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Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 7:42 am
by CondorBoH
Backstory for those who haven't read it on the OOC:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Long ago, the Isles of the Lost were a location of wonder, superstition and adventure. Pirates, sailors and adventurers alike quested towards the Isles in search of treasure. Many never returned. Those that did told tales of the Eye of a Thousand Suns. The Eye was a disc of solid gold, a multicoloured jewel set in the very center. Staring into the jewel gave one visions of other lands, other worlds, other times. Hence the name.
The Eye is alive. It told the visitors of the Isle what it could do and what it wanted. It granted a wish. One wish, without loopholes or strings attached. The wish would be granted to the specification of the user. And the Eye wanted to be used. It wanted to grant wishes.
But, as greedy ne'er do wells rushed to the Isles, the Eye gave a condition. Only those that it saw as worthy could use it. Whether they were good or evil did not matter, only whatever the Eye saw in them.

After a wish was granted, the Isles and their treasure troves would vanish for centuries at a time. Each time they returned, the Eye chose. Those it chose were granted a means to defend themselves by warping the minds of their foes. Each time it is different. Once the chosen could invoke wrath in others, or sadness or fear. But they were also susceptible to it themselves.
This time it is Lust. If that wasn't obvious. Those chosen by the Eye have with them a map that they can never be rid of. The map is ever changing, only when the Eye decides does the map show the path to the Isles. When one chosen dies, the map burns up and another is found by another individual.

Through great pains, the Pirate Queen: Bloody Marie has captured many of the Chosen, making claim on all others. She wants that wish, and will do anything to get it. As long as one of the Chosen makes it to the Isles of the Lost by her hand, than she can make her desires real.
Best not to let her do that, aye? She's not the only one who wants it, mind you, but she's the most immediate thorn in the Chosen's side.


And a quick rundown of the mechanics for those who don't know.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Out of combat a player can enter a 'contest', where they use a specific stat to come out on top. This could be lifting a heavy object, getting a better deal at a store or picking a lock. The harder the task, the higher the required roll. I will roll a dice and add a specific stat (For those examples above, STR, CHA and DEX respectively)

In combat, everyone who is attacking will get a roll from me. If you roll higher than your target does, you will hit them. Your attacking stat is added to your roll. If you want to use one of your Abilities, say so in your reply. I will apply the effects of said ability to your roll.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You awaken in the captain's quarters, an odd iron collar around your neck. Other than that, you weren't bound in any way. You'd be pretty much free, if not for the two burly men behind you. Nathan and Petrov were their names. Big muscles, but big softies too. But still very big.
It was bright out, mid-morning sun coming through the windows. How did you even sleep so long...?
The captain herself, Bloody Marie, was seated at a table across from you, a light frown on her face.
"I was hoping none of my crew would be 'chosen' by that trinket, to save this awkward conversation. Hunter, understand that you are still a member of my crew and still have all the freedom that entails. However, I cannot afford to lose you. That shackle will prevent you from straying too far from me. I do not doubt your loyalty, this is merely to ensure your safety should you get captured or lost. Understand? Good."

Of course, she didn't even wait for an answer, standing up and making her way to the door. One of the big ones taps you on the shoulder.
You think it's Nathan. They're both big and dumb, hard to tell between them sometimes.
"Don't worry about us, we're here for the next bit. See, cap'n got some more of dem chosen map people, right? Tied up 'n stuff. We leave the quarters and make it look like we guardin' you. If dey wanna pull any funny business, cap'n thinks dey go for one like dem for help. Like you. An' we make it look like you're also in trouble, but secretly you're not. Right?"
The brute gives a thumbs up, before he and the other take a place to either side of the door and look imposing. Outside, you can hear Marie talking to someone. Best to head out there...

Nescafe, Vintage Bass, Amaranis A'daragon
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The three of you awaken tied to one of the masts of a large ship, chained in the case of Annabell. It's quite a nice day, some clouds taking the edge off of the sun. It'd be lovely if not for... you know, being tied to a mast with a whole bunch of pirates gawking at you. If you look past them you'll see a dock and a port town, clearly one that welcomes pirates. Further in the distance are huge green covered hills. Tropical!
An iron collar is around each of your necks, a faint green glow dying down.

A few of the pirates make some rude gestures towards Annabell. They each share some sort of bruise, injury or recently busted nose. Annabell will recognize them as the ones who captured you before, clearly you left your mark during your struggles.
A dramatic wind flows across the deck of the ship as the doors to the aft of the ship burst open, a tall and imposing woman clothed in a torn mockery of an admiral's uniform. She has long silver hair and only one eye, the other covered by an eyepatch. The skin around said patch is rather heavily scarred, so no guesses what happened there.
Other than that, damn she was hot. Also holding a gun. Pointed at Reggie, but that was only because he was in the middle of the bunch.

"I hope the three of you didn't mind the rough treatment. It will only happen again if you resist. I am Bloody Marie, a Pirate Queen. You all have been granted a map by the Eye of a Thousand Suns. To put it simply, I want that fucking thing. I'm not going to let anyone who has one of those cursed maps to get away from me. Those collars around your necks will tell me if you get a certain distance away from me, and administer... a little 'shock' to motivate you to come closer. As of now, you are part of my crew. You will follow orders or be left in the brig to rot. Fight back and you will be beaten and be left in the brig to rot. Try to use whatever the Eye has given you against me and you will be beaten and... well, you get the picture."

"If you have any objections, best to get them out now. Otherwise, welcome to the crew. You'll be treated no differently to the rest of these bastards and even get your shit back."
The Captain turns and begins walking to somewhere behind the mast. The sound of a trapdoor opening is the only clue you have to where she was going.
"Men! If they're willing, cut the scallywags down. Leave those who aren't on the mast, let the sun change their mind."

Huh... there's a little bit of wriggle room in these bindings. But no knives to cut through them.
What to do?

Firehead, Ocfos, Meep Meepersons
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

This is a brig. That much is clear. The three of you are in a single cell. It's pretty barren, with what looks like a bunk or two and a couple rather large barrels of seawater. One of which houses Nellie, for the time being. There are other cells, which hold prisoners in much worse shapes than you.
A trio of pirates, armed and menacing, glare from the other side of the bars. All of them are having a hard time keeping the expression, mind you, considering the cuteness of the prisoners. Behind them lies a relatively neat pile of everyone's gear.
One of the obviously female pirates makes a teasing wink to Nathaniel. You recall that she and one of the other guards were there when you were... caught with your pants down, to put it lightly. The other two were chatting about how they caught Nurt, finding the circumstances of it hilarious.

They all immediately straighten up and shut up as someone who is obviously the captain walks down into the brig. She looks a little bored and gives the bars a smack with a gun.
"Honestly, I wish that all of you could have been ordinary prisoners so I could give that bloody speech only once. But here we go again. As of now, you three are a part of my crew. The collars will do bad things to you if you go too far away from me, blah, blah blah. If you want to be relatively free, tell your guards and they'll let you out. If not, enjoy your stay down here."
Marie points her pistol at Nurt.
"You get special treatment. Since your damn family is throwing money everywhere to get you back, keeping you out of sight of every fucking bounty hunter under the sun is going to be a pain in my ass. So thanks for making my life harder, runt."

Now she leaves to somewhere else below deck, tossing a key to one of the guards. "If the runt wants out, send him to my quarters. Tied up."

Nellie, you feel an odd feeling in your gut. Something in the back of your mind doesn't take kindly to this lady and her fat tits. It's not just the imprisonment, trust me.

You hear a voice in your head.
"Rid yourself of your bindings, be free. You must rid yourself of this wench. Beware! Others search for you and your gifts. Trust no one but yourselves. This is the first of my tasks."
The voice fades.
You are all wearing your clothes and have any trinkets you had on your person. However, you are weaponless.
What happens next is up to you.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 3:24 pm
by Nicoffee
Annabell was still slowly coming to as she began taking in her surroundings and what was being told to her. Like hell I'm joining this sad excuse for a crew...These bunch of small fry probably can't even tell jibs from spankers... She glanced around her surroundings some, the fact they had decided to tie her down with freaking CHAINS instead of rope like the other two meant a few things. Either she had caused quite a..."Strong" first impression or these two guys next to her were freaking lightweights. She tilted her head slightly to get a look at the two, considering which of the two it was.

She glanced over at the port nearby. That was...One way of escape. Assuming she even managed to get out of the damn ship before she got jumped on by these pirates again. If she was going to get out of there she would be needing these guys help- She was cut off as she heard the voice echoing in her head, frowning as she pretty much just growled back, even though she guessed whatever had told her that probably couldn't hear back. "No shit. Could've warned about that stuff BEFORE we get jumped." She huffed, getting another feel for the chains around her wrists. She also quickly scanned around looking for her coat, since she was with her arms exposed at the moment, her eyes quickly spotting her large juniper green coat being worn by one of the pirates who had captured her earlier. All right, THAT one specifically, gets a broken arm.

First things first though, she needed to get out of these damn bindings and...Well. She glanced around the bunch of pirates surrounding her. "So...On a scale of shit to "I know what a sword's tang is", how well do you guys know how to fight?" She questioned in a low voice, hoping to get an idea on her chances with that venue before attempting any other plans.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Mon Aug 22, 2016 5:42 pm
by Amaranis A'daragon
Matthew groggily lifted his head, squinting his eyes against the sun for a moment. His head ached, but it was most likely not from his usual drinking. Looking around, he quickly figured out the highest probability: he had been knocked the hell out by someone. No idea who or why, but it happened. Looking down at the bindings and wiggling a bit inside of them, he figured they could be tighter-wait, wrong time. He figured he could get out of them.

That was before the one-eyed bombshell came out onto the deck. Matthew thought the ship had big cannons, but they were nothing next to those. DAMN. The voice he heard had to compete hard against the mental image of what he would do to those tits, but he did hear everything the voice said.

When the woman introduced herself as Bloody Marie, his would have been hard-on immediately ran for the hills. He heard of this woman, like many had, and wanted nothing to do with her. He didn't say that, instead thinking about how to try and trick her crew. Hearing how Marie gave permission to have the ones on the mast let loose, Matthew sighed with relief. That was when he whispered to the growling woman: "I know which end of a weapon hurts people, the best places to hit said people, and when one should not piss off a ship full of buff brigands." Looking at one of the guys on the deck, he nodded to the man. "Oi, you think you can get me out of here? May as well pull my weight."

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 12:57 am
by Firehead
Nathaniel pulled at the heavy weight of the collar around his neck and decided it certainly didn't suit him. Looking out he saw two of the pirates that captured him including the little minx that had gotten into his bed. He kept his composure at her wink. Part of him wanted nothing more than to deck her for her trouble, but if she didn't think he was too sore about it he might be able to turn it around and trick her into aiding in his escape.

Then their captain showed up. The woman was massive and certainly had a body that some men would die for, and with her attitude there were probably a few who had. It seemed she was more interested in the little pup who'd been made his cellmate though, but he certainly wasn't jealous of the boy. He certainly had no desire to stay here. Plus if whatever this destiny he'd been promised was supposed to be if it was worth it for such a big time pirate to go to all this trouble capturing him then it was probably worth investigating for himself, but first he had to escape.

Yes mysterious voice. Why would I ever consider staying here. Mystery voice? Great, just another reason to question his own sanity, or maybe he was already crazy. Well one thing is for sure, he certainly isn't worming his way to freedom by staying in the brig. Walking back up to the bars he spoke to the guards. "I believe she said something about relative freedom for us?"

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Tue Aug 23, 2016 2:42 am
by cliffracer
Hunter snorts quietly as she suddenly snaps awake, realising very suddenly that she is neither in a hammock or on whatever deck she might've passed out on. Worse yet, she was actually in the captain's quarters with an iron on her neck. She was about to question the big lugs about whatever debauchery she got in to last night when the slow realisation of the captain's own presence in the room dawned on her. She mostly just gawked a little as Bloody Marie addressed her, nodding along as the situation takes hold. She just gives a bewildered "Yuh-huh" as she leaves, looking like she needs a moment.

She looks up with knitted brows as Nathan talks, feeling a bit concerned about the other people that got chosen just like her. It doesn't take a lot of mental gymnastics for her to understand they probably have collars too, which makes the 'plan' make a whole lot more sense. "Yeah, I getcha. No problem, guys. Mornin', by the way." As the mountainous men leave she slowly stands, groaning quietly as she stands. She exits the quarters still looking a bit miserable, but her poor brain needs time to process everything properly.
Three on the mast? One's even in chains! What kind of people did the captain snag?!
"Goddamn, how many are there..."

She ruffles her own hair, hearing the mysterious words and giving some paranoid looks around. SURE, voice-in-my-head, just ditch the captain... nice and easy to do.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 1:41 am
by Meep Meepersons
As Nurt sat on the end of the cell bunk he pondered how things could have turned out like this. He knew how to sail, theoretically anyways. How was he supposed to know the vessel he took was too small for open ocean travel? "Nyuu..." He whimpered cutely, holding the corner pole of the cell bunk, trying not to cry from embarrassment. He sat and looked around skittishly, viewing the poor condition of the other prisoners and hearing the pirates who captured him snicker about his predicament. "T-That's not nice..." He frowned, his little floppy puppy ears drooping flat against his head. He was small, just under five foot and shaking like leaf, kind of like one of those small dogs that get cold all the time. "Nyuu..." He whined again, just before letting out a tiny yip as the captain of the pirate ship he was currently being held captive on, smacked her gun against the cell bars. The sudden arrival of the captain lady made him jump and snap to attention. She was large and intimidating despite her voluptuous features. An alpha female if he ever saw one. This fact didn't calm him either, especially after her the bit about him being tied up at the end if he wanted out of the cell. Depending on how the other two react to this 'relative freedom' she offered, Nurt might just stay here in this cell. His mama always told him girls would try to take advantage of him one day, boys two, though he needed to be especially wary of women like this, though after his first attempt at escaping such a woman, his mama, he ended up almost dying out on the sea. He was pretty lucky these pirates happened along, though with his new collar and apparent owner, He wasn't so sure surviving was all that lucky at all. "W-wait, why do I have to be tied up!?" He asked, rushing to the cells without thinking, clasping his soft never-worked-a-day-in-his-life hands around the cold metal bars. With a sniffle, he looks through the bars with his teary doe like eyes and quiverings lips. He small frame hunched forward with his cute little bum sticking out behind him as he tried to get a better view of the captain as she left, hoping she'd stop and answer his question, though doubtful she would, considering how much trouble his family name seems to be giving her. It was then the eye started speaking in his head, though he didn't know who or what it was. How was he supposed to escape with this collar on? D-did he have to somehow get the key tied up? All he could do was feel helpless at this point.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Wed Aug 24, 2016 2:10 am
by Ocfos
Sitting in her barrel of saltwater, Nellie can be heard grunting from the back of the cell in annoyance. She's got her chin resting on the brim of it, looking at the guards with spite-filled eyes.

As soon as the captain comes in, Nellie gets even more angry as she listens silently, but is taken completely by surprise when she hears the voice in her head.
Hey, if it's about that cursed item I picked up that did this to my beautiful body, then I don't have it any more. I don't want that bracelet back, knowing it'd probably turn me into something even worse than this. She attempts to think back, completely ignorant of what it was that actually just spoke to her mentally.

"Maybe I'm just losing it." Nellie begrudgingly mumbles to herself in a low voice, looking between her two cellmates to see if they have any plans, or are losing it at the same rate she herself thinks she is.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 5:52 am
by VintageBass
How did Reggie end up in this mess?

The last thing he recalled was living in paradise, getting himself a sexy first mate and a crew all ready to go, and soon he found himself in the little dingy that he used to make it to town. Now back at sea, Reggie's right back at square one, perhaps even further out than he originally intended. It's hard to tell, he was lying face flat against the floor boards of his boat for the journey out here and he had no idea where the boat was going, only letting the currents, waves and wind take him. It's not the greatest choice, but the sense of adventure probably got to Reggie and would let Lady Luck give him the best opportunity.

Well that luck pretty much dried up long ago, now that he's captured on a random pirate's ship with a couple of other pirates. This is simply fantastic. All he could've done was stay in paradise and none of this would've happened. But apparantly it was all too good to be true and now he's all tied up. Thankfully he didn't put too much of a fight... or a fight at all since he was more than passed out by the point, and when Reggie finally wakes up, he notices a pair of tits, curvy booty and a gun aiming right at him. The barrel pointing at him is getting the young pirate all in a frenzy, not really all that pleased to find himself staring right at his potential death...

But at the same time he's sporting a pretty noticable erection through his trousers upon finding this pirate queen before him.

As Reggie regains full consciousness and awareness of what's going on, his body starts to ache as he moves about in his restraints. It's likely from when Marie's crew handled him while he was slumbering, or the couple of days it's been drifting out at sea and sleeping non-stop, rocking around in a tiny boat with little room to move around it. Or both, that's a possibilty. Either way, Reggie's not feeling all that great from his accommedations and didn't really bother speaking up as this pirate queen spoke. He has no recollection of this woman before, not even stories from his old pirate crew. She's quite the big deal if she's going around as a pirate queen and defying her will be bad.

However Reggie got a message in his head telling him to get out of there, and he's more than happy to do so.

Once free from his binds, Reggie takes notice of the other captives that are with him are working out a plan to create some violence. All Reggie can think about is loosening up his sore joints. "Well, I'm... not exactly in the best shape right now," he replied to the male pirate addressing him. "I've been sleeping for who knows how long and it wasn't the best sleep I had. As for fighting, just find me a gun and I can do some damage if needed..." He kept his voice low, explaining all of this to the other captives as Reggie continues to stretch and look around to check out what he can do about here in his current state.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 7:48 am
by CondorBoH
Amaranis A'daragon, Vintage Bass
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

An older, scruffy but composed pirate walks over to the mast with blade drawn. His clothes and weapon look a touch nicer than his fellows, so no doubt he was in some position of importance on this boat. He cuts the ropes, instead of untying them like a normal person, and takes a few steps back. Clearly he only intended to release Matthew, but apparently didn't care enough to worry about Reggie's apparent freedom too.
Your bindings fall away. That was pretty easy. He speaks now, voice gruff and commanding.
"You will be watched, so don't try anything stupid. Past that, do what you're told."
He points out a batch of what is apparently some sort of cargo, telling you that it needs to be hauled below deck. Food stores most likely, the other pirates working below will take it once its down.

Well, it looks like you two are free, baring the grizzled guy with a sword standing next to you. You're still being watched by the masses, but most of them have wandered off to fulfill their own tasks for the day. It's quite apparent that none of them particularly care about you, probably most of them don't know what the fuss is about.


Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The ropes are gone, but that doesn't mean jack for the freaking chains around you. Now that the rope is out of the way, you can see that your bindings have a flaw. They're wrapped around you multiple times, then around the mast once and fixed to a rusted metal hook. A lock of sorts is on your front, but by the look of things, you could probably get it all off by just breaking the hook. Not particularly wise to do so at this current point in time, but the watchers will get bored of you soon.
The pirate who freed your... er... former fellow prisoners regards you with an eyebrow raised.
"What 'bout you? You put up a hell of a fight against my men, so you would be pretty useful. Could help put some of the more stupid ones in their place. Or do you like your current sleepin' arrangements?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You can see the First Mate of the crew, an older but still tough pirate, release two of the prisoners. The other remains tie- no, no chained. The hell was she in chains for?
Well that was weird.
Anyway, your two 'guards' look imposing, one of them wandering off to help haul a new looking cannon below deck. The ship was restocking at this particular port, some poor weather and an idiot with a small boat and cannon lead to some minor damage that needed to be fixed. You know that you wont be leaving for another day, at least.

Right... what to do, what to do?

Firehead, Meep, Ocfos
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The female pirate trains a gun on the cell and makes a gesture with her head towards it. The two with her grunt and mumble, but make their way over to the cell and unlocks it. The door is opened and they stand to the side of it, just in case any of you try anything by the looks of things. She addresses you all, voice raised to make sure she is heard.
"The foxy one can come out. If the squid wants out, she'd better raise her voice. If she can even speak, you fish-folk are weird. As for the pup, you can either stay here or enjoy whatever hell the captain has for you. See, if some smart-ass merc realizes you are on board, shit is going to go down. So yeah, you can go outta this cell, but no one is letting you above deck while it's light out."

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:22 am
by cliffracer
Hunter jogs to meet the two prisoners getting freed, getting a bit of a relieved smile. She doesn't know how many of these people there are, but she's glad at least two of them are cooperating enough to be let out of their bindings. She spends a moment checking out the collars they're wearing, a little skeptical of them at first, but seems satisfied when she figures out that yeah, these are the real deal.
" 'ey! Glad they let you down this..." She squints up at the sun, rubbing her eyes a little. ", I was out for a looong time. Uh- anyways. Good to know you're not gonna be bakin' in the sun. I'm Hunter."

She crosses her arms under her chest, looking at the two guys expectantly.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 4:30 pm
by VintageBass
Right, Reggie's pretty much free to do whatever, so long as he's not going to get himself into trouble. For the most part he's doing some stretches and rubbing his wrists, as part of that whole instinct from the binds holding him back, and there's not really much out of the way other than the pirates around don't seem to mind him all that much. Their stares are rather uncomfortable, but he can get used to this. Give it time and Reggie might slip right on in, using his previous life as a cabin body take over and get right back into things.

But that wouldn't be all that fun. There is excitement to have out there and new terrain for the young man. Getting away from these pirates should be a priority now.

What the older man said rings a little too loud for Reggie. Sure there are the others, but that voice that spoke to him earlier is a bit conflicting with that pirate queen told him. Reggie kept himself quiet in response, only thinking about who to listen to, before looking over at the chained up pirate. If there's something he can do to get her away from those chains, he'll certainly do it now. But he has nothing so he's going to step away from that until an opportunity arises to get her free. If she's capable of beating a couple of pirates here, sticking close to her will be the best option.

For now, Reggie's going to take the time to explore around on the top deck, looking for something that he can armed himself with and possibly other things like a boat for his fellow captives and a good safe spot to relax at... until he hears someone talking to him. He stops, looks up and down the female pirate and processed what she said to him. "Uh... yeah, right..." he replied, a small blush appearing on his cheeks. "Um... I'm Reggie. I'm not entirely sure what's going on myself, I've been sleeping for quite some time and still am waking up..." Reggie gives a couple more stretches, loosening up his arms and sighing in relief. Once he's all done with that, he focuses more his attention on Hunter. "So... you got anything we can do?"

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 5:23 pm
by Firehead
Nathaniel gave them his thanks as he was given permission to leave the dingy cell. He ignored the woman's words to his cell mates though as he had other things to consider. He needed to assess the situation if he was going to have any chance at escape.

Going back above deck he could see that they were at port. No wonder Marie didn't want the pup above deck right now if bounty hunters were after him. It was a bit disconcerting knowing he was so close to freedom but unable to obtain it with this hunk of steel wrapped round his neck.

He remembered the boy in his cell. The big bitch had made it clear bounty hunters were out to free him, and since they would need the keys to these collars to do so it wouldn't be anymore trouble to free himself as repayment as well. The problem would be identifying a likely person and communicating with them without being caught by the pirate crew.

There was also his old standby of seducing some lass into doing something stupid, but considering the situation they would likely be more wary of such a move requiring more subtlety on his part, and he had no idea how many woman were among the pirates to begin with.

The last option he could think of for the moment was to just sneak into the captain's cabin and steal the keys himself. A person like the captain though probably doesn't get to a position like hers without a great deal of cunning, and she would already be suspicious of his actions.

He took a look around the deck trying to learn as much as he could by observing the crew. He needed to act fast as he had no idea how long they'd be at port for, and escape would only be made more difficult once they reached open waters.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:11 pm
by Amaranis A'daragon
Well, that was easy.

Matthew popped his elbow as he stretched, wincing slightly. Even so, that little bit of pain was better than being tied up out in the hot sun. Matthew started to look around a bit before a short girl walked up to him. He looked at her a little suspiciously at first, but decided to play along as she introduced herself.

Hunter, huh? Looks like she's trying to push up her boobs. Poor girl.

Matthew shook his head quickly, trying to disguise it as cracking his neck.

"Well, pleased to meet you Hunter. That name is Matthew. You part of the captains....crew?"

Matthew mentally cuffed himself for that one, not realizing until after he started talking that she was also wearing a collar. Then again, maybe she is into that sort of thing.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 6:28 pm
by cliffracer
Hunter was clearly appreciative that the two guys were being cooperative. She wasn't sure if they were going to act nice since she's pretty clearly part of the crew, she chalks it up to the collar helping her on that one.
"Yeah, I'm one of Marie's girls. Woke up in her quarters just a few minutes ago with this collar on. Stuff about the Eye, I guess she musta talked to you lot too. Welcome to the crew, I guess?" Hunter shrugs. Not entirely sure how that works.

"Anyways, I was gonna help you guys haul those crates down. I figured getting that done fast would at least help you seem better to the guys." She motions to follow as she heads for the cargo. Hunter thinks these two are pretty alright! They seem like good sports about being made sudden captives to the captain, and that's keeping her relaxed.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Fri Aug 26, 2016 9:53 pm
by Ocfos
Nellie pops her head up from the water. "Yeah, but what's the catch of bein out? I don't trust someone who'd throw me in the brig, but I'm sure you can relate."

She leans onto the edge of the barrel, crossing her arms onto the lip of it.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Sat Aug 27, 2016 8:59 pm
by Nicoffee
"I propose a third option." Annabell spoke calmly, waiting for the man to get a little bit closer. "You free me and give me a raft for me to be on my way, and I don't break your spine so hard your chin touches your ass." She growled, getting a feel for her chains somewhat and examining the hook around her. She didn't expect the pirate to actually comply, but she just wanted him to come a little bit closer, once he did, she would attempt to break the hook away and wrap the metal chain around the pirate, using him as a sort of body shield for herself by wrapping the chains around his neck.

Of course, that is assuming she managed to break the bindings properly, if she didn't, well...She can hang around the mast for a while and wait for another opportunity later. But she sure as hell wasn't going to cooperate with those pirates, that would go against everything she stood for, after all.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2016 1:51 pm
by Meep Meepersons
Nurt's already droopy ears fell deeper as his fears were confirmed. He was a prisoner, again, only this time it was literally instead of metaphorically. "I want out! B-but I don't want to go to the captain...." He knew there was no way he'd escape from within the cells, but then again without someone elses help he wouldn't be able to do much until they hit land, and from the sounds of things, he wouldn't have much opportunity to escape then either. Especially considering how much they seem determined to keep him hidden from the world. Maybe he could help heal some people and gain some trust? Worth a try? "I!....I'll go to the captain...." He says softly and filled with despair. Drooping himself forward, he shuffles towards the cage door, frowning deeply and sniffling back tears. "D-do I have to be tied up?" He asks, a pleading look on his face as he brings a closed hand to his chest, as if his little heart was about to shatter if the guards told him yes.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2016 7:20 pm
by VintageBass
Hunter isn't too sure about these new arrangements given how she's reacting, and Reggie is very much in the same boat. In fact it's now that he spots the collar around her neck and on the other two pirates' as well, meaning that they're a part of this crew by force rather by choice. Then again Reggie's upbringing on his old crew was more him being taken in by force, but he was a small lad orphaned at a young age, so he didn't knew any better or what his situation was. Being on a ship is certainly nice, but Reggie can tell that being here isn't going to be fun and he rather have the same sense of freedom he had from his old life than being bossed around by someone simply looking for power.

Right now there's really not much Reggie can do other than pull his own weight around and please his "captain" until an opportunity arises. Hunter doesn't seem all that bad of a person, maybe she'll like to get out of here and explore the ocean, be apart of a new crew? Reggie doesn't want to find out just how nasty this Marie is, even if she's pretty damn sexy. That tightness in his pants is showing and it's likely not going to go down for some time, unless the crew does something that'll turn Reggie completely off. Eh, give it time and Reggie can slip behind something to wank himself and be back to normal...

But behind him certainly got his attention. That female pirate is threatening the older pirate to giving her a raft, and this got Reggie intrigued. If somehow none of that worked, he'll seek out something to help her out as she doesn't want to be on this ship as much as she does. If all works out for her, Reggie's taking his opportunity to break away from everything and joining her, along with grabbing anyone else who wants to join him. But for now there is a task and Reggie got down to lift boxes, concealing his boner underneath the box and take it to wherever it needed to go.

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 9:42 am
by CondorBoH
Most of the pirates have cleared the deck by now, those that remain are either hauling cargo or watching the prisoner. They're all pretty laid back about it, no major weapons in sight.
Oh, and to those who have been released, you got all of your stuff back. Enjoy your weapons and... what's this? 10 gold! Pittance compared to a big haul, but you can get a lot in a small town like this with even 1 gold coin.
You are also now all magically aware that you can do Lust Attacks! It's as if it was triggered by someone somehow, huh.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The pirate raises an eyebrow, stepping closer and leaning forward with a hand cupping his ear. His body language tells you that he's doing so to mock you. It's likely he's been in these sorts of situations before and has a general idea of what you're going to say. Before he can even open his mouth to give a witty reply, you take action.

Test of Strength!
Annabel's Roll: 16 + 4(STR) = 20
(Needed 10)
Pirate Lieutenant Roll: 3 + 2(STR) = 5

SNAP! The hook breaks as if it wasn't even there, the chains around the mast pulling forward around you from the sheer strength you put into your lunge. Clearly taking him by surprise, you manage to gather a fair few of the chains and wrap them around him. Soon, you have the man as wrapped up as you are, but with the added bonus of a chain around his throat...
It would take just a small tug for you to cut off his air.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Well Reggie, you're going to get your chance sooner than you think. Before you can even think, the sailor around the mast has got the pirate who cut you lose in a bit of a bind. Now, while that box you're hauling is doing a good job of concealing your boner, perhaps you'd better put it down (violently) if you plan on helping out. Play your cards right, kiddo.

cliffracer, Firehead, Amaranis A'daragon
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The two of you are having a wonderful conversation, but it may be derailed by the sounds of commotion. The other captive broke free of her chains and has captured one of the pirates! A high ranking one too.
A certain fox-man arrives on the deck just as this occurs too. Hunter and Matthew probably notice him come up, as there are a fair few Beastmen on board, but are very certainly distracted by the assault going on.
Now then, where do your loyalties lie? Do you wish to put in a good show for the pirate crew, or help your fellow prisoner (lets face it, you still kind of are), no matter the repercussions?

Meep Meeperons
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Literal puppy dog eyes, you are giving literal puppy dog eyes to these mooks.

Persuasion Check!

Nurt's Roll: 5 + 9(CHA) = 14

Pirate A's Roll: 18 + 1(CHA) = 19
Pirate B's Roll: 3 + 0(CHA) = 3
Pirate C's Roll: 6 + 0(CHA) = 6

You see the two pirates to the side of the female tense up a little bit. Pirate C may or may not struggle to hide an erection. However, the woman doesn't budge. Yeah, no wonder she's the leader of these goons.
"Yes, you do. You're cute, lil guy, but I'm not going to disobey the captain."
Before you even get the chance to quibble, the other pirates pull her aside. You can't really hear the conversation very well, but it's clear they're taking your side in the argument. At this point, you've worked out that B is female, and pretty quiet. How did you not work it out before? No clue, you've got a lot of tears in your eyes so that probably doesn't help.
Eventually, the Jailer (which is her name now) rolls her eyes.
"Fuck it, fine. You're not a threat anyway. If you turn out to be, I'll have these two idiot's heads. You -" She points to Pirate B, "- Take the runt to the captain's office, not her room. We can't go above deck right now."

Pirate B nods and, none to gently, grabs your hand and starts dragging you away from the cell. Success!

You are pulled into a nearby corridor. The interior of this part of the ship is a little more clean than the brig, certainly smells better too. The slim corridor soon opens out into a much larger area. You can see cannons lined up at varying intervals, a shutter closed over them. You still feel close to the waves, to you're maybe on the lowest row of these. Your current captor drags you through the area, around the pirates toiling away down here. They give you some odd glances and a few snicker. But before long, you've made it through this area, into another series of small corridors.
Geez this is a big ship.

After what seems like a few minutes of being dragged about, up and down bits of the ship, you reach a nicer looking wooden door. It's probably your destination. Relatively nearby you can see a set of stairs. Light, sunlight, can be seen coming through the trapdoor at the top of those stairs. Probably your way out. Your keen ears can detect the sounds of some sort of scuffle up there, oh dear.
But... you can feel the pirate who lead you here kneel next to you, giving your ears a pet. Your cuteness seems to have captured her attention.
"Well Pup, dunno what she was thinking. We can't ever get into the captain's office without her keys to open it. So for now, it's just you... and me."
You don't know if thats a good thing or not.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You watch your Jailer sigh loudly and pinch the bridge of her nose. Yep, she's someone in charge of corralling the generic idiots. You can tell because she actually has stats.
"Fuck, I hope I never see that whining little fuck again. I hope he falls overboard at some point... Anyway, you two fucks. Right. Captain wants you to pull your weight, help out and shit like that. Be good at fighting off the sea monsters and other shitbags that try to board. Your 'catch', fish-face, is you join the crew. Don't ask me, apparently the captain wanted something other than chucking you all in a prison cell."

The door hangs open, with one guard fiddling with his shoe and the Jailer sighing in annoyance.

Fantasy Fanatic
A new player joins the quest!
But technically they were there the entire time.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Gill, you are hiding on top of the mast. The past few days, you've noticed the people of this ship seem to be 'collecting' certain people. The things you have learned as a witch tell you that it has something to do with the Eye of a Thousand Suns. Yes, your teacher has told you all about it. More than most ordinary people know, that's for sure. You haven't revealed yourself or attempted to help the earlier prisoners out of caution. There are a lot of people on this ship, and you can sense that the captain is quite powerful. Mystically so.
You believe that you can free these people from their magic collars, but not quickly. An hour each, at least for the first few. You'll get faster as you practice, heh.

You've avoided detection so far, cartoonist hiding behind the sailors who climb to the crows nest. You still can't believe that all worked out.
Now, this may be your chance to lend a hand. One of the captive broke out of her chains. Wait. Chains. She was chained up and broke them? Bad. Ass.
Course', you didn't see that she just broke a rusty ol' hook, but still.
Now where was I.
Ah yes.
One of the captives has broken out and has taken a hold of one of the pirate bosses. A good start!

Re: Pirates! Quest for the Eye

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2016 10:40 am
by Fantasy Fanatic
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(Since you've set the mood, I'll be writing in first person. I might switch however, we'll see.)

Well, seems the new catch was more than they bargained for. Of course, unless the others begin helping out, it would be foolish to reveal myself. But if more of them join in on trying to reclaim their freedom, I might join myself. Of course, I have several tricks up my sleeves, and there is always the Twisting Curse. One good aim towards a distracted target and a twist to just one particular bone could take anyone out. There just isn't any escape from your own neck suddenly missing a fully functional Vertebrae.

For now, Gill decides to remain hidden so that she can take full advantage of more people causing distractions, and when it gets dicey for them, she'll help out. Of course, if she gets into any trouble herself, there is always the ability to just fly away to live another day.