Fallout: Mojave Desserts

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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Albedo28 » Wed Jul 15, 2015 6:07 pm

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(Luck roll: 14)

Moving past the rough looking gentlemen doesn't get you much more attention than a casual look and a whistle from the one leaning up against the brick wall as you head toward the entrance. One of the robots comes up to you, stands in front of you for a moment, and simply states, "Please hold while a short scan is performed. Thank you for submitting to this scan, carry on, civilian." Nothing had indicated he'd done anything to you and he hadn't bothered to touch your body so at least it wasn't invasive. Moving through the sheet metal gate you find yourself looking over the dirty streets of Freeside. Garbage was everywhere. Trash, bums, chem addicts, and delinquents choked the sidewalks though there were no cars to fill the streets allowing you to walk freely by while several tough looking men shout at you about hiring protection for your trip to your destination in Freeside. The emotional color of the place was bleak over all, people seeming quite depressed and hungry for more than they had. Moving forward you find several people advertising The Atomic Wrangler as a place to gamble, sleep, and enjoy yourself with the staff on hand. A few others, dressed similarly to those you saw outside looked at you and whispered that you should go pay your respects to the King if you wanted to feel safe on the streets. The King's residence being rather clear from the large neon signs stating "The King's" upon one building beside the main road.

War Momma:
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(Charisma roll: 22)

The men seem about to say something else to you before you hear the old man call out from the porch, "Boys, if you like all your pieces where they are, I suggest you leave the nice young woman alone." Holding up a stick or dynamite before tossing it into the air and catching it again idly, his other hand holding a lighter at the ready. The three men look between him and you for a moment before they stow their weapons and start to head back to the saloon.

One looks over his shoulder at you, spitting on the ground before speaking up, "Still not apologizing to ya, NCR lover. Consider this one a friendly warning. Find some better friends to roll with before you get hurt. Legion, NCR, doesn't make a difference. People rustling up trouble by fighting over shit that isn't theirs. Suggest you stay away from them in the future, injured or not." With that they continue to beat their retreat leaving you to head to the general store nearby as the old man continues to watch you, lighter tucked back in his pocket.

When you do manage to enter the store, you see an asian looking man behind the counter, 10mm pistol strapped to his leg as he greets you in an energetic fashion. "Hello there, ma'am and welcome to my little store! What can I do for you today? Got a fresh supply of food, drinks, and sleek fire arms that would suit a lovely lady like yourself."

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Opening the door you find the inside rather spartan, though it was clean and proper, a rarity for the wastes. Sleek metal walls bordered a sleek metal floor and ceiling with a single table in the center of the room. Moving up to it, you see several clear disks that would easily fit into you palm upon the surface. Their use and purpose unclear at a glance. Of course you've little time to wonder what's up with that as the door slams shut behind you and you hear a heavy thunk as a lock clicks into place as soon as Maximus had stepped in behind you. Shortly after the hiss of gas filling the room reaches your ears and already it's getting harder to breath as whatever is forced into the air makes you cough and gag a bit, irritating your lungs. If you wanted to do something you didn't have much time to get it handled.

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(Bighorner attack: 12, Octavian attack: 20, 9 damage)

As you circle to the side of the beast drawing its attention and provoking it to attack you, the bighorner charges, bellow and it runs at you. The moment it starts moving toward you, Octavian snarls at it, moving in from its flank and crashing against the beast just before its horns come to bear upon your frame, tackling it to the side and slamming the much larger animal straight into the dirt beside you before your attack dog buries its teeth into the bovine's neck, ripping and tearing several times until the offender's legs cease kicking at the air at it lays still, barely a foot from you. Then turning to look at you, Octavian gives a happy bark, sitting beside the downed animal and looking over at it and back to you several times as if to say, "Look at what I did!" his tail wagging energetically.

Maggeh + Diana:
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(M Luck roll: 16, D luck roll: 16, 2 rations of food found for each player, Diana finds clear disk)

As the both of you strip the ants of what useful meat you can find you're both a bit miffed to find that none of the ants hold any nectar upon their bodies, likely the reason they'd ventured out was a lack of food at their colony. Still, Diana discovers a clear disk that could fit easily in the palm of her hand, made of a material that was light as plastic but felt cool and smooth like glass. Its use wasn't apparent but it definitely wasn't something that looked natural by any means. Still with some more grub stored away the two of you were left with deciding just where to go. The remains of the old NCR check point were visible in the distance, back a ways the beaten and run down remains of a carnival attraction were barely distinguishable behind the waves of heat rising off the Mojave sands, you'd mountains to the right that could hold secrets in their rocky peaks, and a considerable expanse of sandy dunes were to the east.

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(luck roll: 8)

Grabbing the gear you'd discovered and the disk you quickly leave the muck behind and make your way forward, wandering in a rather aimless manner, not searching for anything in particular though something particular seems to find you. As you trek along whistling a tune you see a rather blocky building standing out among the broken remains of smaller houses. The closer you get to it the more the building seems strange with its dark exterior and rather well kept glass windows. It didn't seem looted or scrounged over in the slightest and the reason why becomes apparent as you find several floating orbs, Eyebots, moving your way, one firing a red laser high and to your right as a warning as the three bots close in quickly.

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(Luck roll: 3)

The wastes, you'd heard stories about what was out here from the overseer and others who had swore never to let the people of vault 69. Though they'd have told you the story of how when it all began, the vault was comprised of all women and a single man. Everyone knew the story, and everyone was sick of hearing about it by the time you were an adult. Still, when things went tits up and the reactor was damaged and leaking deadly radiation into the vault in increasing amounts the overseer had wanted everyone to simply tough it out, cordon off sections that were unlivable and keep on with their daily lives despite the inevitable casualties that continued to pile up as the rads grew more intense and spread further. You took it into your own hands to save you won life though you couldn't convince a single man, woman, or child to come with you into the unknown. Grabbing what you could you opened the main door and stepped out into the warm and bright sands of the Mojave and pressed forward, looking for something better than the inevitable death from rad exposure that awaited your neighbors. A death that met them far quicker than you expected as an explosion rocked the earth shortly after you'd ventured out.

It's been a few days since you left, sleeping where you can, when you can, using what rations you'd pulled along wisely and hoping to find sings of civilizations soon enough. Sadly you'd yet to see another human face and this day, as you continue to put one foot in front of the other, you see off in the distance three vaguely human shapes walking about upon the dunes and for a moment you're excited, until the get closer and you see their flesh is marred with injury and rot and their bodies were gangly, sickly looking things. When one sees you it lets out a gurgling cry and begins to run at you, prompting the other two to follow suit, charging down the hill at an awkward tripping sprint with their hands reaching out at you already though they're a couple dozen yards away.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby MASigma » Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:56 pm

Raven hated this outside world and the heat that assaulted her as she continued along, both wanting to find someone to speak too and dreading it given the horror stories she’d heard of the people outside of the Vault. She had a fair amount of rations still, but even then she knew they wouldn’t last too long as she’d yet to find any signs of life… making her wonder if there were even any people out here. Of course then she spotted what looked to be a group of human like shapes, making her pause for a moment before she drew her weapon, even with her excitement she was a suspicious woman… and of course her suspicions prove right as she see their marred bodies, the sickly forms lumbering towards you. The moment she heard the cry she flinched, before steeling her nerves as she aimed for the nearest one, firing off a couple of shots to hopefully take him out before he got too close, not wanting either of those things anywhere near her if she could help it.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Meep Meepersons » Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:43 pm

Maggeh hummed a bit as she hacked up some ant meat. Wrapping it in some spare rags she places her portion into her pack. As they work to get the ants cut up she looks around, glancing only a moment at the shiney object Diana found. "What did you find?" She asks, looking at the possible sites they could scrounge in. "Which do you wanna check out? That old NCR place, or that carnival looking place?" She asks, pointing at each of them as she spoke.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Nobudi » Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:47 pm

Freeside's environment was so bad, it made her slightly nauseous and lightheaded. How on Earth could people live here in this squalor?
She didn't dare move any deeper than she had to in order to keep herself safe. Her fingers often itched whenever someone was getting close to her.
Uneasy and mildly ill from this place, she noted the criers for the Atmoic Wrangler. Easy caps and sleeping place down. Needed to find food and supplies.
Though, if she wanted to be safe here, someone in a jacket told her to pay respect to "the King", whoever that was.
Once she located the residence, she hesitated, kept her fingers on her laser pistol's grip and headed in.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby spriter1 » Thu Jul 16, 2015 12:09 am

When Diana had finally sorted out getting meat from the ant and put it away in her bag, looking at the disc she had come across with a bit of confusion, finding it to be a bit weird as she tried to think up it's purpose. when she couldnt think up a reason though, the prospector just shrugged as she assumed it was scrap, putting it in her bag in the hopes of getting a couple of caps later, before hearing her new deathclaw friend speaking to her. "No Idea what it is honestly, probably just some old world scrap. Also the NCR base might be good, usually you'll find that no matter how many people go there, they just arent quite picked clean."
With that, Diana starts walking for the base, Maggeh in tow.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby RussianTitan » Thu Jul 16, 2015 2:22 am

Cursing her stupidity as the door slams shut behind she quickly turns, grabbing and clawing at the metal handle to door. Straining against the lock the futilely tries to strain against it, muscles flexing as it tries to force the door open while the harsh gas pulls at her lungs and throat. Slamming her hands against the metal she scream in frustration as the chemicals over take her, consciousness slowly fading from her as she hold her furry friend close, trying to find a small comfort before they both pass out on the floor, vulnerable to whatever should happen next.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby lilbooth » Thu Jul 16, 2015 3:52 am

"Good job Boy!" exclaimed Lucilla, giving Octavian a few well deserved pats on the head. She then quickly tucked away her machete and began inspecting the dead bighorner. She checked for any signs of disease or previous injury that could have antagonized the beast. If her search came up clean she would go about striking a small fire near the body so the rest of her party could save some time with their hunt. After the a small fire had been set she would search around the immediate area to see if anymore bighorners were acting strangely, keeping at a safe distance hopefully. Regardless of the results of her search she would press on after the sentry bot, that was her mission after all.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Motoko » Thu Jul 16, 2015 8:02 am

There were few things the CoS knight hated more then these remnant Eyebots. And low and behold her some come now, she pulls out her shotgun getting ready to open fire on the things, switching to slug rounds since they were a bit further away but not far enough to warrant her sniper rifle, after all she had already spent 3 of her 8 shells. SHe cocked the shot gun back taking careful aim, the shotgun was as good as any mid range rifle with slugs in it....
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby exalted » Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:31 pm

"Well that's nice sugar but what I really need are welding supplies, hydraulic pumps, lines and parts for an old Detroit Ford V8," She said to the man flatly, "Don't suppose you have any of that floating about, do you?"

She didn't really expect him to have anything she needed, but as it appeared he was the only trader around any junker passing through might have unloaded some stuff or he might at least know where she could look.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Albedo28 » Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:47 pm

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(attack roll: 24, 12 damage, ghoul 1 attack: 19, 6 damage, ghoul 2 attack: 14, 1 damage, Raven 8/15HP)

Lining up a shot and firing at the first and fastest of the ghouls, Raven watches as the laser cuts through the thing's chest and slices its right arm from its body before the zombie falls to the ground and doesn't even twitch. The other two are upon her in a flash however as the first leaps atop her and claws at her chest, ripping her shirt that barely held her large breasts as it way, the pain from the impact overshadowing what the ghoul's nails did to her sensitive flesh. The other ghouls sprints up to her downed form and kneels next to her face, gripping her throat with both hands and starting to apply pressure while she ends up staring at a rather thick flaccid shaft handing from the dessicated monster's groin only adding to the disgusting sensations that having another straddling her stomach as its hands grope and grip her tits.

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Moving into the King's building you find the front door open though as soon as you move inside you see several men with the same gelled hairstyle and leather jackets looking over at you and giving little nods with various greetings and a few of them calling you 'mama'. One wearing a white jacket instead the standard black walks up to you and raises an eyebrow, putting on a voice as he addresses you, "Hey there, ma'am, just what can the Kings do for you today? Need some help finding you way from place to place? Got a meeting with one of the boys?" He asks before pulling out a comb and running it through his slicked back hair a few times.

Maggeh + Diana:
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(luck roll: 24)

Heading toward the old NCR post, you both find the walk rather pleasant as the weather deigns to give you some cloud coverage and take that burning desert sun off your back. After about twenty minutes of walking you reach the bottom of the grand hill the post sits upon and stop as the sounds of a fight reach both of you. Slowly moving forward you're treated to the sight of a giant radscorpion fighting against several ghoul wanderers as they completely ignore your presence in favor of trading blows with each other. The fight last for more than a few seconds before the scorpion sits there in a pile of half a dozen bodies before starting to slowly limp off, its stinger looking just as battered as the rest of its body. Would be far easier to kill this usually imposing beast now than if you'd come across it earlier or you could simply wait for it to skitter away and pick the corpses clean.

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You try to hold out as long as you can, pounding at the seal door for a bit before you sit down with Maximus, holding him close as he loses consciousness first and you follow suit soon after. Your unnatural sleep is plagued with strange dreams of you running through the forest though you see it through Maximus' eyes chasing down prey and killing as you please, unbound by all but physical limits. After some time you wake and you find yourself strapped to a large metal table, legs spread and arms latched down above your head. Maximus barks at you and when you look to the side you see him in a metal cage not too far off, staring at you from his place on the floor. Before long you feel a finger trace over your leather thong that's barely covered by your skirt at this point and looking to the other side of the table you see a woman. Her long blond hair was done back in a messy ponytail while most of her face was obscured by large dark goggles and a respirator mask or sorts. She looked over you before pressing a cloth to you mouth and before you could even struggle properly again you feel darkness claim you.

You wake again, unsure of what had occurred though you feel a burning need in your loins and one of your hands reaches down to caress yourself, coming into contact with a new and rather frightening addition on your body. Your hand instinctually wraps around the thick 16 inch cock that stands hard, poking out of your thong and lifting up your skirt as your sit on the floor of the room you'd been trapped in before. The wonderful feelings your own hand manage to bring you as you begin to jerk yourself off making it hard to think, much less stand while the tip of your own cock starts to glisten with sticky precum. You get a momentary glimpse of Maximus sitting beside you and bring your other hand up to touch him, make sure he was alright just as you find another one of those clear disks in your free hand.

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(found 2 days worth of food rations, 1 clear disk, 2 bighorner horns, luck roll: 8)

Searching over the animal you find a small clear disk attached to its flank that feels like glass but is light as plastic. Stowing it away as you can't determine what its used for, you cut into the animal, getting its meat and horns before setting up a fire to start making a small camp while Octavian ate his fill of the downed creature. After looking around for a fair bit of time, your end up moving past a couple of trees only to stumble across the Sentry bot itself, facing you as it grabs another bighorner with on massive metal hand and presses another to the beast, sending shocks through it before releasing the thing. As soon as it was released, the bighorner started stamping its feet and acting agitated before running off into the forest. The Sentry bot however looked at you, raised the hand it had shocked the animal with and started approaching you, muttering, "Target sighted, initiating test." As its treads closed the distance quickly.

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(attack roll: 12, 2 damage, eyebot 1 attack: 12, eyebot 2 attack: 7, eyebot 3 attack: 16, 2 damage, Alana 8/12 HP)

Firing your shotgun at the first eyebot, you manage to connect and put a fair sized hole in the side of its armor, missing any vital components though as it fires at you, it's laser hitting your armored shoulder harmlessly before it moves to strafe to the side. The next one fires a shot that sail past you, it's targeting less than successful as it holds still to line up another shot. The last one zooms past you, shooting a laser at you knee and managing to strike the joint of your power armor, searing the skin beneath as it cuts into the less protected section. Facing off against three of them wasn't going to be all that easy so you'd have to reduce their numbers and quickly if you wanted any hope of making it out of this, of course the building itself could provide some refuge if retreating to approach the fight on your own terms was more appealing.

War Mama:
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"Welding supplies? I've got scrap metal you can use for that as well as burner fuel. Don't have a welder though. You'd be more likely to find that sort of thing at one of the old power plants or near the dam. As for the Detroit Ford V8, I've never even heard to the V1 through V7 so I can't help you there. Hydraulics though? Good place to check would be at a pumping station. One of the old gas n go's or in the sewer systems attached to the subways. That's really all I got for you. Those supplies for the bits you'd need to weld would be 25 caps in total if it pleases you miss." He says with a smile though he was clearly rather confused as to what these things could be used for considering. You'd not seen a single vehicle in this town, broken or not so it was unlikely you'd get anything useful about an engine in these parts.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby MASigma » Sun Jul 19, 2015 10:03 pm

Raven saw the attack hit it's mark, only for Raven to curse as it just kept moving without any issues," W-what the hell!?", she growled, unsure just what was coming at her as she realized within seconds they were on her, making her cry out as she found her top being ripped open, cheeks flushing in humiliation and anger as her breasts were released freely, the pain of the strike making her wince even as she found herself on her back. Raven tried to get up, only to find the other creatures moving at her downed form, eyes wide in horror as her throat was gripped hold of, making her gasp as she tried to aim her gun right for it's face and fire... it becoming hard to focus for a moment due to the disgusting cock hanging before her face and the feel of the other monster grabbing her breasts, the feel of them being groped by such a thing filling her with disgust and shame due to the slight bit of pleasure she felt from it," B-BASTARDS!", She screamed out, firing off her weapon at the one choking her, wanting to deal with it first before she choked to death.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby lilbooth » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:14 am

Lucilla once again readied her machete and took a concerned glance at Octavian. She began circling clockwise and snapped for Octavian to do the inverse. "Stay away from that hand, boy." she said in a rather stern tone, staring intently at the sentry bot. It has to be painful but it doesn't seem lethal. "If I go down then back off, get the boys and Valarius and get back her as quickly as you can." continued Lucilla adjusting her grip on the machete, tensing up, and readying for a fight.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Meep Meepersons » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:05 am

As they walked, the sun decided to be merciful and stop shining on the two travling companions. "Phew, weather is nice today eh?" Before a response could be given, the sounds of a fight came to their ears. "Empty huh? Haha, lets check it out..." Upon looking over the fight, Maggeh waits and watches as the giant radscorpion takes out a handful of wandering ghouls and she smirks. "Radscorpion glands are pretty pricey right?" With that, she cracks her neck and stands up, making her way over whatever was in front of her as she charges the tattered arachnid. "Hold still while I put you out of your misery!" She shouts, holding her hands up in a ready to strike position, waiting till she was in range, then slashing at the beasts tail, trying to avoid the stinger itself while severing it from the critter's main body. "Die!"
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby spriter1 » Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:52 am

Diana trudged along beside Diana, the heat killing her as they walked along only to feel grateful as a cloud passed over them, meaning the prospector could stand up straight as they walked along, her still having a limp as she was kinda glad now of the cum in her stomach due to the heat of the sun. She wishes the pain in her throat would go away though... the thought's moved aside though when she hears the same commotion Maggeh has, not even getting to answer the girl before the deathclaw hybrid is charging towards the wounded radscorpion, earning a sigh from Diana before drawing her laser pistol and starting to fire at it, making sure to try not to hit Maggeh.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Nobudi » Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:24 am

Xiu Lan tried not to stare. What kind of culture was this? She had never in her life seen such appearances, even as part of the caravans.
When the White clothed one appeared, she took a moment before bowing a little to him.
"Greetings. I came here to give my respects to 'The King', in hopes that I may find protection in these foreign streets. I am new to Freeside, you see."
As an afterthought, she also added, "If I do not trouble you too much, may I ask if you know of any place I may find food and work? I have done a little trade work, but any sort of work where I may quickly gain caps would be helpful in getting into the Strip."
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby exalted » Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:41 pm

Jane wasn't surprised by the man's lack of knowledge about the engine but was happy she had a place to start searching for the other parts. Looking around at the fresh produce she thought back to the wounded and her crew camped by the tank, and the small amount of caps she had left.

"Few of buddies are camped nearby until we get our ride fixed," She ventured, "Don't suppose there is some way we could work out a payment plan so we don't starve?"
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby RussianTitan » Mon Jul 20, 2015 10:52 pm

Panting heavily as she awakens Abigial squeezes the newest addition to her body lightly jerking it off while her mind races in horror. Seeing Maximus nearby she gathers enough willpower to stop herself from her masturbation, and focus on the matter at hand as she thinks of what the hell that crazy doctor did to her as while she was out. Waiting for her rampaging erection to die down she slowly gets to her knees, her legs unsteady from recent events, before beginning to examine the disknin her hand , flipping it over and toying with it in her palm. Once her dick has calmed itself into a flaccid state she continued to push the oncoming panic from her mind, knowing she had to leave and find a safer place to go before freaking out. Gathering up any gear she could find the ex-legionare leaves quickly, trying her best to hide her new bitch buster under her skirt.
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Albedo28 » Tue Jul 21, 2015 11:14 am

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(Raven attack: 12, 4 damage to ghoul 1, ghoul 1 attack: 14, 1 LP damage, ghoul 2 attack: 16, 3 LP damage, Raven: 8/15HP, 9/13LP)

Firing your laser pistol at the one choking you sends the clean red line through its stomach cleanly, leaving a small hole in its abdomen, though that hardly seems to stop it. The thing does let out a hissing scream as it leans over you, having to place its hands upon the ground to steady itself, causing its cock to rub up against your face making your blush a bit further. The ghoul upon your chest seems to already be getting rather excited as well, its cock already hard and pressed between your ample tit flesh. Thrusting its hips the nasty thing seems to be really enjoying itself while its fingers pinch and tweak at your nipples, which to your shame begin to harden from the stimulus.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(Sentrybot attack: 20, 5 LP damage, Octavian attack: 17, 1 damage, Lucilla: 7/12LP)

While you circle the Sentry bot it follows you, ignoring Octavian as he circles around the opposite way. Then in a sudden burst of motion the robot charged at you on its rolling treads and gripped your stomach with its hands. A shock of electricity runs through you as you feel your body seize up but astonishingly you don't feel an ounce of pain. Instead waves of pleasure flow over you and worse still, the pleasant feeling of it is maddening in its own way, making you feel agitated, restless and needy. That first shock almost enough to make you forget about you mission for a moment before you hear Octavian bark and watch him land upon the thing's head, mauling at it as the Sentry bot drops you. The bot manages to force your attack dog to jump to safetly, landing in front of you and growling at the dark black steel monstrosity. The sentry just looks at you both, "Interruption noted, recommencing test."

Maggeh + Diana:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

(Maggeh attack: 14, no damage, Diana attack: 20, 4 damage, Giant radscorpion attack: 19, 3 damage + poison, Maggeh endurance:19, Maggeh: 8/11HP,
Diana: 8/10HP)

As Maggeh moves forward at a charge, shouting at the giant scorpion, it turns around and emits a screech before thrusting its barbed stinger at the mutant and striking her right in the neck. The pain is enough to make the large woman stumble to the side a bit and miss her swipe as the feeling of venom coursing through her veins burns bright for a moment before she grits her teeth and manages to deal with the burning sensation flowing within her very lifeblood. Then of course, the massive armored scorpion lets out another shriek as a red laser fires right into its side, injuring it but not taking it out. The large poisonous crawler starts to skitter over toward Diana as fast as it could which, much to the merchant's dismay was far fast than she could run.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The man wearing the white jacket looks you up and down for a moment before talking, "Well, you're right to come and say hello to the King if you're new in town. Our crew treat the ladies properly as long as they act like ladies. Saying a greeting and nodding your head for the King is the easiest way to show you at least know how to act ladylike. He's in the other room," He says pointing a thumb over his shoulder to the doorway on the left, "but before you go, if you want caps, I got a decent job for you. Should net you some food too if you're smart. NCR used to run a little operation out of the west side of Freeside giving out food to folks who called themselves citizens of their little gang. When they got run out, they locked their goods up but didn't manage to take it out with them while the Courier's bots rolled in and wiped em out. You go to their little shack they were using before and get me access to those goods, you can keep as much as you can carry and I'll pay you 70 caps for they job. What do you say?"

When he finishes speaking you get the feeling that this one too seems to want to atone for something. His mental color a bit muddled with greed while he feels mostly ashamed and in need for whatever reason. Whatever his motivations, he was offering a job and wasn't keeping you from heading on into the next room to meet this King as the gentle sounds of music flow in from the room he'd directed you toward.

War Mama:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Well, I've got a great deal of food I can offer you. If you're waiting until you get all that stuff, a weeks worth of food and water for one person is 20 caps. How many boys you got with you? I accept trade as well of course if you'd rather hold onto your caps and just deal in raw goods. I even have camping supplies if you'd like to get some nice tarp to tenting and bedrolls to help the hard ground feel less unforgiving. Tarps are 10 caps a pop and the bedrolls are 15 each. Got enough for 4 people for the camping supplies at the moment. Always new shipments coming in though, so check back when you can if you need more." He says smiling brightly at you, seeming quite eager for a sale.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

You gather up your stuff and wait for you new cock to calm down though to your dismay it hardly gets all that much smaller, still a solid foot in length and plenty thick. It was hard enough to adjust your thong to the side to let it hang down properly and moving about too much made it peek out from under your skirt. Just the feeling of it brushing up against the fabric of your clothing was enough to make you need to stop for a moment until you'd relaxed a bit more and your new overeager member stopped lifting up your skirt to say hello to the empty room. Maximus just sits by patiently, panting and tilting his head at you, wondering what was next. Moving out of the room is easy enough thanks to the door being unlocked now and you find yourself back in the cavern, the quiet that greeted you speaking to the fact that the wind storm must have passed.
"Once you go dragon, you go wheelchair." -MelissaB
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Meep Meepersons » Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:34 pm

Maggeh cries out in pain as the stinger she was targeting hits her solidly in the neck, surprised the damned thing didn't rip out half her neck. If she had normal hands, she'd clutch her neck, but years of having slaws longer then fingers has kept her hands from her face during impulse reactions. Cocking her head to the side to cup the wound with her shoulder she notices the laser strike the critter. Gritting her teeth and growling through them, she turns to follow after the beast, somehow shrugging of the burning poison, for now. Sprinting as fast as she could, she'd either slash at the beasts stinger to cut it off finally, or leap onto it to stab it, or at least distract and/or pin it's tail so it couldn't kill her new traveling companion.
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Meep Meepersons
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Re: Fallout: Mojave Desserts

Postby Nobudi » Tue Jul 21, 2015 3:53 pm

Xiu Lan was now distinctively curious, but did not let the new emotion show on her face.
What was the catch here? She was going to find out.
"Very well," she said with a small bow. "I shall do my best."
She then gracefully entered the next room, where the King was.
If he was not busy, she'd bow and pay respects.
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