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If you are interested in joining this rp please check out the OCC and you can make a character viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5898
If you are interested in joining this rp please check out the OCC and you can make a character viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5898
Melsandra Flamebrand (Firehead):
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Melsandra angrily walks into town holding her dress up to keep it from getting splashed on from the muddy ground being churned up from passing horses, or the puddles being splashed in by the street urchins playing around in the streets. You manage to keep it relativity clean as you enter the market place hoping to find someone that would understand your situation. As you enter the market place someone pulls on your tell, turning around you see a young dirty teen boy wearing ratty clothes and no shoes. He looks up at you holding a small bag of pebbles "woud' ya play marbels with me love?" he asks giving you a toothy grin, a few teeth where missing and he most certainly didn't understand the concept of cleaning your teeth.
Melsandra angrily walks into town holding her dress up to keep it from getting splashed on from the muddy ground being churned up from passing horses, or the puddles being splashed in by the street urchins playing around in the streets. You manage to keep it relativity clean as you enter the market place hoping to find someone that would understand your situation. As you enter the market place someone pulls on your tell, turning around you see a young dirty teen boy wearing ratty clothes and no shoes. He looks up at you holding a small bag of pebbles "woud' ya play marbels with me love?" he asks giving you a toothy grin, a few teeth where missing and he most certainly didn't understand the concept of cleaning your teeth.
Irissars (lights_shadow):
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It was late in the morning in the small farming town of Meteli the heat of the sun awoke Irissars from her sleep on a rooftop of the inn she had been fired from. The sounds of the shouts and clanking noises coming from the men and women in the market place selling goods and serving food irritated the sleepy Irissars' sensitive cat ears. Hoping from the roof into the bars alley and out into the market first things stood out to her. First, a party of 5 orcs gorging themselves on food at a small restaurant one of which knocked the bartender over spilling the bread out of her basket. Second, a tall thin women who appeared to be from out of town and more importantly part reptilian, she was talking to a young boy that had just run up to her. You recognize him as Tom, a small street urchin around here who despite his young age commonly came into the bar and hit on the ladies attempting at you a few times. You didn't know that much to judge his personality but you knew he was pervert and little thief.
It was late in the morning in the small farming town of Meteli the heat of the sun awoke Irissars from her sleep on a rooftop of the inn she had been fired from. The sounds of the shouts and clanking noises coming from the men and women in the market place selling goods and serving food irritated the sleepy Irissars' sensitive cat ears. Hoping from the roof into the bars alley and out into the market first things stood out to her. First, a party of 5 orcs gorging themselves on food at a small restaurant one of which knocked the bartender over spilling the bread out of her basket. Second, a tall thin women who appeared to be from out of town and more importantly part reptilian, she was talking to a young boy that had just run up to her. You recognize him as Tom, a small street urchin around here who despite his young age commonly came into the bar and hit on the ladies attempting at you a few times. You didn't know that much to judge his personality but you knew he was pervert and little thief.
Gherman (reaperfrost8):
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You are standing alone in a small ruined church, rain pouring down on you do to the wooden roof having long since rotted away. You manage to shield the rain with your wings as you walk up to the podium which, if your mothers message was true should supposedly begin a new journey of great importance if you touch it. reaching out and touching the strange cross like symbol it begins to glow and you hear an upbeat young girls voice in your head speak. "Hey! You finally found me! I'm sorry I cant talk but I will see you soon in person, now get ready because you're lucky day is upon you!" before you can respond a white flash blinds you and moments later you hear the hustle and bustle of town. As you're vision comes back you find your self in a crowd of peasants and farmers. You're very disoriented as you haven't even had time to processes much since you touched the podium only a second ago.
You are standing alone in a small ruined church, rain pouring down on you do to the wooden roof having long since rotted away. You manage to shield the rain with your wings as you walk up to the podium which, if your mothers message was true should supposedly begin a new journey of great importance if you touch it. reaching out and touching the strange cross like symbol it begins to glow and you hear an upbeat young girls voice in your head speak. "Hey! You finally found me! I'm sorry I cant talk but I will see you soon in person, now get ready because you're lucky day is upon you!" before you can respond a white flash blinds you and moments later you hear the hustle and bustle of town. As you're vision comes back you find your self in a crowd of peasants and farmers. You're very disoriented as you haven't even had time to processes much since you touched the podium only a second ago.
Grond (CrimsonNutcase37):
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Grond had been wondering for the past few days without food after losing his last job for getting "to touchy" with his employers daughter. He found a small town and quickly entered its market place as you enter you see a bar to your left. 5 orcs sit their eating bowls of chicken one of whom knocks the young bar maiden over causing her to land flat on her butt and spilling her bread all over the ground which she hurriedly started to put back in the basket, picking them up on all fours. The other thing you notice is a man who seems to stand out like sore thumb, long white hair and a pair of wings, the man appeared at least part angel.
Grond had been wondering for the past few days without food after losing his last job for getting "to touchy" with his employers daughter. He found a small town and quickly entered its market place as you enter you see a bar to your left. 5 orcs sit their eating bowls of chicken one of whom knocks the young bar maiden over causing her to land flat on her butt and spilling her bread all over the ground which she hurriedly started to put back in the basket, picking them up on all fours. The other thing you notice is a man who seems to stand out like sore thumb, long white hair and a pair of wings, the man appeared at least part angel.