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Project Argonaut IC

Fri May 11, 2012 4:18 am
by jayjaycaps
The year is 2072. The civil war with the Paladins and Earth's Army continues to rage across the galaxy. But most recently, the Paladins have gained the advantage, even managing to make an entire planet, Avon, black out. Earth has responded however, with a new, "super weapon": Project Argonnaught. A super soldier trained to be faster, smarter, stronger and better then any human soldier in history, including you. The thought of being replaced leaves many of you with mixed emotions.
For now however, you are all aboard the Intuition, a human Earth warship. With 2500 forward guns, 500 main artillery cannons and 250 space-to-surface cannons, the Intuition is one of the largest ships in Earth's fleet. But there is something else going on on board today, and you can all feel the excitement the crew radiates as they perform their otherwise menial tasks. This energy is rare on war ships, which often have cold, depressed feeling.
You all awake in your rooms. Ranked as STAR Operatives, you received Captain level boarding. A spacious room, double bed, your own shower and bathrooms, weights, a computer, and a closet are some of the luxuries you have received along with the room. However, you have all just arrived last night, and are unfamilar with your squadmates and the Intuition's layout. You all find an E-map hanging off the door. Your weapons were confiscated the night before, something about "refitting"...
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 4:57 am
by Icaelus
The electric blue eyes slowly opened, the light in them seeming to dance with..insanity.
Luna giggled into the pillow. It was surprising how little the nightmares affected her from day to day..depending on their severity, of course..She just accepted them as part of her life now.
The nightmares could go anywhere from years into the past where she had been lesser than a sex slave. Just a toy for those sick bastards.
Or they were just recent events. Just like removing that pervert's hands and feet.
She sat up in the double bed, a smile slowly curling her lip as she stretched.
"Morning already?"
Luna pulled the blankets away, revealing her naked body. Her B-cup breasts jiggled as she got off the bed, wandering sleepily into the bathroom.
A few minutes later she was dressed in whatever they had provided in the closet. She was past caring about whatever she usually wore, though. If possible at all she would've probably gone out in her birthday suit.
Lunalesca reached for the aphrodisiac-laced katana on instinct, remembering that it had been confiscated on the security check..something about lunatics not supposed to be having weapons.
She gave a little shrug and walked out the room. No time to waste on lost weapons.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 5:00 am
by BlueLight
Lina dresses and goes out of the door. Looking at the map she memorizes it and decides to play with Clairy girl.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 10:00 am
by kaibunny94
Yolandi awoke with a snort her ash tray on her bedside table with a slew of butts from the prior night. She rubbed her eyes and turned over in bed smiling as she turned over, her face fell remembering they had taken her gun. "Did you sleep well honey?" she sighed looking at the space her beastly weapon would normally be. Yawning and stretching she got up, vest and boyshorts, she strolled to the doorframe and did her pull ups, then on the floor did her sit ups then did her push ups. Mornings were never right without them. After a quick shower she pulled her combat trousers on and laced her boots. "urgh" she yawned stretching and determining whether to shave the tufts under her arms or not, in the end she decided it didn't matter and off she went for a walk.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 4:12 pm
by dndman997
Irvine had woken up with a big yawn "its truly been awhile since ive slept in a bed like that" he said stretching. He got dressed and reached on his night stand for his eyepatch. He wasnt blind in either of his eyes it was just an accesory that helped him see further away with its 3 shifting lenses. he then tied his orange bandana around his forehead and left the room and looks out to the map.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 8:44 pm
by Zender_Solarheart
Greg awakens with a small yawn, but feels quite well-rested. Having done a lot of flying and high-velocity missions, the environment of an astronautic battleship is one he's grown accustomed to. In order to get his blood pumping and his brain acclimated, he does some CQC practice, implementing his personal training with Wing Chun and Tae Kwon Do. He'd do a little practice with his bayonet, but it's unfortunately been confiscated. (A wake-up call without Old Reliable to accompany me? They must be handing out mittens in Hell right now...) he thinks to himself, smirking humorously at the thought of the Devil skiing to work.
Well, enough of that. Greg heads into the bathroom, takes a shower, brushes his teeth, shaves his armpits and face cleanly, and gets dressed, then picks up the toy soldier memento he always has on his person. He'd part with his own boxers sooner than he'd let them confiscate that. Moving on, he checks the computer for any special announcements, as well as the E-map on the door. He's more familiar with a Virtue-class ship's layout, but he should be able to adapt to the Intuition quickly enough.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 8:48 pm
by Reaver
Emile wakes up scaning the room for any signs of intrusion as he always does before getting out of bed. He walks over to the E-map tearing it off the door beofre studying it. He decides that he wants to find out the situation on his wepons, especially on his knife that he always straps to his shoulder so he can start target practicing. So he starts walking to the bridge to talk to the Captin of the vessel.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:00 pm
by kaibunny94
Yolandi having had almost the same idea runs into Emile "oooof" she yelps as she slams into his chest.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:04 pm
by Reaver
"Whoah" Emile reaches out to steady the girl before talking to her "are you okay? i was on my way to talk to the captin about why I was reasigned to a new team and my weapons were confistcated. Where were you going in such a rush little lady?"
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:05 pm
by kaibunny94
Yolandi rubber her neck "They took your guns too?" she ruffled her short hair. "Such a bind isn't it?" she chuckled looking at the big man in front of her. "what are you normally packing?" she said obviously interested.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:10 pm
by TheDaughterOfHades14
Claire wakes up and looks around. She stretches and gets up. She walks into the bathroom and removes her sleeping attire. She takes a quick shower, brushes her teeth, washes her face, and combs her hair. Claire dries off, puts on her clothing and grabs the E-map. She leaves her room and looks around for people in the hallway.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:12 pm
by Reaver
Emile grins at hearing someone else with an interest in guns "well i usually carry a shotgun and grenade launcher and for close quarters i pack my Kukri knife on my shoulder. What about you?"
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:15 pm
by kaibunny94
Yolandi chuckled "Fok man" she grinned "I like big guns you know?" She demonstrates with a hand gesture "like Machine guns and stuff. I like to be able to put out so many slugs that nothing can escape. watch em fall like rats!" she chuckles and punches him in the arm. "so i bet you got some stories, why dont we check on out our guns later and go get some food, im friggin starving."
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:20 pm
by Reaver
Emile chuckles "at the big guns comment. I guess i could check on the guns later and i am pretty hungry so lets hit the lunch room. Besides im sure you got so good stories too."
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:22 pm
by kaibunny94
Yolandi grins skipping slightly, her heavy boots clanging slightly on the metal floor "mate the stories i could tell you, i've done some thing that would really make you say "like what?" " she chuckles.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:23 pm
by BlueLight
Lina runs in to claire... and by runs in to I mean Claire and Lina turn opposite ends of the corner and Claire falls backwards while Lina falls on top of her and holds her shoulders down.
"Hi clairy!" Lina says playfully... dammit! She must have planned running in to you; that bitch!
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:30 pm
by TheDaughterOfHades14
Claire stares at Lina. She brings up her hand and waves. She then tries to get Lina off of her.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:31 pm
by daxtinator396
Dax wakes up slowly the overhead lights glaring into his eyes slitted against them. Dressed in his pajama pants he padded towards the closet full of unfamiliar clothes and picked out a T-shirt, sweats and some socks to keep the chill from the deck plates off his toes. As he finishes dressing his stomach voices its need for food with a loud growl,"Damn, I should get some chow." He consults the E-map on the door and heads off for the galley for a much needed meal.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:37 pm
by BlueLight
"Where does clairy think she's doing?" Lina says as she likes claires left cheek.
Re: Project Argonnaught IC

Fri May 11, 2012 9:44 pm
by Zender_Solarheart
Having found nothing of particular interest in his inbox, and feeling his stomach pleading for satisfaction, Greg decides to head out of the room and to the mess hall. He's taken enough time to look over the E-map anyhow.
Heading outside, he starts whistling a
tune, takes a few turns to get to the mess hall...but discovers Claire and Lina along the way. Curiosity overrides his appetite, and he stops his whistling for now. He resists the urge to say "oh my" like George Takei, and instead clears his throat, and says in a somewhat joking manner:
*ahem* "Dare I ask what happened here?"