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Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:19 am
by MASigma
viewtopic.php?f=31&t=5454&p=392173#p392173A Group of friends had gathered to honor one of their own, Kendal Matherson, whom had just been pronounced legally dead two nights prior to the day. Kendal had been… well always a bit of an asshole, however his friends eventually had learned his family life had been hard and that had caused him to be the guy they grew to know and befriend, every once and a while they got to see the real him long buried under his grumpy and anti-social behavior. These friends had come together despite their strangeness… or perhaps that was what brought them together, each one being just… weird compared to the normal people of the college they all attended. They’d all gotten close to one another, using their rich friend’s home as a hang-out even as he constantly told them off… only to relent and let them abuse his home, given he wasn’t paying for it really anyways. They had great times together and truly became almost a family to one another. Kendal had a passion, one that he became consumed by in the last month of his life, slowly distancing himself from his friends, to the point he’d flat out voided them from his life in the last few weeks before his… incident. They’d intended to force him out, only to find his home empty and a letter written to them, a suicide letter by the looks of it. It was only a few days later his vehicle was found, driven right into the nearby lake… no signs of his body yet found, but people reported seeing him driving it up there the night he vanished. Their good friend was gone with only a strange letter apologizing for things he’d done all that was left to explain why he did it.
He’d asked his work be destroyed, his friends having gone to do so… when one of them had found the game he had been working on inside of his laptop, actually completed and ready to play. An agreement was made between the grieving group, they would all gather at his home and spend the whole day playing his game before disposing of it as he had requested them to… and thus that was what brought them all here today to gather. The large home Kendal had left them, his will apparently leaving everything he owned even the money in his trust fund to be split amongst his friends having QUITE angered the young man’s parents, was no longer as warm as it used to be when they gathered, the loss of their friend making it just lack that certain something. The first of the group had just arrived, keys in hand as they had all of course copied Kendal’s key at one point to keep him from keeping them away, the door unlocked and ready to be entered by those who had arrived first. Inside it was just... different, everything was the same as Kendal had always kept it of course, the young man had always wanted his home looking proper and neat, some said it was due to being a control freak but his friends knew enough it was more that this was his space and his need for control stemmed from a lack of control in every other part of his life before claiming this home as his own.
The Area in the living room was prepared for everyone to hook their various computers up together in order to play the game he'd made with one another, they'd done this many times before for various games, whether in playing together or against one another depending on the game... everyone had "their" spot and it was waiting for them... though the comfortable black lounge chair would remain unused this time, lacking it's owner and the one whom made sure everyone knew that was and always would be HIS spot... there had been a joke at one point that Kendal would want himself to be buried with it, though given the situation such a joke just felt sour. The game however had been passed around so everyone could download it for today, titled "Everlust" of all things... the friends had always joked Kendal was a closet pervert, even a few times he'd thrown some rather lewd comments about certain things that had led to his friends figuring him out. Even so, this was their good friend's life work, what he'd intended to be a game to revolutionize Fantasy games like no game had done before, and the first work he'd have done of his own choice. At some point each of his friends had given input on it and even through his complaining they'd find themselves later grilled upon their ideas, in turn giving them each a part to add to his work upon completion. The game was the remaining testament to their friendship with the grumpy young man whom had apparently cherished them so much he'd left them each enough money to pursue whatever they wanted to even as he took his own life for whatever reason. True he had ask that all his work be destroyed but... it seemed a waste to not at least enjoy the game he'd once admitted he only wanted them to play when he felt it was worthy enough for them to play it. Thus, the friends gathered, unaware of just what sort of game they were about to venture into... a game that would end up not being a game at all, but a true and honest Adventure...
Re: Everlust

Thu Jul 23, 2015 1:57 am
by cryosabre
Beth had been the first to arrive at Ken's house half expecting to see him there with his annoyed expression that she was just letting herself in as she slowly unlocked the door before the grim truth hit her hard again, Ken was dead and she was never going to see him again. She hauled her heavy computer tower into Ken's old but all too familiar living room, giving a long drawn out sigh as she remembered all the happy times that had been spent here, both with the group and on the more private occasions when it had just been her and Ken, one weekend in particular popping into her mind that the rest of the group didn't even know anything about as she began muttering to herself, "God I'm going to miss you, Ken...", wiping away the tear that formed at the corner of her eye before pawing at her fake cat ear in an attempt to comfort herself. Shaking her head to clear the memories Beth headed towards her usual gaming spot beside the large window overlooking the garden, she had always loved the spot as it allowed her imagination to run wild with images of the far away lands that Ken had spent so much time designing for his video game, the very game that Beth and everyone else had given Ken ideas for, giggling very slightly at the memory of her practically harassing the poor man to add a cat race into the game, which after much grumbling he had finally relented and added it in just for her, "Well, better get set up I guess..." The usually eccentric and happy Beth said to herself, tear stains beginning to mark her pale cheeks thinking to herself that she would give just about anything to spend some more time with Kendal as her gaze rested upon his big black lounger, the urge to go and sit in it, in his spot, purely for nostalgia's sake almost overbearing but Beth eventually decided against it out of respect for her friend and mentor.
As she got her rig set up and ready to go, Beth pulled up a chair in front of her PC and sat in it with her legs pulled up to her chest while she absentmindedly rubbed at her long fake tail attached to her belt, the feeling of the fur calming her down as her mind started to drift to the small fortune that had been left for the group, a small smile coming to her face as she remembered all of Ken's hilarious rants about his snooty parents and how much he would do just about anything to piss them off. Her concentration was broken however when she heard someone else coming in the front door as she looked up at the new arrival with sadness in her eyes and a joyless smile on her lips, "Hey, need a hand?" Beth breathed quietly, her voice almost to soft to even be heard as the person entered the house.
Re: Everlust

Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:45 am
by VintageBass
Ashley comes walking on down the street, still dressed in his black attire and wearing it fresh as he makes his way up to his former friend's home, trying to recall what the will has told him about his side of things and to pay some final respects to the man. How is it that the two of them, even through the hard times and working hard to repay for his own damages to the front yard, have still ended up together and now have drifted so far apart to where one of them ended up axing themselves off? It never seemed to be like Kendal at all to do something like this in the first place. Yet, here he is along with the rest of the group coming in, paying their respects to their fallen friend and doing one last round before finally completing his final wish. Still, this does seem rather odd that Kendal is asking them to do this, along with the whole nature of this event... there has to be more that none of them are realizing.
Ashley makes his way inside, finding Beth sitting in the living room and playing the game they were tasked to burn. He can see the sad look in her eyes while the game is going on in the back. Memories are coming to him when he suggested a whole new species that hasn't been all that explored in games, allowing players a new chance to explore a whole new world... and somehow if this game got big, he would be seeing a ton of pervy pictures. Then again, it's not like the game doesn't have its perverted nature to it, given its title and what the others have suggested for the game. Even Ashley asked for his own dirty thoughts into things and he is curious about how developed those ideas are.
He walks over to his own spot, seeing the empty lounger that Kendal calls his, before stepping away from it and plopping down in Ashley's own spot, lounging back. "Hey Beth, how are things?" he asked, waving. "Feeling good? And nah, I'm all right as is. I'm going to look around at his other computer stuff and see what I can use for my setup back home, otherwise I think I'll stick here until everyone has gathered..." Ashley gets out the laptop he carries around with him and starts hooking things up to the current setup, getting the password to the WIFI and starts getting setup for the game.
Re: Everlust

Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:02 am
by spriter1
As Anna walked into the house, laptop bag slung over her shoulder and wearing her normal shirt and jeans, she couldn't help but expect Kendal to come down the stairs, looking like he had eaten lemons for breakfast before he would walk off and join her in the living room, strong drink for each of them in hand and them chatting by the roaring fire... She couldn't help but remember the night she walked in, rain pouring down outside as she was soaked to the bone and pissed off, venting her woes to him and spending the night here... It being the reason why she had came early on the day they were clearing up, having to move up to the room and clear a couple of things from his wardrobe beforehand. She also may have gotten the source code for his game while she was here on a usb... Although the girl had convinced herself it was going to be deleted as soon as she got to have a little look at it to see what kind of ways Kendal had worked around certain problems he had had in the past and told her about. Even the money that was left for her felt ill-gained, like she didn't deserve to have it.
She couldn't help but remember as she walked into the living room about the nights they had spent together, her usually coming over once or twice a week, and how in the last couple of weeks before this, he just... Stopped. Kept telling her stuff was coming up. While the note said they weren't at fault, Anna still felt like she was somehow responsible for this happening... She couldn't do anything about it now though, too little too late. She kinda felt a tear coming on before she noticed the fact that Ashley and Beth had arrived before her, making the girl put on a brave face and say "Hey guys...", with the girl then saying nothing else as she set up her laptop, plugging everything in as she sat cross-legged with her back to the unlit fire, headset around her neck while she waited for her laptop and the game to boot up.
Re: Everlust

Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:46 am
by Vhexo
Walking into the street the house of his missing friend stood, Axel couldn’t help but think about how much… emptier, it would be without Kendal. Of course, the man was sometimes literally the definition of sour, but Kendal was a good person at heart, and everyone in the group knew that as much as Axel did. As their last respects to Kendal they figured it would only be fair trying out the game he worked so hard on to build, before they deleted it like Kendal asked them to. They all agreed to meet at Kendal’s house, like they usually did, only this time without Kendal himself. So Axel had his laptop with him, as well as a copy of the game on it. Axel was a bit surprised seeing that the name of the game was Everlust, something only Kendal could come up with in his opinion, but it would nonetheless be a great game.
So, when Axel finally arrived at his friend’s house, a feeling of sorrow came washing over him as he examined this house. It might be his last time ever visiting for all Axel knew, he didn’t know what Kendal’s parents were planning to do. Stepping into the door, seeing as it was already opened making Axel conclude there was already someone inside, so he made his way to the living room.
Upon entering, he saw that Anna, Beth and Ashley had already sat down, plugging their computers in and waiting for the others. His face showed only a small amount of expression, but his eyes made it clear to everyone he was experiencing as much grief as they were. “Hello guys, everyone OK?...”, he asked with a hushed tone, already knowing the answer to his question. He sat down at his usual spot, pulled his laptop out of the shoulder bag and opened it up, setting up the game, and he waited for the others to join them.
Re: Everlust

Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:43 pm
by MelissaB
Amy trotted along looking more than her usual kind of sour. Sniffling she listened to some more sadder songs to suit her mood. Sighing she trudges along the moeny was nice and she has so many things she wants to spend it on but she does miss Kendal. "Dumb idiot... Could of spoken to us." She mumbles before getting onto the street. Sighing she walks down until she reaches the familiar home even if looking upon it no longer felt the same she knew the others would be meeting her here.
Stepping up to the house she entered with her copy of the key and smiled a little, remembering when she stole his key to get hers cut. He bitched at her for a whole day before he forgave her. Fun times. She liked driving him nuts it helped him break out of his quiet reserved hole he hid in. Sighing she dumped her bag on the floor and entered the gaming room like she had so many times before. "Hey. How's everyone holding up?" She asks the rest that had made it there already before taking her gaming chair. The neon pink leather chair and her red led glowing comp set up and begins setting up and getting ready to join and play the game.
Re: Everlust

Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:04 pm
by Meep Meepersons
Xill sat in the passenger seat of a car owned by her broham Barrett, who was driving it. She fidgeted the whole way, and any of her friends would recognize such behavior as a tell for when something was wrong with her. The guy that seemed to be the pillar, the keystone even, of her new makeshift family had up and disappeared, supposedly to off himself. She didn't believe he was gone, not yet. There wasn't enough proof for her, then again with her stubborn thick-headedness she was more likely just in denial. The ride wasn't too long, and they eventually pulled up in front of the large house. She exits Barrett's car and holds the door open for a moment to pop her head back in. "You want some help bringin your rig in man?" She asks, a hand resting on the roof of his vehicle. Depending on his answer, she would either help him bring his shit in, or just head on in without him. Until recently she never had enough money for her own rig, just a crappy laptop. Once she met Kendal, her laptop became a tool of masturbation. Damn thing was so bogged up she didn't even bother to bring it, especially since Kendal had bought her a rig to use at his house.
After holding the door open for Barret she hurries on into the game room where everyone seemed to be gathering. "Hey guys! How is everyone? Bummed I'm guessing, me to..." She exclaims, not bothering to think before speaking as per her usual behavior. Thankfully she wasn't smart enough nor mean enough to say anything super offensive or just not great. "So umm, how do I get this thing on my rig here? Disk or USB? Or are we doing some kinda lan-network thingy to copy it to all our computers or something like in an office or whatever?" She asks, pulling her beater office chair out to sit on, rolling up to her rigs desk and plopping a pair of ear muff like headphones atop her noggin. She smiles as she runs her fingers over the keys on her keyboard, admiring the goodtimes. Sliding her hand along the tower, she fingers the power button, juuuust the right way to get it to turn on. Soon the whole thing wirred to life and the monitor flashes on, indicating the flow of power through the system! "Huh...little dusty" Having suddenly being distracted by the dust on her screen, she pulls a handkerchief from her pocket and wipes it down. On the corner of the silken hanky was Kendals Innitials. It was his, she stole it. Quite brazenly in fact, just kinda, snatched it from him. After blowing a large amount of mucus into it, he just kinda gave it to her. Despite using it for everything, she takes good care of it, almost like a practical memento.
Re: Everlust

Sat Jul 25, 2015 5:22 am
by Albedo28
When Barrett had agreed to give his friend Xilly a ride over to Kenny's house he hadn't really thought much about why they were headed over there. He'd been over to this place dozens of times without permission until Kendal finally gave him his own key and asked to never see the blond climbing through his windows again. Of course that didn't stop his friend from telling Barrett to go home nearly every time he'd popped over. Before he even knew it, Kenny was gone and now he and his circle of friends would never hear the recluse complain about them spending time there. Parking his old black mustang in the driveway, the blond man gives a sigh and gets out before going to the trunk and gathering up his tower in one hand and a thin LCD monitor in the other. The cables were all tied together and folded neatly to keep anything from tripping him as he went. "Naw, I'm good Xilly. You head on inside and I'll be right behind you, bro." He says in his Northeastern accent. Going to college out of state, as far away from his own parents as possible had been one of the things that had brought him and Kendal together since they shared drunken gripes about their relatives one night and Matherson couldn't get rid of him since.
As he walks in through the door that his friend held open, Barrett looked around at the group already assembled and starts to place stuff down at one of the unclaimed chairs near Kenny's, "Well, there's less reason to be bummed now, I mean if Kenny was here I know what he'd say: 'Why are you in my house? Go Home.'" the blond man chuckles to himself shaking his head for a moment, "He was always joking around after all. Bro was never one to get upset with us unless something happened like shooting a firework into his neighbor's window. So let's check out the fruits of his labor and see just what he put together in the time that it absorbed his life, huh? Best way to pay respects really and take a step ahead I think, We all saw him working on it at one point or another. Can't wait to see just what our bro came up with." He nods to himself and starts to hook up cables before looking to Xill, "Should already have the program on your comp, Bro. Wasn't hard to install things late last night, make sure everyone who's stuff was already here could just launch the game once we all got together. It's not exactly a small install time." He says before taking his seat, computer set and booting up.
Re: Everlust

Sun Jul 26, 2015 8:48 pm
by RussianTitan
Walking through the door with a bottle clutched to her chest Vera was in a meltdown. She never handled death well, or as well as someone could, and Kendall's recent departure had hit her harder then most, especially with so many unanswered questions about his demise. Fighting back her stinging tears she slowly walked through the halls, letting the memories wash over her of the time she had spent with the introverted boy. How she slowly broke apart his shell to get him to finally be somewhat open with their collections of friends. She tried let these memories soother her, there happiness try to take away the pain, but it only drove her tears harder, the absence of a dear friend like a wound. Slowly working loose the cork on the bottle she took a drink, letting the fire burn down her throat in attempt to numb the pain; It didn't. Finally collecting herself she headed back down stairs to meet her friends, nodding to them as she tried to hide some of her pain. Setting down the bottle she walked back into a room to collect her laptop, having left the machine over a few days ago. Parking herself in her usual spot on the floor, upper body propped against Amy's footrest, she flipped up the piece of equipment and started to work, making sure everything to go as she quietly waited for the others.
Re: Everlust

Mon Jul 27, 2015 12:39 am
by VintageBass
Seeing mostly everyone here and getting their rigs all set up, while his own is still booting up and getting everything running, Ashley sees everyone is focusing on getting the game going while saying their hellos. Even with the dreary atmosphere lingering over the house, this is a gathering of good friends coming together to test out their friend's latest game. This should be at least exciting to try out, even with the history this game has so far. Well, maybe to help loosen the mood, Ashley got up from his seat and makes his way towards the kitchen to get everyone hooked up on some snacks and whatever drinks that Kendal has lying around.
After all, if Kendal is truly gone, it might be good to not let this food go to waste and it might be good if he and the others are the ones to eat it all. Looking around the kitchen, Ashley checks the pantries and cupboards for cups and bowls, before searching around for anything that they can munch on. He is hoping for some crunchy cheesy fingers chips, his hands grabbing for any bags he lays eyes on and then pouring out the contents into various large bowls. Once he got the chips, pretzels and whatever dipping sauce he could get without touching the stove all set and done, he then turns to look through where the drinks are, grabbing the non alcoholic stuff for himself and any others, while the hard stuff going to those who like it. Knowing Barrett he has brought his mini-fridge with him, but Kendal has... a more refined taste, so this might put some class in him.
Getting the drinks ready, Ashley takes the time to head hack out into the living room and getting everything settled down before everyone, even getting a tray for the drinks. Ashley pours himself one cup of soda before getting a bowl of his cheesy snack, checking on up to see that everything has finally set up and ready to go, before sitting down and get himself ready for the new experience. "Well, I figure we might not let the food go to waste, so dig in everyone!" he stated, rubbing his hands.
Re: Everlust

Tue Jul 28, 2015 9:33 pm
by venomouswings
Alise had taken the news pretty hard, after all she had seen Kendal as a big brother to her. Yeah he could be a jerk at times, but he also had a soft side to him that she enjoyed. When she heard about his fate she had stayed in her room that day, crying for hours, her parents unable to calm her down. She couldn’t even bring herself to play her favourite MMO, a gift Kendal had giving her years ago. He thought it might help her build some social skills by interacting with other players. He told that she could be anyone in this game. So began her adventures as Lelna the might paladin, defender of the innocent. She had even begged him once to help her grind for a legendary shield once, making him stay up for hours, much to his annoyance... those where good days.
Alise stepped of the bus, laptop in hand as she walked down the street only to stop at the steps leading up to the house. After fumbling around with the key in her pocket she tried to unlock the door only to find it unlocked, allowing her straight access. Quickly stepping inside and heading to the game room she found everyone already there. “H-Hello everyone… S-sorry i’m late…” Her face went red as she found her usual spot and got herself plugged in.
Re: Everlust

Tue Jul 28, 2015 10:29 pm
by MelissaB
"Hey Alise." Amy chimed out as she booted up her copy of the game and got herself fixed up and ready to play. once the game booted up she waited for everyone else to get sorted and ready. Looking around she gave Ashley a glare as he comes back with Kendal's food ready to munch and snack out of the man's fridge like they did when he was alive. "Just not the same without him yelling at us for eating it though." She forces a smile before going back to her computer making sure everything is running smoothly while she adjusts the setting to match her specs taking out a bottle of water from her bag and setting it on the floor for later.
Re: Everlust

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:06 am
by MASigma
The game began for all those whom were set up, right off the bat a cinematic of all things began playing to some epic music Amy would recognize helping him work up to fit such a game, apparently having used the one he and she had mixed together as opposed to the one he’d worked on by himself. Scenes of the various races, those usually seen in such a game as well as others which included some suggested races that had been pushed for him to create for the game. Scenes of ramshackle weaponry, of creatures raging upon adventurers of all races, of beautiful scenery that made it seem less like graphics and more like it was REAL… just as Kendal had sworn he’d manage to pull off. As the cinematic ended with the beautiful ruins of a futuristic looking city exploding out, making the screens flash black… only to fade in with the title of “Everlust” to show in cool looking fantasy font, the words shimmering before it went black… before more words followed “Dedicated to the friends who forced their way into becoming my family… hope you assholes enjoy”.
With that the menu screen lit up, offering the options of “A New Adventure” being one of the options highlighted. The next two available were “Options” and “Cheats” of all things… and the one unable to be clicked was “Load Character”. This of course was true except for one player, as Barrett found this option actually could be chosen for some reason, though it could just be a glitch… it’d be up to him to check it out or ignore it and just move onto making his character. The “A New Adventure” jumped right into an in-depth customization area, complete with Races and Classes, each one with a description of various depth to both. Stats, naming the character, changing eye and hair color, and even Gender was pickable… one of which apparently was “Futa” other than the generic male or female choices. The level of depth to the customization was to the point with enough patience one could even make a virtual copy of themselves into the game if they wanted… but what was the fun of that? Once finished with their character, a screen reading “Waiting on Party…” would show until everyone had finished their characters, the game unwilling to officially start until everyone had finished it seemed… as if it could somehow detect they had networked together without them needing to tell the game.
Re: Everlust

Wed Jul 29, 2015 7:02 am
by VintageBass
After waiting for everything to function properly, Ashley watches the cutscene and chuckles at the mention towards the end. It's nice that he does have some kind words for them, but if this is going out to the public, if it ever does, then the removal of the very last part would be good to please certain people... although why would kids be playing this would be any guess other than curiosity. Shaking his heads out of that, Ashley got to work on getting things started, now curious about what kind of cheats Kendal has in mind. There might be something perverted going on in the background, possibly unlocking some naughty stuff that the NPCs can do with the playable character, or even some other fun things...
However, the main thing right now is getting the character that Ashley wants to play as. Going through the basic information, filling in everything and picking out his race and class, he notices the third gender option and ponders why it is in the game. Surely someone made a remark about it and everyone had a laugh about it, but he never thought it'll make it in. Seeing the option there does have his curiosity, so he picks it and got to work customizing his new 'girl.' He figures he might try out something a little different, and there's something rather charming and adorable with how he is making his mole futa, almost getting her to look much like him in a way.
Once he finished getting everything made and hearing his character getting pumped for the adventure, Ashley hits the finish button and waits for everyone else to be done. In the meantime, he reaches over for the bowl of cheesy chips to munch on...
Re: Everlust

Wed Jul 29, 2015 5:18 pm
by Vhexo
As soon as the cinematic started Axel was immediately impressed by the quality of the game that Kendal made. Sure, he and the others had played a lot of good games, but regarding the visual and the aesthetics this was by far one of the best games he had ever seen, and he felt quite proud of his friend for making something this good, even though the game hadn’t even started properly yet. Axel had a small smile on his lips once he read the dedication, the words giving him the feeling that Kendal was just across the room as he always was.
Once the menu screen lit up, the first thing Axel wanted to do was to change the options, but he stopped before clicking it, thinking about how good the game looked in the cinematic, and then he decided he couldn’t be arsed to meddle with the options if the game already looked that good, so instead Axel clicked on ‘A New Adventure’.
Again, Axel was impressed by the sheer amount of options he could pick from, the character customization being better than almost any game. He read a bit through all the races, but once he hit Wood Elf he considered the race, finding that their description appealed to him. Then, considering if he would be a male or female, he quickly got a coin out of his wallet and tossed it, after which he chose a female character. Of course, he could’ve also gone with the Futa, but, even though Axel didn’t mind Futas at all, Axel rather stuck with the natural endowments. From that point, Axel just mixes and matches, picking whatever strikes his fancy until he had made his perfect character.
When he finished, the ‘Waiting on Party’ message appeared on his screen, and Axel laid back in his chair waiting for the others, although he was curious how the game knew they were playing together.
Re: Everlust

Wed Jul 29, 2015 9:05 pm
by Meep Meepersons
Xilly waves to her friends as they enter one by one and as the last of them enter the room, she gets up to grab a bag of chips and a soda and sits back down, loading up the game. As the cinematics play before her eyes, she watches in awe, sucking on her soda, completely glued to her monitor. "Wowzers, that's hot!" She exclaims, whistling as the name of the game comes into view at the end. When the menu came up, she'd wiggle her mouse to life and select the "Cheats" option, just to see if her stiff friend had actually put accessible cheats into the game. If she couldn't figure it out, she would simply move on to character creation. Swiftly selecting her favored options after skimming over the descriptions. She formed what she felt was the sexiest critter she could create. "Noice~ I'd fuck me, would you fuck me?" She asks, crossing her legs on her seat and leaning back in her rollie chair, looking at hr friends with a creepy smile on her face. After a moment of being a weirdo, she goes back to finish up the final touches on her newest fantasy game character. Finishing up, she clicks the finish option and sits back, eating her chips and sucking on her soda as she "waits for her party"
Re: Everlust

Fri Jul 31, 2015 7:28 pm
by MelissaB
Hearing the title music Amy's eyes well up as she sniffles. Looking around she forces a sad smile before speaking. "Bastard actually used it." She looks back at the screen watching the impressive cinematic before giggling at the tribute to them note on the screen. Quickly she wipes her eyes and begins making a character.
Without really looking she selects new adventure and proceeds to set up her character amazed at how complex and thorough it is and ended up making a dark seductress styled character before clicking finish to wait on the others her eyes glued to her screen as she looks over her finished product loving each aspect she has for her. Her character's have a basically fantasy world version of her own. 'Amyiel'.
Re: Everlust

Sun Aug 02, 2015 1:50 am
by Albedo28
Barrett lets out a short laugh at the end of the intro cutscene seeing the dedication and immediately dives into the new character section, not wanting to accidentally start up Kenny's game and get an unfair advantage or end up far away from his friends' starting places. Quickly looking through the character creation options he picks the biggest good guy tropes he could find and goes for the angelic human hybrid and slots up to play as a cleric. Healing the party was a role he doubted any of the others would choose given their past tendencies and he'd played more than one MMO in the past. Healers made games work right.
Switching over to customizing his chosen character he looks over the options and quickly finds that he could make someone that looks just like he does. Letting out an "Awesome, bro" quietly to himself he starts to craft his own image in the game thinking it was the coolest feature that was unlikely to get topped by whatever Kenny had put in place in the game itself. Though when he got to the hair he opted to make it stand up, spiked like those anime characters since it was a game after all. He could get away with that sort of thing without people giving him the crazy eye as he walked by. Finishing up with his angel that looked exactly like himself but with too much hair gel he nods and puts his own name in for his character. After all, it's not like they were role playing or anything. He was just going to be hacking mobs with his bros and checking out what pervy features Kendal slapped in or left out when he'd poked his nose in on its creation prior.
Re: Everlust

Tue Aug 04, 2015 8:33 pm
by spriter1
Seeing everyone else getting along, on top of giving Ashley a look over raiding Kenny's fridge, Anna just quietly sat and started up the game with everyone else, watching as the cinematic played... And being awestruck. She knew the man was making a game, but expected something that well... Didn't look like it was created over a couple of years by a top development team. The girl's jaw was on the floor as she watched, only for it to be picked up again with a snigger when she read the acknowledgement at the end. "Guess Kenny wasn't gonna be a Gollum about the game after all..."
With that said though, the name of the game suddenly flooded back memories of him telling her about what the game might contain... Causing the girl to blush and quickly try to hide it as she went about going through to see what everything did, looking around the room to make sure noone was looking at her even though she had the back of her laptop facing everyone, and clicked 'Cheats'... Only for a cmd box to pop up, making the girl raise an eyebrow and smirk before closing it down, honestly surprised the man didn't have a message to berate her for clicking that. With that though, she went about making a character, surprised by the amount of detail in the ting as she went about making a character exactly as she wanted it, and somehow coming out the other end with a female goblin engineer, thinking it would be a fun concept to play with. With that, she hit enter and waited for everyone else to finish and for the game to start.
Re: Everlust

Wed Aug 05, 2015 11:08 pm
by cryosabre
Beth sat in her chair and just watched as her friends made their way into the house and took up their regular gaming positions around the room, her usual over excited and happy demeanor gone for the moment as she did her best to fight back the tears she felt welling up inside her. Once everyone was ready she started up the game with everyone and instantly felt a brief moment happiness as she watched the simply gorgeous imagery of the intro scene come up on her screen, the small glimpses of what the game held in store for the group making her smile. Beth couldn't suppress a small chuckle at the final words that popped up on screen, she had always loved Ken's dry humor and it made Beth look around the room and realize just how right he was, they had pretty much become a family during their time at College, albeit a rather messed up and diverse family, but a family who loved each other all the same.
Not bothering to look at the cheats option, Beth immediately hit the "New adventure" option and began creating her character, letting out an involuntary squee of happiness when she seen the Nekomata race she had begged Ken to put into the game, "Nyaaa~ haaa...No danger of me picking anything else!" She said to herself as she began customizing her new feline character, "hmmm, hair...yep, green! Tail?! ear color...easy, green!" giggling to herself as she made the brightest and most flamboyant cat woman she could, Beth momentarily forgot everything else as she beamed proudly at her newly created character as she accepted all the Nekomata as her race and rogue as her class before pressing enter causing the small message to pop up informing her to wait until everyone was ready before she sat cross legged and looked around the room excitedly in anticipation of finally getting to play the fruits of Ken's labor.