a broken woman behind him he spoke to the men "Do with her now as you wish!"
But as he headed back towards the headquarters he also made the commands to refurbish the farm and trading post.

Krath eyed the supposed "spy" up and down "Take her to my tent, I have desired a new plaything for a while now." He snickered, he was not going to take her just like that, he was going to tease her, play with her, and eventually, she was going to ask him to take her virginity
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:18 pm

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Gaining the gratitude of the local villagers was a rather nice compensation. More so to gain more hands to work the battle field and other such things. As soon the other reports would come in of an overwhelming victory over the spy camp. Bringing in a captive to be broken by her troops was good for moral. The moment she spoke I'll to her so her champion could knock him away she chuckled. Bending down lower to see the.... Boy. "Cute you honestly think you will win. While I do understand know this... " she steps hard on his crotch. "You will first beg for death... And then you will learn the pleasure of submission. Learn your place." once that was over she ordered her militia to keep a close eye.

Learning of the trolls could be a blessing. The other brings within the realm stayed neurtral to the cause. The biggest news however was of the aspiring maiden. Elizabeth's eyes sparkled giving the girl a big hug. "It gives me such pride to to take an apprentice." Elizabeth says cheerfully. For the week Elizabeth would dedicate her time training this girl.

She would dedicate her works to build some barracks within the home base area(a3). Then they would need to remove the threat of the dire wolves. Before sending her team to fight she inquired her rangers whether or not it was possible to tame the wolves. If so she would have her ranger lead the efforts to do so with the support of two of the militia and her black guard.(if not battle, black guard first then everyone else support the other rounds.)

With the remaining forces she would have the ranger scout the mountains(c2)
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Mark3000 » Mon Oct 10, 2016 8:44 pm

KnightVanilla - Elizabeth Cordral Material: 45 Food: 103
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Special Event: Blossoming Maiden
Nozomi was excited to start her training with you. Though a little clumsy, the girl does show some potential. Despite fulling on her butt multiple times she gets back up more determined then ever. When the two of you take a break, you eat a sandwich together. As she eats, the young Maiden gives you a warm smile. "Do you think I'm doing alright commander?" She asks

+2 HP, +2 ATK, +2 DEF to Nozomi Hearth

Building Project: Barracks (A3)
Seeing the need for more troops, you begin construction on a new set of barracks. As the wooden building goes up, the engineer lifts the flag of the Eternal Queen for all to see. it shouldn't be long until you have new recruits rolling in. (You now have 10MP to recruit new Units)

Dire Wolves (Tame or Battle)

Your rangers begin to think on your request. "We might be able to tame them. But for that we would need a stable to keep the wolves under control." One of them said. "On top of that we need someone trained in trapping these beasts. The two of us are more adept as scouting and scavenging."

With no other recourse, you and your forces move to subjugate the roaming dire wolves.

Battle: A4 (Elizabeth's Troops: 44 HP; Dire Wolf Pack: 32 HP)
Round 1: Elizabeth (Black Guard Atk 12, Def 5) Vs Dire Wolf Pack (Dire Wolf x 2 Atk 6, Def 2)
Results: Dire Wolf Pack - 10 HP; Elizabeth's Troops: - 1 HP
Round 2: Elizabeth (Milita x 2 + Ranger Atk 17, Def 5) Vs Dire Wolf Pack (Dire Wolf Pack x 3 Atk 9, Def 3)
Results: Dire Wolf Pack - 14 HP; Elizabeth's Troops: - 4 HP
Round 3: Elizabeth (Milita x 2 Atk 17, Def 5) Vs Dire Wolf Pack (Dire Wolf Pack x 3 Atk 9, Def 3)
Results: Dire Wolf Pack - 14 HP; Elizabeth's Troops: - 4 HP, Victory!

You manage to beat back the Dire Wolves and scare the rest into hiding. Now you shouldn't have any problems building on this land.

+5 Material + 5 Food

Expedition: Scouting (B3)

Your ranger and your other forces return from scouting the mountains. "Commander, we could plenty of caves that could be converted into mines. Though we ran into some issues while scouting. We came across more of those totems. A few of our militia members tried to approach them but. It might be easier to show you. Bring them in!" The ranger says as two maidens are escorted into your office. They both have dazed looks on their face while they seemed to masturbate without any concern to who was watching. "It seemed to be a trap laid by the trolls. If you can send me two more Rangers, we should be able to clear the mountains of these traps."

+3 Material +2 Food
(A3; Headquarters, Farm, Blacksmith, Barracks) (B2: Defensive Camp)

Earthling - Krath Drakhain Material: 35 Food: 18
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When you discard the broken woman, your men set upon her like a pack of wolves. They leave no hole unfilled as they fuck her senseless. The other captives look on in horror as they prepare to meet the same fate.

Special Event: Curious Cat
You find the girl chained to your bed. She thrashes about trying to escape. But she can't get away from you. You spend the week touching her most delicate areas. At first she tried to muffle her moans. But soon she lets out a cry as her pussy becomes moist. She's still a bit reliant but you can she the lust building in her eyes. Despite all this, you still don't have a name for your new pet.

Refurbishing Project: Farm, Trading Post
Your men get to work on restoring both the farm and Trading Post. It takes a few days but both are up and operational in no time. With the farm you now have a proper source of food for your troops. With the Trading Post in place, to can exchange the captives you've collected for material or food. Some tribes may even trade you troops for women.

Areas Controlled (G4; Headquarters, Fighting Pits, Barracks) (F4: Farm, Trading Post)
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby KnightVanilla » Mon Oct 10, 2016 10:44 pm

It was good to see the maiden improve in her skills. From the first week, Elizabeth could see the potential of the girl. "You've improved rather quickly, however you are no match to the current militia. Lets see if we can change that." she says with an eager smile drawing a wooden blade once more to continue her training and drills.

Planning the rest of the week, now was the time to focus on resources. The threat of running low on such things wouldn't be something they would ever want to face. Right now they needed to spread their influence as fast as possible. Focusing on the land to the south they would gather wood and lumber. Basic material for any developing town. (Build lumber mill at A4)

With the threat of the dire wolves removed, she was still glad to hear that they hadn't wiped out the species. This way they would be able to retain the creatures. Thanking the efforts of both her scouts as well as her soldiers she would need to see what lay further down their path. Sending scouting parties to the farm lands when The forest. (each party has 1 ranger and 2 militia. Sent to B1 and C3)

With those plans over now was the time to begin recruitment. Recruiting another member of the black guard, a ranger and two villagers able to work within the fields and help the builders.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Earthling » Wed Oct 19, 2016 11:42 am

Krath smirked as he wandered around his camp, leading his new toy around by a leash as if she was a dog. He had not yet taken her virginity and was quite content for the moment to just tease her and humiliate her.

He looked out over the training pits where his berserker were teaching the new recruits the art of war... Before he turned to his scouts and commanded them t scout out the farmlands to the west (E4) and the forest to the north (F3)
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby Mark3000 » Wed Oct 19, 2016 4:44 pm

KnightVanilla - Elizabeth Cordral Material: 40 Food: 94
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Special Event: Blossoming Maiden

With another week of drills, you watch as Nozomi improves more and more. She also seems to finally be getting the hang of military life. It just might be time to send her out on a mission.
Between training, you catch Nozomi tending to a small patch of flowers. You recall seeing her carry around a big jug of water and baskets of soil from time to time. This seems to be her way of relaxing.

+1 HP, +3 ATK

Building Project: Lumber Mill (A4)

You receive a letter from you the engineer you assigned to construct the lumber mill just south of you. She informs you that construction proceeded on schedule. You should be receiving lumber in a short while. (Receive 10 Mat staring next turn)

Scouting Expedition (B1)

Your first scouting party comes in to report. "Commander, It seems we've finally found the trolls who have been hiding in the hills. We found a small camp. There are a few huts but there are maybe 6-7 trolls. On the way back we talked to Greta. She says that the trolls have been a constant problem. They use to keep to themselves but now they've become more aggressive."

+3 Material + 1 Food

Scouting Expedition (C3)
Your second scouting party comes in with a different problem. "The already looks developed and is already under protection. Our group saw a squad of maidens patrolling the farms. But when we went to get a closer look, they weren't wearing the crest of the Eternal Queen. I'd never seen a crest like that before."

+2 Material

Recruitment: Blackguard x1, Ranger x1, Villagers x2

(A3; Headquarters, Farm, Blacksmith, Barracks)(A4; Lumber Mill) (B2: Defensive Camp)

Earthling - Krath Drakhain Material: 35 Food: 18
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Special Event: Curious Cat
Your new pet looks to the ground in shame as she crawls on the ground. Where ever you go, the men let out a howl and tease the young maiden. One of your warriors even gives her a firm slap on the behind, the woman lets out a small yelp as her bum wiggles in the air. Despite being humiliated in front of all these men, you can see her blush.

You pass by your berserker currently managing the the fighting pits. "Looks like you're putting this bitch through her paces. " He says with a hearty laugh. "Just wanna know when you're going to start sending some men over to the fighting pits? Gotta whip these bastards into shape Warlord."

When you return to the tent, the girl looks at you in disgust. "Why are you doing this to me?" She asked in a wary voice"

Scouting Expedition (E4)
When your first scouting party returns. They inform you of the fertile land they found. But they also make a note of something else. "Grazing in the pastoral fields, I saw what looked like the cross between a maiden and a cow. There were a couple of them too. Some of them even had weapons and looked to be on guard duty. On my way back I paid the red head we captured a "visit". She said they were called Holstaurus. Supposedly they trade their milk with the local farmers"

Scouting Expedition (F3)
Your second scouting party returns as well. However, your ranger begins to describe the large amount of wood that could be gathered from this area. Though they did run in to some issues. "While we were investigating the forest, we found that a family of Dire Bears had made their home there. If do any kind of building, we'll no doubt be attacked by them. We'll have deal with them before we do anything else."

Areas Controlled (G4; Headquarters, Fighting Pits, Barracks) (F4: Farm, Trading Post)
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Re: Forest Of Maidens: Scattered Skirmish IC

Postby KnightVanilla » Wed Oct 19, 2016 8:48 pm

Elizabeth has found the her apprentice to be growing rather fast, but her raw abilities would need to be attuned to skills until then she thought it best to put her to use. A test of her leadership. Once Nozomi had finished tending her gardening Elizabeth would have her come to talk. "You're training is coming along greatly, however becoming a true to our cause takes more than being a warrior. Recently I've received reports of a village of maidens with a crest that is not of our kingdom... Since you know of these lands and its inhabitants far better than I do I wish for you to lead a diplomatic mission To these women. Find out who they are for me as well as their purpose and willingness to join our forces. Should they refuse or offer hostility retreat back to me safely." Elizabeth would trust the girls safety to one of her champions.(C3 Nozomi L, Black Guard 1, Militia 2)

With that order sent it was time that Elizabeth had an active role in this weeks events. With knowledge of the many mythical creatures and people, Elizabeth would lead diplomatic mission to the trolls. Normally such beings preferred to be left alone to their own devices, but understood they knew of the threat that was with the tribes of men. (B1 Elizabeth L, Blackguard 1, Militia 2)

Next she would need to prepare further for the necessary materials needed to maintain the maiden presence of this farmland. She ordered the necessary amount of people to build up a stable within the village.(b2) As well as a hunting lodge within the forest (b3).

With that done she would need her remaining ranger to scout the farmlands to the south. Should they appear friendly the scout would be instructed to make contact and announce their kingdoms presence. (Scout and Diplomacy B4)

Recruiting 2 rangers and 2 militia to aid in their cause.
Life has gotten so much more boring. Well I suppose it doesn't help if I say my only source of entertainment is YouTube and here. So yeah not much of interesting life going on.
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