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You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 16, 2014 5:24 am
by Nobudi
You are a Space Worm. To be frank,
anything is better than being a space worm, so be sure to do your best to evolve.
You all begin to hatch in a small, enclosed, dank space. You are mostly senseless to the world around you, you have no guts and you can only mostly wriggle.
But, lets see how things transpire, shall we?
Cheery Worm (Spriter)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Emerging out of you egg, you notice something is different...
Your body is filled with muscles, and you can move quite easily compared to your brethren... if you (maybe) have some?
In any case, you have a form of motion called slithering.
WormStory (Motoko)
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Coming out of your egg was a bit difficult, since the exit was too far for you to wriggle out of.
However, since you have a pair of appendages that you know as arms, you pull yourself out of the egg.
Arms a quite useful, as they can pull, grab, and drag. However, your muscles are quite weak.
That One Worm (ToG)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your egg won't open, but you want out.
Then, your face splits in half and you take a bite out of your egg membrane.
Congratulations! You have a mouth, but not digestion whatsoever, you you spit of the piece of egg as you wriggle out.
Wormdere (Tsai)
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You come out of your egg, realizing that you can blink.
With your newfound eyes, you can see a lot of reds, as well as spots of blue falling into a long line of blue.
It seems that you have thermal vision.
Fraggy Worm (fragmasterson)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Coming out of your egg for the first time, you can sense that you have something on top of your head as you wriggle out.
Those somethings seem to help you with something...
'Drip, drip' and there seems to be murmurs and chitterings.
OH! You've developed hearing!
Kitty Worm (Gorbaz)
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As you emerge, you can feel that the ground is far away from you.
Thanks to a set of four appendages, which seem to be legs, you can stand above the competition, literally!
WormyTM (Brand)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Your egg is a bit more solid than most, leaving you with no choice but to bash your way out.
As you break your egg open, you realize that you possess a shell carapace.
It's heavy, but solid.
Sexy Worm (Melissa)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
As you wriggle your way free of your egg, you realize you can see... everywhere!
You've got compound eyes!
However, it's really kind of dark, and there's so many things to focus on, you can't focus!
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 16, 2014 5:48 am
by That_One_Guy
ToW wiggles out of the egg he had literally eaten and started to wiggle about with a wiggle wiggle here and a wiggle wiggle there. He begins navigating his area by feel, wondering where he was going but not caring at the same time.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 16, 2014 7:46 am
by Gorbaz
Kitty Worm experiments by using it's rudimentary legs to test for anything that can be stepped on, while trying to hold onto the egg shell for purchase
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 16, 2014 1:06 pm
by MelissaB
Sexy worm rapidly looks around scanning it's surroundings before wiggling off away from the egg. It tries not to focus on everything and just give it scanning passing with it's eyes looking for sudden changes in it's surroundings to avoid.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 16, 2014 2:20 pm
by Tsai
Wormdere is overwhelmed by all the colors! It's so mesmerized and couldn't believe a thing it was seeing. But when she takes a moment to calm down she does notice the blue line in front of it and begins wriggling along the path.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 16, 2014 7:35 pm
by fragmasterson
Fraggy felt all these vibrations in it's hearing organs. There seemed to be several distinct sounds in the area. The worm's rather simple nervous system wasn't sure what to make of all this, but certainly wasn't painful, which pretty good in itself, all things considered. Fraggy's brain is probably too simple for anything even analogous to logical thought at this point (maybe?) so, he's just going to follow the stimulation he's getting. He begins to wriggle in whichever direction the sound is coming from, hoping something good will come of it.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 16, 2014 9:45 pm
by spriter1
Cheery begins to try to use it's evolution to it's advantage, immediately slithering around for anywhere safe and out of the way... that is it hopes it slithers into somewhere like that.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 16, 2014 10:04 pm
by Motoko
Wrormstory moves her arms curiously, climbing out of her egg and shaking herself, using her new arms to crawl around the cave!
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Mon May 19, 2014 5:24 am
by [Brand_Name]
"Fuq yeah," WormyTM said to himself. Well, would have said, if it had had the brain development to do so. Regardless, it felt strong and safe inside its hulking carapace. Without many senses, all it could do was wiggle around and try to determine what was around it.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Tue May 20, 2014 4:07 am
by Nobudi
That One WormSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Going the way you go, you get the distant impression of down.
Funny enough, something sprouts on your wormy face, and suddenly, you can tell from light and dark. Nothing else though.
You have eyespots!
Kitty WormSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As you reach the peak of your broken and oozing shell, an odd question pops into your mind, along with the feeling of shifting organs.
'Male' or 'Female'? You could choose to Not think about it, but you seem to think that things might get weird if you do.
Sexy WormSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As you make your getaway from the other worms, an odd question pops into your mind, along with the feeling of shifting organs.
'Male' or 'Female'? You could choose to Not think about it, but you seem to think that things might get weird if you do.
WormdereSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As good as your thermal eyesight is now, you can't judge distances all that well.
That's why, 'Plop!' You've fallen into a small stream.
Already, you can feel the urge to swim, as flippers sprout all along the side of your body.
Fraggy WormSpoiler (click to show/hide):
You follow the curious sound until you reach and edge, then...
'Plop'. You've fallen into water! The cold water rushes over you, and already, your wormy body is compensating.
Your body itches for a bit, then you realize that your torso has obtained gills.
And the changes don't stop there. Your body lengthens and strengthens, making your body aquatic.
Cheery WormSpoiler (click to show/hide):
[As you slither your way, you get the sensation that your head is being blown up...
And you can sense other worms. You've gotten mind reading!
Several of them are moving away from you super fast, and other are just moving along however they can.
WormStorySpoiler (click to show/hide):
As you claw your way on the cold surface, you gradually get the feeling of up.
It turns out its quite difficult for you to claw your way upwards, as weak as your muscles are.
However, something shifts inside of you, and now you've got shoulders.
This makes your arms a lot more useful, as you can now reach a lot further.
WormyTMSpoiler (click to show/hide):
As you blindly make your way to wherever you're going, you get a weird sensation.
You' can tell biochemical scents from one another.
Congratulations, you have discovered smell.
Bloodworm (Crim)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Getting out of your egg was a bit of a squeeze, especially for your head.
To your great surprise, you've developed mind reading. And you have a big head.
You can sense a multitude of your brethren, which is quite surprising, considering you didn't sense them from a second ago.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Tue May 20, 2014 4:36 am
by fragmasterson
Fraggy hears the plop of the water, which is his only clue that he might be IN water, that and that his sense of movement seems to have changed, as he senses himself darting around, capable of going any direction at anytime. He feels a breath of fresh air, so to speak, as inhales deeply though his gils. "Being a fish is cool!" is what he would think, if he was capable of thought. He decides to swim around, curiously, just trying to pick up on interesting sounds and see where takes him. Maybe try to make a friend...or an enemy!
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Tue May 20, 2014 11:33 am
by MelissaB
Sexy worm thinks about it and shudders at the strange feelings about not focusing before deciding that she. That's it she is female. With her new identity she squirms and wriggles along the ground and away from her place of hatching.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Tue May 20, 2014 2:12 pm
by Tsai
Wormdere loves the new flippers it got swimming quickly along the water and using the thermal to guide it.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Tue May 20, 2014 4:53 pm
by spriter1
Cherry was quite glad the traits it was getting at the beginning of its life, and decided to first off see of there was anybody else with the same power as him, and secondly if he could use it in any other ways, like finding out where walls are
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Tue May 20, 2014 6:17 pm
by [Brand_Name]
WormyTM takes a big whiff of its surroundings, and tries to locate the nearest worm. Maybe the two could somehow become friends.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Tue May 20, 2014 9:27 pm
by CrimsonNutcase37
Bloodworm giggled mentally to itself as it took in it's new powers. Now was the time to implement it's master plan. Grow bigger, grow stronger, grow more bad-ass and then procreate vigorously with multiple females. Spreading it's senses around, Bloodworm began searching for ways it could use to complete his plan
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Fri May 23, 2014 10:44 pm
by Gorbaz
Sitting on top of the shell and feeling around for anything else to climb to, Kitty worm ponders it's gender. Male? Female? Maybe both? Both seemed best as it covered all the bases.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Sat May 24, 2014 3:21 am
by That_One_Guy
ToW gleefully wiggled up and down at the eyespots and began to wiggle onwards to glory, or whatever was awaiting him where-ever he wiggled.
Re: You are a Space Worm: Urban Evolution
Sat May 24, 2014 3:36 pm
by Motoko
Wormstory would smirk if she had a mouth or brain capacity....either way she would use her new anatomy to crawl to her destiniation!