by Meep Meepersons » Sat May 30, 2015 10:29 pm
Ifri waited while the fat blob landlord called over some kind of assistant and began conversing with her quietly. Ifri didn't care to much what they were saying, unil it got a bit heated for a moment. Then the corset wearing, clipboard wielding woman approached her, informing her of her new task in exchange for her prize. She smiled and nodded. "Don't worry, I brought back that slave girl safe and sound didn't I? I'll keep a personal eye on the girls while I am out. I'll make an example of the first man to act up." With that said in earshot of the blob landlady, she follows the corset wearing lady to the door and nods and thanks her for taking her to the door. With that, she steps out into the light of the wastes and witnesses her bike being wheeled about, she reaches for her china lake and remembers she gave it to the manager. Then he pops out from seemingly no where and hands Ifri her things. "Thanks, be sure to take good care of my baby, or I'll make a pair of earrings out of your family jewels and make you wear them while I ride your ass." She says with as innocent a smile as she could. IT was half-joke, have intimidation.
"My bike is my baby, you should know not to mess with someone's baby right? Especially one with access to explosives." She explains, whipping out her chinalake and checking to see if both rounds were still in it. Once checked, she put it away. As she approached the Chrome hounds gang member she pulled her empty snubby from it's hiding place and she pushes six rounds into it. "Not if I have to ride on the front of this thing." If there was room inside the vehicle she would simply hop into it, if not, she would pull the smallest fucker from inside the truck and throw him to the ground before getting in. If she had to do this, she would use her snubby to intimidate the fucker before throwing him out and would say. "You can ride shotgun, I need my hands free to make sure this tub doesn't blow up. My job is to make sure you guys don't fuck everything up." If the small guy protests, she'd either pistol whip him, or shoot him in the face.