MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby talin » Mon Apr 02, 2012 8:12 pm

"Garian? Why the hell are you retreating! He's on the ropes and your sitting in a prime position to take him out! Gah, fuck it." Talin breaks off from his previous attack run and rushes the downed mech firing into it's legs as many times as his weapon's recycle time will let him and trying to slam his mech's foot down on the ryoken's back so it can't stand back up.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Gorbaz » Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:32 pm

The downed Ryoken is quickly finished off by combined weight of fire. It's legs are crippled, gyro destroyed, and several weapons systems damaged. As all shots missed the head, the mechwarrior remain alive inside. The remaining Ryoken decides to beat a hasty retreat. Turning and springing for the trees, it fires off a salvo of laser shots at the Warhammer, slattering accross it's armour and causing slight structural damage
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby That_One_Guy » Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:38 pm

Garian continued his retreat, but said in the com, "I don't leave until I've destroyed my enemies, don't you dare call me a coward. Now, be a good boy and secure the pilot whilst I get myself checked in and make a report." He told Talin as he turned his mech around to use it's full speed back to the hangar.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby dndman997 » Wed Apr 04, 2012 10:43 pm

"im not letting this one escape" Duo said aiming towards the fleeing ryoken. firing off PPCs and AC5 all at once at its leg on intent of crippling it
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:12 am

Seeing the final Ryoken fleeing like a bat out of Hell, Zandile can't help but feel that something's off...these are Smoke Jaguar troops, after all, and they don't normally retreat without some sort of tactical back-up to compensate.

Hearing that Duo's aiming to snipe down the retreating Clanner, Zandile decides to express his concerns over the com-link: "I suggest keeping your eyes peeled, folks...somehow, I get the feeling that guy was just a diversion. Smoke Jaguars don't just haul ass for the hills unless it's part of something bigger..." While saying this, he takes his own advice, quickly yet thoroughly scanning the area for any sign of an ambush, trap, or other strategic surprise headed their way. He's ready to shoot at the next Clanner 'mech he sees, even if it's just a scavenged Baboon...better safe than sorry.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby dndman997 » Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:14 am

"the intel said five mechs and weve seen five. but ill keep my eyes peeled" Duo said
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby talin » Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:18 am

"Says the merc running for base before the fights over, your a real piece of work!" Talin declares angrily over the comms "Someone take care of that pilot, I'll make sure we don't lose the other one." He turns off to chase down the fleeing mech firing his lasers into the mech's legs in unison with Duo. He hears zan's concerns and understands the sense in it "I really wish I had my old radar probe right about now" He says to himself.
Last edited by talin on Mon Apr 16, 2012 6:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Thu Apr 05, 2012 1:43 am

"Take care of the pilot, huh? Leave that to me." Zandile doesn't show it right away, but he's very eager to show that Clanner pilot just who arranged his judicial meeting in Hell...perhaps a bit more than what might be healthy, to be fair. He steadily trudges the Styx over to the wreckage of the downed Ryoken, watching for any last-ditch shots it may fire at him.

Once he can see into his enemy's cockpit (assuming he isn't forced to dispatch it sooner), Zandile raises up the Hatchet on his 'mech's right arm, angling it in a way that allows the pilot to see the neatly-painted Grim Reaper graphic on the side. If that pilot knows about Zan's nickname of the "Reaper's Chauffeur," then that should be all he needs to know who his executioner is. Regardless, Zandile lets fall his Hatchet blade, aimed perfectly to tear through cockpit and pilot in one swift stroke.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby MelissaB » Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:56 am

Viper grunts as her Warhammer is hit bouncing around in her pilot seat."That Son of a bitch!" She slowly looks around before walking her mech towards her lance mates. "Could of gone worse." She declares annoyed that she took more damage than she'd of preferred. "Zandile. Just a thought but maybe keeping the bastard alive to question the rest of the strength the clanners are bringing would of been a fucking smart idea!" Her grumbles about idiotic vendettas. "When you're asked to secure a prisoner that doesn't mean kill the bastard."
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Mon Apr 16, 2012 7:21 pm

Hearing Viper's suggestion, Zandile stops his Hatchet blade mere inches away from the cockpit. "With all due respect, Miss Viper, he's from Smoke Jaguar. Chances are, he'd slow-cook his own ball-sack before telling us anything useful." In Zan's past experience, clan Smoke Jaguar is the last you'd expect to surrender...hell, he still has his eyes trained on the pilot, ready to back up if the asshole attempts a self-destruct.
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby MelissaB » Mon Apr 16, 2012 8:28 pm

"True... Kill the clanner." Viper clearly either taking his reasoning to heart or doesn't want the argument either way Zandile gets to kill him as he planned.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby dndman997 » Tue Apr 17, 2012 9:44 pm

"well this seemed a bit easy everyone" Duo said over the comms "drinks on me when we get back"
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Re: MechWarrior: Days of the Clans

Postby Zender_Solarheart » Tue Apr 17, 2012 10:43 pm

With the go-ahead given, Zandile cleaves through the cockpit, pilot and all, and moves his 'mech back to a straight-standing position. Bits of metal, glass, and the pilot's remains are stuck to his Hatchet, but he's grown used to that; it's not the first Clanner he's had the pleasure of ripping in two.

In response to Duo, Zandile says "On you, eh? Be careful what you wish for." He chuckles light-heartedly, but that's only to mask the fact that he's remaining vigilant. After all, it feels quiet...too if Smoke Jaguar troops could spring an ambush right about now. Just because they're aggressive doesn't mean they won't use surprise attacks...
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