Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Kittirai » Tue Feb 17, 2015 10:45 am

She glanced back at the mutant then down at her weapon with a sigh. She cradles the weapon as she leaves the pens doing her best to clean it and check for any damages as she makes her way up to the catwalk.

She listened to his words, though her attention was on his arm and gun considering and documenting what craft hall had produced such elegant things. Brianna simply nodded in response to his words following along. Perhaps the driver of this tank would not be foolish enough to have it shot from under him. In any event it would give her a small amount of time to clean and tend to the spirits within her bolt gun. With her wasted shots and inability to hold onto the weapon she was sure she had angered it.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby KnightVanilla » Tue Feb 17, 2015 7:38 pm

"we should barricade ourselves in a way we still have the upper hand. Faye if you can find something to turn into traps that would help I don't have the knowledge to rework any kind of mechanism into a trap." Selena said as she hopped on the turret testing out its turning. "There are gonna be some areas I can't shoot them faye so I'm gonna need your help with that." Ripping off a piece of her own clothing. Selena tied a loose knot around the trigger ready to tighten it when she needed to start shooting. Keeping it this way so she could fire the turret to suppress and her las pistol to get more accurate shot.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Phoenixcz » Wed Feb 18, 2015 6:02 pm

No guards? Looks like the traitors are feeling secure...too secure for their own good. Thorne's death can't stay unnoticed for long, and the traitors are still dangerous even without their leader. Chaos worshippers...traitor marines aside, but there are no reports of their presence here...aren't really known for their organisation, though, and the news of Thorne's death will be a blow to their morale...and his lieutenants will likely start fighting each other for the control of traitor forces. It could be the turning point in the whole war. Unusualy for her, Ash grins at the idea. Time to bring some chaos to the forces of Chaos.

If the hereteks have so much trouble controlling the automated defense system even after all this time, using the Inquisitorial override Esther mentioned to turn the defenses against the traitor forces shouldn't be much of a problem, even if Ash lacks the skills of Mechanicus adepts. The hereteks don't know about their presence yet, and Ash takes careful aim at one of them with her plasma pistol. Her neural shredder have shorter reach, and it's much less effective against techpriests who replaced much of their vulnerable flesh with metal. Plasma pistol should do more then enough damage, and the moment of surprise will help compensate for the slower rate of fire...with Esther's help and the Emperor's favor, all three enemies could be dead before they know what happened.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Feb 25, 2015 1:01 am

Faye gave a nod, continuing to shift around boxes and crates so that they were positioned to the best advantage. She privately wondered why she was being asked to find something that could be reworked into a trap - the arenas she came from had traps in them, sure, but they were to keep the gladiators on their toes. Or to throw the opponent on. Still, she kept her eyes open for anything useful - specifically anything that looked sharp
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Hazard1325 » Thu Feb 26, 2015 4:12 am

Alanis Rolls:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sneak Attack
7(rolled) + 4(Sneak Attack) -4(Called shot-Head) = 7 VS 4, Success
7(Rolled) +4(Sneak Attack) +4(Called shot-Head) = 15 VS 5, Kill

Ash Rolls:
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Sneak Attack
7(Rolled) + 4(Sneak Attack) -2(Range) = 9 VS 4, Success+
6(Rolled) + 4(Sneak Attack) = 10 VS 6, Kill

Faye and Selena spent the next few minutes shifting around cargo containers and forming a makeshift barricade around the large elevator, it wasn't totally enclosed but it would give plenty of cover on all sides. With a loud crash their preparations were interrupted as the main doors of the building in front of them blew off and a dozen soldiers in carapace armor rushed out of the smoke opening fire at the barricades. Unfortunately for them they had chosen the path that the heavy bolter now guarded and only had seconds to get clear before Selene or Faye manned the gun and tore them to pieces. At the same time on the left side of the complex panes of glass shattered as traitor guardsmen began opening fire from the top floor. Evidently they weren't as stupid as the cultists that seemed to charge blindly and maintained suppressive fire meaning if either of them were going to man the bolter they would have to risk a few shots their way.

Alanis calmly raised her pistol and fired on the jailor spreading chunks of grey matter across the work table as he slumped over. She heard the jangle of a keyring as he fell and saw it hanging from his belt. The soldier on the table struggled to crane his head over to the doorway. "Who's there?!" He asked tearing at his straps to no avail. Alanis could easily move past him to retributive the keys if she wished.

As the Heretek took Krisora up a few levels there was a loud noise from up ahead that echoed around the old deserted halls. The man in front of her seemed concerned and drew a knife from his belt though he didn't seem to have any other weapons. "That was a firearm... solid projectile, low caliber..." He mused moving forward into what appeared to be a cell block. Most of the prisoners seemed to be riled up by the sudden noise but Krisora could see two figures at the end of the hall standing in a doorway, one of them was holding the still smoking stub automatic. The other looked to be wearing a slender set of xeno armor whose origin she couldn't identify from this distance.

The Assassin and Eldar went unnoticed by the hereteks continuing to pressure the guardian servitor. Esthar saw Ash's intent and raised her shuriken rifle alongside the plasma pistol. Both open fired almost in perfect synch as they lined up two of the traitors. One was dead before he hit the ground, a fiery hole in the back of his head caused by plasma fire ensured he would not be returning. The other took a few surikens to the back and tumbled to the ground but began clawing his way towards the computators hoping to find some shelter there. The last who seemed the quickest of the three of them dove behind the nearby command throne and crouched down behind the huge mass of metal. "Insurgents! Insurgents in the Command Center!" His augmented voice cried out but there were no traitors within earshot to hear him. At least not yet.

The Chaos Marine didn't seem to notice Rosette reaching for one of the fallen bolt pistols the bodyguard hadn't even had a chance to draw. The wounds looked like blades... but the patterns seemed more consistent with a firearm. Xeno technology no doubt... but two different kinds. While all blade marks were clean and precise some looked like they had been done with almost laser precision and the skin looked slightly necrotic around the edges of the wound. She caught up with the Marine and noticed he was now realizing something was wrong. He grabed his blade drawing it as they continued down the hall. "Where is Thorne? And where are the guards, this level should not be this deserted."

The Commissar nodded to Brianna. "You have one hour to prepare, then we push for the city." He said leaving her to her duties. The other tech priests nodded to the Commissar as he passed by them and began whispering as soon as he was out of earshot. "Berch has the right of this war... best kill the traitors and leave." The other nodded. "Still, I'm not sure what to make of that hand. The bolter was obviously Numerian, well respected, but the limb looked dangerously like Xeno tech." The first one shrugged. "As long as he gets us off this rock I don't care. I grow tired of retreading the Guards war machines." They finaly seemed to notice she had returned. "Good your back. What did the Commissar want with you?"
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby spitfyre » Thu Feb 26, 2015 5:35 am

Kris quickly realized that gunfire would mean someone was fighting up ahead and that probably meant more Imperials and maybe even a squad. She then sneaks up till she is right behind the agent of chaos and stabs him in the back with her daggers.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby exalted » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:09 am

Rosette quickly concealed the bolt pistol inside her robes and hurried after the Marine. The wounds on the bodies concerned her, traitors, bug and xenos... oh my.

Doubt crept into her mind as to whether her team had been here or not, but still, she would not look a gift blessing in the mouth. If the Emperor's enemy wished to slaughter each other then so be it, just meant there were less to purge.

"Perhaps the Tyrannids arrived sooner than anticipated," She offered loudly, sticking close to him for protection, "We should not be here, let us return to the safety of your bed."
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Kittirai » Thu Feb 26, 2015 10:51 am

“I am to serve with his command tank. You will need to kill your own cows from this point. There are mutants.” Brianna commented to them rather mechanically.

Her focus was on repairing and resupplying her weapons and preparing a proper ritual to appease the spirits in the bolt gun so they would not remain offended by her lack of skill. After that if there was time she could replace her soiled robes.

Still their words worried her. Xeno tech? While it was true she had never seen anything quite as masterful as the arm and the weapon the commissar had, but would such hearsay be allowed? Perhaps it was simply crafted by one who considered themselves an artist. There were few of those and they were often executed for defiling the host for the spirits. Still it was something she felt she needed to investigate. If it was xeno tech then that sort of hearsay would not be allowed.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Phoenixcz » Thu Feb 26, 2015 3:46 pm

While there may not be anyone to hear the heretek now, if he gets enough time, he could call the reinforcements from elsewhere. Ash activates her phase blade and runs towards the hiding heretic. Even if he leaves his cover, further shots could miss and damage some vital equipment, and there's enough to do even without further complications. This battle must be finished quickly, before more enemies shows up.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Gorbaz » Thu Feb 26, 2015 11:18 pm

Faye let out a curse as the heretics attacked from two directions at one. She didn't have time to identify if they were the same ones from before, neither did she really care. After all, a target was a target. Leaving the heavybolter for Selena, Faye dived behind the nearest set of cover and, checking her autopistol was cocked and ready, only popped out of cover to squeeze off a couple of shots at the guard on the balcony. She could feel her heart pounding as adrenalin started to course through her - this was wht a proper gang fight was like! Tactical use of the environment, spit-second actions spelling the difference between life and death... if only those on the balcony were closer to the ground then she could really get into her element and slice them up but good...
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby DomJoe » Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:51 am

Alanis holstered her pistol and stepped over to the jailer's body, picking up his keys in the process. "My name isn't important. All you need to know is that I'm on a mission to free this planet from the rebels here. If you wish to aide me, then you will do as I say, and I will free you from those straps. If not, then you can stay there."
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby KnightVanilla » Sat Feb 28, 2015 1:41 am

With the threat of an ensuing battle now catching up to them Selena took charge of the turret. Taking aim at those that were down her sights. Unfortunately for any in her sight they would be gunned down and torn to pieces. Making sure to take precise shots as well as pin down those she could with the bolt turret. Only a worthy challenger could get up to her to properly fire at her and seeing as they would run head long into gunfire they probably had the guts to make good soldiers.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Hazard1325 » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:15 pm

The wounded man in the Jailors room nodded his head as Alanis stated her demands. "Anything to be free from this place..." He muttered remaining still as she approached. Outside in the corridor she hears a yell of agony and recognizes it as a man dieing... moving to investigate she sees a woman standing at the top of a stairwell leading out of the prison block. A heretek is lying face down at the base of the stair writhing in pain as his life leaks out onto the cement floor.

Ash charges into the command center and towards the chair where the heretek is hiding... as she passes by a console one of the wounded men raises a laspistol and fires almost point blank but she finds she can easily squirm to the side tumbling past free of harm. The man of course is not as fortunate and Ash leaves him headless as she lands on her feet again to charge the last enemy. As she approaches he jumps out from behind the iron chair and swings a short arm mounted chain blade at her but she swipes upward cleaving him in two before the blade touches her. With all of their foes defeated it seemed like victory was near... at least until she heard the sound of heavy footsteps from the corridor. She turned to see a large space marine with the markings of chaos lumber through the doorway with a daemon blade drawn. His eyes locked on Esther who was closer and he began to charge the Eldar. Behind him Ash could see... Rosette? It might have been her, but her powered armor was gone and she saw a chaos mark showing on her thigh. She had a loose pair of robes on and nothing else except the bolt pistol she was trying to hide.

Outside the mechanus bay Brie found a Baneblade waiting, the massive hull was hidden behind two adjacent shops and half a dozen Leman Russ battle tanks joined it along the main avenue. The town was still being shelled from the northern plains but they had stopped their approach to fire volley after volley into the guards fortified position. The Commissar was outside of the tank yelling into a Vox some poor unfortunate guardsmen had to carry. The Commissar was leaning so hard on man it wouldn't surprise her if he dropped to the ground soon... of course that would mean execution. He finally hooked the Vox's voice piece back on the main unit and turned to Brie. "Are you ready to go? I doubt we'll be stopping until we breach the city gates." He said climbing up the side of the tank toward the hatch.

Faye ducked into cover as the ground where she had been standing erupted in las fire kicking up dust and bits of ceramite plating. She squeezed off a few rounds and to her satisfaction heard a yell of pain. By that point Selena was on the bolter pivoting it up into a firing position... only to squeeze the trigger and loose control of the spray blanketing the front area with uncoordinated fire. The medics small frame was ill suited to control the recoil but at least some of the smarter soldiers dashed to cover or dropped down to the ground if none was available slowing their advance. Faye could hear footsteps approaching and revved her saw arm taking off the first mans head who entered their maze of crates.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Phoenixcz » Tue Mar 10, 2015 10:54 pm

Traitor marine! And Ash lacks the advantage of surprise she would need to kill him without a very risky fight. Looks like all the favor the Emperor was willing to show to his servant was spent in the fight with Thorne. Despite Imperial propaganda, Astartes aren't demigods and can be killed, but despite Ash's skill at killing men and xenos alike, they are extremely dangerous foes, even without millenia of experience traitor legionares have, and whatever favour his foul gods gifted him with. Ash's first instinct is to run away, and fight him on her own terms, but the presence of Esther and Rosette take that possibility away.

Rosette...it's good to see she's still alive, but...her armor is gone, and she's not restrained as a prisoner would be, though a traitor Space Marine wouldn't need restrains to keep her in line. Her clothes, the mark on her leg and the fact she's armed, though? Whose side is she on? Will she use the distraction to fight her captor, or will she turn against her former teammate? There's a bigger threat, though, and one that needs to be addressed first.

Space marine...longer reach then Ash, and much stronger. Faster then the size suggest. Much harder to kill then a normal human, and his armor will protect him against her blade, not through it's resiliency, but through the sheer bulk which will prevents her from getting to any vital organs. Emperor knows what is that sword of his capable of. Optimal solution given the tools at Ash's disposal: Neural shredder, and all the power left in it. There's no such thing as an overkill when dealing with Astartes. Ash can't safely shoot him without hiting Esther, but she's a xeno, who cares about them? Eldar can't be trusted, and in the end, she's an enemy of humanity...

Quickly finishing her tactical analysis, Ash acts without further hesitation. She closes in at the traitor with her blade, silently praying to the Emperor he'll give her the opening to use the plasma pistol without endangering her ally.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby exalted » Wed Mar 11, 2015 5:34 am

Rosette's eyes grew wide as she came into the command room, seeing her team mate with an... Eldar, a xenos witch. She fought the urge to shake her head, first it was the pysker's wandering alone in the restricted archives, then the daemons released by the pyskers and now a freaking xenos witch, she just couldn't let these people out of her sight. Though perhaps she could forgive the last slightly considering her present company, it was still clear her team desperately needed her spiritual guidance.

Rosette started to back up slightly as she saw Alanis charge at the marine, feeling just how vulnerable she was without her armour. Remembering her defeat she knew it was pointless to oppose the marine as she was now. She would have to wait for her moment, picking the time to put her plan into motion.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby DomJoe » Fri Mar 13, 2015 3:53 am

Alanis looks through the doorway, and manages to see another woman on the staircase, and a wounded heretic. Perhaps she was with the inquisition as well? Alanis makes her way back to the man strapped to the table and began to free him. "I need you to start freeing the prisoners in here while I check up on things. When I come to find you again, you had either be freeing prisoners or doing nothing to help the heretics, or I will make you wish you had stayed on the table, understood?"
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby spitfyre » Fri Mar 13, 2015 7:13 am

After violently stabbing the heretic multiple times in the back until he fell, Kris walked down the steps to where the heretic was writhing in pain, put her daggers in a X on his neck and cut his head off. After wiping her daggers clean on the body she sheathed one, and grabbed the hear by its hair. She kept walking until she saw anyone, threw the head at them and yelled, "Catch!"
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Kittirai » Sat Mar 14, 2015 2:27 am

Brianna was more in awe of the hulking Baneblade than she was worried about the guardsman's predicament. Still when she was spoken to she nodded in response. She had taken enough time to cleanse her weapons and find a slightly less muck covered robe to put on.

She could feel herself itching a little to get a look at the Baneblade The craft world work on such a massive machine would likely be immaculate, she only hoped that the spirits within the machine found what services she could offer worthy ,
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby KnightVanilla » Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:28 am

"Whooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaa!!!!" Selena Yelled as she tried to keep the damn turret steady. "I can't aim this damn thing!" Selena was a bit frustrated she was a medic she was better with her more personal weapons but this was the best weapon to mow down enemies. "Faye!!! Switch.... You're probably stronger! Besides I got a damn Flamer I doubt anyone would even want to be near fire!" She said as she tried her best to keep the bolter turret steady hoping to get a lucky shot or two at these traitors.
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Re: Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Postby Gorbaz » Mon Mar 16, 2015 12:37 am

With a whoop of delight, Faye lopped the head clean off the first traitor to get within reach. It might have scared the others, or might not, she didn't really care. Her implants were telling her to kill them all and she wanted to oblige. The loud rattle of the heavy bolter kept her mind on the hear and now, however, and Selena's yelling at her. One the one hand she could kill many with the heavy weapon, but on the other she had only one hand and was a pretty poor shot. Grumbling her frustration, Faye kept low and dashed back to the hatch, clambering up into the vehicle. "Fine. Don't ask me to hit anything specific" she growled, grabbing the handle of the weapon and letting loose a spray of explosive shells in the rough direction of the traitors still on the balcony
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