by Icaelus » Mon Mar 07, 2016 8:08 pm
The letter. That was the last waking moment, the last moment where she still had control over her very being. She didn't know what she was doing; only that she now existed to follow the old roads back to the mountain fortress, Ryunia. It was where her king resided, the immortal monarch that ruled an army of Hunters with promises of immortality, everlasting life. It was indeed a solid reason for many able-bodied men and women of the realm to make their way to Ryunia, seeking an audience with the undying king for the secrets of eternal life. Many refused to enlist into the Hunter Corps, but there were thousands more to answer both to their greed and the call of never-ending life.
But immortality is but a dream for many, for the Hunter's life is perilous and fraught with mortal dangers. Out of the thousands that took up the call of arms, many died, forever lost on their quest for eternal life. Graham had known this very well, that had been apparent from what he had told her. But for all his cautiousness, he still died, leaving her alone once again.
She questioned herself sometimes on the nights she felt the most lonely. Why had he become a Hunter? What had been so enticing about immortality? She didn't know, and didn't want to. She had taken up the mantle of a Hunter to honor Graham's memory, not chasing after some fleeting prospect of everlasting youth..
It was an odd experience, her mind taking in every single moment during that brain-dead march towards Ryunia. She was in control of her senses, but yet not her own body. It almost certainly was caused by the letter, she was sure of it. The moment after she had received it from the mail, a deeply familiar voice sounded through the back of her mind..calling her to Ryunia.
And now, the gates to the city loomed before her. It had a been a week long trek from Garselm and her body definitely was worse for the wear. Sure, the voice had let her body rest and take in sustenance, but only whenever it was absolutely necessary. Whatever was afoot here, it seemed that time was of the utmost importance..
Her mind blazed with thoughts as her body carried itself almost zombie-like through the gates of Ryunia. Where were all the guards? The great stone gate had been left open, exposing Ryunia's belly to any hungry predator that would feast upon the city's folk. Just what was going on?
The darkness of the night did not make her body hesitate..or rather, she had no option to. Pulling strength from her aching muscles, she straightened up, taking purposeful strides towards the main courtyard of the fortress. Many of her thoughts were answered by she would see. Bodies. Corpses. Thrown in piles over every single available surface, left to rot out in the open. The bodies were distinctly hairier than most humans should've been.
The more lighthearted option would've been to think that some bumbling alchemist had unleashed a hair-growth bomb upon the entire city, but the copious amounts of blood splattered everywhere attested to the fact that this had been the work of Beasts..also, humans didn't have arms the length of their legs. Good indication of the Beast Plague, elongated limbs. Made you look like a freakin' overly hairy monkey man.
Definitely not a pleasant way to go.
Her mind continued racing as she continued towards the courtyard, passing underneath the arch that the guards usually stood by at. Practically half of the corpses had been dressed in the guard uniforms. Probably why there wasn't a single soul left to protect the city. Had Ryunia truly fallen to the Beast Plague, then?
But there was no time left to think such thoughts. The Old Blood, it called! Called out to the others infused with very same lifeblood, fellow Hunters of the same thread. Had they perhaps received the very same letter that she had? Heard the calling to Ryunia? Or were they perhaps just survivors?
Her feet continued to carry her towards the giant tree that marked the center of the courtyard, once flourishing with life, now just a dried, empty husk of dead wood. It would seem that she would be the fourth to arrive, her petite figure cutting through the dark of night that cloaked her approach. The very sight of the figure dressed in the garb of the veteran Hunter caused even her auto-zombie self to pause momentarily, before continuing on to stand by the others.
The noise in her mind continued to pulse, pounding even louder and louder. It felt like her heart was in her very brain itself. And then, nothing. A vision of a massive, unending ocean of grey etched itself within her mind before it was returned to her. She had control again.
"Do you people have a sense of crisis? Let's all just approach the only living guy with a giant sword in the middle of a graveyard, yeah?"
It was a shame that her first words in a week had to be harsh, but Sylvia Dremori valued her life above everything else. You learned to appreciate life when you lived in the Garselm slums, watching people die from starvation and many other sorts of things on a daily basis.
"I'd advise all of you to back up a couple steps, put a couple bullets into some unimportant body part of this guy and see what he has to say. If he's turned Beast, all the better. If not, serves him right for being so spooky in the middle of the night."
With that said, Syl heeded her own words, skipping a couple feet away from the veteran as she unslung the Repeater in one fluid motion, dropping to a knee and shouldering the rifle, the barrel pointed dead center towards the veteran's chest.
"Oh, right. How rude of me. Name's Sylvia. Or Syl, whatever you please."
Syl looked around, giving the other three Hunters a wide introductory grin.
Sleep unbeknownst to I, this one lives in perpetual need of coffee..