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Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:28 am
by jayjaycaps
Champions of the Corrupt

Here is where our story begins, in Riviana.

A place of corruption and filth. A place of sleazy dealings and under the counter payments. A place of sex, money, power, greed and secret agendas. In a place like this, even the most pure of heart can be swallowed by corruption. It only takes one moment of loose morals or weakened will to become the very thing they sought to prevent, a tool for corruption to spread itself with. Yet at the same time, in a place like this the most pure of us can become champions, forged in the bleakness around them, driven by their own will to break the vices around them. Champions who stand up to the darkness around them, and refuse to be used for it's gain. Champions who are not born with greatness, they do not have greatness thrust upon them, but achieve greatness. Champions who are given the challenge of greatness, accept it, and meet it. Few can say they stood against the corruption of this foul city and won. Even fewer can say they did so without becoming corrupt themselves.

So when the time for Champions is at hand, will you answer the call? Will you achieve greatness, in the face of corruption? Will you best the odds, and turn down the power? Will you bring order to the chaos, and not be consumed by it? Make your will stronger than your greed, your morale's stronger than your corruption, and you faith more tempting than any other power, and you cannot fail.

Here is where our story begins.

*Sorry if the posts seem short. It isn't easy writing posts for 13 different characters.*

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Adele hadn't even spent an hour in the city, and she knew one thing for sure. It was loud.

Adele had entered the city from it's Southern entrance, but as far as she could tell, it was the city's only entrance. The massive crowd surging to try and get in was overwhelming, a mass of angry people, shoving to get in. If it hadn't been for Adele's political importance or armed escort, she may not have gotten in in one piece, let alone at all.

Once inside, the scene outside could almost be considered calm. She had arrived at the Market District, and at it's peak hours. People were constantly moving, shouting, buying, selling, and generally being a large disorganized mess. Standing on the outside, she could see some form of order, having taken a long enough look. It was a giant square, with stands in the middle, and buildings making up the square's sides. Another thing she noticed, throughout the market were several figures, all wearing matching red robes. Some traveled alone, others in pairs or groups. None of them stopped to shop, or to even look. She even noticed three of these red figures, leaning against a wall to her right, watching her...

"Are you Adelphia Kvenya?" In front of Adele stood three men, each wearing white armor with gold decorations. Each wielded a white a gold shield, but seemed to be otherwise unarmed. Adele had been told she would receive an escort from the guards when she arrived, and she assumed this was them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Dax was bored.

He found himself in the Housing District, sitting on a door step. He had just finished helping a couple move, and was paid for his efforts. A little more than he deemed necessary, but the family wouldn't let him refuse. Now with nothing left to do, he sat. And waited.

He had gotten used to the city's noises by now, and could tune them out. People shouting. Talking. Walking. The general clatter people made. The screaming. The hitting. The crying. It was all apart of his life in this city. There was no way to avoid it. The Gangs made sure of it. Even now, Dax couldn't avoid them.

"You. Give us the money, kid." Dax looked up. In front of him stood three men, each wearing some light leather armor. On their shoulders they wore a deep green arm band with a white mountain on it, the symbol for the local Earth Gang. Dax was getting mugged. In broad daylight, in the middle of the street.

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People were beginning to stare at Saeryn.

Being a harpy, it wasn't like she blended in to the Market District very well. People gave her a wide berth, something very tough to do when packed into such a small area. The District was overcrowded, and Saeryn wasn't helping matters.

All around her, people were shouting. Screaming the price of their wares, shouting at each other, some even looked like they were about to fight. Words and noises passed around her, a crescendo of sounds crashing around her ears. It was hard to focus, and being in such a tight space made her worry. Even harpies suffered from Elemental Sickness, and it wouldn't be long before it set it on her. And with all these eyes on her, it certainly wasn't helping.

"What a freak..." She could hear a man say as her past her by, the man bumping into her as he passed. Although no one said anything, it was clear everyone agreed. Not an hour into her stay here, and already people were spouting hateful words against her...

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Hermes was wandering around the Back Alley District.

During the day, this place was pretty peaceful. Without anyone chasing her, and the smell of fish and sea water that constantly seeped from the area, she could almost relax. But with her weapons stuck in the hospital in the Heart District, and the fear of being captured by the Royal Guards, it's hard to relax.

She was wandering down the main street of the Back Alley District, although it seemed to be empty. It often was, during the day. The street always seemed to be wet, puddles forming in the cracks of the cobblestone pavement. Water Walkers, probably. Speak of the devils...

"You lost, little lady?" The voice came from behind. Three men, each clad in light leather armor, were following close behind her. They wore blue robes over their armor, showing their Gang colors: Water. Two of them flanked her on each side, and grabbed her arms. "Perhaps we can give you some directions, eh? It appears you've stumbled into the wrong part of town..."

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Claire had wandered into a bad part of town.

Some where in the Back Alley District, Claire knew she was being followed. From the moment she had stepped into the District, a small group of blue robed figures had been following her from the opposite side of the street. Since the District was pretty empty at this time of day, it wasn't hard to notice them. Every time she turned a corner, they did too, until eventually, they crossed the street. Now right behind her, she could hear them, but now see them. There must have been about five or six of them....

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Razajin had been given a new contract.

Razajin was never really at a loss for work now a days, what with the Gangs trying to claim power over the city. As long as two people are left, you can bet someone is going to want somebody dead. So here he was, back on the job. He had cornered his mark into the Market District, but the only problem was... He was in the Market District.

The place wasn't all that big, but it was busy. A mother could lose her child in there, and not realize until she was home. He didn't have much information to go on about his mark, too. All he was told was that his name was James Veega, he was a fire Walker, and has a tattoo of a dragon on his right shoulder. Also, he may or may not be apart of the Fire Walker Gang. And being in the Market District, he had all of his Fire Walker buddies to back him up. Great. But Razajin couldn't pass up the pay, and James wasn't going to find himself in that crowd...

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Kiku was wandering the streets again.

Kiku found herself in the Back Alley District, which wouldn't be so bad, since it was day time. The Water Walker Gang never really bothered people during the day. But the streets were soaked, evidence of a recent fight. Perhaps the attackers were still around...

Up ahead, Kiku noticed a small crowd of people. Most were wearing blue robes, meaning they were a part of the Water Walker Gang. Shouts could be heard from the group, and random spouts of flame shot up from the center. Seems they had gotten their hands on a Fire Walker...

Kiku could only imagine what they were doing to the Walker in the middle. She had heard stories of what Gangs did to the others, and to know it might be happening right in front of her... But before she could even do anything about it, a man from the group turned and saw her. Breaking off from the group, he made is way to her. His face was covered by his blue hood, but he was much taller than her, and imposing. His voice was deep and gruff. "Hey. Listen, me and my boys here are just having a little fun, see? You didn't see nothing, y'undtersatnd? Be a shame if we had ta bring you into this mess..." Behind him, shrieks of pain and laughter could be heard, occasionally interrupted by spouts of white hot flame shout upwards.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

"Arctis" was being chased.

After trying to stop a mugging in the Back Alley District, The two Earth Walkers Arctis had disturbed had gotten back up, and were now on the offensive. A group of five were now chasing her, each wearing a green bandannas to signify what gang they belonged to. No gang really liked Arctis, being a form of vigilante, but she had focused on the Earth Gang, and had there for pissed them off the most. Now with them chasing her like this, she could tell just how angry they had become.

"There she goes!" "After her!" "Don't let her get away!" There were only five of them, maybe Rayn could take them in a fight... Her Element would best them, but five at once...? To her right, she saw an alley way she could try to escape through, or hide in. She couldn't keep running forever, and the Earth Gang surely wouldn't let her get away easily. So what will it be, 'Arctis'? Fight, or flight?

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Shelby was given a choice.

In her workshop, in front of her stood three men, each wearing a deep green bandanna with a white mountain on it: the symbol for the Earth Walker Gang. They had approached Shelby with a business venture: Make tech for their gang, and she'll get protection. Protection was a hard commodity to come by in Rivianna, with the Gangs running amok. And the tech they were asking for was simply, really. Just some concealable blunderbuss', a simple task for her. The question wasn't if she could do it or not, but could she live with herself, giving a dangerous force her tech?

"Well? What'll it be?" The leader of the three spoke up. He seemed impatient, eager to be somewhere else... He outstretched his hand, waiting for Shelby to shake it and seal the deal.

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Jormag was being mugged.

In a side street of the Market District, three figures clad in red robes surrounded him. Members of the Fire Walker Gang, they had gotten his back against the wall. No one outside the alley seemed to see him, and it didn't look like they would help any time soon.

"Alright, hand over y'er money, kid." The middle one spoke up. His face was hidden bu his hood, but Jormag could tell he meant business. They Gangs had become more and more bold as of late, each fighting for control over the city and each other. One wrong move, and this alley may be the last thing Jormag make ever see....

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Garian was alone.

Or at least, as alone as you could get in the Market District. With all the people there, it would be hard to say anyone could be truly lone. But no one paid Garian any mind. That is, until a small man in a red jacket approached him.

"H-hey man. Wanna but some Stache?" Stache. A highly powerful, highly illegal drug. Incredibly common, but with some nasty side affects... Anyone caught even holding the drug could get up to a year in jail. To be selling the stuff on the street, this guy must be mad... But the real question is, are you mad enough to buy some?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Ty was in a fight.

Having pissed off some Water Walkers in the Back Alley District, Ty had gotten himself into a fight with one of them, thanks to his loud mouth. Around him people watched, making a circle, closing him in with his opponent. The man was about his height and size, but seemed a little more muscular than Ty. He had a blade in one hand, and wore some light leather armor. With the crowd egging him on, the Water Walker was sizing Ty up, trying to make a plan. Some one pushed Ty forwards, hoping to jump start the fight. What does Ty do?

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Garth had been given a package.

The package was given to him in a side street in the Back Alley District, already a bad sign. The person giving it to him was robbed, hooded and guarded. Another bad sign. And the fact he was to deliver it to The Phoenix Nest, the biggest night club in the Market District, being run by the Fire Walker Gang? Another bad sign.

But the pay was good, and he had already accepted the job. Too late to pass it up now anyways, as his employer had fled. But now standing in the Back Alley District with the parcel in his hands, he had to make sure he got it out of there without getting caught. The Water Walker Gang was notorious for killing any courier they caught, even if they had no idea what was being delivered. As long as another gang doesn't get it, all the better for them.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:36 am
by TheDaughterOfHades14
Claire turns to looks at the group of men. She smiles and then waves at them. "Yes? May I help you fine gentlemen?" she asks with an innocent voice. She looks around to see if anyone else was near her. Claire looks back at the group of men. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll need to leave you nice group of men." she says. She smiles at them and then walks across the street.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:41 am
by SugarCookie
Kiku looks up at the man, with a hint of anger in her fearful face. After a silent gulp, and a few thoughts about what to say, this came of out her mouth, "That depends what your doing to him, and if he deserves it. I might just join in, but I ain't no snitch, so you don't have to worry about me talking..." and she crossed her arms, trying her best to hide her fear.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:37 am
by Zender_Solarheart
Shelby doesn't have to think very long on this one. She let these men in out of common courtesy to hear their offer, but they can't know that much about her, if they honestly expected her to become a weapons dealer for organized crime. The day she finds her brother, she wants to still be herself, and not some pawn in the gang war around here.

"I appreciate the offer, but I must respectfully decline. Nothing personal; I simply wish not to deal in weapons."

Of course, Shelby's prepared for the response she's likely to get. Gangs are gangs, and they don't often take well to being turned down. She has a few things around to protect herself with, though, as any young tinkering girl should in her own workshop:

-First off, the hidden pressure plates in the floor, which activate a spring-loaded weight trap in the wall to strike at whoever stepped on the switch, much like the classic boxing glove maneuver; she designed them with the possibility for burglars in mind. Thankfully, she's memorized each plate's corresponding trap, so she knows which way to duck or weave if one gets activated. Besides, they won't trigger unless she unlocks them, via a wall-mounted switch near her bedroom door.

-Second, she has her own combat skills, both with her sword and with her Electric Walker powers. Should the aforementioned traps fail to work, she knows how to deal with the thugs you'd find wandering the streets.

-Finally, she has some magnets concealed in the ceiling, which are activated by another wall switch directly adjacent to the one for the weighted wall traps. When that switch is flipped on, the magnet-blocking material in the ceiling's tiles move aside, allowing the magnets behind them to yank up any metallic objects situated beneath them, which happens to be where both the gangsters are standing. She prefers to use this as a last resort, however, as the metallic weapons those magnets might grab could kill the bearer on their way up...or sever their belt and get their pants dropped, and she'd rather not see a man's junk like that if she can help it.

"I can't let you leave empty-handed, though, so how about I get a little gizmo for you three?" Shelby offers, as she walks over towards the wall switches. It's more so that they're available if she needs them, as she has no intent on using those traps at all, unless the men themselves get rough. Assuming they actually behave themselves, she'll just give them a few of her automated bottle corkscrews, and let them be on their way...though, something tells her that isn't going to happen...but hey, one can still hope.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:40 am
by Icaelus
Well, that's what you get for being a vigilante, I suppose. Five very angry testosterone-hyped idiots chasing her through the Back Alley District. The way so many more Earth Walkers had gathered so fast was annoying, though. She could've taken down those two grunts easily on her own, but five was a whole new number to be fighting against. And Rayn wasn't one for suicide. Death wasn't part of her plans, especially not when she was this young.

She pelted down the district's streets, her blue eyes darting from side to side in search of something to aid her escape with. Rayn was fit enough to probably outrun these morons, but it would exhaust her and another unlucky encounter would probably seal her fate. Her eyes settled on an alley and she grinned. A good place to lose these idiots in. She reached for her canteen of water as she ran in, uncapping the container and sloshing water into the air. With a snap of her fingers, the water immediately crystallized into razor sharp icicles, blocking off the entrance. Rayn turned away from the entrance, throwing her half-full canteen of water down the other end of the alley. Water spilled in a line as the canteen hurtled through the air, giving the impression that Rayn had ran through the alley. Just a misleading gesture, if you would. She stepped into the shadows of the alley, quiet as a cat. Her breathing slowed and she remained almost unmoving, cloaked by the shadows of the alley. With luck, the Earth Walkers would just run by. If not..well, let's hope they ran by, okay?
Cmon, boys. Any time now...

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:16 am
by AsianP3rsuas10n
Being pushed forward by a crowd member, Ty is thrown into his opponent. Quickly reacting Ty makes a magnetic field in front of him to avoid any contact with his opponent.

Ty using his knowledge in fighting analyzes his opponent quickly. Strong, same height, slow, water walker, armor made of leather, and dull blade... With his stance,he seems to be a novice when dealing with bladed weapons. With that, he compares it to himself then checks the environment. With people around, it will be hard to maneuver swiftly but he knew that with his opponents slow movement and skills in bladed weapons, he can slip past him easily. Standing still with a grin on his face Ty says, "You are a fool if you dare challenge me. I will give you a chance to run back home now. Challenge me and you will find out the true meaning of pain."

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:20 pm
by berserkerhorn
"I-I don't h-have any money... i was ran out of my last town! Please spare an innocent man!" Jormag says. He shivers in fear of being beaten to death. He pulls his pockets out to show that he was empty. He lifts his hands in the air raising them high. For a tall and strong man he shouldn't be cowering in fear like this. He has no choice for now until he gains some weapons to defend himself with.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 1:24 pm
by MiscChaos
Hermes has a moment of shock when the men grab her arms, but it's quickly replaced with something a little more familiar to her: instability.

"Hehehehehe..." she starts, her voice deranged and small at this point. Then she starts manipulating the wind, threading it into small enough pockets to make it razor sharp. "Hahahahaha..." her laughter rises in both volume and insanity as she guides the razor winds towards her captors, the set up almost complete. "HAHAHAHAHA!!" her laughing almost sounds like shrieking, it's so loud, but no one would confuse it as such. They MIGHT confuse it for a serial killer's laugh though and they wouldn't be that far off. The razor winds are now brought to bear on her captor's arms and necks, aimed to shred them to pieces for having the audacity to touch her, the only thing audible besides the sound of hurricane force winds being Hermes' psychopathic laughter.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 5:51 pm
by Thaedael
Saeryn's purple eyes traced the ongoing traffic of pedestrians on either side of her, people giving her looks of hatred, disgusts, and when lucky; a look of genuine wonder and excitement. For all the troubles humans have caused across the worlds, there was something unique in the way they congregated, their busy streets so much more alive than anything in nature. Let them hate me for all I care, like all sentient beings they fear which they do not understand she thought to herself, her reverse jointed legs giving her a forward gait to her movements as stride below the heads of the taller humans.

Her head continued to swim from the winding corridors, packed absolutely tight, confining her movements into the flow of traffic, the feeling of confinement suffocating her very soul as panic begun to set in. She had always been fine with people and crowds, until the day her magic powers were pulled from her soul by the shaper of her tribe, and with it the drawbacks of magic. She no longer could spend as much time in areas like this, lest she passes out.

She continued to follow along the winding streets of the market, her feet echoing against the paved cobble-stone of the district, the talons gripping each stone as she walked by in the shade of the many awnings of the local booths, the pounding of human shouting quaking in her head, giving fuel to her already strong head-ache. Wiping her head side to side she looked for an opening, an area, she could regain some composure away from the crowds. Curse my own curiosity leading me to a place like this. She could have easily just flown up into the sky and perch along the rooftops of the surrounding high-wall of the market district, but she already stuck out like a sore thumb, and when in human cities non-humans were expected to abide to their mode of living.

She headed off in a direction she felt was more fitting for relaxation than for the busy shopping life of the city, opting to come back another day during more foul weather.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 9:45 pm
by KnightVanilla
With these kind of jobs he's been taking recently Garth knew his sister would extremely disapprove of this since she joined the guard. Though with the pay being a lot more to know whats not in the package its really hard to refuse in the first place. He looked around to make sure none of the water walker gang was around to follow. He knew he could take to the streets, but there was no good view and Garth had preferred the scenic route.

Climbing up the building wasn't too hard with his abilities to help push him up. Reaching the top to see the beautiful side of the city from it's rooftops. This way was usually the safest only stupid people would dare chase him up here. Though it has happened on many occasions still. Garth stood for the moment taking in the sight of the city. Feeling the breeze as it hits his face. He took a deep breath in the feel of this freedom was exhilarating.

Using his abilities to help him cross the roof tops the trip should to the The Phoenix Nest shouldn't be to hard to reach this way.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:49 pm
by napsii
Adelphia shouldered her best sense of patience as the angry river of Rivana's people' had begun to lick at her heels. The city was a rat race, for all intents and purposes; the thump of the city's manic heart and the sweat drenching its populace was the other side of the coin for Kveyni. She was no stranger to being rushed; she ignored the bitter people striking past her as she stood at the city's southern gates, streaming against the crowd like water should have. She tucked her cloak closer, her thoughtful humming stolen away by another crescendo of screaming and chattering. Her parents' courtesy had got the better of them, this time: if not to keep Adele's confidence, they'd spoken highly of Rivana as a flourishing, up and coming city-state whose wave the more stagnant Kveyni needed to ride.

It is a mess. was her first impression of Rivana. Even in her first twenty minutes here, she'd spied eight pickpockets and muggings between the flickering shadows cast by the bustle. Kveyni, meanwhile, had been conservative in nature. Rigidly organized, with no transaction escaping the city's Overseer of Commerce. But Rivana, compared to it, was like a childrens' playhouse. Guards here seemed numerous, and yet ineffective as the structured gang activity within the populaces' ranks was obvious. Her parents had warned her of them before she had left; many seedy and powerful gangs found their beating heart in Rivana and the scope of their crimes wasn't limited to but murder and kidnapping. But Adele tried not to let that knowledge unbalance her.

Her mission was one on official capacity, and the delicate workings of intercity politics demanded she sharpen her composure.

She tapped the sleek waterskin hidden beneath her cloak, in which held water from the Kveyna family's Blood Fountain in Kveyni. With the power of Water Walkers in their blood, it was a common practice for Kveyni's native families to wrought an arcane Blood Fountain on their estate. The water inside could be the purest and cleanest of anywhere in the land, but it was commonly thought the purity of the water inside reflected the values that family held themselves to. When a lineage was dark and studded with betrayal, hate and anger, it was said the water inside would even turn red. But the Kveyna family's Blood Fountain was the purest of them all, and her father had deemed her to take some of the sacred water just in case. Holding it in such conservative regard, Adele had, of course, taken not a single sip so far, instead taking sustenance from ponds and creeks she passed on her way here.

Inhaling a breath of Rivana's almost musty, salty air, Adele proceeded forward, graciously gliding past those she may have bumped into and firing off an apology whenever she had. To her expectation, she was mostly ignored being that she didn't wear the regal garb common of a noble family. Save for the figures in red, of course, whose foreboding robes camouflaged whatever intents lay beneath. Knowing Rivana's far shadier nature, Adele did not immediately think too hostile of them, but steered away nonetheless soon pausing before a trio of gleaming figures dressed in elaborate armor. Perhaps this was her escort. Adele was thankful for the courtesy, of course, but she'd always thought it better to keep low-key, rather than announce her presence to the city. Straightening her posture, Adele inclined her head politely, placing her gloved hand to her chest in a simple gesture of greeting.

"Kveyna, yes. Pleased to meet you. I assume you will be accompanying me?" she spoke clearly and politely, cutting straight to the point. Formalities could be sacrificed in places like these, where they were often unwise.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:06 pm
by daxtinator396
Dax sat on some stoop thinking about how that nice family insisted on paying him so much. They could have used that and instead they gave it to him. Amazing what manners and niceness can do! He was so absorbed in his thought he hadn`t felt the group approach and he looked up in surprise as they demanded the money from him. No way was he gonna give it up! He mustered up his most intimidating pose and the slingshot still lay hidden beneath his cloak so to them he appeared unarmed but an earthwalker is never unarmed while he is on the ground. He stood up his cloak against him,"I know you aren`t talking to me. Just keep walking and there won`t be any trouble." He said as his voice rumbled with anger at their demand. He was tired of these thugs taken advantage of people.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 5:52 am
by jayjaycaps
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Claire looked around, but saw no one else on the street. It was empty, save for her and the band of men following her.

As she cross the street, they followed, close behind. One of them grabbed her left arm, stopping her. "Why yea, I think you can help us. See here, we're part of the Wake Waker gang. We run this shit around here." Wave Wakers. The Water Walker gang who opperate out of the Back Alley District... Where you currently are. "And I believe you're on our turf. Wich makes you fair game. So waddya say you come quietly, and we don't have to get rough?" You hear several grunts of approval, and some knuckles and bones being crack in annticipation.

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The man rubbed his hands togeather, releived to hear you won't rat them out. Not that you could have done that, however. With no gaurds nearby, it's a wonder he even asked you not to. He looked puzzled however, when you asked about what the man did.

"What he did? Why's that matter? We're the Wave Wakers, we do as we want here!" Wave Wakers. The Water Walker Gang, who opperate out of the Back Alley District. "Now run along, before you get yourself hurt. Or before I change my mind about letting yo go." The man turn and heads back to the group, dismissing you. The crowd cheers and laughs still, but you no longer hear screams from the center. The flames have stopped as well...

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The leader put his hand down, and let out a sigh. Snapping his fingers, one of them men bihind him closes the door to Shelby's place. The other pulls out a wooden club.

"See, we don't like that answer. And we're not taking anything less than what we came here for." The one with the club began to poke around with it, knocking over some equipment and toys Shelby and made. He could break something...

"Y'see Shelby, ya got a lot of nice things here... It'd be a shame if say, something were to happen to it?" A devilish smile broke across his face. "Riviana's a dangerous place, y'know. Gangs and all that. You could get caught in the crossfire. Or even something natural. like an earthquake. You never know these days. So why don't you reconsider our offer?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The men continued to chase Rayn. Although she couldn't see them, she could hear them.

"Where'd she go?" "This way!" "She blocked it off!" "Smash through!"

You hear the sound of ice being shattered, and footsteps getting closer. You see four of the men run past, one of wich has his hands covered in dirt, making large boxing gloves. As they run past, one of them stragles behind, too tired to keep running.

"Guys, wait up... I can't... Wait!" Giving up, the gangster gives them the finger. Turning to walk down you alley, he sees you, and nearly jumps out of his skin. "Guys! I found her! Oh shit.. Guys? Aw, fuck!" Deciding they aren't coming back to help him, the gangster sets into a fighting stance. You notice the guy is young. Just a kid really, no older than 19. The earth beneath his feet starts to move, small chunks of it floating around him.

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The boy in the circle with Ty makes attempt to show he even heard Ty. Instead, he raises the knife into the air, lets loose a war cry and charges.

It's a sloppt attack, the kid charging blindly. The knife Ty would have to watch out for, however. Prepared to slice downwards, the kid is leaving himself pretty open...

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The man holding him up looks at Jormag's pockets, and sees that they are empty. "Bah. He's got nothing. What do we do?" The man turns to the other on his left, who shrugs. " "Dunno. Take him back to the Club?" Nodding in aproval, the middle man turns back to Jormag. "Alright kid, here's how it's gonna go. We're going for a little walk, and you're coming with us. No funney business, got it? Or else."

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Hermes begins to laugh, and the man speaking is taken back. He's not giving up, however. "What the fuck you laughing about? Shut her up, James." But before the one named James could react, Hermes laugh changed. "Da fuck? Shut the fuck up, girl, before I..." That's all he gets out, however, before she begins to shriek, and his ears pop.

Hermes' razor winds cut through the men's arms and necks, slicing them up pretty good. They all screamed, letting her go, losing limbs, trying to get away. Eventually, the screaming stopped, and all that was left was a pool of blood and body parts. Between coughs of blood, the man spoke again.

"The... The fuck are you, crazy...?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Moving through the crowd, Saeryn found a much less populated street. She had wandered into the Housing District, where most of Riviana's population lived.

The streets were filled with filth. Every so often there was a human sitting on the curb, starving, holding out their hands for money. The buildings were worn and some looked like they were breaking down completly. But even those buildings showed signs of life, people still living in them. Several children were playing in an alley way, but stopped when Saeryn walked past. They followed her for a while, before one of them got the courage to speak to her.

Tugging on her sleave, a small boy no older than 6 looked up at her. "Um, 'scuse me, but... What are you?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Up on the roofs Garth had no resistance, save for jumping or climbing from roof to roof. Once he was at the Market District, he had a new problem.

The District sat in front of him, and he could see the Club's entrance on the other side. But infront of him lay the bustling market square, with no buildings for him to climb across. He would have to climb down and wade through the sea of people to deliver the package.

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"Kvenya, right. Whatever." The guard misspronounced her name again. "Yea, we're your escort. My name is Okeer Shar, captain of the guards. Orders are to take you to the embassy, over in the Heart District." Without waiting to see if you would follow, the guards turned and walked away, presumably to the embassy. Looking back, Adele notices the hooded figures have disappeared...

Spoiler (click to show/hide):

The man who spoke to Dax looked around, a cocky grin on his face. "Well I don't see anyone else around, so I must be talking to you. You stupid or something? Or you just wanna die young? Hand over the money, kid." The two men behind him chuckled a bit, and one of them pulled out a short knife.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:27 am
by Icaelus
Keep going, keep going..
Rayn thought, trying to will the Earth Walker punks to just get distracted by her ruse and run. It did seem like the plan worked when four men barreled through, having broken down the icicle barrier. She was safe, for now..
"Ugh. These guys are persistent as hell.."
She muttered, stepping out of her hiding spot..which was a completely bad idea. There had been five men. She had only counted four. The last one was of course standing behind her, already in a fighting stance. Just a lone goon. She could take him easily. Being a vigilante didn't always mean that she was on the losing side, was she?
Checking once to see if the black bandanna she usually wore around her face was secure, she stepped forward, coolly surveying the situation.

One Earth Walker, quite a young guy actually. Just another goon in a gang. Her icicle barrier lay in pieces behind him and the water from her canteen was spilled on the floor. Both tools for Water Walking. Easy enough.
Rayn feinted forward, snapping out her hands in a shoving motion. The water on the floor bubbled to life, raising into the air and jetting past her, aimed at the boy in an extremely high-pressure jet of water. She then stepped back quickly, withdrawing her hands in a "bring it" gesture. The shattered pieces of ice behind the Earth Walker levitated into the air, then hurtled themselves, all aimed directly at spots where he would possible dodge to in one big shotgun blast of ice.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:29 am
by Zender_Solarheart
Shelby lets out a sigh of her own at their response. She saw this one coming easily, hence all the precautions. (Well, they can't say I didn't try to be nice...)

Deciding to let the traps do at least some of the work for her, she flips on the wall switch for the floor-plates, and looks over to see which of the thugs is first to take the bait. From their positions, the weighted traps will likely strike them in the left pectoral region, right knee, pelvic region, or - if they're particularly unlucky - all of the above. It all comes down to where they step, though she's made sure that none of the blows could be lethal. Her goal is to simply incapacitate the mooks, not kill them.

It's doubtful that any of those thugs will remain standing after all this...but if any of them do, Shelby will first switch off the traps, then unhook her sword and sheath from the clamp holding them to her belt. Her fighting style is rather unique, as it's not just the sword she uses; her sheath is a weapon in its own right. It's made mostly from a metallic alloy she herself discovered, which she has named "Lectronium." Its light-yet-strong properties have proven a great blunt weapon and defensive tool, as well as a long-lasting storage place for her blade. Should any remaining thugs rush in, she can use the sword to deflect their attack, and follow up with a knock-out blow from her sheath.

One way or the other, Shelby will drag the soon-to-be-unconscious thugs out of her home when all this is done. Her shop deserves better guests than these idiots.

(Lectronium's properties)
Spoiler (click to show/hide):

Lectronium is remarkably lightweight, even more so than the finest steel, yet it is also very sturdy, allowing Shelby to use her sheath as a blunt instrument. The catch is that Lectronium requires the basic materials (nickel and titanium) to be specially charged with electricity before being heat-treated and fused into the alloy; the nickel needs a pure positive charge, while the titanium needs to hold a pure negative charge. The magnetic binding that results from this allows for a cleaner and stronger fusion, but is very difficult to perform. In fact, Shelby's discovery of the alloy was a mere fluke, as she just happened to charge the materials through a Walker power mishap during a sneeze.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 3:11 pm
by berserkerhorn
Jormag nods. He puts his hands down and follows the three
In the back of his mind however the wheels to plot out his escape has begun. "On the way to the bar i could slip into the crowd and disappear. They might find me though... and kill me. I don't want to die yet! Oh man what do it do?"
"So what are we going to do when we get back to the bar?" Jormag asks out of curiosity

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 4:03 pm
by SugarCookie
"Aw! But I wanted to see..." Kiku says in apparent disappointment. She thinks to herself, "just let it go, let it go, let it go!" as she starts walking away. She spots an alley, and a way to climb up on the buildings... "Let it go, let it go, let it.... fuck"
Unwilling to let a possibly innocent man be bullied and attacked by a gang, she darts stealthily into the alley while the gang is occupied. Carefully, she makes her way up the building via fire exits, or placement of random objects, et cetera, trying to make as little noise as possible.

Once (if) she is on the building, she keeps out of sight and makes her way to the edge. The girl crawls on her belly and drags herself forward to pop her head over the edge to see whats going on from above.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:08 pm
by daxtinator396
Dax sighed and stood up and delibrately pocketed the money for them to see,"Look I earned the money. You are a bunch of low life thugs who haven`t earned anything in their lives. And if you don`t back off now I`m going to send you all running away with your tails between your legs." He shifts his foot and sends a short wave of dirt to knocks the guy with the knife on his ass to send a message.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 6:27 pm
by MiscChaos
With a small chuckle, Hermes looks up in mock contemplation. When she looks back down on the dying man, it's with a wide grin and a murderous look in her eyes.

"You know, I just might be." she says with another chuckle before attempting to stomp the man's head in. It's not like he can really stop her what with the many pieces he's currently in. Once that's over with, she begins to contemplate how to sneak into the Asylum she was held in to get her weapons back. Well, no, that's not quite right. First, she decides to find a weapon store where she can find a few daggers at. First, the makeshift stuff, THEN go to get the good stuff.

Re: Champions of the Corrupt IC

PostPosted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 8:15 pm
by AsianP3rsuas10n
Looking calm with a smirk on his face, Ty now truly beleives this man is very unintelligent. A barbarian, a meat head, an mere buffoon. As he charges towards Ty, all Ty does is make a slight movement of his foot to try and dodge. All while examining his openings and unsheathing his blade to strike back...