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Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:55 am
by Reaver
It was like a mother's stern beckoning, or perhaps a lover's sweet nothings, maybe even the rally-cry of an old comrade, no matter what you heard, it all started when you received the letter. A pristine pure white thing, wax-sealed with a curious crimson rune. Once you laid your eyes upon the letter, you heard 'it' faintly in the back of your mind. You never did open it, instead placing it somewhere safe on your person as 'it' coaxed you. Instead you found yourself traveling in a singular direction. You rested when you needed to and ate if absolutely necessary but the calling drove you to keep moving. You couldn't question it or fight it, yet you were aware of it, aware of how you walked day and night, how the scenery changed, how your weapons jingled on your back and how the calling got louder and more persistent the further you went. The large stone walls came in view, the same ones you had approached so many years ago. This was Ryunia.

You had all been pulled back to the city of Ryunia. But this time no guards called out from above on the ramparts, the torches weren't lit on the outside of the walls and the giant grey gates sculpted from the mountain were ajar, open enough to allow three standing side-by-side to walk in. Despite it being night, it was easy to see with the moon being so full and bright tonight that Ryunia was virtually undefended at the gates for some reason. By then you knew you were not alone. Others were nearby, you could smell them, sense them, hear them, others infused with the Old Blood, other Hunters. They, along with you crowded near the entrance. You didn't know what they were thinking or why exactly they were here or had come here the first time, but together you took your first steps into the city that had changed you with them.

'It' was much louder now, almost drowning out any thoughts you had as you walked into the main courtyard of Ryunia. Intended as a place to check people trying to gain access into the city and where traders could sell wares to the citizens of Ryunia, Perhaps the answer to a few of your questions laid there as you saw stacks of bodies strewn everywhere. Many of the piles were leaned against the main walls, almost covering the entire bottom width of the walls. The blood filled the cracks in the cobblestone and some of the piles were taller than yourself. At a glance one could see that many of the bodies were overly hairy or had elongated limbs, symptoms of those infected with the Beast Plague, others were probably victims, many of them wearing guard uniforms, explaining the lack of presence on the walls. The courtyard itself was basic Ryunian architecture, buildings interconnected and carved out of the mountain walls with colorful cloths hanging from the walls to give more character to the grey stone houses. They were organized in a way that created a circular forum in the middle and a bottleneck to the pathway that led into the city proper.

However the most interesting thing in the courtyard was the tree in the middle, or perhaps the person under it. A single tree with no leaves was rooted in the middle of the square, gigantic and old, its roots could be follow yards away, creating bumps and unevenness between the cobblestones. How it grew with so little light was anyone's guess. Underneath it was a single individual slumped against the trunk adorned in all black. His garb seemed to be a variation of Hunter garb, preferred by those that considered themselves to be veterans of the Corps. A bloodied great-sword was embedded in the stone nearby, just a foot away from where his hand rested. As if its job had been accomplished, the noise in your mind grew louder, building to a crescendo, threatening to overwhelming your very being. A giant ocean, grey and unfathomably deep flashed in your mind before it suddenly and sharply ceased, returning control back to you.

Your mind is now your own again

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 4:00 am
by cliffracer
Alicia lurches backwards in place as her consciousness returns to her, one hand snapping to her rapier's handle and the other making sure all of her belongings are in place. The noise was akin to hearing a cave-in to her, and her reflexes had her making sure nothing got shaken loose, despite nothing having happened. She clears her throat and straightens her clothes, taking an official stance as she looks about the courtyard. Alicia takes careful note of the hunters gathered in front of this tree, first impressions being drawn with a suspicious eye.
She says nothing, instead taking an experimentive step towards the slumped-over figure to give it a look over. There must've been a reason she came to this spot, and aside from the almost-certainly living group of people around her, what she assumed to be a corpse was the most interesting thing.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:23 am
by lilbooth
It had not been long since Jurgen's bonds were broken, but an unnatural whisper beckoned him back to the great stone city. His weeks of sporadic travel left his feet raw and muscles burning. The physical exertion had narrowed his vision and the endless whisper sealed his ears shut. When he finally neared the walls of the city he was completely oblivious to the world around, he could not feel the rough cobble or the cool breeze. His towering mass floated past the piles of bodies and blood covered walls towards the giant central tree. When his mind was finally released from the whisper, Jurgen collapsed to his knees and began massaging his overworked muscles. While nursing his body he allowed his eyes to wander around the center. The grotesque and unnatural did not bother Jurgen, it was actually hospitality that caused him to flinch. The pile of dead bodies and blood bored him quickly and his focus shifted to the other hunter's around him. Many of them still seemed consumed by the call, one of them had recovered even faster than him and was creeping towards the figure slumped against the tree.

Jurgen slowly stood and walked to the base of the tree, kneeling again next to the bloodied hunter. "You uhh... think he's alive?" Question Jurgen, poking at the hunter's hand with the handle of his torch. The whole courtyard felt uneasy, the strong presence of the plague and the dead guards worried him deeply.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:26 am
by KnightVanilla
Days and nights turn into weeks... what was calling her... Seren wondered this as she was lulled from her outpost. There was nothing to fight against her body was being drawn to whatever was calling her. No sleep, food, water, or even a moment to rest just the journey as at some point she remembered the path... she was returning to the old kingdom she had sought immortality from. Dragging her feet through marshes and snow until finally arriving at the gate. Her hands clung to her weapons waiting at the front of the gates the noise getting louder as she waits and sees the other hunters arrive. A few arrived before her while others either came with or after her. Once the gate finally opened up her feet dragged across the floor as she wandered in with the rest of the hunters.

The guards and citizen's bodies were strewn across the courtyard... strange... what caught her eyes wasn't the bodies however... such atrocities were common view for hunters. It was the hunter sitting before them as the noise grew struggling to stay standing until its finally gone. Recovering as she looked around finally in the city she had sought passage to only for her work to lead her two a bloody image of what she first saw. She approaches the veteran hunter without hesitation approaching him without fear as she approaches to get a better look at him."He can speak for himself." She spoke to the other hunter behind her mask. Kneeling down to get a better look. "Old hunter... what has transpired in the wake of our arrival?"

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:08 pm
by Icaelus
The letter. That was the last waking moment, the last moment where she still had control over her very being. She didn't know what she was doing; only that she now existed to follow the old roads back to the mountain fortress, Ryunia. It was where her king resided, the immortal monarch that ruled an army of Hunters with promises of immortality, everlasting life. It was indeed a solid reason for many able-bodied men and women of the realm to make their way to Ryunia, seeking an audience with the undying king for the secrets of eternal life. Many refused to enlist into the Hunter Corps, but there were thousands more to answer both to their greed and the call of never-ending life.
But immortality is but a dream for many, for the Hunter's life is perilous and fraught with mortal dangers. Out of the thousands that took up the call of arms, many died, forever lost on their quest for eternal life. Graham had known this very well, that had been apparent from what he had told her. But for all his cautiousness, he still died, leaving her alone once again.
She questioned herself sometimes on the nights she felt the most lonely. Why had he become a Hunter? What had been so enticing about immortality? She didn't know, and didn't want to. She had taken up the mantle of a Hunter to honor Graham's memory, not chasing after some fleeting prospect of everlasting youth..

It was an odd experience, her mind taking in every single moment during that brain-dead march towards Ryunia. She was in control of her senses, but yet not her own body. It almost certainly was caused by the letter, she was sure of it. The moment after she had received it from the mail, a deeply familiar voice sounded through the back of her mind..calling her to Ryunia.
And now, the gates to the city loomed before her. It had a been a week long trek from Garselm and her body definitely was worse for the wear. Sure, the voice had let her body rest and take in sustenance, but only whenever it was absolutely necessary. Whatever was afoot here, it seemed that time was of the utmost importance..
Her mind blazed with thoughts as her body carried itself almost zombie-like through the gates of Ryunia. Where were all the guards? The great stone gate had been left open, exposing Ryunia's belly to any hungry predator that would feast upon the city's folk. Just what was going on?

The darkness of the night did not make her body hesitate..or rather, she had no option to. Pulling strength from her aching muscles, she straightened up, taking purposeful strides towards the main courtyard of the fortress. Many of her thoughts were answered by she would see. Bodies. Corpses. Thrown in piles over every single available surface, left to rot out in the open. The bodies were distinctly hairier than most humans should've been.
The more lighthearted option would've been to think that some bumbling alchemist had unleashed a hair-growth bomb upon the entire city, but the copious amounts of blood splattered everywhere attested to the fact that this had been the work of Beasts..also, humans didn't have arms the length of their legs. Good indication of the Beast Plague, elongated limbs. Made you look like a freakin' overly hairy monkey man.
Definitely not a pleasant way to go.

Her mind continued racing as she continued towards the courtyard, passing underneath the arch that the guards usually stood by at. Practically half of the corpses had been dressed in the guard uniforms. Probably why there wasn't a single soul left to protect the city. Had Ryunia truly fallen to the Beast Plague, then?
But there was no time left to think such thoughts. The Old Blood, it called! Called out to the others infused with very same lifeblood, fellow Hunters of the same thread. Had they perhaps received the very same letter that she had? Heard the calling to Ryunia? Or were they perhaps just survivors?
Her feet continued to carry her towards the giant tree that marked the center of the courtyard, once flourishing with life, now just a dried, empty husk of dead wood. It would seem that she would be the fourth to arrive, her petite figure cutting through the dark of night that cloaked her approach. The very sight of the figure dressed in the garb of the veteran Hunter caused even her auto-zombie self to pause momentarily, before continuing on to stand by the others.
The noise in her mind continued to pulse, pounding even louder and louder. It felt like her heart was in her very brain itself. And then, nothing. A vision of a massive, unending ocean of grey etched itself within her mind before it was returned to her. She had control again.

"Do you people have a sense of crisis? Let's all just approach the only living guy with a giant sword in the middle of a graveyard, yeah?"
It was a shame that her first words in a week had to be harsh, but Sylvia Dremori valued her life above everything else. You learned to appreciate life when you lived in the Garselm slums, watching people die from starvation and many other sorts of things on a daily basis.
"I'd advise all of you to back up a couple steps, put a couple bullets into some unimportant body part of this guy and see what he has to say. If he's turned Beast, all the better. If not, serves him right for being so spooky in the middle of the night."
With that said, Syl heeded her own words, skipping a couple feet away from the veteran as she unslung the Repeater in one fluid motion, dropping to a knee and shouldering the rifle, the barrel pointed dead center towards the veteran's chest.
"Oh, right. How rude of me. Name's Sylvia. Or Syl, whatever you please."
Syl looked around, giving the other three Hunters a wide introductory grin.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 1:58 am
by Zender_Solarheart
So...this is the group Randolph has been charged with. Quite the inquisitive bunch; many a Hunter have met their demise poking at things out of curiosity, though it is a bit ironic that the one looking to shoot first and ask questions later has the smarter idea for this kind of scenario. Deciding that he's had enough fun testing their wits, Randolph lifts up his head to let them see his steely, yet obviously sane eyes, and lets them know the result of his little test. "If I was a Beast, you two would be dead right now...and you would need more distance." Honestly, he thought the higher-ups would have chosen some fellow veterans for this, but these Hunters are quickly giving off the impression of fledgling rookies...well, whatever. Straightening his hat, he decides it's high time to introduce himself.

"My name is Randolph. I am a Hunter, as you may have deduced, though I arrived about two days before. I was tasked with exterminating the Beasts alongside the guards in this area, in order to prevent their escape from this city...and as you can see, we were kept quite busy." Indeed, the courtyard's new gory decorations pay quite the testament to the prior battle; were the effects of the Beast plague not so obvious, they may have accidentally cut down their own in the chaos. "As for why I was resting against that tree, I had orders to await reinforcements...and I can only assume that would be you." Reaching into his coat pocket, Randolph pulls out a letter, wax-sealed and only faintly blood-stained in a couple of spots, and shows it to the other Hunters. "My instructions were to ensure that you had these letters, and then have you open and read them. have those letters, do you not?" The veteran's gaze scans coldly over each of the Hunters standing before him, waiting for their responses. If they came all this way to Ryunia's recently-bloodied courtyard for any other reason, he'd like to know right away; he's not very fond of those who would keep secrets from his kind.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 3:01 am
by cliffracer
Alicia continues to stare at Randolph for a moment, taking note of the perhaps-impromptu test he gave the people who assembled. She wasn't extremely suprised about being tested so early, it was the fact that he had a letter of his own that had her eyebrows raised. She undoes the lower fastening to her official-seeming outfit, a bit too-casually retrieving her letter from the underside of her cleavage. Perhaps the safest place to keep a thing like that, to her.
Refastening her top, she holds it up between two fingers. "Indeed." She looks between the other hunters again, this time seeming to be addressing the whole lot. "If the rest of you have the letters, I suppose there's no harm. I am Alicia of Silver. Interesting to know I wasn't the only one who got one of these."

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:11 am
by KnightVanilla
"If you were a beast you would have acted quicker with the amount of hunters in your presence..." Seren spoke her mask hiding any expression she would have given. As under her sleeve she pulled out her letter. Her pistol now holstered as she undid the seal. Whatever called her here had to do with this letter and she was curious as what words it held for her. "Hunter.... what other events are you aware of transpired while you waited for us?" She looked up to him after reading the letter knowing that this hunt.... would not end so easily. This place was why they were all here to gain immortality... and as such no one can really be trusted if this may be anyone's chance to achieve what they long sought for.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:36 am
by FragranceofMtDew
For days on end Julia had marched, the voice of her father scolding her for forgetting her purpose and the voice of her mother gently encouraging her ever onward. She was dimly aware that her legs were not moving of their own volition, but it didn't matter. So long as her family needed her, she would have marched wherever they asked. And at long last, she stood before the gates of Ryunia once more. For the first time in nearly a week she questioned the unknown force that drove her here, only for her father to shout in anger of her hesitation and spur her onward once more.

From the moment she passed through those gates, the overpowering aroma of blood filled her nostrils with the sight of the bodies coming shortly afterwards. It didn't take much for her to conclude that beasts now plagued Ryunia and were slaughtering it's people in droves, though they appeared to be putting up a fight at least. Another vaguely familiar scent was mixed in with the bloody haze in the air... Was this the Old Blood of other hunters? Whatever it was it came from up ahead. Moving up, Julia saw the group gathered around a body leaning against a large tree and chose to keep her distance at first until she could learn more about what's going on here.

After a few moments, the body arises and the man introduces himself as Randolph the veteran hunter. His mention of a letter reminded Julia that she had received one just like it before she had departed for Ryunia. Just where had that gone? As Julia goes to check her pockets, she finds the letter clutched in her hand. Perhaps she had been holding it all this time? Regardless, the letter meant that she was one of those whom Randolph had been waiting for. "My name is Julia..." She introduces herself as she steps forward, her naturally quiet voice further muted by the cloth mask she wore over her mouth. She refrained from asking any questions, instead opening the letter to read as it would presumably contain information about the task she had been summoned here to preform.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:32 am
by Reaver
Seren and Julia
The waxed symbol on the letter held no power over you as you boldly began to open it. Inside, however you didn't find a letter, in fact there wasn't even a single word on the aged yellow parchment that you held. Instead the only thing on the page was a symbol you were all too familiar with. The 'Hunter Rune', the emblem of the Corps, a symbol every hunter became associated with. But this one felt different as your eyes feel upon it, it had a sense of age and power. Something that had been reserved for a long time for a specific reason and you have just unleashed it. Unleashed.... That was a good way to describe its power as your consciousness and body were transported somewhere else in an instant. A blinding light flashed before your eyes and then you were no longer in Ryunia anymore.

"Was I expecting a pair of hunters soon?" A voice called out from the light as your senses began recovering. "Or was it several more that was planned?" The voice continued clearly male and definitely confused by your arrival. Your vision returned only to be bathed in more pure white, as you found yourself laying in a field of white flowers that stretched for unseen length. You could also see that one other hunter had accompanied you on your journey, probably having read the letter as you did. Once you began looking around you could see that everything in the distance was covered with a thick fog but you could manage to make out long grey pillars that reached far into the sky before disappearing into the fog. "Those are all gravestones." He said, guessing what you were thinking about. "Hundreds upon hundreds, maybe even numbers bigger than thousands of hunters have come through here. I.... We.... Like to leave something here to remember them once they pass on." He sounded a bit proud yet you couldn't help but hear the undertone of sorrow in his voice as he mentioned the last part. "They used to be all over the place but she wanted them away from the house..." Saying it as if recalling a distant memory. There was a large house behind the man and woman, looking rather homely and completely normal. Finally you focused on the man and woman.

While his features were largely dependent on your own opinions of beauty and handsomeness, you couldn't deny the piercing gaze of his sunset orange eyes that seemed to burrow into your mind despite his rather lax pose. He almost seemed to be on the cusp of falling asleep with his eyes half closed and his back completely against the large and almost regal chair that he sat in. One arm rested on the arm of the chair and the other on the pommel of a large weapon that had its head or blade buried in the ground. He returned your gaze with a small smile but otherwise said nothing more as if too tired to continue holding the conversation he had started and giving you enough time to really adjust to this new realm.

The woman on the other hand seemed to be the opposite. Where he sat, she stood, behind him. Her skin and hair were a brilliant white, as pristine and pure as the flowers and the very letter that had ended up bringing you here and looked just as fragile as both. Unlike his rugged and feathered garb, her's was light and elegant, an all white gown that flowed around her. The most curious aspect however was that she seemed to be wearing a blindfold over her eyes.

Right before it looked like the man was going to actually fall asleep the woman leaned over next to his chair and whispered in his ear. His reaction was instant as his eyes opened fully and he sat more upright as if given more energy by whatever she had said. "Right..... Right.... I didn't remember until you told me, thank you." The man said, speaking loud enough for you to hear. "Yes this should be new for you two. However please, wait for the rest of your comrades to show up before asking questions. The night may be long but that doesn't mean time should be wasted with repetition." Staring you down as he clutched the woman's hand with the one not resting on the handle.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):


Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 4:38 pm
by cliffracer
Alicia coughs in suprise as a grin spreads across her face. "Oho, I see! A letter that delivers the recipient! Goodness, I knew I was expecting something interesting inside the envelope..." She breaks the main gauche away from her rapier, using it as a letter opener to neatly pop the wax seal away without damaging it. "And a role reversal is certainly something interesting!"
With an entertained smile she gives the letter a read, stowing her dagger again.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 7:53 pm
by KnightVanilla
Seren opened the letter reading what was intended for her as she saw the winter's rune. Too her surpise as the power unleashed itself onto her. The light enveloping her in a mass of light as her surroundings finally revealed themselves to a new place. Her mind and body rather laxed to the sudden change of surroundings. Picking herself up as she heard the voice in the distance her weapons at the ready for security. "Who goes there..."

There was little answer as he continued to speak. Until she finally saw the source of the voice. "You said we were early... Does that mean you expect the rest of our corps to arrive?" she asked easing herself as she saw the two.... Only after he had said his final words Seren remained quiet apologizing for her previous questions. However her scholarly nature made her ask just one simple thing.

"If it's not too much to ask what is your purpose here?"

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 8:59 pm
by lilbooth
"Aye, I have one as well." Jurgen commented to Randolph in reassurance. He then glanced around at his fellow hunter's as their wax seals were sliced or popped off. He was rather resentful of his letter, it had brought him much torment in the last few weeks. Though, not wanting to be left out he quickly scrounged through his pockets and pouches, producing a slightly tarnished but still sealed letter. The pristine envelope was dwarfed by his massive hands, and he struggled for a few moments to separate the wax from the parchment. After a few sullen grunts, he pulled the letter free and unfolded it before his eyes...

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:19 pm
by Icaelus
Right. So the guy wasn't a beast. Still didn't do much for the fact that he was quite the creepy one, if he had sought to sound the lot of them out with such a test. Maybe..just maybe, she should've just shot him in the leg..well, her gun was still pointed at the Hunter she now knew as Randolph. Hm. Shooting him still was an option, wasn't it?
With a short sigh, she lowered the Repeater and straightened up to get a better look at Randolph. While his manners left much to be desired, the man did cut an imposing figure, garbed in his dark veteran hunter garb. Along with that massive sword that he hopefully knew how to use, the grizzled hunter would possibly prove himself a sturdy vanguard. Or just another meat shield that would die screaming as beasts tore him to shreds.
"Hunter Randolph, huh? So you say you arrived two days before..and then alone survived till now?"
Sylvia slung the rifle back onto her shoulder, arching an eyebrow at the old Hunter. She was skeptical, of course. Was the man that able? Or perhaps it was just a bare-faced lie. It didn't matter, though. It was no business of hers, unless he was deliberately withholding information vital to the mission and quite possibly, their chances of survival. She listened in silence as Randolph spoke of his consisted of two things. First, hold out in the courtyard for reinforcements to arrive, then second and lastly, ensure they carried that damned letter and read it. Upon finishing his sentence, the Hunter immediately shut up, but his gaze that swept over the rest of them spoke volumes.

My, my. A suspicious one, aren't you? Did you enter that damn trance state that brought you here, too?"
Syl didn't bother waiting for an answer from Randolph as she glanced around at the rest of the Hunters, all beginning to retrieve their letters from their various places of hiding. And it seemed that she and one of the other female Hunters shared the same idea of a secure hiding location..or well..wherever her body had deigned to shove the letter where it would seem safest.
Syl didn't much like the traditional, stuffy Hunter garb. She had much preferred to walk around a bit less heavily clothed. It had just so happened that day that her outfit had happened to lack pockets..
Her crimson eyes flickered back and forth from the other Hunter, Alicia. The woman had hidden her letter in her cleavage..and just from looking, it was pretty obvious that she probably had room for a dozen more.
Syl turned away red-faced, dipping a pair of fingers to quickly draw the letter from her own cleavage. Why her body had ever thought of storing the damnable piece of paper there, she would be damned by the blood before she knew. Syl was by no means lacking in size, but stand her next to Alicia and the difference was painfully obvious. Not that they were comparing..
She quickly turned back to face Randolph, her eyes alight in a glare that dared him to even utter a comment. Clenched between her fingers was the still-pristine letter, the waxen seal of red standing out like blood on the white of the paper. It wasn't very much unlike the faint red of the blush that was outstanding upon her pale complexion.

Soft footsteps towards them signaled the arrival of a sixth Hunter, a woman almost clothed head to toe in the usual Hunter outfit. Must've been sweltering in there, hm? Syl kept her own thoughts to herself as her hands moved to break the waxen seal of the letter. Whatever mystical energies it had used to compel her into that trance before, she was pretty sure none of it remained. It was now exactly what it looked like; a darn piece of paper.
The wax seal broke apart easily, but Sylvia stopped herself from looking at the contents just yet to nod her acknowledgement to the newly arrived Julia. It was at this time that Syl noticed the hulking brute just paces away from her. He had been silent the entire time, a quietness that belied his massive frame.
This was one person she needed no introduction to, infamous as he was on the grapevine. It had been the talk of the town, the gossips speaking of a Beast that had joined with the Hunters hunt it's own kind. Names were spoken publicly and soon, Jurgen Metzger had been the ongoing choice of topic between the gossip carriers of Garselm.

Well..whatever, then. She carefully removed the letter from the envelope, unfolding it gently to read its contents. There weren't any words to read. There was only the Hunter's Rune embossed onto the paper. Every Hunter knew the why was it there? But it did feel..different. An ancient power, quivering within that symbol alone.
With an herculean effort, she tore her eyes away from the symbol. Something was happening. Something bad. She stared at Randolph accusingly, like he had the answers. As if. What he knew probably wasn't much more than they already did.
The Hunters that had read their letters disappeared in a brilliant flash of blazing white light. Even the gigantic frame of Jurgen, who had finally moved to read his own letter. That giant body had disintegrated with the white light in an instant. And soon, she would follow.
It most likely wasn't death that had come this day. Why bother to drag them all to Ryunia just to kill them? But the prospect of just what was waiting in store for them was equally as terrifying..
She felt almost as afraid as the day she had awoken to her new life with Graham, before she had known the Hunter in his true self.
" over me, please?"
Her voice was quiet, as if resigned to her fate.

And then everything went white.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:16 am
by KnightVanilla
Whether her questions were entertained or not she would have to wait for the other hunters to have a better grasp of their situation. Hearing the wind howl with a singular bell toll for what she would assume would be the arrival of the other hunters. "I'll return... my compatriots have pointed their weapons at others as a way to introduce themselves. It wouldn't be good to have them commit violence to you. Especially since you are kind enough to allow us as your guests." Walking off she grips her weapon at the ready as she saw these fellows were on edge and easing them into it would had been better rather than the rest. Walking bare foot across the field of white flowers to see the three lying on the ground her saw cleaver was clear in hand before placing it away.

As the hunters' vision finally focused on her simply tilting her head as she held out her hand to each of them. Seren was far much smaller than the rest of them her delicate stature seemed out of place of any other hunter yet she seemed to have a light air to her as though every step she had and every movement made her seem lighter than air. "Before you suggest we kill or shoot the person responsible why not speak to them... you three are a guest in their home after all." She said each of them up before leading them to the others. "I am Mayari, the Strix of Pa'tel." Introducing herself the image of her walking through the field making her seem to glow from the moonlight before finally leading them to the man and woman.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:34 am
by FragranceofMtDew
Julia was perplexed by the simple contents of the letter to say the least. What meaning was there in the Hunter's Mark? She didn't have much time to dwell on it though, as a flash of light blinded her and her consciousness drifted away. An unfamiliar voice awakened her and sat up immediately to take in her surroundings. The contrast between the bloody central square of Ryunia she had come from and the serene field of flowers she was in now was quite unsettling, and the enigmatic man who spoke of the graves of thousands of Hunters in this place did nothing to put her at ease.

In fact, everything about this situation unnerved her. An unknown letter that compelled her to travel without rest, only to take her to a complete different location once she opened it? None of it made sense and this man and his companion didn't seem interested in explaining, for the moment at least. He didn't seem to pose a threat just yet, though his weapon certainly looked dangerous, so she took no hostile action. But Julia certainly wouldn't be letting her guard down in such unfamiliar territory, and so she kept a hand on her weapons and her eyes never left the man while she waited quietly for the others showed up. Unlike the other woman, she chose to ask no questions since it seemed she would receive no answers.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Sat Mar 12, 2016 10:13 pm
by Zender_Solarheart
Randolph can't help but let out some strange combination of a chuckle and a sigh upon being questioned by the rifle woman. Her suspicion is understandable; from her perspective, he may just as easily have caused the prior massacre, rather than be involved in resisting it. Such questions often come with being the sole survivor of a calamity, though she at least has the good sense not to jump to conclusions on the matter. Inquisitive, but careful in her judgments. This woman could make a rather proficient study of the Arcane arts, if she applied herself to it. Before he can even attempt to respond to her, though, she's already opened her letter and activated its transportation rune. The other Hunters quickly follow suit, one by one departing from the present visceral surroundings, ascending to whatever awaits beyond. It seems that he'll need to do the same before he can get any proper introductions from them, so...

Randolph picks up Reaping Willow, then opens his own letter, allowing himself in turn to ascend. From what he's been told, the land beyond will be a far cry from the horror that presently surrounds him, a welcome respite from the stench of gore and Beast hide.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:13 pm
by Reaver
{2 Insight gained~ Everyone}
The man seemed amused by all of Seren or Mayari's questions but nevertheless only smiled, as he had said earlier that he wouldn't be answering any questions just yet. The pale woman behind him however seemed to frown, either at her badgering or the fact that Julia had a hand on her weapon. As the other hunters began appearing, the man began to chuckle, standing up as his grin grew. His companion took a step forward and reached out as if to stop him but stopped herself, simply smiling before bowing her head in acceptance of what he was doing.

"This is certainly grand! I can't ever recall hosting this many hunters ever!" Clapping his hands together in delight before eyeing each one of you. "What is this? One, three, five? No, six! ANNnnnnd! Is that Beetroot?" Pointing at Randolph. "Your wife.... Willow came through the dream some time ago. I doubt she even remembers me but we talked about many things at great length, including you. Of course you two were only betrothed at the time but she drew me a picture of you. I'm sure I have it somewhere.... But how is she? She carved a path through the beasts like few I've ever seen do and was determined to see you again. Never seen someone so happy to wake from this dream."The woman hummed a short nondescript tune which made the man wince in embarrassment. "Right. Well we all have plenty of things to do tonight so I guess I shouldn't waste time on the past." He took a deep breath as he walked forward until he was close enough to touch each of you if he chose to. "I am Keeper as I am the keeper and host of this dreamscape. Keeper is not my actual name, I forgot it ages ago but it fits me well enough so its fine. Yes I'm very old but don't look it because I'm immortal and yes it was given to me by the king. This is the fabled Hunters' Dream, that some of you might have heard stories from more veteran hunters. Almost every hunter comes through it to be trained, to hone their skills and to beat back the ever encroaching night and participate in the Hunt. The woman back there is my dearest companion, she will help you become stronger by allowing you to harness the power of bloodechoes. Killing anything creates them but there are very few ways of harnessing them, she will help you with that. You will call her Mistress and nothing else."

Keeper stopped in front of Mayari, chuckling before touching her mask. "You called yourself a Strix? Is that what they call them now? Back when, we called ourselves Crows although it was obviously different in my native tongue but it was all the same when we hunted gone-hunters. I hope your skills are indeed honed enough to hunt hunters, young bird because you will face far worse tonight." His voice had grown cold and quiet for a few seconds before going back to being boisterous and happy. He patted her on the head before walking back to his chair as he talked. "Well you all brought your own armaments so I guess I don't have to waste time arming you brave hunters so I guess you're free to leave. You'll want to take the militia armory first before traversing further into the city. It'll be a good base of operations to restock, plan and maybe even bring people to if they aren't already dead, safe or turned into beasts. The tombstone with the bird on top will bring you have to the main gate square. Depart if you wish or stay to ask more questions but you will find this night to be unending if you do not act." Sitting back into his chair with a content sigh. "Randolph. We'll talk later but I have a proposition you might be interested in." His eyes almost completely shutting with his words done. The Mistress stood over and behind him as if guarding his sleep from any who would dare interrupt it, despite him giving others permission to stay and ask him more questions. Curious enough, one of his hands clutched the handle of his buried weapon even in sleep.

To everyone's right at the bottom of the hill that led to the house and the Keeper and Mistress, was a small tombstone that dimly glowing with white light. The name on it was unreadable but it had a raven or crow on the top with stretched out wings. "Just touch it and think of the square and you should be back there." Keeper muttered from his chair with his eyes closed. It seemed he could basically do this in his sleep.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:06 pm
by cliffracer
Alicia was in a bit of a dazed trance by the time she regained vision in he Dream, but the Keeper's eagerness to see so many hunters snapped her back to attention. While she saw what the letter did to someone else in person, it felt strange to have it happen to herself! There was something about the Keeper's appearance that caught her eye, dashing like a knight, but not nearly as pompous. It made it hard to ignore what he was saying if she wanted to in the first place. As he referred to Mayari, she watched quietly with a raised eyebrow. She was rather unfamiliar with what he discussed, so she refrained from voicing her curiosity.

Eventually though, the physical toll of the journey was starting to catch up with Alicia. She was used to moving around quickly while having such a boisterous chest, but she was going to use her chance to take a break while she had it. Exhaling as she rubs her lower back, she makes her way down the hill, sitting a little ways away from the gravestone the Keeper pointed out. She didn't miss the looks Sylvia was giving as they were retrieving their letters, and a wide amused grin as she looks at her makes it clear enough to the other huntress.

Re: Rebirth of the Blood

PostPosted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 10:40 pm
by lilbooth
Jurgen simply sat, or rather stood, amongst his fellow hunters and listened. This vision, or dream as the Keeper had called it, was certainly the nicest he had experienced in a while. Though small and old the Keeper looked strong, and even with his eyes shut he seemed prepared to strike at any time. He recommended capturing the armory, which made plenty of sense to Jurgen, extra weapons, and supplies would certainly help dispatch more beasts. He really only had one question, which way to the armory?. But he figured that Randolph most likely new and it would be better to ask him rather than the Keeper. The Keeper did not seem like a man that would entertain simple questions though he was immortal, so perhaps he enjoyed being asked. However, far more interesting to Jurgen was the women standing behind the Keeper. Mistress was her supposed name. Jurgen had never seen anything so clean or regal in his entire life. A gown of pure white, with ivory skin and hair to match. Jurgen almost didn't believe it, surely an illusion, he thought to himself as he stared blankly in awe. He quickly crossed his arms to prevent himself reaching out to her. He stayed to observe the questions of the others but the more he felt the pull of his chains restraining him from acting, the faster his aggravation increased. After a short while, he dismissed himself from the house with a short grunt and awaited his fellow hunters by the tombstone. He did not trust the stone, or the Keeper for that matter, enough to risk being the first to return to the square. His mother did always tell him that ladies went first. So with the last of his resolve, he kneeled by the stone and awaited the brave soul that dared to go first.