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Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:00 am
by Mark3000
VintageBass, FragranceofMtDew, MelissaB, Cryosabre

Your last hint on Lucien's location was that he was heading west towards Southdale. On the way there, you have to pass through Glassmill. It's a farming village located south of Irongard that provides food for the continent. The four of you arrive at the western gate entrance just a few minutes apart. You all notice how quiet this part of the village seems. It takes a few minutes to see why. By one of the carts you see a gang of four goblins just loitering around. It seems most every one else has locked themselves inside their houses. Suddenly you see one sniff the air and look towards you. "Hey look boys, I told you a flock of marked bitches would be by here" You see two of them approach with axes in hand. " Why don't you be good girls and give us a hand?" One said while cupping his crotch in a lewd motion. (Two Goblins at striking Distance, Two Goblins at Rearguard)

MASigma, Lorielle, Alkalannar

Southdale seemed to be were all the signs were pointing to for Lucien's location. On your way there all you arrive at Glassmill for supplies. As you enter the eastern gate, you notice a few men glaring at you. They vary in shape, size and age but all their glares are filled with lustful intent. After your encounter with the Demon King, this has become the norm. Men, women, monsters & beasts look at you hungrily like a piece of meat. As the three of you enter the village you are approached by an old man in a plaid shirt and yellow overalls. "Ya'll look mighty tired, me & my kin got a house up the way you can stay. Ya'll interested?" He asked.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:23 am
by Lorielle
Aria looks to the priest and elf wondering what they'd say for herself she was not feeling at all tired and the old man was getting more than his eye full especially with the looks she and her party members have been receiving the moment they entered town. "I'm fine. I'm sure my compatriots and I are looking for more information about a mysterious figure who has been wandering the land. Ancient legend states an ancient demon lord has broken free and that he's related to these marks." Aria pulls her shirt down a bit to reveal the high priestess mark right above where her heart would be. "Please any information at all." She says proudly hoping to sway the old man even a little.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:02 am
by VintageBass
Something about this place doesn't quite feel right. A village dedicated to helping provide food for everyone in the land, bustling with life and energy, yet there's not a soul around to greet them. Kassy feels saddened by all of this, and she does question if this has to do with her bearing her new tattoo. She does admit it is a rather cute looking design, almost proudly displaying it on her bosom, but it came with a heavy price around it. With this place being where she grew up most of her life, it's very hard to believe that the people here who she not only helped but got help from are now turning their backs and hiding away in their homes, all because of her own decision to follow that shady mysterious stranger.

Although seeing that there are some goblins hanging about, that might not be the case this time around. Really, these people are afraid of some measly goblins? They're nothing more than punks, bullies that only care about... she stops her thoughts, realizing that these creatures pretty much have the same desire as everyone else ever since she got the tat. However, that's not really the issue at the moment. What the matter is now is these goblins are looking to satisfy some needs and Kassy isn't going to hop on their offer. In fact, judging by her little group's expressions, they all want to deal with the crotch grabbing goblin and not in the way he is thinking of.

So, she instead waits and got herself ready to guard, in case one of the others decide to charge on up and to draw one close. But first, some teasing. "Sure, it all depends on what kind of hand you need?" she asked in a playful tone. "You boys interested in some fresh raw beef, or you want to give my kitten friend a good scratch? Surely the four of us would really like to get personal with you, am I right?" The holstaur looks over at her compatriots and gives them a sly wink, silently telling them that she is all ready for a fight and to teach these green bastards a lesson.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:07 am
by MelissaB
Reaching Glassmill Kailyne looks about with Nighteyes at her heel sniffing and growling low as if sensing a threat. Shushing her for the moment as if to get a better judge of things without her companion's input, surprised to find such a place so quiet and not bubbling with life and activity, the sight of the other three women making her head tilt before she had any chance to get to know them or even offer greetings the goblins approached them. Glaring she looked at the goblin who grabbed his crotch and made a lewd proposal to the four. Marked? These girls are similarly fated then? She thought to herself before she notches an arrow and lets it fly before quickly letting loose another(double arrow skill), sending both at her intended target with a glare and a hiss. Nighteyes springing into action as soon as the arrow was drawn, dashing forth as Kailyne called out a command. "Maul!" She cries out for her as the shewolf attempts to pounce on the next nearest goblin and bring it down to the floor(maul skill)

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:31 am
by cryosabre
Shayde couldn't help the uneasy feeling filling her body at the streets of Glassmill being so...empty, her instincts told her something was seriously wrong here and to her that was enough to warrant unsheathing her daggers and coating them in poison [using poison vial] they hadn't led her astray this far in her life and Shayde had grown used to trusting them. As she slowly advanced with the group of travellers who had arrived close to the same time she did, Shayde grinned as her instincts were once again correct as they were met with the four goblins though she wrinkled her nose at the lewd crotch grabbing gesture before giving the others a sidelong glance, "you guys have tat- nevermind, first these assholes then I think we should all sit down for a chat!" As much as she didn't like killing, there was no doubt in Shayde's mind what these smarmy mouthed goblins would do to her and the others given the chance, a chance she was going to let them have as she dived forward and attempted to use her jagged daggers to not only poison the goblin who had so confidently grabbed his crotch, but also open up a deep bleeding wound that would slowly let him bleed out [using jagged dagger]

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:04 am
by FragranceofMtDew
Sharya was having a lot of fun despite everything. Sure she was pursuing an ancient evil on her first time out of the forest and had gotten turned around a few times since she had no idea where she was going, but this was the first time she had gotten to see the outside world! Unfortunately the first town she had made it to seemed like a bit of a ghost town... A few other women showed up around the same time as Sharya and she waved eagerly to them but they were called out to by some rather rude goblins before they had a chance to talk.

Sharya was prepared to just ignore them but the Holstaur woman actually went up to them and seemed to be interested in "helping" them! Sharya was shocked until the other woman cast a sly wink their way and she understood her intentions. Seducing the goblins as a distraction and then attacking wasn't something Sharya would have thought of but it sounded kinda like fun so she would play along. "Uh.. Yeah! I'd love to help you guys out..." She declares both happily and awkwardly at the same time, swaying her hips as she walks over to the goblins until an arrow whizzes overhead.

"Huuuh?! W-wait, we're not doing it?!" Sharya stammers in surprise as the other two women attack the goblins. She casts a glare at the nearest goblin, her face flushing from both anger and embarrassment at going along with such a ruse for no reason. "Y-YOU JERKS!!" She shouts as she draws her rapier and runs a hand along the blade to imbue it with her fire magic before lunging at the goblin to strike.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

10AP - 4 AP Endowment (Fire) - 6 AP Normal Attack = 0

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:36 am
by Alkalannar
"Indeed, elder, we are not in need of rest, so much as information of our quarry, though I give thanks for your offer of hospitality," Arrenhan says, after giving a somewhat dour look to Aria."Or information about the surroundings, a place he might go or object he might seek."

She stands, relaxed, sword hilt above her left shoulder, waiting to see if he will need...encouragement to see the trio as something other than vessels for slaking their lust.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:14 am
by Mark3000
VintageBass, FragranceofMtDew, MelissaB, Cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Pre-emptive Strike!

Kailyne Uses Double Arrow on Goblin Leader!
Attack 1, Hit Roll: 12 Hit!
Damage: 8 - 3(Defense) = 5
Attack 2, Hit Roll: 9 Miss!

Nighteyes Uses Maul on Goblin B!
Hit Roll: 17, Hit!
Damage: 5 - 3 (Defense) = 2, Target is Knocked down!

Shayde Uses Jagged Dagger on Goblin Leader!
Hit Roll: 16! Hit
Damage 10 - 3 (Defense) = 7 + Bleed, Goblin Leader Defeated

Sharya Uses Endowment (Fire) (+1 Damage)
Sharya Attacks Goblin B:
Hit Roll: 12 + 4 (Target on the ground), Hit!
Damage: 11 - 3 (Defense) = 8

The battle goes off without a hitch. Only one of Kailyne's arrow hit the Goblin Leader winging him. Nighteyes on the other hand manages to tackle the other goblin to the ground. Shayde's daggers mange to lacerate the goblin. Bleeding uncontrollably he falls to the ground in a heap. Meanwhile, Sharya's now blazing sword manages to strike the downed goblin.

Initiative Roll:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sharya: 14 + 4 = 18
Shayde: 2 + 5 = 7
Kailyne: 17 + 4 = 21
Kassandra: 3 - 1 = 2
Goblin C = 11 + 1 = 12
Goblin D = 19 + 1 = 20

Kailyne>Goblin D (Rearguard)>Sharya>Goblin C (Rearguard)>Shayde>Kassandra

MASigma, Lorielle, Alkalanna

Before the cleric can respond, two man walk up behind you. They look to be farm hands. Both of them are well build & tanned from working in the sun. "Na. I think ya'll better sit for a spell." The old man said not even trying to hid his lecherous intent anymore. If you were to start a fight now, you don't know what kind of trouble you might cause.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:12 am
by MASigma
Priea of course was unhappy at the leery looks, but had come to grow used to them ever since her body had been marked by the accursed tattoo that marred a... certain part of her body she never intended anyone to get their eyes upon, so long as she could help it anyways. She frowned as her two companions (A pair of others whom like herself had been marked by that wolf in sheep's clothing) were allowed to speak, the young Cleric about to make a comment in turn before she found herself interrupted by a pair of farmers, both reminding her of punks she'd had to deal with back in her hometown, her eyes narrowing at the old man as he crossed her arms angrily under her nicely sized bust," Oh? And what if we say no Old Man?", She demanded in turn, her anger of course getting the better of her as he knew full well how this would go if they submitted... she was NOT letting herself end up some willing whore to a bunch of perverted bastards!

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 7:17 am
by Lorielle
Aria unsheathed her massive sword from her back, flourishing it with ease in a sort of attempt to intimidate the farmers and old man. Turning her back on the old man she faces the farm hands her sword easily in striking distance of the farm hands taking up a defensive postion if things got out of hand. "You best back off before you do something you regret."

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:09 am
by FragranceofMtDew
Nothing like a good fight to get your blood pumping! Especially when it was going so well, with the lewd goblin already out and his friend on the ground and probably in quite a bit of pain. Swords and fire both hurt after all so the two combined were especially unpleasant. "Woo hoo! Nice work ladies! Let's keep it up!" Sharya cheered happily before taking a moment to plan her next move.

With the two beastwomen and the wolfy all in melee combat, it would probably get a little crowded if 4 of them were all in the front line. Good thing Sharya was so flexible! Deciding to hang back a bit, she conjured a flame spear and tossed it at one of the goblins who still had yet to approach.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

10 AP - 7AP Flame spear targeting goblin C = 3 AP remaining

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 2:25 pm
by VintageBass
All right, this is turning out well. A very simple battle for our four heroines, and easy to boot. It's a bit shameful that Kassy didn't get a chance to help out in the fight directly, and she's getting a strong feeling she isn't going to at all. She curse herself for be a bit slower, but that probably comes from being the chubby cow that she is and she never really paid that much attention to stealth. It's a little hard to be stealthy based on her build and also having hooves for feet, clopping up all over the place. Whatever, that isn't the main concern in this fight. What is more important is dealing with the other goblins and then disposing of the bodies so they aren't left lying out in the middle of the street. So, in order to do something in this battle besides standing around, Kassy looks over at the goblins and recalls her Holy Word, hoping to deafen them and allow the girls a moment to really finish this off good!

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 3:04 pm
by MelissaB
Kailyne laughs as her arrows bite in deep and the goblin is finished off by Shayde, while nighteyes and the other elf finish off their prey as well leaving them only two more to deal with. Believing her similarly cursed she shakes her head, wondering how many of her kind that bastard had cursed. During her mental discussion she notches another arrow and aims up, taking a breath before letting it fly and sail through the air towards goblin C. Trying to strike it down and quickly. The cheering from the other girl not phasing her for the moment and instead focuses on ending the goblin's lives quickly and without mercy.

Nighteyes rushes a head to snap and lunge her teeth and jaws at the same goblin, As if the arrow was a mark for her hunting targets, the taste of blood dripping from her jaws making her salivate and hunger for flesh of the prey. All growling and snarling at the goblin

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kailyne attacks 10-8= 2 AP

Nighteyes attacks 10-6=4 AP

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 6:25 pm
by cryosabre
With a grim look on her face, Shayde withdrew the dagger from the lifeless corpse of the goblin, "Teach you to be a lewd twat, won't it?" She mumbled under her breathe before taking a quick overview of the battle. There only seemed to be two of the goblins left standing by the cart a little ways off and all her allies seemed to be completely untouched, were these goblins even warriors? Seeing the elf and her wolf attack one of the goblins, Shayde sets her sights on the other, bringing her daggers up once again and sprinted the distance between herself and Goblin D before slashing at him with her twin weapons, hoping to put a quick end to the little green skinned menace.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Closing the distance to rearguard = 4
Normal attack = 5
Total AP used =910

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:26 am
by Mark3000
VintageBass, FragranceofMtDew, MelissaB, Cryosabre
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Kailyne Attacks Goblin C
Hit Roll: 16

Nighteyes Hit Roll: Natural 1:

Goblin D Makes a full Retreat

Sharya Casts Flame Spear
Spellcaster Roll: Natural 20
Damage Roll: 15 Goblin C Defeated.

Victory! +2 exp

As Sharya and Kailyne focus on the third goblin, the fourth one makes a quick retreat. "Hey where are you going bro" the third goblin. He was so distracted that he didn't notice the flaming spear and arrow pierce his body. Soon he was reduced to nothing but ash.

You soon see people come out of their houses to fill the streets. A red-haired woman approaches the group. "Kass is that you? It's me Daisy from the apple orchid. We were hiding until the militia returned from their daily exercises. We can leave the rest to them. Kass, do you and your friends want to catch up at the pub?"

MASigma, Lorielle, Alkalanna

Aria's sword instantly makes the two men behind the group tense up. The old man though just raises his hand to stop them. "How disappointing" the old man says, his country accent completely gone. "I'm sure all of us could have had a grand time. Very well. Come along boys." With that he walks away, the two farm hands following right behind. You notice that most of the looks you were getting before seem to disappear outside the odd glance. It's then that a red-haired woman with pigtails. " That was pretty cool how you stood up to Hillsdale. Most people are afraid to cross him since he owns so much land. The name's Dixie. I help out at the local bakery" She said looking your group over. " I'm sorry for the rough welcome. Why don't I treat all three of you to a meal at the local pub?" Dixie says in a friendly tone.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:47 am
by MelissaB
Seeing the last goblin run before she had time to notch another arrow she grumbles before watches the third turn to ash before her eyes. putting her bow back upon her back she whistles sharply, Nighteyes bouncing over to her where upon the elven ranger kneels and strokes the shewolf affectionately. "Who's a good girl!" She grins and knocks their heads together affectionately before standing back up to her full short height.

As people come out she nods breathing a little relief to see the fact the town was just hiding and not in fact destroyed by something else before she steps towards them. "I could use a drink sure." She comments giving Kass the beastmen a look before looking to the other two with her. "Anyone else objecting to a drink." She asks them before glancing at Daisy. "There going to be a problem with Nighteyes coming along?" She asks motioning to the wolf at her heel.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:51 am
by VintageBass
Well shoot, and here she was hoping she could do something besides standing around and look pretty and stupid. The holstaur feels like a complete idiot not helping out her newly appointed compatriots like she would have, but there is that part of her that isn't all that keen on fighting or killing anyone for that matter. But she isn't exactly going to stand around and do nothing of the sort, as there are bodies left on the ground and she wants to get rid of them so they aren't stinking up the place or left lying around. At least it'll be something useful, plus the poor pup missed. Maybe she could cut something off and feed it to the wolf, but she's not going to... not yet. Either way, she might as well get going on getting these out of the way and then finding a good use for them. She'll ask the ranger about it later.

Instead, Kassy hears someone coming up to them and a familiar face reveals herself. The holstaur heads up and gives her a friendly hug. She stops for a moment to think about the militia and the fact that four complete strangers were capable of dealing with these goblins... well, three of them. "Well, it's good we're here to help out!" she replied, smiling a bit as she looks down. "Uh, how about I help disposing of these? I'll join you in a bit, I do feel a little hungry..." She hears the elf ranger talking about drinks and Kassy seems a bit hesitant about the kind of drinks. "How about I pay? I know I didn't do much, but I want to treat you all. You helped my home, and I'll be happy to return the favor~"

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 5:49 am
by Lorielle
"I am a knight with no allegiance, a land owning peasant means nothing to me." Aria says in a haughty tone as she gives a curt bow to Dixie. "Im not much for a meal, but we could use any left over bread you might have, we could use any supplies you could give us. I feel our journey will be pretty long."

Aria looks up and down the red-headed woman hoping that she wouldnt regret putting her sword away. The knight does however wait for her companions before doing much else, the priest and elf would probably love to get off their feet.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 12:20 pm
by cryosabre
Sneering as her target ran away before she could reach him, Shayde sheathed her daggers as she caught the final moments of the third goblin's life literally going up in smoke. "well that was...something" Shayde grinned to her would-be companions before setting her sights of the black and red wolf and hissing lightly, she had never liked dogs and this one was no different..cats, cats were the best pets!

folding her arms over her breasts, shayde's ears perked up at the offer of a drink, "hell yea I'm up for a drink! Plus I think we all need to sit down and talk about these and how we got them..." Tilting her neck to the side to to give everyone about a clearer look at her tattoo before shurgging and getting ready to head towards the pub, idly wondering to herself if she could procure some funds from an unsuspecting villager to pay for a couple of rounds.

Re: Tainted Princess

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:34 pm
by Alkalannar
"Food would be very good, thank you," Arrenhan says. "But I am curious. Who is this Hillsdale? And why does he now sound like he comes from one of your larger cities? And have you heard anything of--" She breaks off and shakes her head with a slight smile. "I apologize. I am sometimes too focused on the task at hand and do not always take a rest when I ought to. I would be glad to share your hospitality, Dixie, and thank you."

She settles down, relaxing, and reaching up a hand to make sure her own sword is sheathed firmly for the moment, before looking at her companions, "Perhaps we can obtain lodging here for a time and investigate where to go next? I know I, for one, could use a filling meal, strong wine, a hot bath, and a soft bed for at least one night."