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XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:41 pm
by Alaena

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The XCOM Project was founded as a joint black ops initiative to counter and defeat the growing extraterrestrial threat. It achieved much success in the endeavor, but it was mortally wounded in a surgical attack on its headquarters. Following that, the project would require immense funding to rebuild and replace all lost assets, including new technicians after many were turned by the pleasure provided by the alien.

A refounding occurred after many months and the XCOM Project was at full speed once again. Threats were appearing globally as the aliens were slowly emerging from the shadows. Most notably, Canada was amok with human sympathizers breeding hybrids for the alien army by the dozen. It wasn't long until much of Canada was overrun and the Prime Minister and the army concentrated its defense around Montreal, Quebec. Despite XCOM's best efforts, Montreal was overrun, and the Canadian leadership executed, and the females used as breeding stock.

Following this major defeat, and the permanent loss of a nation providing funding to the XCOM project, the division was halted. All members were disbanded until further notice. For all intensive purposes, XCOM was dead. XCOM had failed. The Council of Nations marked this defeat as too significant, despite the organization's other many successes. Now, that time has passed.

The aliens, after a hibernation, have re-emerged. The USA borders are closed and garrisoned by thousands of soldiers, most of which forced to serve by the recent federal draft. Sightings of alien movements have been reported, thousands, possibly millions, threaten to overrun the United States at any moment. Meanwhile, in Europe, a similar chaos has emerged. Towns and entire military bases have gone quiet. Alien raids have become more military in nature rather than abductory. Eastern Russia is practically off the radar, as all contact has been lost. France, Germany, Poland panic as their raids increase. China's northern half is besieged by roaming warbands of hybrids and mutons. On top of everything else, a pro-alien organization, named Exalt, has come forward and provided an alternative path of 'cooperation' and 'surrender' to the alien. XCOM is needed once again.

The otherworldly threat is no secret now. Though the Council of Nations still mandates silence on all matters regarding the aliens, news channels openly show helicopter and satellite feed of aliens to all who would watch. The new XCOM will be on official payroll and located in the beating heart of America: Washington, D.C.

After gathering and informing all soldiers willing to return, including new recruits, every soldier is flown out, bused, or otherwise brought on a train to the capitol of the U.S.A. When they arrive, the soldiers are led to a similar underground base, just outside the capitol city itself near the highway. It looks like a large storage shed, but when the garage door is lifted, a single hatch marks middle of the room, and beneath it, a ladder leading down to the bowels of XCOM. The recruited soldiers have to go down one by one, likely foiling any ground attack against the base that didn't involve plasma drills or massive explosions. The ladder leads the group down into a small room connected to the hangar, where the three former heads of XCOM greet them. Many engineers and maintenance workers go to and fro just as before, eager to prepare the interceptors and skyranger for combat.

The three familiar faces of Officer Tamara Bradford, Doctor Vahlen, and Chief Engineer Deidre Chen meet the XCOM soldiers arriving in the hangar. All maintained their beauty quite well. In fact, Vahlen somehow looked a few years younger. She was still a dirty blonde with a bust to die for. The red-headed XO Tamara Bradford still had her shoulder-length red hair and a firm body with an unbelievably toned and perky ass, admirable even through her grey suit. Chen was the shortest, and youngest, of the three, but still carried some impressive curves herself, even in her engineering uniform.

All three of them carefully watch the soldiers step off the ladder, bags, suitcases, or rucksacks in tow. The three of them wait for everyone to get off the ladder before speaking.

Vahlen eyes some of the newer soldiers with a bit of seduction and venom in her eyes, but says nothing, and instead allows Officer Bradford to speak.

"Welcome back, soldiers. I'm sure all of you are tired. We'll save the briefing for tomorrow. Most of you know the situations at hand, and for now, you can all take the day to rest, prepare, or whatever else you need to do. We'll provide squad assignments tomorrow as well. Those of you who were part of the former XCOM, help out the newcomers, this base has the same layout as the last one."

Chen clears her throat and says, "All personalized equipment and weapons left with XCOM will be found in the armory, for those of you who wish to practice, or prepare, as Bradford put it."

Vahlen interrupts and says, "More importantly, all of you have undergone genetic enhancement as part of your admittance. The select few of you are also capable of psychic power resembling that of the alien. Those of you with psionic powers, please come with me."

Bradford nods, "Everyone else, dismissed. Be ready for tomorrow."

She motions to a base map, much like the map in a mall, near the hangar exit. It shows all relevant areas and where the barracks is.
(Refer to the third post in the OOC thread for a list of areas in the XCOM Base)

Psionic people
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Vahlen leads the few soldiers with psychic ability to an elevator that eventually stops after passing a number of floors. The hallway long, large, and with high ceilings. You pass many containment cells, some with actual aliens in it. From your training, you recall some of their names as mutons, sectoids, and even some of the most dangerous psychic ones: a pair of sectoid commanders catch your eyes as she marches past them without flinching. The hallway ends at a large office, which you think might also be her personal quarters. She sits down behind her desk and motions for the rest of you to take seats.

"Now, I am aware of your capabilities as I have each of your folders here. But, we must run a few more... tests."

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:18 pm
by Meep Meepersons
Nym sighs with relief for her decreased size for the first time as she manages to get down the ladder without getting stuck. She didn't say hi to any of the others, nor did she speak to any of them while they gathered before their superiors. She looks over the three women and smiles knowingly at Bradford and Vahlen. Past, sexy, memories steaming up to the surface as the bulge in her pants expands a little. She stayed quiet for duration of the greeting. She heard about Chen to, seems she makes weapons. Maybe she could get her to make her a blade that wont break from being pushed through a muton's armor, maybe something else to~ When people were done talking, Nym decided to leave the newbies with the other returnees. Approaching Chen, Nym claps her heels together and stands up straight. "Ma'am" She salutes, falling into a more casual way of holding herself. "I hear you make weapons, do you think I could talk to you about making something?" She asks, trying to be as friendly as possible.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:13 pm
by cryosabre
SinĂ¡ed stood to attention with her backpack at her feet while her new commanders gave their brief introductions, looking at each of the three in turn, Sinaed can't help but notice just how attractive they all are, however she quickly stares at the ground after meeting Doctor Vahlen's hard gaze, her timid introverted nature getting the better of her. Standing at ease once they had finished and slinging her backpack over her shoulders once they had been dismissed Sinaed looked around the room full of veterans and recruits, her eyes instantly moving away from any who met her gaze, she had fully intended to try and interact with the others however being in the small room surrounded by so many people made her uncomfortable and she decided she would get to know the others in less crowded conditions as she quickly headed over to the map to get directions to both the sleeping quarters and the armory.

If they were going to be starting their first mission tomorrow she was intent on preparing herself as much as she possibly could as she decided upon quickly going to leave her possessions at her bunk before going to withdraw a standard issue Xcom sniper rifle from the armory and taking it to the firing range to practice her aim, Every single one of you Xeno bastards will pay... she thought to herself as her lips turned up in a grim smile at the thought of the long range death she would be providing to the ones who took her family from her.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:29 pm
by KnightVanilla
After the normal procedure of introductions were over Rynth wasn't too intent on talking to any of the new members of she didn't have to, but this wouldn't stop her from offering her help. "If anyone new here wants to ask a few questions you can follow me... Just at the most two of you. I'm not sure I want to be a your guide for all of you guys. Besides it may be fun to explore with your free time before your first mission." she says as she decides to investigate the gene therapy labs and the cybernetics lab. Those two things always fancied her.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:49 pm
by MASigma
Aisha watched the three lovely commanders with a beaming smile, glad they would have such strong female leaders leading them into combat, losing her smile for just a moment as Doctor Vahlen's gaze met her own, unsure why the woman looked so venomous before figuring she must be going through some issues, they were at war with horrible aliens that deserved to be tortured and left to suffer before finally being allowed to die. Aisha blinked at her own trail of thought, only to shrug it off as Bradford dismissed everyone, realizing she'd only paid half attention... but she got the gist of it all. Turning to the nearest new recruit like herself, she noticed everyone just up and going their own ways, making her pout a bit... apparently all her new friends were grumpy-gus's. Well she'd just have to fix that, but wherever to start? The pinkette made her way over to grab a map, needing to know where to put all the things she had with her before she'd look around... nly to find as she made her way to the sleeping quarters that she wasn't the only one doing so, ending up close behind another woman whom she watched head to the armory.

Figuring the grumpy looking woman would be the best place to start making her new friends into real friends, the perky young Aisha followed close behind, finding the woman looking over a Sniper Rifle, lost in the moment as she seemed to be daydreaming about it or something,"... I do that too you know", Aisha suddenly spoke up, not even thinking she might surprise the woman she had pretty much been stalking as she just continued to go off," I mean not the whole drooling over a Sniper Rifle thing, I mean I would if I had one but I never was good with one", She continued to go off with a bit of a pout, before perking back up with a bright smile," I have my own guns too and they're both so awesome and I like to touch and fondle them, thinking of all the disgusting little alien's I'm going to make go "splat" while I just "Pew pew" them to death, makes me all giddy you know?", she offered up as an explanation... only to gasp," Oh Shit, I didn't introduce myself did I? That's sooo rude", she noted, playfully klonking herself on the head as she stuck her tongue out playfully, only to offer her hand for a shake," I'm Aisha Martyn, it's a Pleeeeeeasure to meet ya friend!", she greeted happily.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:24 pm
by cryosabre
Sinaed had almost jumped out of her skin when the other woman suddenly started talking to her, she had been so focused on inspecting her rifle before bringing it to the shooting range that she didn't even hear her approach. Her mouth hung open slightly as the woman started babbling to her, clearly trying to be friendly with Sinaed, though more than anything making the shy girl uncomfortable as her mind raced to try and think up something to say, though ultimately ending up just standing there in silence, the woman doing more than enough talking for the both of them. Sinaed's cheeks turned red slightly as Aisha properly introduced herself, "H~Hey Aisha, I'm, Uhm, Sinaed...Sinaed Bradley" Her quiet Dublin accent clear to Aisha as she stood there awkwardly for a moment before coughing, "I, ugh...I was gonna head to the shooting ranges if...if you maybe wana come too?" Forcing herself to give the invitation to Aisha as even though she felt awkward around the woman, Sinaed was secretly glad Aisha had approached her, she knew herself that no matter how much she tried to force herself, her own reclusiveness would never have allowed her to so freely talk to people like Aisha could and it would be good to possibly make a friend, or at least attempt to provided she didn't accidentally push the women away like she had done with most other people in her life. Regardless of Aisha's answer, Sinaed would continue her movements towards the shooting gallery, in silence if it was by herself or, if Aisha accepted, doing her very best to make small talk, even if it might only consist of the best way to kill aliens, intent on staying there as long as she could in the hopes that she could improve her aim just a little bit for her first mission tomorrow.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:32 pm
by Motoko
Motoko could only yawn as she steps into the valkyrie base for the third time in her career as a soldier. She barely had time to get aqainted with the facilities, let alone the staff, the last two times she had been here, though she somewhat fondly remembers her encounter in the containment lab....Back when she was apart of nym's squad and was rescued by that impressive beast of a woman. She idly hoped she would get to run with the herm again....With a stretch she would head out to the dorm so she could drop off hers belongings, they were quite heavy after all. She didn't even seem to notice her hulking rival in the crowd, or if she did she just ignored her.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:43 pm
by MelissaB
Stepping off of the plane and into the hanger Jessica takes a look around and sighs. "Back here." She mutters and holds her head, holds and rubbing her head as if to ease a headache before looking over the three leaders of the X-Com base. Staring at the women she looks over at Vahlen and gives a growl at the mention of genetic enhancements. Rolling a shoulder she dumps her bag on the floor as they listen to the women speak before they are dismissed. Glancing over at her fellow soldiers she shrugs and picks up her bag. "This way to the barracks." heading towards the barracks to deposit her stuff she walks slow in case others desire to follow her to claim a bunk. Her stuff in her locker and having claimed a bed she heads to the armory to check out her old gear.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:46 pm
by RussianTitan
Adrianna drilled her ass down the drain pipe, still barely awake after coming off a cross continental plane ride and subsequently long bus journey. As she moved into the base with her other recruits she stiffled a yawn, eyes to droopy to take in much of the base in front of her. Keeping enough wits about her to snap at attention with the arrival of her new commander she patiently waited while fighting to stay awake. Absently nodding through the commanders speech she waited till she was finished until she gave her final salute and grabbed her sea bag. Finally having the ability to get some much needed sleep she headed off to her new bunk, taking the time to unpack and store her necessities and any spare clothing before collapsing on the bed, giving a sigh of content as she settled in for a long nap.

Once the young Russian awoke from her fruitful slumber, stretching out any kinks or sour muscles, she would start by running a tour of the base, memorizing the grid of the place as she moved into each room, learning there uses and connections to the others. Satisfied with the construction her next stop would be the armory, popping in to check up on any gear that she could use or need, maybe even talk to one of the many workers there to figure out this armories own inner workings.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 11:55 pm
by Lorielle
Sarah was in awe arriving in the capital of the U.S. Not expecting to be in such an illustrious place. Though the air was tense as she followed the other soldiers into a garage then down a down a ladder, taking note that all of the other soldiers were women and that her commanding officers were also extremely sexy women. Her face grew a bit read as she stood in front of them though thankfully there wasn't much interaction of them though tomorrow she expected the mission briefing would be quite something. Hearing the reports about how the aliens are breeding women constantly makes her nervous especially after departing from Germany where her two sister were still at. Hopefully they would be spared such... A horrible fate of being an alien's breeding bitch. Seeing the other soldiers she introduces herself to them with a quick wave. "Hello my name is Sarah Volgel it's nice to meet you all." Not being much for pleasantries, though if someone were to approach her she would not turn them away. Seeing one of the soldiers taking charge and leading the rest to them to the barracks. She claims a bunk closest to the entrance and sets her duffle bag down before exploring the rest of the station. She wanted to find Bradford in particular since Dr. Chen said to ask her about the weapons maybe she would need permission and besides it'd be good to introduce herself to the CO.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:44 am
by Shaknah
Amy felt overwhelmed as she looked at the secret ladder leading under the earth. Normally she'd be eager to meet all these new people, but this was so different from the university. She had no idea what to expect, which is probably why she brought a suitcase to a secret base with uniforms and... a ladder. Feeling uncharacteristically self-conscious, she smiled and started carefully descending once most of the others were already down. Maybe no one would notice...

She actually almost made it... A few feet from the floor her hand slipped, dropping the bag. She fell on her back next to it, knocking the air from her lungs.

After the briefing, she followed Dr Vahlen as instructed. She wondered if she'd get to meet Dr. Shen later, but shook the idea out of her head - she had no idea how long the doctor had lived in America. It was foolish to hope they'd have anything in common. She was just nervous... Particularly when Dr. Vahlen looked at her. She certainly didn't want to make any more of a scene, though, so she dutifully followed Vahlen into the facility. She got the impression that this was one lady not to disappoint.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 12:52 am
by DeltaSynergy
Kasumi had went down the ladder, more curious about the other people she would be working with than her surroundings. To her, getting more information and help in wiping down these aliens were more important than where she was and why she was there. Thinking she would be allowed free roam, she was about to walk off after the welcome by her commander's when she heard that people like her had to follow through with something else. "There are others like me?" Kasumi follows the doctor silently and entered the elevator. Exiting after going through several floors, she stared around in amazement and disgust as well. There were aliens in cells here. Part of her wanted to just kill them then and there, but she knew it wouldn't go well with her standing if she just rampaged around. Continuing until reaching the office, she just stands there alert. "Tests? Are we allowed to know specifically what sort of tests you'll be running on us?"

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:27 am
by HarleyLocal605
After descending the ladder, and getting the introduction, Madison swiftly moved toward the map, looking for the bunks, and armory. As she made her way down the halls, she would take keen observation, as she made her way to the living area. Claiming a bunk for herself she emptied the contents of her rucksack, sorted her clothes trying to be discreet about a very small black thong that fell out of her clothes, afterwards putting up a picture of her as a child with her mother and father.

Done with the chores of bunking in, Madison swung around to see the location of the armory, intent to go to the hanger. She made her way to the sky rangers and interceptors, looking to see if there were any currently under maintenance.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:34 am
by Shaknah
Amy found herself staring at Kasumi during the briefing. She remembered an old story about mirrors and fish, and felt uncomfortable. As they walked through the lab she kept glancing at Kasumi and the alien creatures. Fear formed a ball in her stomach as she understood how out of place she was here. Was she really capable of killing a thinking being? This young woman, so much like Amy, seemed ready and able.

And she was supposedly "psionic" too... Amy looked at the floor and silently hummed an old tune in her head, banishing her fear away.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:50 am
by DeltaSynergy
Kasumi looked over at the girl beside and could sense her tension. "Are you alright? There's nothing much to be afraid or worried about. Just take a deep breath and calm down. If it helps, I can listen to your worries later." She gave a motherly smile before turning back to face the doctor.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:52 am
Marietta had barely been paying attention to the briefing- rather, her eyes had been locked on Motoko, smouldering with some level of rage. First, she got into the XCOM program first, fucked up and lost Canada, and now she had the gall to completely ignore her? She was far better suited to being a soldier than that tiny slip of a woman! It was amazing to her that she hadn't been taken away by the aliens, considering how small she was. Heck, even she could contain her! She shouldered her rucksack in slight irritation, turning her attention to the others around her. She stood quite a bit taller than most, save for a single figure. Of course, her eyes noticed the bulging of her pants. Another hermaphrodite, perhaps?

Ah well. That didn't concern her in the slightest. Not right now, at least. What concerned her was getting set up at the base and learning it proper, meeting all the necessary people, that jazz. So, she approached the map and gave it a good look over, before heading off to the barracks in the eastern wing.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 2:20 am
by Shaknah
Amy did take a deep breath, not wanting to turn down kind advice. "I'm okay now. Thank you though." She couldn't afford to make enemies here... and she didn't want to, everything was just so jarringly different from her former carefree life. She needed to learn and adapt, and take any help she could get.
Having her feelings picked up by someone else was weird. She supposed it was more than fair, though. It was so weird to think she actually had "psychic powers", and so did this strange girl.
She turned her attention back to Vahlen, feeling optimistic.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:32 am
by spriter1
Ciera gave a grumble under her breath as introductions continued, still continuing to act like a good soldier as she had done before, but she wasn't exactly as friendly with the officer after the Canadian mission, moreso due to the orders to abandon someone who should have been easy to save. But still, she was a soldier and she would follow orders even if she was not for them. When the briefing was finally over, Ciera just picked up her bag before beginning to walk to the bunks, tossing her bag onto her bed before beginning to walk to the armoury... Only to remember what was said, making her speed up the pace before asking for her rifle like an excited schoolgirl. When she finally got it back, she quickly took it and looked it over, making sire it was as fine as when she left it, before asking for some ammo and thanking the girl, deciding to try herself out on the range to see if she still had it and if she needed to fix anything to make Clyde shoot straight.

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 3:42 am
by exalted
Smalls smoothed down her business suit after climbing down the ladder, still slightly incensed about her company being forcibly disbanded when her teams had all been conscripted. Looking around the bay she suppressed her smile at seeing a few old faces, but grumbled still at all the fresh faces making her feel old.

Seeing Alpha's old Sergeant harassing Chen she strolled up to the conversation.

"Still trying to collect the whole set?" She smirked up at the woman from behind her dark aviators, "Or did retirement make you soft?"

Secretly Smalls was happy to see the other former team leader still here, the more experience the better.

"Is Skullheart running around here too?"

Re: XCOM Horny Valkyries: Evolution

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 5:35 am
by spitfyre
Donna paused as she reached the ladder. She hated underground. Isolated, airtight, metal boxes. These were all things she hated. Those things here exactly what she was about to willingly climb down in to. Steeling herself, she told herself that this cause was better, she was actually going to use her abilities to do good and make a difference. She quickly climbed down the ladder to join the ranks of XCOM members that were being debriefed. She stood at attention till she end of the debrief, shuddering a bit at the look Vahlen gave her and the rest of the recruits. When Vahlen called for the psionics to join her Donna stepped forward at looked at the other recruits that had powers like her. As they wound through the halls, follow Vahlen, Donna nodded to the other two recruits and said to them, with a half forced smile, "Hello, nice to meet you two, my name is Donna. Donna Rose.".

She mostly concentration on following Vahlen and looking at the other psionics, but when she came to the containment center with the aliens she did a quick double take, as it was the first time she had seen on in person. Straightening herself once again she stopped with the other people at Vahlen's desk. Donna stay at attention and a straight face until Vahlen mention tests. She got angry quick thinking that they were just going to experiment on her more. "Listen here bitch. If you think i'm going to get in a cage and be a guinea pig for you, you got another thing coming. If you try to force me anywhere, I will rip you and anyone who helps you to shreds. Got it? She replied angrily at Vahlen. Not at all happy with her new discovery that they were probably going to poke and prod at her more, she stood up straighter and more menacing to warn the scientist of her seriousness.