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CoC: a new Era of Champions

Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:56 am
by Kittykitty501
The land of Mareth, a place covered in Corruption yet covered in beautiful landscapes. Filled with lush forests and tall moutains. a world filled with many differn't creatures of all shapes a sizes. Demons of all sorts roam the lands, hunting down and corrupting those who are still pure, raping those unfortunate to be captured. Lethice is still at large and is yet to be destroyed, many people have tried yet so many have failed to get as far as the front gate. Those who fight the corruption are few in numbers but a battle is coming and to purify Mareth they need as much help as they can get.
many individuals roam the plains of Mareth, some will go onto fight against the evil.. whereas others may fall to corruption and aid the demons in their purge of the lands. what side will you be on? will you fight? or will you fuck? the choice is yours to make.
Players can gain Corruption from having sex with certain creatures and characters (determined by D10) though some demonic creatures like Sucubi Will be a D20. Being 100% corruption isn't end game but Certain places and characters will either hate you or love you. you can lower Corruption by meditating and by seeking characters like JoJo or going to the mage tower, again this will be worked out by a D10 dice. Appearance may change due to Corruption.
Will take in anything you told me with your characters and will roll a D20 to determine fighting, tease and magic.
Brave Souls (more to Added when CS given to me):
Voff - jack – Corruption: 20 (based on your character)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your entrance to Mareth wasn’t really a choice, you got so drunk and ended up walking through the portal in your drunken stupor. No-one was there to stop you either as it was early in the morning after a drinking a heavy session.
you awaken in what seems to be a forest, a dense forest which nearly blocks out all the light. Through the trees you can see the sun and it’s high in the sky, about midday anyway so there is plenty of time to try and find your way out and find a place.
It’s eerily quiet and no much sign of life par the forest wild life that you see scampering away. One place does catch your interest however, a shrine of some sorts. You can see the shrine is of a fox like creature, stood with her hands clasped together in prayer. What catches your eye the most though is a blue light dancing around above it, seems like a mischievous kitsune is around the place somewhere.
Thats when you see the creature peek her head out from behind some rocks, a black furred Kitsune. Her eyes emerald green and her hair matched her fur in colour, flowing freely and reaching down to her firm buttocks. Moving into a better light you can see that she has 9 tails that seem to flow as if suspended in water, their tips a deep crimson color. One would think she was highly corrupted if they knew this world but from the look upon her face, she seems worried and seems to be searching around “Sarah! Where are you baby?!” she shouts out suddenly, slightly raising from the ground looking around again. You could go and offer some help or turn away and leave the worried looking kitsune to her problem.
Sprite – kala – Corruption: 0
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your Entrance to Mareth wasn’t really wanted but you didn’t really have much choice in the matter. The leader of your village had the town guards throw you through; you always knew there was some kind of corruption within your village. No matter how you much you argued and protested, you were going through it no matter what.
Upon your awakening you find your self half buried in sand, the heat of the sun high above you burning away at your skin. Its so hot you think to your self and all you can see for what seems like miles is desert dunes. When you get to your feet however you see something in the distance, a creature of some sorts moving through the sand with such ease. It hasn’t seen you but it will soon be in sight of you and is heading your way. From here you can see the creature to be snake like but with a human upper half, female to be exact.
Now your options are to either wait for the creature to come upon you or try to move away so she doesn’t see you. Though maybe she could lead you to some water as the desert has left you more than thirsty and if you don’t get some water soon it could go wrong for you really quickly.
Dman – Duo – Corruption: 0
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your arrival within the place of Mareth wasn’t forced and you walked through the portal upon your accord, in search of beauty and sights to be painted.
Upon arriving in the strange world you are instantly met with a beautiful sight. High upon a mountain side you can see across these unusual lands. The desert that seems to go on for ever, the lush forests that merge with desert and an open plain that stretches wide and far. If any artist could ask for good view of this place, this was it.
it seems peaceful up here and nothing seems to be threatening what so ever, that is until you hear a loud screeching sound followed by the bellow of wings being flapped. You cannot place where the sound is coming from but it is close and getting louder by the second.
Suddenly you hear a thud behind you and sounds of footsteps. Upon turning around, you are met by a most peculiar sight. A tall woman covered in blue feathers stands towering over you, wings out stretched behind her. She is beautiful and has a plushy looking arse that some girls back in the village would love to have and if it wasn’t for the look upon her face that screams “run now” she would look prettier.
She quickly goes to lunge for you but luckily she misses and goes of the cliff edge. That doesn;t stop her though as she is soon hovering with her eyes still locked on you. Unarmed your only options are to run.. or give into the creature and its quite clear that she wont leave you alone, what isn’t clear is what she wants with you.
TheAlchemist – Ismira – (tis a Short post for now but I has a story in mind for your character ^^)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Being a Veteran of the lands since being here for so long its just what is considered a normal day in Mareth for you. You’re in Tel’adre at the moment and its mid day, your addiction however is playing hell Mary with your mind and you need to consume more of the rich spunk that only comes from Minotaurs. Luckily for you, the city has many Minotaurs, maybe the best place would be the wet bitch to find someone willing to help you with your Addiction or you could keep going about your business but you know too well what ignoring your addiction for so long could do to you.
Urhr – Aurora – Corruption: 25 (due to being part demon)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
your story is a tragic one, loosing your mother at a young age and having a demon for a father. You are still on the hunt to better your self in magic, wanting pure vengeance for the loss of your mother. It is this quest that brings you to the mage Tower in Tel’adre, inside one of the mages is sat meditating with you. The mage is A young salamander who’s been trying to help you better your skills in magic for your upcoming fight, a smallish fella for his race with platinum blonde hair that reaches his shoulders. Zeckros is his name and the two of you have been friends for a few months now, he seems to somewhat have a crush for you but he keeps it to himself even though most of the convent knows about it and so do you.
“Aurora, when you come up against these demons.. they will try to seduce you and make you lower your guard.. you cannot let this happen. So this new magic technique is a smaller version of the spell we use to help with corruption, it takes a bit to work up but once used most spells and potions used by the demons will have minimal effect upon you”
The young mage clasps his hands together and mutters a few words under his breath and closes his eyes. Within his hands form a reddish Aura that flows up his arms and around his body. Like a snake it coils around him until it suddenly plunges into where is heart is. His body arches briefly and gives out a soft gasp before giving him self a shake. A soft smile come upon his face and then he nods towards you
“now give it a try your self, it’ll ease sexual tentsion and will lover your lust to the point where sex will become unappealing to you.. it’ll wear of after a few hours but it should help when going to your fathers lair.. I just hope it is strong enough.. with your self being half demon that is”

Note: A new Storyline differnt from Kura's Rp, this is so I can add my own Elements to it. if there is something you're not happy with then just contact me ^^ player to player Interaction is possible if you find each other.. just be wary of corruption boys and girls)
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Sat Jul 05, 2014 2:15 am
by spriter1
Kala looked around at her surroundings. She was freaked out for a second at the sight of the woman, trying to relay her to anything she might know. The only thing coming to her was a naga from mythology, but that thought was cast aside as she realised something. She wasn't dead? At least that's what it felt like. If she wasn't dead... Then there was a chance of the other sacrifices from past years still being here, right? (Let's forget about that for a second Kala, as there is a woman approaching you, and fast from the look of it. She doesn't seem to be threatening though, even with her unusual tail... Maybe I should ask her if she knows of any water nearby? It can't hurt, I guess...) With that decided, Kala goes to speak to the naga, her dehydration a bit apparent in her voice. "Hello? Hello there?"
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Sat Jul 05, 2014 3:13 am
by thealchemist
Ismira stretched as she basked in the hot rays of the desert sun, a sensation she enjoys every now and then. Her moments in the clear sun few and far between due to her time spent in her own cave or in some minotaurs cave. Speaking of which, Ismira readjusted the bag over her shoulder as she gave her lips a small lick. She didn't have a good dose for awhile now...
The baker could whip up something delightful, but the boys in the Wet Bitch could certainly keep Ismira satisfied for awhile. With a smile in her face, Ismira made her way to the bakery. After all she was the bakers favorite "customer".
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:01 am
by Urhr93
As usual Aurora is spending her time in the mage tower of Tel'Adre, improving her control over her spells and searching new and more efficient ways of using them. Just some hours ago she finished reading some interesting book on barriers and such spells that will surely prove to be useful in future, and she's now meditating while simulating in her mind their use, mixing them with the spells she already knows while trying to find out the best combinations out of them. As she's doing so a voice distract her, getting her out of the meditative trance. The one who spoke is her study companion, who seems busy himself trying to find spells useful enough for her to use when the time will come. His finding aren't always the most useful things out of there, but today he seems to have come up with something rather useful.
<mmm... i see> she comments as he shows the spell he explained just before. The visual effect of the spell is quite interesting, and if the effects are as good as he said then it's worth giving it a try <I already hate even thinking of the possibility of getting... "intimate" with any of them, but i suppose having something like this to strengthen my resolution wouldn't be so bad> she looks around, trying to find a book or the whatever thing in which he saw the spell <but as you say my heritage might weaken the spell, so can you let me see where you got this spell? It'll be easier to tweak it a bit to fit my needs, or at least it'll be easier to do so>
After her request she doesn't wait for him to give it to her, and instead already tries to copy what she saw. After all, if it's already strong enough she won't have any need to try to modify it.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Mon Jul 07, 2014 5:32 pm
by Voff
Jack let out a malcontent groan. How the hell did I end up here? His head thumped mildly and he could definitely go for a drink of water, or another beer... But first thing's first. where did all these trees come from? He did get his fair share of booze yesterday, but this would be the first time he managed to stumble out of the village.
Jack looked around and there certainly seemed to enough trees... Well if he managed to wander out here drunk he should be able to wander back decently sober. Shouldn't he? At least this place was quiet. The mild thumping of his head could easily turn into a headache. It didn't take long for him to notice some sort of shrine however. If there is a construction like this there should be people around. Before Jack got to investigate any further strange blue flames caught his interest. He was about to approach the shrine when he saw the strangest thing he had ever seen. Is that fur and tails? This must be a dream... Jack decided to hide. He wasn't sure what was going on, and a dream was his best explanation so far, but he couldn't remember last dream he had when his head thumped like this.
She seemed to be looking for someone and she seemed distraught. He wasn't sure whether or not he should approach, but he could at least understand her and even though he'd like to think he could find his way out of this forest, she was probably his safest bet. Worst case scenario he could probably follow her out of this place.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Mon Jul 07, 2014 8:04 pm
by dndman997
"Frak" Duo said seeing the strange bird lady. he did what he could actually do, and that was run for it in hopes of getting away.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Wed Jul 09, 2014 2:57 pm
by Kittykitty501
Spriter – Kala – (corruption: 0)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The naga’s eyes soon darted in your direction and she actually stopped briefly, looking over your form curiously as if she’d never seen a human before. Snaking over she did a few circles around you, looking you up and down.
From here you can see more features of the creature; her eyes were reptilian like, orange with a black slit. Her hair was black and it covered her breasts that were obviously a EE cup, so plush and nice. Her body was to die for if it wasn’t for the snake tail, Perfect Curves from the waist up. She smiled and finally stopped circling you, pushing her self up with her tail so she stood over you, her face shadowed out as the sun was directly behind her but you notice this actually provides you with some shade.
“ittss been a while sssince I came acrosss a Human.. ssssuch beautiful creaturesss. Oh my but you mussst be thirsssty. It will do you know good being out here in the hot sssun”
She reaches down into pouch upon her back and pulled out a glass vial of water and held it out to you hesitantly at first but she held it out fully. You can just notice a look of hunger upon the girls lips, her eyes seem to scan you again and again, looking over your private parts mostly.
“I wasss thinking a trade? I take you to the big cccity of the ssands.. and you give me what I want”
Oh what ever could she mean?
Thealchemist – Ismira – (corruption: 0 sorry I never put yours in XD)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
On your venture over to the Bakery, full intent to go and get your feed, you end passing an alleyway. Down the alleyway is a soft groan, seems like someone’s in pain and when you turn to look you can see a bulking person within the dark alleyway. Yet some horns tell you that its a minotaur, though he seems to be injured.
It huffs and grunts as he stumbles over some trash and fell down coughing, you hear shouting and see the town guard running around the area seems like they are looking for someone. Urta (the sexy herm xP) stops and looks down where you are and quickly runs over, the Minotaur manages to dart into hiding as the fox morph approached.
“you there, we’re looking for a Minotaur and he went this way did you see him? Its important that you tell me if you did”
Urta stands towering over you, Halberd in hand as she looks around sniffing at the air to try and get a fresh trace on the creature. Shes dressed in her typical guards uniform, with her tail wrapped around her leg to hide her endowment. She quickly looks over Edwyn and runs to her location.
“Tell me if you see him!”
well.. do you tell Urta about the minotaur down the alleyway? If not she’ll keep going and you’ll be able to go forth and see who he is. If you tell on him then Urta will no doubt arrest him and take him away.
Dman – Duo – (corruption: 0)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
(D20 Roll = 7 oh dear XD)
you run as fast as you can away from the towering harpy but to avail and she suddenly swoops down and grips hold your arms with her claw like legs. Dammit! you feel the harsh gust of her feathery wings flapping, taking flight with you still in her grasp. Higher and higher, if she drops you now It’d be the end.
she soars through the sky with you in grasp, higher and higher up the mountain til she finally spots a landing zone. Unfortunate for you, you see a lot of smaller, younger harpy girls (3 to be exact). The bigger Harpy shrieks and drops you into the nest like space and the 3 young harpy girls begin to swarm you. They seem to be the offspring of the bigger harpy, they look like 18 year old girls from back at the village, mature but still young. Hungry looks upon there faces, lustful and ready to pounce.
you could call for help? Or try to fight but your situation seems a bit dire at the moment with 3 young harpies and stronger mother who keeps a watchful eyes from a nearby rock.
Voff – Jack – (corruption: 20)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The Kitsune sighs and bows her head in shame, a saddened look upon the fox like creature. Climbing on top of the shrine, sitting on top of the stone Kitsune’s head and began to meditate. Jack would see a blue aura begin to flow around her and even see her lips moving as if she was speaking but he was too far away to hear exactly what she was saying.
Just then, a scream was heard, a horrible scream that sounded like a woman. The black furred kitsune peaked her head up rapidly and screamed again “SARAHH!” the girl darted into the shrine and returned with a Katana like blade. “im coming honey!” “MUUUUMMMMM!!!” the voice screamed through the forests, echoing throughout the trees and it seemed to come from behind you. The other voice was terrified and her cries continued, the black kitsune leaped of the stone and.. wait? Shes heading your way.
Before you get chance to move in time, the kitsune is stood just a meter from you with blade held out to you. A look of anger upon her face, if looks could kill.. you’d be dead. She narrows her eyes at you and grips the blade firmly.
“who are you?! And where is my daughter you sick fuck! What have you done?”
you best speak up now and convince her that you do not know anything, her blade was close to you and if she wanted to kill she could.. but she hasn’t yet so what will you do?
Urhr – Aurora – (corruption: 25)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The Salamander gets up and rummages through his own little collection of books and notes, quite a mess but he finds it in the end and hands it over to you but stops as he watches you try it for your self. He smiles and drops back down to the floor into a meditation position, putting the book next to you.
When you try the spell, the same magical effects begin to happen but the aura seems to be a purple colour instead of red, this catches the Salamanders attention and he reaches forward to stop you just in case the purple was a bad sign. He’s too late however and the purple Aura plunges into where you heart is and unfortunately the spell has a reverse effect on you, raising your lust to a point where you can almost think about nothing other than sex. You’re like a bunny on heat.
“oh Mareth.. that.. seemed to go wrong for some reason. Maybe the book will tell us what to do if done wrong..”
His eyes gaze over you briefly and no doubt you look like a horny creature ready to pounce, you could give into to these desires and seduce the Salamander or do as he asks and look through the book for a sign to help do the spell properly, though in such a horny state, you can still do magic. If you take the young lad, it could higher your corruption.
Vintagebass – Fuel – (corruption: 30)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
You Awaken deep in the Desert, the warm sun upon you beaming brightly. The ground below was soft and crumbling under you, you were atop of a sand dune and sand seems to be in your monkey like fur. Before you can moan about the sand however, something glistens in the distance grabbing your attention.
Squinting you eyes you can make out what it is, the head of a blade. You can make out two people, armoured up and armed with weapons heading in a Eastern Direction and when you turn to look and see what was over that way, you are met by a large town or city with walls surrounding its perimeter. The city was a beautiful looking place that looks so out of place within the Desert, you can even hear voices and shouting coming from the large place. It had Large buildings and a spire that sticks out above the rest of the buildings, something about the Towering spire screamed magical at you.
The two people you spotted are closer to you, haven’t seen you but you can get clearer picture of them. Two large wolf morphs, talking amongst them self’s, one had black and white fur and looked almost like Husky and the other had black fur and was more feminine looking than the other, yet a large bulge in her or his pants was quite visible. They eventually walk right past you and up to the tall wall of the city and you make out another guard open up a gate where the two disappear into. The Other seems to slump against the wall, this one was a female, brown furred mouse morph, looking quite petite compared to the others
you could go to the walled city or explore the Desert?
Valtiel – Kaede – (corruption: 0)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
You were led to the Portal as it was your time to go through, a honour for you to be able to this for your village. You were to go through an unknown portal and fight what ever there was on the other side, you only knew that no-one came back through.
going through the portal wasn’t the nicest experience and you woke with a wet landing. You open your eyes and realise that you are in a body of water but luckily your head wasn’t submerged. Luckily you are on the banking of a huge lake that seems to go on for ever, the other side seems so far away. It looks quite beautiful, were you expecting a hell like place? The scenery was probably nothing as you anticipated but never the less you were through now and you know there is some kind of threat about this place.
“uhm.. where in Mareth did you just appear from?”
you suddenly hear a voice come from behind you and when you turn you are met by a white furred kitsune with 9 tails. Wearing black leather pants that has an opening in the back for her tails and a white silky top covered her bb cup breasts. The girl looked at you curiously and giggled a little.
“ohhh I get it, you’re one of them people that seem to choose to come here? Or were you pushed through like some of the others? Never mind.. my names kitty! And yes.. before you say anything..I know I’m a kitsune and resemble nothing about a kitty cat.. this place changes you I guess!”
The Kitsune offered to help you up to you feet?
“come! I’ll show you somewhere safe where you can get your bearings. Do not worry! I do not bite and i’m a took Herm so do not get any ideas miss!”
well, choice is yours. Go with the seemingly mad kitsune who also seems harmless.. or go about your own in this unknown land.
Fragmasterson – Raena – (corruption: 20 due to characters History)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
After leaving the village that you settled in behind, you wander into Mareth, hell bent on revenge against the Succubus Milk Farmer. You knew nothing of her location as it was quite a while back now but you knew the location of a Lesser Succubus who might just know of the Milk farmer.
Having battling your way into a demon camp, killing imps, goblins and even hell hounds to get this far. You are met face to face with the Lesser Succubus who stands upon an altar. Whip in hand and her head cock to the side with a wide smirk. She giggles and shakes her head a little, laughing a little as well. She was quite a beauty for a succubus, a perfect hour glass figure with breasts that some women who be envious of. Her hair was bright red and her outfit left nothing to imagination, a mixture of leather straps and fish net tights.
“you dare come in to my home weak minded fool, I see your submissiveness, can almost smell it upon you.. oh I’m gonna love abusing that ass with a strap on darling.. you might as well just shove that submissive ass in the air for me and just let me do it!”
she moves forward and produces a whip from behind her back and cracks it into the air. Its a fight! Unless you want to give in? Or even run. She will give chase if you run, and if you give in.. well its quite clear of what she’ll do to you.
(Succubus Health: 100 Lust: 0)
(Raena Health: 100 Lust 0)
Soru – Rosa – (corruption: 0)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your journey so far hasn’t been a tough one and you are quite settled into your camp near the portal that shimmers brightly in the distance. You were one of the only few that had a Portal to return through. You were tasked on making sure no demons go through the portal and have been tasked to stay for a year until the next champion comes through.
Its midday now and the sun is nice and bright, perfect to explore in and maybe meet some more locals or just fetch some supplies. You know the locations of the desert and the plains and bit of the Forest, so where will your journey take you? There is a whole world out there for you to explore!
(sorry about the Short Post honey, butt! You are CoC’s champion from the Game XD well done!)
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Wed Jul 09, 2014 4:41 pm
by VintageBass
Fuel feels like he's been baked in an oven right now. Why did he have to end up in a desert of all places? He can't really complain about the matter, he's here and he's got a mission to take care of. For now what he has to do is scout out where he's at and see where he needs to go before wandering aimlessly in the desert. And to his luck he didn't have to go very far off. He landed in close by a city, guarded by a wall, and some people making their way inside, only making out two girls during the opening of the gate.
Well at least there are some people in the area that could help him out. Looking back he could see the wide stretch of glistening pale gold sand that waits before him, inviting him to explore. Planning things out, there's a chance he could run into danger and be left completely stranded, left for dead. It's probably his best interest to stay in the city, pack up on supplies and then head out into the desert. Maybe he can also find a place to stay as well, if there's any housing available for him.
Getting his footing in the sand, Fuel runs down the dune he is on and makes his way up to the gate. It didn't take him long, as he finds himself standing where the mouse-looking girl is standing, looking through the gate to see what waits for him on the other side. He could even feel a strange magical sensation coming from a towering spire. To get in though, he needs to talk to the mouse guard and have her open things up.
"Hey there madame, could you allow this wandering soul to enter the city?" he greeted, giving a friendly wave and a tip of his hat.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:15 pm
by Valtiel
Kaede was a bit baffled by the, somehow hyperactive creature standing before her. She didn't think this place had any creatures other than Demons, but this... Kitsune didn't seem like one. The name was reminiscent of some ancient fairytale she had read when she was a child, but it was not something Kaede had bothered to remember. Kaede decided with herself that this Kitty could be trusted... for now. Unless it truly was a Demon, that wanted to eat her soul.
Handing her hand to Kitty, Kaede replies in a calm manner. "Thanks, I could need to guidance in this land. I must know... are you a demon? I have been tasked by my village to fight all the demons of this land, so that they won't bring peril to my village," Kaede speaks with a proud tone, as she pulls Kitty's hand to get up on her feet. "I never knew this land could be this beautiful..." Kaede mentions as she looks around, but quickly her mind turns to the more important matter. "But... what did you mean by Mareth? And what does it mean that your are a Herm?" she asks, clearly curious.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Wed Jul 09, 2014 5:26 pm
by spriter1
"Thank you ever so much!"
Kala quickly grabbed the vial, downing half of it without hesitance, before remembering that this belonged to the naga, and handed back over the second half of it.
"I'm Kala, by the way. Pleasure to meet you, even if I'm not used to seeing someone without two legs..." She was quite grateful of the shade the naga was providing, but was confused by her offer. "City of the sands? And what sort of trade are we talking about?"
Kala probably would have had an idea as to what the naga had in mind for a "trade", but she was new to this realm.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Wed Jul 09, 2014 9:16 pm
by thealchemist
Ismira stared at the minotaur trying to figure out what to do. While her thoughts were in a turmoil, she notices the city guard running around and the minotaur trying to hide itself. Obviously the minotaurs was hurt and running from the city guard, Ismira could rescue/hide the minotaur and get "rewarded" for her actions. However there is probably a reason as to why the tow guard are trying to find him... Making up her mind, Ismira turns to Urta and says "I saw one leaving town over there if that helps." Pointing in the opposite direction of the alley. As soon as the guards left, Ismira would go to the minotaur trying to tend to his injuries. "Are you okay? The guards are gone now so there is nothing to worry about."
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 10, 2014 12:24 am
by dndman997
Duo thought of any possible way of this. He reviewed his supplies. Water, food, sleeping gear, and his art supplies. He wondered how any of this could be used. As he was lowered to spot were this winged woman had set him down he observed his surroundings. "well great" he muttered to himself as he saw that his odds were dwindling. He sighed and looked around more to cool his head. He figured jumping for it was suicide, calling for help wouldnt work, and fighting was just as much as invalid option as the others. 'maybe' he thought to himself. "what is it you want" he kindly asks trying his shot at diplomacy.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:50 am
by Voff
wait what?!! The situation took Jack by surprise. The option that he was dreaming was still there, but now he also contemplated the possibility that he was loosing his mind. Still, with a katana wielding badass fox-thing with a serious look on her face asking him, in a very scaring tone, where her daughter was, he did not want to take the risk of this not being real. "Whoa there honey, I don't know what's going on, but I definitely don't know where your daughter is", Jack did his best to explain himself, "look I just woke up a couple of minutes ago. I saw some blue flames and you. I never seen the like so I decided to hide". He tried to back off slowly. "I don't know if I'm still drunk, if this is a dream, or if I have lost it, but please believe me I do not know anything about your daughter".
Katana wielding blue flame aura'd fox creatures was a bit out of jack's daily experiences. What the fuck do I do know? He didn't know too much about kids, but he knew not to get in the way of a mum separated from her daughter. "If you take a breath, and hopefully decide not to chop me up into sushi, I'd be willing to help you look around". If he was visiting loony town it probably wouldn't matter if he gave a bit in to it or not, but if this was as real as it felt, that sharp metal object was not something he wanted to examine any closer. "My... My name is Jack..."
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 10, 2014 2:58 am
by Soru
Rosa stretches a bit before gathering her gear together and getting ready to go out from camp. She decides to head out to the forest to see if she could find any supplies or somebody friendly. She makes sure her sword is sharp and her leather armor is on right before heading out.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 10, 2014 3:21 am
by fragmasterson
Raena eyes the Succubus and challenges her. "There's no way I'm submitting to a demon like you! You're going to tell me everything I want to know....or else." She movies to attack the succubus with her sword, but not kill. She keeps the sword sheathed it's leather-case ,sheath being tied to the handle to keep from falling off as she decided to use the sword as a club and beat the demoness into submission.
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 17, 2014 9:55 pm
by Kittykitty501
(sorry About delays! busy kitty! Will get Urhr back when I get a reply on here ^^)
White – White (XP) – Corruption: 55 (due to character History)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your journey has been one of corruption and unfortunate enslavement, branded and labelled for all of Mareth to see. She was, no doubt a victim of the factory before its shut down 1 year ago but you luckily have escaped and with a full will to have vengeance upon the demons who did this to you.
Your current location is the swamp, Horrible and misty place filled mostly with Driders and spider morphs, yet you were here in search of Lethice’s lair but with no success. No-one has been able to find it as of yet and those who do never seem to leave.
Your deep, up to your knees in the swamp water and your vision is minimal due to the climate and mist that flows through the swamp lands. Then, splash! Oh where did that come from? You turn to look but nothing is there. Continuing onwards putting it down to wildlife, then again, splash but this time it’s followed by quick thudding coming straight towards you. You turn again, only to be met by nothing. Before you can call out to who ever it maybe, you hear a woman’s laughter, quite sinister and dark yet can you pin point it? Nope.
“My my, what do we have here? A little demon wandered into my playground? All ready for this mama to fill up nicely. Stay still honey”
more thudding sounds, but it seems to be all around you. You could try to run away or wait to see who it could be?
Crimsonnutcase – Klarion – 40
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
you, the kitsune people have come to know around Mareth because of your endless trail of fucking that follows behind you. There is probably a good few children out there already that have come from your groin.
Where we find you is in the arms of another Kitsune, a red headed kitsune with only 2 tails. She’s smiling away contently; her fur rather messed up from a night long fuck with you. A young kitsune that you met in the forest nearby, her snatch still stuffed with one of your cocks.
Her eyes open and she gives you a soft nuzzle. Her eyes are beautiful, pale blue and compliment her small yet cute face. she had the most perfect body in terms of curves, with nice DD breasts that each have the nipples pierced with some kind of Jewel, a fox jewel to be more precise.
“oh I had sooo much fun last night, you really know how to fuck a girl on heat huh?”
The red furred kitsune stretches and detaches her self from your doggie dick and gets up shakily to her feet, rubbing her buttocks gently which is still a little red raw from the night before. With a crack of her neck and another stretch she turns back around and looks down upon you.
“well cutie, I’m going back to see my sisters if you want to come back with me? You look like you could do with a nice meal”
She winks and turns her back on you, walking with such a sexy sway, her tails twirling, almost dancing behind her perfectly toned ass. Though from here you can see her pucker, nice stretched and still had some of your cream around the rim of her hole.
“stop staring at my ass and come on!”
Bluelight – suki - Corruption: 80
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
You the Corrupt Kitsune have never been happy with your surroundings and it seems death and destruction follow your wake. Your travels have taken you far and wide, most recently, Mareth. You are in a part of the area that no many have been to.. past the Desert is an actual coastline. This is where we find you.
you’ve been staying in a local tavern run by a bunch of Tigersharks who have become a bit more civilised on this side of the land. They’ve been nice enough to you and haven’t shown any violence your way. The girls and male Tigersharks just go about their business as normal.
Unknown to them however is your schemes and horrible ways. No-one knows of the poor soul trapped under you who is in so much bliss and ecstasy but at the same time he doesn’t want it. You’re feeding upon the Tigershark man who cannot free him self from you, thrashing away below you with success other than pushing his cock into you again and again. You know this man cant hold out anymore and he soon unleashed a hot torrent of his hot spunk into you.
this town is probably ripe for you to take over and corrupt this side of Mareth. What will you do?
VintageBass – fuel – Corruption: 30
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The mouse morph smiles politely and enters the guard’s room. Next to gate and returns with a crystal. She seems to have a bit of a confused look upon her face a she looks at the thing. Then she smiles again, remembering what she had to do.
“just one second honey, just need to check your corruption, but you seem to be a nice well mannered person so I’m sure you’ll be allowed through”
holding the crystal above you she does the normal ritual to test for corruption. Luckily your corruption level isn’t too high and the crystal shows the mouse morph this. She nods her head and opens up a gate for you too walk through.
“go ahead, you’re safe to go in. I am sure if you ask anyone they’ll give you a brief tour if you’d like”
she waves to you and closes the gate behind you. You’re in what seems to be the main street of the city, surrounded by many unique shops and there denizens. Then suddenly your vison is blocked of by a beautiful looking bunny morph who smiles warmly.
“hey Suger, you’re not from these parts are you? Normally Urta would give you a tour of city but this happy go-lucky laquine is always there to help! So what do you say? Fancy a tour? And then maybe go for something at the cafe?”
Valitel – Kaede – Corruption: 0
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
“oh no no, you have nothing to worry about with me. I have lost to corruption before but now i such a good kitsune!”
The hyperactive kitsune giggles and takes Kaede’s hand and quickly drags her towards a small out cropping in the side of a small cliff. Leading the warrior inside she quickly lights up some candles, revealing a rather beautiful looking cave thats filled with many comfy pillows and even a small stove in the corner to cook.
“Oh and a herm my love is.. uhm someone with both parts.. ya know? Dick and vagina? Breasts, balls?”
The obviously not shy kitsune, drops her tight leather pants that reveal a 20 inch equine cock. Lifting her apple size balls revealed a small but gaping snatch. With a soft giggle she pulled her pants back up.
“That’s what a Herm is cutie.. and what is Mareth? Oh honey this is Mareth, these lands are the beautiful landscapes of Mareth.. anyway enough about me. I want to hear a bit about you? Another Champion to come through and destroy the demon threat? Well I’m here for you to pick my brain and ask what you need to know”
The kitsune slouches back on a beanbag size cushion and puts one leg over her knee and lets her tails curl up around her. Is that a look of lust upon the kitsune eyes? Hmm. Anyway so yeah, Kitty knows a lot. What will you ask of her?
Spriter – Kala – Corruption: 0
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The naga smirks a little and begins to coil around your form. Wait? That vial didn’t taste like water and its texture.. was almost oily. That’s when you are hit by a sudden sharpness in your mouth, your teeth! They’ve got sharper, fangs now replace your canines! You have Naga fangs.
“Well that didn’t go asss planned.. go onn drink the ressst of it. You’ll feel much better, Elsssiiee is alwaysss right sshhe iss”
Her coil around you has tightened and she runs her long fork like tongue over the side of your face, crushing you against her breasts. This must be what the trade was, drink the “water” and she gets to have you. Her hands slowly move up and down your body, slipping under clothing and caressing the skin.
“drink the resst of it”
You feel something grab the vial from your person and soon one of the nagas hands have hold of the vial and is holding it over your mouth. You can struggle? Or let it happen.
TheAlchemist – Ismira – Corruption: 0
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The minotaur grips his chest and coughs softly, he was hurt quite a lot and needed some help but the guards wont help of course. It was up to you to get him to safety.
“M.. my name is Nicholas.. I.. I need to get somewhere safe before they come and get me”
Nicky coughs again and staged up to hoofs and grips the side of the wall with his free hand whilst the other grips his wound firmly. You zone out for one second how ever as you see through the minotaur’s ripped trousers, his filled with hot minocum cock could be seen. Come to think about it, even with the stench of the alleyway, you get the scent of his pre.
“come come! We must go before they come back”
Fragmasterson – Raena – Corruption: 20
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
(Frag - Rolls 12)
(Succubus - Rolls 11)
(Frag Wins)
(succubus Damaged 12 points: 88% Health)
The Succubus and your self are close and when you swing the sheath of your blade against the lustful fiend and it strikes true and hits her hard across the face sending her flying back a little. She rubs her cheek and spits out a bit of blood.
“oh why do not just give up honey and let me tasteee you”
She produces her succubus whip and cracks it in the air. With a smirk she cracks it a few more times before going to whip you across the face.
(succubus – Rolls 6)
(Frag Rolls 10)
(Frag wins)
(succubus Damaged 10 points: 78%)
The succubus attack fails and you hit another blow against the hot demon with your blade’s cover. She snarls and wipes her face again, becoming rather agitated she cracks her whip and prepares for another Attack
Soru – Rosa – Corruption: 0
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your journey into the forest is a nice one, a nice stroll through the open trees and warm sun that beams through the branches onto the small path you follow. Being a new location to you however means your not fully aware of where to avoid as of yet. Never the less all seems well and you go for a good few minutes or so.
As time goes by however you seem to enter a much denser part of the forest and the light seems to dim dramatically. You weren’t as far as the deedwoods but you had entered an un-explored part of the forest. There appears to be no sign of life this far but that is when you hear something. A soft mew comes from behind a tree, a cat?
Upon further investigation you stumble upon a human femboy who has black furred cat ears and a bushy grey tail. He is laid on his back looking up to the sky through a single clearing in the trees. His ears twitch when he hears you approaching and he looks up with his feline grey eyes.
“oooh hello there! What brings you to my part of the forest young one?”
Dman – Duo – Corruption: 0
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The mother Harpy shrieks and the 3 smaller harpies close in on you, you put up no fight and even though you spoke they paid no attention to you. All they seemed to care about was caressing your body with their feather covered hands. Their lips leave golden lipstick prints all over your skin, making you feel an intense lust. Before you know it, one harpy girl has pressed her lips against your own.
Her kiss is Heavenly, her tongue dancing around your own as the two other harpies get to work worming away your pants and tearing your top open. You’re lost to the drug of the harpy lipstick, a pool of lust your self and no matter what. You’d be hard down below and oh the harpies know this.
Each girl seems to take it in turns, giving you sweet kisses whilst the other two massaged every inch of your body until they reached your hardened prick. That is when you suddenly feel the delight of a pair of lips suckling on the tip before plunging your entire shaft into her mouth. Oh she’s so good with her mouth, it feels like bliss down below and your lustful state can hardly say no to this onslaught of pleasure. Again each girl takes it turn to bob their heads up and down your cock, milking it with their cock hungry mouths.
The mother seems to get jealous and quickly swoops over, knocking you onto your back. Before you can mutter a word, your vision is blocked by the big ass of the mother harpy and her dripping snatch is next to your mouth. She grinds her hips against your mouth enticing you to start licking.
Last chance I guess to put up a fight? But chances are.. you’re getting fucked by harpies XD
Voff – Jack – 20 Corruption
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
The black furred kitsune holds her blade at your throat for a few seconds more after hearing your story before lowering it. She sighs and looks out to the forest with a concerned look upon her. She turns her gaze back down to you.
“sorry to tell you this sweatpea.. but you’re probably not in the same dimension as you are used too. This Mareth, a place of corruption and sex crazed demons that want your ass on the end of their rod.. sorry to tell you this.. Jack but you landed in a heck of a place.. the names Lisa. Before you think of any funny business also? Like trying to seduce me? I’ll cut your balls of and offer them as a sacrifice to the goddess you hear?”
She sounds quite cold but alas, she had lost her daughter which she quickly snaps her attention back too. With a twitch of her ear she hushs you and then leaps up onto a tree and she snarls viciously.
“imps! They got my daughter! If you really want to help grab a blade from my shrine and follow me now!”
She leaps of in the Direction where she saw the Imps and her daughter. You could be a jack ass and just steal from the shrine and go of on your own adventure, or help the kitsune. It could lead to something bigger
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:02 pm
by spriter1
Kala tries to get used to the new additions in her mouth while speaking to the naga. "Woah woah woah... slow down for a second... What is this stuff anyway? It's interesting to say the least... I can drink it by myself by the way, you don't need to hold me." Kala tries to squirm a hand out to grab the flask. Call it alchemist's curiosity, but she really was interested to see what the stuff was, and the changes didn't seem to be negative... with that, Kala drinks the rest of it, saying, "So what exactly is it and what is it supposed to do besides give me fangs?"
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:26 pm
by CrimsonNutcase37
Klarion just smirked as he ran a hand through his thick black shaggy hair, his 9 tails swaying as he got up and dusted his pants off, before turning his eyes to his latest conquest's ass. While it was true that there was a number of children spawned form his loins, due to them being pure kitsunes, said children had been female, and had joined his list of partners once of age. He brought his eyes up when she mentioned her sisters and grinned mischievously "Well I AM hungry for something" Klarion purred before hi tails suddenly lashed out, four of them wrapping around the other Kitsune's limbs while two bound her tails, the remaining three starting to tease her body as Klarion pulled the girl back onto his twin members "Tell me the way" he purred into her ear as he started to walk, the motion of walking starting to bounce the bound Kitsune on his members =
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:34 pm
by Valtiel
Kaede was led by the rather hyperactive Kitty back to her cave. It was rather comfortable, and had a nice atmosphere. It certainly fit the rather energetic inhabitant. “Oh and a herm my love is.. uhm someone with both parts.. ya know? Dick and vagina? Breasts, balls?” Kaede could hardly believe such a thing exists. It doesn't sound... natural! Was it something caused by Demons? Before Kaede can respond the kitsune dropped her pants. And it revealed the big equine cock that she had hidden along with a pair of huge balls and a snatch. She's never before seen male genitialis before, but she knew these were not normal human ones from the cock shape. Somehow Kaede can hardly remove her look, until the Kitsune pulls up her pants again.
“That’s what a Herm is cutie.. and what is Mareth? Oh honey this is Mareth, these lands are the beautiful landscapes of Mareth.. anyway enough about me. I want to hear a bit about you? Another Champion to come through and destroy the demon threat? Well I’m here for you to pick my brain and ask what you need to know.” As she sits down on a big cushion, Kaede can't help but see something in her eye. Maybe lust. Kaede was not sure, but she too was looking at the Kitsune's body before she herself sat down. The thought of the cock was on her mind, she cursed herself silently for not thinking of more calm, innocent thoughts.
Kaede was interested in the previous champions, but the state of Mareth and its inhabitants were important as well. "Thanks for bringing me here. I'm sorry for not introducing myself before, I Kaede. I was trained in my village to battle the demons no matter the cost. But this... Mareth has surprised me. I didn't know in these lands of demons there were other inhabitants such as yourself." Her eyes look into Kitty's. "Are there many different inhabitants in this world? And also, I need to know of the demons. I need to find the heart of their lairs and bring them down!" She says this with proud tone in her voice. "But also... that... thing between your legs..." She couldn't believe she was asking this, but it was on her mind and... it interested her in a way she had never thought of before. "Is.... is it normal? I mean I've never heard of such things before... where I come from... not that I know anything like that! I'm a pure warrior! I wouldn't know anything about it!" She was normally never so nervous, but she couldn't believe she was making such a fool or herself. She felt herself blush and get hotter, and adjusted her sitting a little. She felt funny, and her skin-tight fighting clothes were feeling a bit restrictive.
"B-but it's a nice place you have here," Kaede finishes, as she pats on the pillow she's sitting on, trying to save the situation by changing subject. "You lived here long?"
Re: CoC: a new Era of Champions

Thu Jul 17, 2014 10:45 pm
by VintageBass
Fuel waited patiently for the mouse guard to do her business, wondering about what she meant by his corruption. He knows that he's not really that stable, but he is usually well-mannered, like the girl said. The monkey boy smiled widely with happiness when he heard that, as he is scanned with a crystal to see if he was safe. Once he was safe to go in, the gates opened up and he thanked the girl for allowing him to visit her city.
Now inside the gated city, there is so much for the young man to see. There are many shops selling various wares, a lot of colorful people walking about, all of which are fascinating him. However these is the chance that he could get some enemies if he stays in this city for too long, thanks to his curse, but if he gets lucky then he doesn't have to give people nightmares.
As he was walking, he runs into a rather attractive bunny girl, dressed in well-fitted clothes to show off her clothes and baggy pants. "Why hello, nice to meet you," Fuel greeted, being all gentleman-like. He wasn't sure about who Urta is, but if this girl is offering him a tour of the city. It's certainly a nice offer, it'll allow him to get to know his new surrounding, and it'll help allow him to know any hot spots. "Yes, I would like a tour, thank you!"