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Gordian Orgias

Tue Jan 05, 2016 4:18 am
by LillyMacow
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Melsandra Flamebrand (Firehead):
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Melsandra angrily walks into town holding her dress up to keep it from getting splashed on from the muddy ground being churned up from passing horses, or the puddles being splashed in by the street urchins playing around in the streets. You manage to keep it relativity clean as you enter the market place hoping to find someone that would understand your situation. As you enter the market place someone pulls on your tell, turning around you see a young dirty teen boy wearing ratty clothes and no shoes. He looks up at you holding a small bag of pebbles "woud' ya play marbels with me love?" he asks giving you a toothy grin, a few teeth where missing and he most certainly didn't understand the concept of cleaning your teeth.
Irissars (lights_shadow):
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It was late in the morning in the small farming town of Meteli the heat of the sun awoke Irissars from her sleep on a rooftop of the inn she had been fired from. The sounds of the shouts and clanking noises coming from the men and women in the market place selling goods and serving food irritated the sleepy Irissars' sensitive cat ears. Hoping from the roof into the bars alley and out into the market first things stood out to her. First, a party of 5 orcs gorging themselves on food at a small restaurant one of which knocked the bartender over spilling the bread out of her basket. Second, a tall thin women who appeared to be from out of town and more importantly part reptilian, she was talking to a young boy that had just run up to her. You recognize him as Tom, a small street urchin around here who despite his young age commonly came into the bar and hit on the ladies attempting at you a few times. You didn't know that much to judge his personality but you knew he was pervert and little thief.
Gherman (reaperfrost8):
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You are standing alone in a small ruined church, rain pouring down on you do to the wooden roof having long since rotted away. You manage to shield the rain with your wings as you walk up to the podium which, if your mothers message was true should supposedly begin a new journey of great importance if you touch it. reaching out and touching the strange cross like symbol it begins to glow and you hear an upbeat young girls voice in your head speak. "Hey! You finally found me! I'm sorry I cant talk but I will see you soon in person, now get ready because you're lucky day is upon you!" before you can respond a white flash blinds you and moments later you hear the hustle and bustle of town. As you're vision comes back you find your self in a crowd of peasants and farmers. You're very disoriented as you haven't even had time to processes much since you touched the podium only a second ago.
Grond (CrimsonNutcase37):
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Grond had been wondering for the past few days without food after losing his last job for getting "to touchy" with his employers daughter. He found a small town and quickly entered its market place as you enter you see a bar to your left. 5 orcs sit their eating bowls of chicken one of whom knocks the young bar maiden over causing her to land flat on her butt and spilling her bread all over the ground which she hurriedly started to put back in the basket, picking them up on all fours. The other thing you notice is a man who seems to stand out like sore thumb, long white hair and a pair of wings, the man appeared at least part angel.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:57 pm
by lights_shadow
Irissars stretched after being rudely woken, the innkeeper was the same. "Hey Irry, you need to get up and earn that room of yours since you won't pay me any other way." Didn't they realize by now that felids need their sleep? She finished stretching and laid their, basking in the sun for a little till the banging and clattering made her restless and pained her ears she decided to see what was happening today that she could exploit to get more shiny discs of gold so, with a sigh, she dropped herself into the alleyway and looked around. Nothing unusual at first then she spotted the orcs that had arrived a day ago, most likely getting their food free after she had spiked their drinks and the other bar's patrons. She only regretted two things from doing that, firstly it got her fired and secondly she had to clean up the mess. Her curiosity was captured by the reptile though, there were few of the more animal like sapient races around these parts so walked over and grinned at urchin. "Not trrying it on with the new girrl alrready arre you, Tom?" She then turned to the woman, giving her a once over. "I'm Irrissarrs, nice to meet you but you don't rrealy look like you'rre frrom here not with that drress." She rolled her 'r's though that would hardly be surprising due to her looking rather feline.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Tue Jan 05, 2016 3:56 pm
by reaperfrost8
Gherman was confused very confused he look around the crowd of farmers and peasents probably staring at the person with wings deciding that doing nothing and saying nothing would not help Gherman went up to on of the farmers and ask "excuse me do I you know where I am?" Gherman asked very politely as he looked around the place "this place looks sad maybe I can help em" Gherman thought.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Tue Jan 05, 2016 5:24 pm
by Firehead
Melsandra was very upset at the moment. She had only just started her journey to make her own fortune when she was attacked by bandits. During the fighting she had been forced to flee the fight leaving the last few members of the escort father had provided to fend for themselves. She couldn't return home after losing them and having nothing to show for it. Father would probably have provided her some form of replacement, but he'd make sure she knew how disappointed he was in his own little way.
Her mood was not made any better when someone tugged on her tail. It was made worse seeing the condition of the filthy urchin who was responsible. His clothes were little more than rags and he had no shoes to speak of. He smiled with his mouth full of missing teeth and asked if she wanted to play marbles. Considering his condition she wouldn't be surprised if he wanted her to squat down on the ground right there for the game. Before she had time to tell him off another figure approached. She turned toward the woman and noted her cat like features. This person looked more agreeable and could be helpful. "Yes, I am Melsandra. I was traveling nearby when I became beset by bandits, and I was forced to flee. Can you direct me to the local guard station?
Re: Gordian Orgias

Wed Jan 06, 2016 1:06 am
by LillyMacow
Melsandra Flamebrand & Irissars
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The boy let out a sigh "Dammit Irissars, I almost had her!" he said pouting and pulling his hand away from your bag which you hadn't noticed before hand. He then back down the street towards some of who you could only assume are his equally unpleasant friends.
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The farmer let out a hearty chuckle "Well, if i had to hazard a guess this would be Meteli. If you don't mind me asking where did you come from, and how did you wind up here without knowing where it is?" he said taking his straw hat off scratching his head. Behind him his wife in the wagon smiled at you "Please excuse him sir, he is very rude. Do you need help?" she says this as she leans over and strokes the back of the horse pulling the small cart.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:56 am
by reaperfrost8
Listening to the farmer and his wife Gherman decided to tell them what happened to me "Have no idea how I got here one minute I was at an old church the next I was here" Gherman told the farmer and his wife "Meteli sounds like a nice town by the sound of it" as Gherman talks to him he remembers the cross lile symbol "seeing as I am new here I suppose their ain't any church's nearby specifically with a cross as a symbol?" Gherman asked the famer and his wife hoping he could get more information.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Wed Jan 06, 2016 7:33 am
by LillyMacow
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The wife frowns "The last church with a symbol similar cross belonged to the Goddess of love, but her churches have long since been abandon ever since... well... actually no one is really sure." she says scratching her her chin. The Husband jumps in "She never existed! That I'm certain!" she only laughs "This boy doesn't need to hear your crazy theories. We have a church of the goddess of Fertility, if you would like to visit, it wont be open again until tomorrow morning though. I recommend you sleep in the tavern tonight."
Re: Gordian Orgias

Wed Jan 06, 2016 9:17 am
by lights_shadow
Irissars stuck her tongue out at Tom and then turned to the Lizard. "I think that's overr therre." She points west, through the market. "It's a towerr on a hill, but I'm not surre if you'rre going to find help therre... We don't have many guarrds. I'll come with you, if you'd like that is, you'rre obviously wealthy orr look it and that's dangerrous herre, Tom is rratherr nice in his mugging in that he'll walk away. Some will pull a knife out and want morre than gold if you catch them." Inspite of the distasteful subject Irissars smiles faintly.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Wed Jan 06, 2016 4:08 pm
by reaperfrost8
Ok then this confusing so their was a goddess of love but her church was destroyed and replaced with fertility that strange when they told me about the tavern Gherman realized that he doesn't really have much but the wing's on his back and the hammer and scroll that was left at my old house he doesn't even have a shirt or pants on like the farmer or anyone in town he remembers asking his mother about town's and talks about how to live in one and mentions that everyone needs money to live anywhere in a town or city and that he would need to work anyway posaible to gain that gold with that in mind I ask the farmer and I also realize much to my embarrassing suprise I didn't give the farmer and his wife my name "apologies I seen to have forgotten to give you my name it Gherman do you know anyway to get a coin or two I don't seem to have any money know anywhere I can work for just enough to stay at the tavern" Ghernan asked the farmer kindly.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:41 pm
by LillyMacow
"Hmmm lets see... I don't know if you fancy yourself an adventurer but quests are probably your best bet." The husband says "Nice to meet you Gherman" The wife adds in after the husband didn't seem to acknowledge his name. The husband continues "You'll need a party though, I recommend finding other adventures." From here you see two options, a group of tough looking orcs at a bar and two females who both look out of the ordinary talking.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:09 pm
by CrimsonNutcase37
Grond grunted as he saw the bar maiden get knocked over by the orcs devouring their bowls of chicken. He held no love for the species that gifted him his strength, seeing them as stupid thugs who couldn't tell left from right. His eyes were drawn to the barmaid though as she hit the ground, causing the fun parts of her to bounce before she quickly scrabbled to retrieve her bread, Grond's eyes being drawn to her covered behind. He held a hunger for both food and flesh after his journey into town and the barmaid looked like she could sate both. Grond didn't care for the white-haired girly winged man and the two non-human women talking were rather attractive, but he had something else in mind now.
Snorting, he stepped over to the orcs devouring the chicken and grabbed the head of the one who'd knocked the girl down, slamming it harshly into the wood of the table "Apologise. Now" he grunted, tightening his grip
Re: Gordian Orgias

Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:44 am
by Firehead
Seeing the boy jerk his hand at the catfolks reprimand Mel notices where it had been. The boy had attempted to steal from what paltry sum of money she had managed to procure in her flight. Furious she shouted as the boy retreated, "You little wretch, try something like that again and I may change my mind whether or not it's worth touching your filthy neck to wring it." She turned back to Irassars she breathed to calm herself slightly. "You're probably right if they can't keep someone like him in control on their own streets I can't see them doing much with the bandits that took my companions." Mel found the girl friendly but wasn't yet sure if she could trust her fully. "Would you be able to direct me to a local tailor. This dress is unsuitable to the current situation, and I wasn't able to grab anything else in my flight.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Thu Jan 07, 2016 1:57 am
by LillyMacow
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You slam the orcs head into the table causing all the dishes to bounce and clank. The other four stand up readying their crude stone axes and hammers. The one with his face against the table simply puts his hand up into the air stopping them "No need, I can take this girl on myself." he says speaking into the table, pushing free from your hand he stands up and looks you up and down, a full foot taller then you. "Oh! The one who hit me was a man! you could have fooled me. Well, if you wish for me to apologies..." he spits a tooth out which you had presumably knocked out. "Lets make a bet, first to knock the other on the ground with out weapons wins. If I win I get the bitch." he says pointing a muscly green arm at the young women who was now hiding behind the bar table.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:43 am
by reaperfrost8
Gherman was tempted to join up with the orcs that is until they were planning to beat each other up he decides to talk the two ladies who were talking about a bandit problem "Excuse me ladies but can't stop but over hear talks about bandits is their any way I can help" Gherman smiled at them as he talks to the cat lady and the dragon lady hoping to help them and earn just enough coin just for something.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Thu Jan 07, 2016 8:26 am
by LillyMacow
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Coria enters the town and quickly makes her way to the market place where she spots an inn. She also notices a group of orcs fighting, or perhaps one of them is a half orc. The other thing you notice is a group of three mismatched people talking, each only half human.
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Priscilla walks into the small village not sure of anything about it, seeing it as only another brief stop on her seemingly endless wander. As she enters the market place she comes through a small wet alley behind a bar. Stepping out of the shade of the alley she is immidietly confronted by a fight between an orc and a half orc, a circle of orcs watch holding their large stone axes and hammers.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Thu Jan 07, 2016 12:52 pm
by Sundance
Coria slowly makes her way through the village, a big naive smile on her face as she looks over the people bartering and haggling, carfull not to get too close to the fighting orcs. These brutish beasts were indeed fearsome but her books allways told her that even the most ugly man could be a nice and gentle hero and to her its seems more like a friendly contest of strengh then a real battle, which would likewise interesting to watch. Still there was the question left where she was, and since the path to the tavern was blocked, the group of three mismatched people seems rather interesting. One of them seemed to have reptilian, the other cat blood in her, the third even had wings and white hair. An angel? Still form a scientific point of view indeed fassinating. With a few big steps she crossed the marked and stood before the group smiling. "Greetings, fellow travelers. Ain't this a lovely day?"
Re: Gordian Orgias

Thu Jan 07, 2016 3:07 pm
by lights_shadow
Irassars nodded and pointed just past the tavern. "Third street past the orc-brawl on the left. It's the fourth door." She turns to look at the winged person as it speaks, which she's now pointing at, and raises a brow... Usually things with feathers avoided her. "Hello there. I'm not really sure if you can help that'd be up to Lady here but maybe ask after she's seen the tailor?" Her attention is then drawn by the newest arrival. "Traveler? I live here... Or do till I can find a good way out of this place without ending up as a meal for the things out there in the wild."
Re: Gordian Orgias

Thu Jan 07, 2016 10:54 pm
by CrimsonNutcase37
Grond just snorted and rotated his shoulders "Fine" he grunted. So the bastard underestimated him? Good. The last idiot who underestimated Grond was in a ditch somewhere, his head torn from his body. It did bring him joy to see the Orc spit a tooth out though. He always got a rush from fights, almost as good as sex. With a growl, Grond lashed out with a heavy foot aimed at his opponent's kneecap, aiming to break his leg or knock him off balance. If that worked, he was going to swing a heavy handed haymaker for his jaw
Re: Gordian Orgias

Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:36 am
by Firehead
Mel took note of the direction as the cat girl rattled them off. She was preparing to leave when the winged one arrived. She looked him over when he offered his help. He certainly looked like he could handle himself. "While I'd love to get them back for what they did, I'm not so sure if the two of us would be able to do much. I have to find myself some more suitable apparel for now. If we're going to do this I'd feel better if we had some more support. You're welcome to gather some while I'm away, but for now I must get going." The human approached and greeted them as she turned to leave, but Mel was not interested in more talk until she was more appropriately dressed. She merely responded to the greeting with, "My day hasn't been so lovely. Though it sounds like it may get better." before she left the group to seek out that tailor.
Re: Gordian Orgias

Fri Jan 08, 2016 2:41 am
by LillyMacow
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your strike lands but doesn't hit hard enough to knock him down. He quickly backs up and charges at you with his arms spread out ready to tackle you down. The bartender looks away not wanting to watch you get hit.
(your roll: 7 + 5 = 12
opponent roll: 9 + 6 = 15