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Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Mon Jul 15, 2013 12:51 am
by Wingblade
(Start of the thread's OOC is here:
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The female rogue that seemed so interested in getting to this temple was also having a hard time finding the place even with the map, so much brush in the way of her destination. There were strange sounds throughout the area but nothing she had been subjected to having to deal with at the least. That was when she saw it one of the many entrances to the underground temple. It was covered over by moss and leaves at this point, but easily enough pulled away. However the leaves and brush over the entrance seemed to have a weird movement to them as if something was either living in them or they were alive of sorts. It could be the woman's imagination playing tricks on her or it could be a breeze. If she was paying attention there was no breeze but if she thought it was she could just proceed by trying to cut a path through the leaves and vines.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:59 am
by Laughing Hyena
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The young dark elf mage had made her way here because of a rumor. A rumor concerning a powerful spellbook that not only gave access to a multitude of spells that have been lost since the height of the Vale Empire, but also the spellbook itself gave tremendous magical power so that even an incompetent mage could become an incredibly powerful wizard. Imagine what that could do for the likes of you who is already amazingly talented. So many possibilities would open for you. Hence why you are here at a foreboding stone opening that leads into total darkness but the temple would be found indefinitely. Destiny favors the bold... Will you venture inside?
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Such a wonderful fortune had to be here within the depths of this forgotten temple that time forgot. All you had to do was get yourself down into this small hole and you would be inside. The map in question you had supposedly would lead to the burial grounds of a priest king that once resided within the temple. Long ago this temple played home to many visitors even after it was long gone and once a race of intelligent lizardmen roamed conquering everything in their path but were stopped by another band of heroes long ago. It was said the king was slain by these heroes and yet they never found his treasure. But with the king dead the lizardmen grew savage once again and turned upon each other. They had to be long dead and any person brave enough to find it would live like a king... or queen in this case.
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You on the other hand have heard of this priest king from long ago thanks to a scroll you had stolen from the merchant you had encountered. The priest king known as Sseth'rahs whom was a lizardman warlord whom conquered many towns and hamlets long ago from this derelict temple. Said to have the blood of the dragons in him he was amazingly intelligent and wielded magic of incredible power. Heroes of old banded together and killed the lizard king and his vast empire fell apart thanks to infighting as a result. It was said he was buried with amagnificent treasure and that with the lizardmen dead, now it was free to be claimed by you. Standing before a single door that was covered with moss and looking like it had rotted shut a long time ago, this was to be the start of your adventure.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Mon Jul 15, 2013 4:11 am
by whatdontlookaatme
Serena day dreamed of her ascension from thief to a wealthy woman. Her day dreaming ended as she approached one of the entrances labeled on her map, approaching an area covered with vegetation. She walked towards it and sliced it with her dagger, revealing a rotted wooden door. The lock attached to it was rusted, a simple tug breaking it. Serena grasped the handle and opened the secret door, revealing a latter descending into the ground. It was day time, the sun positioned at the top of the sky.
"That was easier than expected. Maybe this place isn't so bad after all!" She thought, sheathing her dagger as she descended into the hole. Serena dropped her bag, hearing it hit the floor 20 feet below her. She left the door open so she could see, figuring no one else would find it. "Those lizard men were idiots to leave their treasure here, now I get to become rich!" she arrogantly thought, reaching the bottom of the latter. It was nearly pitch black, the light above barely illuminating the area. "Good thing I brought torches" she thought, grabbing a torch she put in her bag and lighting it with a match.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Mon Jul 15, 2013 5:26 am
by Wingblade
While Wing of all people was the type to steal what she wanted she also could do a lot of other things, besides that though she walked along the path way making her way through the thick forest trying to find what she seeked, coming across that of the large door she smirked just as she noticed what it was. "Yes... Score... This is awesome." She commented as she walked over to the door, nothing had she seen had moss growing so clomped together. With a sigh she pulled the blade from her back and shoved it in between the door dragging it down and trying to get the moss out of the way. Hoping that it was just moss covering it, if she was able to get it out of the way she would try to push it open, if that didn't work she would try to shoulder tackle it open. She wanted it and nothing was going to stop her.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Mon Jul 15, 2013 1:13 pm
by Kuragari
The female rogue that seemed so interested in getting to this temple was also having a hard time finding the place even with the map, so much brush in the way of her destination. There were strange sounds throughout the area but nothing she had been subjected to having to deal with at the least. That was when she saw it one of the many entrances to the underground temple. It was covered over by moss and leaves at this point, but easily enough pulled away. However the leaves and brush over the entrance seemed to have a weird movement to them as if something was either living in them or they were alive of sorts. It could be the woman's imagination playing tricks on her or it could be a breeze. If she was paying attention there was no breeze but if she thought it was she could just proceed by trying to cut a path through the leaves and vines.
It had been a long trek, and she had started to wonder if this temple really existed, and the map nothing more than a hoax.
"If that man sold me a fake..." She murmured to herself, promising to herself to make the mans life hell if this turned into a wild goose chase. There were after all plenty of other ancient ruins and temples she could be exploring...though none as supposedly rich in wealth as this one was said to be.
Thankfully though, she seemed to have found one of the entrances, partially covered with several layers of moss, leaves, and vines. She moved to start brushing them aside, but noticed something off about them. Specifically, that when she touched the vines, she felt it move.
She pulled her hand back for a moment, rubbing her fingers together as she noticed they had a thin coating of some strange liquid, likely from the vines. She wiped it off on a nearby tree before pulling out her dagger and throwing her arm forward in a horizontal slash, hoping that this little obstacle wouldn't take much time to deal with.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Mon Jul 15, 2013 3:46 pm
by Wingblade
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While the way that the vines were slimy she didn't think twice on trying to swing at it for sure, it waited to see what she was doing after touching its vines only to see that it was deciding to cut it down, Quickly like a snake it snapped the dagger out of her hand forcing her to drop it and wrap around her wrist and start pulling on her, That wasn't all that was happening another had already started pulling at her ankle as well. It wasn't hesitating to try to get a good grip on her, The door way appearing as she was being gripped and yanked having one more shoot out and wrap her waist. It seemed the longer she was being held the more vines that were wrapping around her.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:26 am
by Wingblade
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While this seemed to be an odd time to come back into processing the place that the golem seemed to be able to think of going was that of this temple, its programming had moved her toward this temple more toward a run down service gate that looked as if it used to house golems such as herself. While it seemed like a service gate it was fully covered over by thick vines and leaves. This was one of the things keeping most people out of the temple in the first place having grown over with thick weeds and the like. This would be the only difficult part of getting in, but not for a golem of all things they would probably have the strength to get through vegetation.
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While the village she lived in was always looking to make their shinobi stronger she was given a task of utmost importance. There was said to be an ancient scroll that contained untold power, one of legend known to the shinobi long before the village had lost it to the lizardmen. One that was stolen and placed somewhere deep in this large temple. She was given the task of retrieving said scroll. But by what means she would need to figure out once she had made it. Just like all those before her she found a solid blocked entrance one that hadn't been seeked out yet and she was left with the objective. Getting inside, What would she do this one seemed to not be covered by vines like someone else had been through not long before but it did have a door mechanism as if there was a combination. A combination that would be given to those that were worthy. While this seemed to be of concern the answer was on the map that was given to her by the village. "Left, Right, Top Left, Bottom Left." this was what it said, its significant meant little if you didn't know what you were looking for, But it looked as if there was a number pad of sorts something far beyond normal logical thinking and it went from 9 and down to 1 like 987 then 654 then 321.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:08 am
by xNeoshadowx
Kayli rushed through the landscape, giving barely any pause as she followed the map she had been given to the mysterious temple. She was glad to be out and about to stretch her legs, but also was honored that the task of reclaiming the lost scroll was hers. She spotted the first signes of the old stone used to make the temple through the foliage and began to slow down, following the path that lead straight to where the map indicated an opening was. Stepping as silently as she could she scouted the entrance, seeing no lizardmen or any signs of enemies she stepped down onto the ground to better inspect the door. Keeping her weapons in her hand just in case she looked at the door, seeing a 'keypad' to the side she cocked her head curiously looking at the map she was given. On the map the words 'left, right, top left, bottom left' made little sense until she looked at the door more closely. Testing out her theory on what the words meant, she first pressed the 6, followed by the 4, then the 9, then finally the 3, jumping back a bit to see what would happen, preparing for any trap or attack once the door opened if her hypothesis was right.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:35 am
by Laughing Hyena
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She tried pushing it open but when that didn't make the door open she shoulder tackled it and she actually crashed through the rotted wood since it was weak already from both moss and the ravages of time. Her energy carried her inside and before her now was a large hallway that was lined with iron grates that looked as though some of the grates had fallen into disrepair. The huge gaps between water and stone made the place into its own miniature labyrinth. Vegetation was overgrown and it looked as though the place was some kind of aqueduct or garden by the look of it. By the look of it anyway. The fountain in the center depicting the twin gods of bravery and justice. Each was covered in moss and vines as a young woman within heavy armor held a sword braced to her breast in serene vigilance whilst her brother held a scepter in one hand pointing downward. Both look down in silence as if watching over the innocent and condemning the guilty. As the young thief stood up she could note that beyond the fountains was a large archway that leads on. Now she had to navigate this area and hopefully nothing in here had any desire to eat her.
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As Serena lowered herself down into the descending darkness after testing the depths. As she lowered herself down via rope undoubtably or by an agile and controlled drop, she caught the faint smell of some kind of wax or paper like substance. As she touched down she felt some kind of velvet residue on the ground and as the torch was lit and filled the room with light she understood why. She saw numerous cocoons that were attached to the walls with several humanoid and human beings with their bodies exhumed at the stomach. It looked like something had burrowed its way out of them...
And whatever it was she could still hear as the faint fluttering sounds of wings could be heard. She saw that above near some of the corners of the wall were giant moths like creatures. A kind of twisted cross between a moth and a spider by the black exoskeleton with intricate patterns of yellow and red. Eight legged freaks with a quarter of wings upon the back. It's head had the usual antennae with a long needle like mouth that looked quite thin and was undoubtably used to consume the prey's blood or something that she undoubtably would not wanna be part of.
Serena looked about and noted there were two more of them. She didn't yet see and of their "children about". She would note that past the wax paper and silken home of these parasitic insects was a single doorway that leads down south and was made of iron but covered in some of the silk that makes up the home. Still it was the way out of this place and now it was up to her skills in both speed and stealth that would save her from possible a very horrible and painful fate.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 1:54 am
by Wingblade
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The woman was easily starting to figure out the pass code but something was waiting on the other side of the door starting to hide as the door was slowly opening, She wouldn't know this for the time. Something was making a odd presence around her, Nothing about the area seemed right but she was free to enter if she so wanted to, When looking in the place there was nothing through the area. It seemed to be a Barren welcome room and once she enters the door closes behind her. An ominous laugh is heard all around her at that very moment.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:12 am
by xNeoshadowx
Kayli saw as the door coughed up dust and stone as it ground its way open after many years. She cautiously walked inside of the door, seeing no one inside to 'welcome' her she stepped past the door into the room. A few seconds after she passed the door she heard it begin to close behind her, and as it does that she hears something laugh, causing her weapons to come up in the ready before she dashed to the shadows, her natural habitat due to her long standing and training. As silently and cautiously as she could she moved about the room keeping hidden and keeping an eye out for anything or anyone that was around.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 2:27 am
by Wingblade
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While she wasn't expecting the door to close behind her and he menacing laugh that wasn't what she should have been worried about the walls having vines sticking out from them were easily starting to brush along her body as she passed them not really paying attention to the walls as much as her surrounding's per say. That was when one lashed out leashing around her wrist forcing one weapon to the ground because of making her hand loosen on it. Another lashed out to grab her ankle easily enough on opposite sides one on her left ankle while the other was on her right wrist. She would have to choose to try to get out any means possible but if she didn't hurry who knew what was next?
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:33 am
by xNeoshadowx
Kayli stepped carefully around the room, checking to see who or what might have done the laugh she feels the vines draping down the walls, some brushing against her, though not many as she meant to mask her presence in the room. Though she was prepared for an attack or some sort of trap she was still caught by surprise when one of the vines from the wall lashed out and wrapped around her wrist. The fast and powerful squeezing of her wrist caused her muscles to open her fingers, making her drop her right Kama, and before she could react she felt another wrap around her left ankle. Thinking quickly, based on reflex and instinct, she slashes her other kama at the vine on her right wrist, hoping to cut it, so she could then grab her other kama, making sure her stance was deep so that she wouldn't be knocked off balance.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 3:43 am
by Wingblade
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The vine had a good grip on her right up until one of the Kama that she didn't have slashed through its tendril, It squealed as it pulled the hurt limb away. While that wasn't all it did a growl could be heard, "Wretched creature... that was mine." it didn't seem pleased with her as it lashed out grabbing her other ankle and ripping her to the ground trying to disarm her further with its yank. It was wanting her to drop her other weapon before hoisting her into the air where she could be subjected to dangling for the creatures own amusement.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 6:15 am
by xNeoshadowx
Kayli was surprised that she heard a pained squeal when she cut through the vine, and soon after heard a voice, seemingly one that the laughter had been from, curse her for what she'd done. She'd managed to grab the handle of her other Kama before she felt another vine wrap around her other ankle and yank. Luckily she expected that'd be what it'd try, and as she fell she swung her left kama towards the floor, hoping for it to stick and allow her some resistance against this things pulling while the kama in her right would swing to try and get the vines wrapped around her legs.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 12:19 pm
by Kuragari
Wingblade Wrote:Kura
While the way that the vines were slimy she didn't think twice on trying to swing at it for sure, it waited to see what she was doing after touching its vines only to see that it was deciding to cut it down, Quickly like a snake it snapped the dagger out of her hand forcing her to drop it and wrap around her wrist and start pulling on her, That wasn't all that was happening another had already started pulling at her ankle as well. It wasn't hesitating to try to get a good grip on her, The door way appearing as she was being gripped and yanked having one more shoot out and wrap her waist. It seemed the longer she was being held the more vines that were wrapping around her.
Candy was surprised by the sudden assault the vines launched against her, caught off guard and unprepared for such a reaction. She struggled against the vines that had already latched themselves on her wrists and ankles, ignoring the one currently around her waist.
"Get off me ya crazy plant!" She shouted as she felt the strange slime beginning drool down her feet and arms. It felt strange and made her shiver involuntarily as she tried to come up with a way to break free.
There was one thing she could certainly try, though she was rather reluctant to do so. After all, she had never been all that good at magic, and even when she succeeded it usually left her drained. However, her instincts told her that she needed to act fast against this...this creature that was guarding the door.
"Erif emusnoc yht seof!" She shouted as she concentrated on the simple fire spell, twisting her hands so that they were open and pointed at the plant monster.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Tue Jul 16, 2013 9:56 pm
by Incan
The young dark elf, who's name is Tyrand, stopped before the temple and took a drink. It had taken her days to reach here, but she had not doubt in her mind this would be worth it! She couldn't even comprehend what this book would do for her. She observed the temple, looking everywhere around it, it seemed like it wouldn't come crashing down on her. "Well time to stop messing around, let's enter." She thought to herself. She made a small fireball in her hand and walked forward inside the cave with caution, she didn't want to be ambushed by anything, her skills up close were dreadful.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Wed Jul 17, 2013 3:53 am
by Wingblade
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While she didn't have a lot of time to decide, she was slowly feeling the tendrils rubbing over her body and creeping up her arm and leg, while the last around her waist pushed itself between her breasts rubbing back and forth between the two. As the creature tried to yank her one more time it was soon met with something more sinister, a fire spell! Plant vines disappearing from her body as they slither away from her wanting to get away from the simple fire spell. It was not going to risk getting hurt just for a quick screw, leaving her alone as she continued to wield the spell it detoured anything else from happening. Leaving the hallway open for her to continue on, if she got far enough away she would find it would not follow her out of the sunlight she was safe for the time being.
This would leave her searching a dim light hallway the walls scattered with old runes and prophecies they depicted what had come, and what would come to pass. Nothing had been recorded though of the lizardmen of this temple disappearing suddenly by a band of adventurers. The human girl wouldn't know this was a lizard temple though unless she knew how to decipher the prophecies.
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while she was being yanked it hadn't been watching what she was doing with her other Kama, as she yanked it up the blade rushing through the one snapping to try to grab it the yank had ripped right through it. sending the tentacle back to the black, She was soon ripping through the two on her feet and forcing the creature to rethink what it was doing. "Hmmm... So you want to enter that badly?" It questioned her. Wanting to know why she desired to enter so badly. But above all else it wanted to have her, to caress that body and have its way with her inner most parts. "Why don't you just give yourself to me?" He taunted as he snarled at her.
While this was a plan for the rogue to having slammed through the door she huffed as she got back to her feet from almost falling over. The hallways didn't look too safe from what she had noticed but she wasn't going to complain either with how easily it was to get in through the door she could only figure that it would at least be easy for a little time. If not she would think of some way to get through this temple. Taking her time to step around the grates she looked down one of the almost broken looking ones wondering what had been down there in the first place. What kind of creatures could have been kept in this place. "Really don't want to know but these were pretty big." She said to herself.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Wed Jul 17, 2013 7:26 am
by whatdontlookaatme
Serena immediately crouched when she saw the large insects, observing the room. She did not want to suffer the same horrible fate the cocooned individuals had. She stepped very lightly, trying her best not to make a sound. The silk like fiber stuck to her feet, causing her to tug them off the ground. She moved very slowly towards the metal door, being careful not to close any distance between her and the insect creatures. She looked at them, their appearance intimidating enough for her not to risk just killing them.
"Guess this place isn't as empty as I had thought." she mumbled, finally making it to the door. She unsheathed her dagger and began to saw at the fibers covering the door, making sure not to make too much noise. Her dagger's blade became stuck in the fiber as she nearly cut it all the way to the bottom. "Good enough" she thought, trying to pull the weapon out of it. All of a sudden it flung out and hit the ground, the clanging of metal on rock echoing around the room. "Shit!" she said, grabbing the dagger and attempting to force open the door.
Re: Lairs and Tentacles: Temple of Lust

Wed Jul 17, 2013 8:09 am
by Kuragari
Wingblade Wrote:Kura
While she didn't have a lot of time to decide, she was slowly feeling the tendrils rubbing over her body and creeping up her arm and leg, while the last around her waist pushed itself between her breasts rubbing back and forth between the two. As the creature tried to yank her one more time it was soon met with something more sinister, a fire spell! Plant vines disappearing from her body as they slither away from her wanting to get away from the simple fire spell. It was not going to risk getting hurt just for a quick screw, leaving her alone as she continued to wield the spell it detoured anything else from happening. Leaving the hallway open for her to continue on, if she got far enough away she would find it would not follow her out of the sunlight she was safe for the time being.
This would leave her searching a dim light hallway the walls scattered with old runes and prophecies they depicted what had come, and what would come to pass. Nothing had been recorded though of the lizardmen of this temple disappearing suddenly by a band of adventurers. The human girl wouldn't know this was a lizard temple though unless she knew how to decipher the prophecies.
Candy glared at the retreating vines as she lowered her hands, the flames vanishing as the spell faded away. Her face was flushed and her head rushing as she tried to sort out what had just happened, her eyes going down to the valley between her breasts. The slime from the vines seemed to be drying up now that the infernal thing was gone, but something told her that wasn't the exact truth.
"What was that thing!? And...and why did it go for my chest?" And why am I starting to feel...horny? She shook her head, pushing the sudden image of the vines doing several other indecent things to her as far out as she could.
Instead, she turned her attention to the now open doorway leading into the strange ruin, her eyes scanning the walls, floor, and ceiling as she slowly walked in. She ignored the ruins and such that lined the wall, for she couldn't tell what they were one way or another. Instead, she focused on remaining alert, not wanting to have a repeat of what happened at the door...even as her head occasionally drifted to thoughts of just what that plant thing had been planning for her.