- Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

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- Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Obscene Dreams » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:08 pm

Main Plot, Description.

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The worlds met its end, after a global nuclear war, one in which civilisation was pushed too the brink of extinction, the human species near complete annihilation, along with the majority of other lifeforms that spanned across the globe. With the events of that fateful day nothing more than a mere vivid memory, a fairytale, or more like a nightmare too those who spoke of it in enchanting tales, the ruin of man. The surface of the world suffered greatly, over the many hundreds, if not thousands of years, the radiation poisoning had quelled over time thanks too the aid of mother nature attempting too guide the world with her nurturing hands. The majority of the world lays in ruin, a barren wasteland devoid of much life, intellectual beings at least. The land remained littered with the ruins of the past, the once vast cities lay beneath the rubble of centuries of evolution, surviving each day as if it were your last. With the poisoning from the radiation affecting the environment it was due cause that it would also plant its seed in the creatures that wander the land, humanoid, Canine, Felines and the likes, even the plant life, creating formidable mutations unlike the world has ever seen, creatures of untold terror, spawned from the nightmares of men, the creation of they're greed and lust for power.

The world had grown too become a smaller place, with the constant threat of radiation lurking in the shadows even now, there are times when the clearest of days can be nothing more than a masquerade for the evils that lurk beneath every rock. The world had been condensed, what was left of humanity coming together in a small patch of the globe they came too know as Vesperia, Living amongst one another in small settlements, Villages and what could be considered cities, yet they are not the only inhabitants. The mutation has effected each generation more so than the last, the abundant amount of humanoid like lifeforms wandering the streets, trading with one another, working, bartering, living a simple life. They vary in description, they're appearance corresponding too they're origins, perhaps once a fox, now walking among humans with a humanoid figure yet displaying all the vixen like qualities still.

The world has become a fearsome place, not only the mere strive for survival from the monsters that inhabit the land but also from the greed of others. Clans governing the way in which certain villages and cities are run, who may and may not enter, or leave, take up residency, trade goods, all is within they're control, because they have power. There is no definite currency in the world, trade is the means of payment, one set of goods for another, a dangerous game of business for any fool who lacks knowledge in such techniques. The only true sense of power comes form the possession of items known as 'Coins', Small, Circular, Metallic like devices, lit with the faint cyan neon glow of the words inscribed across the surface, each different too the last, the words corresponding too the contents within, the soul or essence that rests within. Created in ages past, history has long forgotten how such unique devices came into possession of the simple minded people that infested the world, merely capable of they're use and a sense of understanding too they're abilities, the way in which they were created was lost along with the majority of technology and science, medical remedies, drugs.

The coins themselves are simple enough too use, baring in mind they possess spectacular potential, dependant on the person using them. Simply tossing the coin into the air, allowing it too spin as it activates and summons that which it contains. A vast majority of creatures and varying effects, items, weapons. All of the power from which they are created is drawn from the user, they're very life force being the generator, the battery. The coins have unparalleled potential in the correct wielders guidance, used too protect, and too destroy. The coins themselves were created after the events of doomsday, the cataclysm, the end of the world enforced by the mindless indulgence of man. Those who's intelligence was unrivalled at the time used what little material and knowledge of science and technology they had left, along with they're remaining life force too implement a justified hope that humanity would one day rise too take dominance over the world as the strong species, yet also claiming a sense of peace.

People the world over search for the coins everyday, with shrewd hopes that they're luck may allow them too stumble across the treasures they desire, a single coin possessing the potential too be sold, or used too claim untold riches, a life of ease. Yet greed can be an ugly sin, wanting you too claim more of the substance, wanting too sate your desires all the more with the knowing that you'll never stop until you meet your end. True enough, A single coin could see a man living the rest of his life in vivid dreams of happiness, a life of simplicity, without worry, although forever feeling unfulfilled. Yet too horde the coins can be more of a danger too your life than having none of them at all, everyone seeks them, willing too do unspeakable acts, too acquire them for they're own happiness. What good is a collection of powerful coins when you can still be killed with a dagger too your throat as you sleep?.


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1) Reaction time is found, Not given. I play by the honor system, In which the roleplayers each respect one another's character, using common sense when performing your actions. I don't want too see 5 events strung together in an instant.
" He summons a skeleton then summons a T-rex then gets the T-rex too eat your horse then laughs and summons a Minotaur and attacks you directly " - Seriously, Don't do it. Not to mention the horrible grammar.
2) Play out the character you've chosen well, If your a kitsune criminal who's on the wanted list why would you be anywhere near a town? I'd expect too see you trying to rob travelers or the likes.
3) No God Modding, Power Modding, Meta Gaming or having your character do what seems like the impossible, Unless you can back it up with a decent excuse.
4) It's a real world environment, Meaning your character will need too eat, drink, Sleep and ease the tension in they're bodies, unless you state reasoning as too why not.

Acquiring Coins

Coins can be gained through several means. You can purchase them from another person by trading your goods too them or offering services, Be it an NPC or another player. Steal or loot the corpses of those you've killed. By salvaging them from the environments in the world ( Luck effects the chances of finding one ). By killing certain monsters ( Luck effects the drop rate ).

Coin Battles

I'll attempt too make this as simplified as possible, if there are any questions don't hesitate too ask, i can always adjust the rules where need be.

1) You are linked to the monsters you summon, you feel they're damage, they're emotions, they're pleasure and pain.
2) Whilst in a town/village/City, You must challenge an opponent too a coin battle and wait for they're acceptance or refusal. Whilst out in the wild, You may summon your coins freely, using them too attack monsters, NPC's or other players.
3) During the battle, All players involved are separated from the world around them, the use of your coins restricted too the area in which could be considered the field of battle, This only occurs in towns/villages/cities.
4) Your stats effect the outcome of the battle in several ways and are linked too one another as follows;;
Mentality - Your ability too stay focused and think in battle, Effects how many coins you can summon in succession and they're power level, the higher the level, the more strain on you. ( Think of it like Mana when casting spells )
Endurance/Stamina - Determines how much damage you can take before collapsing, also how long you can last under the conditions of battle. ( Defense and Fatigue )
Libido - Determines how quickly you succumb too your lust, the higher the libido the quicker your body surrenders too the sexual actions of your opponent. ( Lust, How fast you start too enjoy the sex )

With the condition of one lowering it will surely affect the others. Such as Libido affecting Mentality, If your character is getting fucked by an 11" Horse cock whilst also feeling the effects of her monsters getting raped, there isn't much you can focus on other than the sex. Stamina will affect Libido, How long can you last taking that 11" Horse cock before it breaks you?.

Further Information

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Character Sheets


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Name; Thism
Age; late 16
Race; Feline-like Fox
Occupation; Traveler/Theif
Starting point; Polishika (trying to get to Hibari Forest via stowaway)

Stamina; 3
Endurance; 5
Mentality; 9
Libido; 1 (+2)
Luck; 10
Strength; 2
Agility; 6 (+2)
Charisma; 2
Perception; 6 (+2)

Racial Trait; Fox
Unique Trait; Neko

Gold; Trinity Balls (given by her family to protect her),
Bronze; Demonic puppy (given), rope (stolen), sword x3 (stolen)

Inventory; lightweight, 2 hidden knives, dark robe with hood, and a utlility belt.

Bio; She is one of Suraru's grand daughters, he mom being Destina. This is long after Suraru is dead, but the rest of her family is in a secret location in the forest. She has around a month to make it to the family reunion, that is her top priority.
She is pretty short, about 4'10" could be mistaken for a child if she tied down B-cups to make it look like she was underage to avoid someone killing her, and to help with begging when she couldn't steal stuff easily. Up close you could probably tell she was older if you saw her face. Its part of the reason she's been able to stay alive (and a virgin), the other being luck and smarts. I mean, no one would fuck/kill someone under 16 right? ....right?
Her mom was pacifist, but Thism can be a cold hearted killer if she doesn't like you. However she tends to like many people (but has trust issues) so it would be hard to get her to hate you (unless you are sexual, that's pretty much instant hate). Regardless of how much she likes you, she would still probably steal from you for her own survival, rather then ask for things. She can be seen begging occasionally in cities, playing the roll of some young orphan to get more things.


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Name; Vanderwulf
Age; 34
Race; Human?
Occupation; ex Monster Hunter
Starting point; Fals

Stamina; 6
Endurance; 6+2 (8)
Mentality; 10
Libido; 1
Luck; 2
Strength; 5+2 (7)
Agility; 9
Charisma; 2
Perception; 3

Racial Trait; Werewolf +2 Endurance +2 Strength
Unique Trait; dark transformation: becomes a hulking wolf-like creature (+2 stamina, +2 libido)

Coins- silver sword, steel shield, handcuffs (from monster hunting days)

Bio; Was once a proud and self-rightous monster hunter. However, a fateful confrontation with a werewolf caused an identity crisis. Now he lives in self exile waiting for the day he will be slain like the beast he believes he is.

Jason Argo

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Name; Jason Argo
Age; 28
Race; Werewolf
Occupation; Militia/Soldier
Starting point; Xena

Statistics -

Stamina; 6
Endurance; 6+2
Mentality; 6
Libido; 4
Luck; 4
Strength; 5+2
Agility; 8
Charisma; 3
Perception; 6

Racial Trait; I'm a werewolf... yea.
Unique Trait; Has a commanding presence, giving him the ability to better control or motivate others with his voice.

Coins; Two Silver Feverish werewolf coins. Given to him from his father, which was given to him from his father and so on and so forth.
Silver Shotgun coin. Found it on a raid of the castle, after it's previous user killed half of his squad and nearly fatally wounding Jason.
Bronze Sword and Shield given to him from his father. This was his fathers coin, which was found while defending Mofis from a raid. He died in that raid, while Jason was out doing his own raid.

Inventory; Leather armor, full moon medal. Map of town and surrounding area, iron dagger.

Bio; Jason grew up in Mofis, with his father and mother. His mother was a house wife, his father a military general. Lycanthrope ran in the family, and Jason was no different. He cam from a long line of soldiers and generals, all of whom were werewolves. After running around the woods training his hunting and combat skills, Jason joined the Mofis militia his father had started. After a raid from the castle his father was killed, leaving Jason the last werewolf in his family. He inherited all of his coins from his father. The coins had been gathered from generations of werewolves taking them from their fallen enemy's, passed down from son to son until they reached himself. After his fathers death he moved to Xena, giving up on defending Mofis. He now spends his time trying to rebuild his fathers Militia with whoever will join in Xena.


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Name; Reena
Age; 18
Race; Dragoness
Occupation; "Exotic Dancer"
Starting point; Yuyon, heading towards the Forest of Hibari

Statistics -

Stamina; 6
Endurance; 7
Mentality; 4
Libido; 10
Luck; 3
Strength; 4
Agility; 2
Charisma; 9
Perception; 1

Racial Trait; Dragonkin (+1 Libido, +1 Strength, +1 Endurance) ((Tell me if you approve))
Unique Trait; Practiced Seducer (does more sexual damage, possibly applies to monsters as well?) ((Also tell if you approve))

-Bronze: Flight (since she already has wings, just gives same effect as the wings)
-Silver: Makeshift Bed, Feverish Werewolf, Greater Captivation Boost
-Gold: Aphrodesiac

Inventory; Besides a pouch at her side, all she wears is a good amount of jewelry on her horns, wrists, ankles, neck, etc. (her people have no qualms with nudity).

Bio; Dragonkin were said to be one of the oldest races since the calamity, and Reena herself could trace her genealogy deep into the centuries. Since her birth, she's carried a bronze coin (demonic puppy). As her parents' only child, she was doted upon frequently, given gifts such as her jewelry as she matured. And, in return, she grew into quite a beautiful young dragoness, catching the eye of many males in her small village on the outskirts of the Ragul Mountains.
Finally, the day came for her coming-of-age, and she was given two more coins (flight and feverish werewolf) as a customary gift from the people of the town. On that same day, she finally gave in and bedded a good-looking male. After the wonderful experience, she was surprised to have been given a rare gold coin (aphrodesiac) "as payment for her virginity." She felt used, but at the same time her body had deeply enjoyed the experience. She started to become more promiscuous, collecting two more coins (captivation and bed) from some of her richest patrons. Yet, although she enjoyed the experiences, they never even came close to her first experience. She started to want something more than simply being used for others' enjoyment. She wanted to find that someone who cared about her for who she was, not just her body. So she set out, leaving her small tribe in search of another life, leading her to where she now is in Yuyon.


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Name; Mongrel
Age; 19
Race; Warefox
Occupation; Scavenger
Starting point; Hibari Forest

Statistics -

Stamina; 6
Endurance; 3
Mentality; 2
Libido; 2 +1
Luck; 5
Strength; 4
Agility; 9 +1
Charisma; 3
Perception; 8 +1

Racial Trait; Fox
Unique Trait; Feral Child

Coins; Silver - Fortify - Wall. A family heirloom and gift from her mother that she was told would 'keep her safe'. Wears it as a crude necklace
Bronze - Monster - Tribal. A coin that was found in on a dead human on the outskirts of Polika. He became lunch, and the coin became Mongrel's
Bronze - Weapon - Crude Axe. The result of a very bad trade on Mongel's part

Inventory; Not alot. Mongel has some poorly-maintained clothes, including a blouse and skirt. She only wears them to mimic the Humans, and other species that pass by the woods. She also has a beaten handbag which hold her coins. As Mongrel tends to live off the land, she carries no containers of food or water on her, preferring to use prime scavenging spots and hunting grounds. Has only a handful of currency.

Bio; Mongrel was born in the wilds as part of a small warefox family. Far from the runt of the litter, she still had a hard time growing up. She had to learn how to avoid the various dangers of the forrest, while also venturing out far enough to be able to find food and supplies. Eventually, she learned that Human settlements tended to have a surplus of food scraps that gets thrown out, that she could scavenge. Doing so, she was spotted several times by the townsfolk, and allowed to come and go as she pleased, so long as she wasn't being disruptive. The townsfolk named her "Mongrel", and through listening to them, she managed to learn basic language skills


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Name; Eve
Age; 132
Race; Vampire
Occupation; Mercenary/Trader
Starting point; Polishika

Statistics -

Stamina; 3
Endurance; 6
Mentality; 3
Libido; 2
Luck; 1
Strength; 10
Agility; 8
Charisma; 5 +2 (7)
Perception; 5 +1 (6)

Racial Trait; Vampire
Unique Trait; Drain life.

Bronze - Crude wings, Bronze sword.
Silver - Steel Shield, Carbon Glass Armour(designed to look like a corset and greaves and one full length arm piece on the right arm)

Inventory; Goods too the value of 50, and concealing robes with a hood to to hide her features.

Bio; Eve was turned into a vampire at her early 20s by a count and made his bride. She was always beautiful but now her beauty would last forever at first she resented her situation but as the decades past she grew to accept then even enjoy it. After a century of being his bride, helping and even joining in on his habits of taking humans to feed for shear pleasure and not just to use as food their home was attacked by vampire hunters, in the battle she fled abandoning her husband to his fate gather what little she could get hold of as she fled the place she'd called home for over a century. grabbing the armour her husband had given her the night of her turning and shield and sword from the wall that had been hung up as decoration over the years from those they had feasted on: passing travellers and those that needed a place to stay the night. Searching for a way to escape she grabbed hold of a coin for some wings and took off from the tallest section of their home flying to safety away from the battle. She now wanders posing as either a mercenary or simple traveller feeding to survive off those unfortunate to meet her on the road and take her for a defenceless woman.

Garian Jorell

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Name; Garian Jorell
Age; 21
Race; Human
Occupation; Soldier
Starting point; Xena(Warrior Princess :3)

Statistics -

Based on a 1-10 table. 2 high (7-10), 3 medium (4-6), 4 Low (1-3)
Traits are added afterwards, So you could end up with 11 strength due too a +2 Trait.

Stamina; 8
Endurance; 8
Mentality; 6 + 1 = 7
Libido; 7
Luck; 1+3(TT__TT)
Strength; 10
Agility; 6
Charisma; 4 +2 = 6
Perception; 5

Racial Trait; Charisma + 2, Mentality +1
Unique Trait; Luck of the Dice +3 Luck (cause no one picks luck >:D)

Coins; 2 Creature Summons(1 gold[Horny Goblin] and one bronze[Spear Tribal Warrior]
2 Equipment(1 silver[Silver sword] and one bronze[Bronze Plate]
1 Fortify[silver(Concrete Wall)
1 Environment(silver[King of the Hill])
Inventory; All black clothes, black leather armor underneath a black coat that covers a black shirt, black gloves, a longsword that he smithied himself when he became a soldier, a necklace with a silver cross on it.

Bio; Garian Jorell is a soldier, a wandering soldier who belongs to a guild of swordsmen who, like mercenaries, help Caravans, other soldiers, and royalty. Unlike Mercenaries, they follow a code of honor and refuse to help those that are greedy or cruel. During one of Garian's battles, he fought and killed a man who had a weird gold coin on him, he decided to take it. When he found out what it was, he decided to try and collect more on his travels while working for his guild. He found 2 bronze coins in Polika at a shop, one silver in a shop at Polshika, another silver coin on a dead body, and he collected his 6th silver coin by a game of rock-paper-scissors with a traveling merchant in Sara. After he had collected his 6th coin, he gone down to Xena, hoping to find something there. He will admit though, he found the game fun, but he has never played it before, he wanted to collect enough coins so he wouldn't be at a disadvantage.


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Name: Julia
Age: 19
Race: Fairy
Occupation: Wanderer
Starting point: On the edge of Celsca, somewhere between Vespa and Dijaro

Statistics -

Stamina: 8
Endurance: 3
Mentality: 9 (+1)
Libido: 2
Luck: 6
Strength: 3
Agility: 6 (+1)
Charisma: 1
Perception: 5

Racial Trait: +1 Agility, +1 Mentality
Unique Trait: Shapeshifting- She was born the stereotypical 5 inch fairy, but she's sense learned how to adjust her height, usually walking around at 5'7". Her wings and antenna disappear while she's in "big form" though, making her look like a normal human. Her clothes don't stick with her if she has to use her "natural form" to escape though.

Female Tribal Warrior (Spear) Summon- Obtained by taking it out of the hands of her dying sister before running away

Bed- Standard of Vespa
Summon Enhancement- Another coin taken away from her sister
Steel Shield- Her sister's standard equipment

Inventory: Traveling cloak in decent condition, torn and ripped red t-shirt, a pair of black pants with the right leg ripped off to the top of the shin and the left leg missing the knee, her sister's medallion (small and made of silver, it's a circle with 3 prongs connected in the center and connecting to the outer edge of the circle, each looking like jagged half "S"s)

Bio: Julia was just another one of the children of Vespa, living out her life according to the strict rituals and rules in place. Then when she was 16 she met Lilia, an adventurous, strong woman she forever considers to be her sister. Lilia didn't live inside of the village, preferring to stay a ways outside of it, only coming in to barter for supplies. Bringing with her a world outside of Vespa, the longer Lilia and Julia talked, the more Julia began to question just why they had to go through all the rituals and if sacrificing people to the monsters of the Den of Despair was really working. This also marked the first time she was not among those who volunteered to be sacrificed, surprising many of the older inhabitants. She continued to not volunteer and managed to avoid even being a part of the Snake Game for two years after that. Then Lilia was dragged into the village, beaten and bloodied, and offered up as a sacrifice for "Corrupting the mind" of Julia with the ways of the outside world. Julia was too late to keep Lilia from being thrown into the Den, but she was there when Lilia somehow managed to crawl out of it, violated, both of her legs utterly destroyed, beaten within an inch of her life, and leaving a blood trail the entire way. On her last leg, she bequeathed her trusty shield to Julia and gave her two coins she managed to obtain while in the Den, then, satisfied, passed away. Co-dependent on Lilia, her death fragmented her mind, causing her to snatch the pendant off Lilia's chest to hold close, gave her bed coin from the village and run away towards Cesca. She's been lucky thus far, only running into things she can take on with her coins or being able to run away and not interacting with anyone other than to steal food or water off them. The crazed look in her eyes and her added belligerence might have something to do with that last part though.

Julia has pink hair that flows down to her waist no matter which form she's in and her eyes are a light shade of pink as well. She has a very slender built owing to the fact she had never done and real hard work prior to running away, making her entirely unsuited for close range combat without her summon. Also, as stereotypical of the fae, she's very flat-chested. She could probably pass herself off as a very feminine boy if she tried hard enough. When she's in her "natural form", she has wings reminiscent of Spicebush Swallowtail Butterfly and her antenna and the same shade of blue that appears on her wings. Her height and weight aren't really important since she can change them on a whim.

Cynthia Lawson

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Name; Cynthia Lawson
Age; 25
Race; Elf
Occupation; Petty thief attempting to become the next Robin Hood
Starting point; Hibari Forest

Statistics -

Based on a 1-10 table. 2 high (7-10), 3 medium (4-6), 4 Low (1-3)
Traits are added afterwards, So you could end up with 11 strength due too a +2 Trait.

Stamina; 3
Endurance; 3 (+1)
Mentality; 8 (+2)
Libido; 5
Luck; 10
Strength; 4
Agility; 8
Charisma; 7
Perception; 5

Racial Trait; +2 Mentality + 1 Endurance
Unique Trait; Sleight of Hand; Can pull things that would usually take concentration off without a hitch, for example, it could be something as simple as tying a knot to something as complicated as switching out die for rigged ones.

Crude Wings; Her Mother’s birthday present to her.
Makeshift Bed; Bought from traveller.
Elf Archer; Her sister gave her this shortly before dying
Velvet Cloak: Left for her in her father’s will

Inventory; A bow made of Oak given to her by her brother as a departing gift along with 30 arrows and a quiver. She is almost always wearing her velvet cloak as it can somewhat conceal her bow and arrows and underneath that she is wearing

Bio; When Cynthia was born into a family of elves but, on her second birthday her father was killed by a human soldier. Cynthia ever since has had to help raise he two younger siblings, as, unfortunately, her mother had grown old and senile and her older sister was working as an escort for money. In the Lawson household birthdays were always an important day as, especially Cynthia’s as it was also the day their father died. On her 16th birthday she was given two coins, one from her mother which enabled flight for up to five minutes, one of Cynthia’s dreams had always been flight so that was outstanding and the other coin was given to her through her father. Apparently she was told that in his will he had left her a rare coin that enabled her to walk on water. She never knew much about her father other then what her mother had told her but her sister; Alicia had told her that he was a wealthy man and had always been quick to help out someone who needed it. Cynthia decided that she would do whatever it took to try and make more of the wealthy men in the world help the less fortunate, including steal. But before she could leave on her valiant quest her sister and her were hunting when more humans came into the woods and decided they wanted to attack some elves. Alicia gave one of her coins to Cynthia and told her to run, she did. Alicia presumably offered herself up to them and pleasured them, though she was never seen again, Cynthia hears constant rumours that she still lives. So she has set out to find her sister and change the rich men of this world. Her brother gave her a bow and set of arrows before leaving and she purchased a makeshift bed coin from a nearby traveller and set out on her journey.
Last edited by Obscene Dreams on Thu Mar 08, 2012 9:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:16 pm

Garian sat at a table outside, looking over his 6 coins whilst eating some meat, he had not been here for quite a long time, having just arrived the other day. He looked around that townspeople, smiling, he kinda hoped to find people of high morality to help and work for in order to hold honor in the Guild's hall. He picked up a coin and looked it over, he had seen people use these coins out in the field but he never got a chance to himself, he wondered what his coins were, what they did, did they summon creatures like what he saw? Armor that protected the body? Spells that seemed to come from nowhere? He didn't no for sure. All he knew was, by the looks of his coins, he had 2 creatures, 2 equipments, and 2 he hadn't seen or know of yet. He put the coins in his pocket and finished eating before getting up from the table and started walking around, wishing to explore this town and it's inhabitants before moving on back to the world itself.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Taria » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:18 pm

Vanderwulf meditates in the wastelands as he thinks about food, wondering if there's anything nearby for him to hunt or forage.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:37 pm

Julia's mindless pattern of merely putting one foot in front of the other is interrupted as she notices the gentle sway of dead or dying tall grasses around her legs has abruptly been replaced by more lush, almost definitely alive plant life. "Am I... am I out of Nefaria? I made it, Sister! I made it!!" she shouts, pumping her fists into the air and jumping jubilantly about. Then she abruptly calms down and looks around. "Sorry, Sister. You always said to keep an eye out at all times, right?" she says, talking to the pendant laying on her chest. "Right. Let's get going, Sister." With that done, she continues on her path to Dijaro
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Suraru » Fri Mar 02, 2012 2:57 pm

Thism walked into Polishka after what seemed like centuries of walking. Any supplies she had were spent. High level of fatigue, hunger, thirst, and a bit of loneliness were present. The first thing she did when she walked in was find an alley.
Covered by the buildings, she checked to make sure no one was around before she took off her robe. From her small bag, she removed a roll of bandages. She tightly tied down her breasts to make her look younger so begging for a meal would be easier.
Once finished, she put her robe back on, and tied her small bag so it wouldn't make noise if she had to do some sneaking.
Finally, she walked back out of the alley and looked for any place that sold food, and limped toward it.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Obscene Dreams » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:22 pm


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The humble village known as Xena, A place that held high degrees of honour among its people, showing gratitude and fair trade, being that the majority were born into a fine craft, the creation of armour and weapons crafted from metals that had become scarce throughout the world. It was a well kept secret between the occupants of the village, knowing that the upkeep and sole purpose of the village relied on they're ability too recycle old materials into new, formidable equipment befitting any warrior wealthy enough too purchase it. The town was quiet that morning, not many visitors passing by, the stock of metal growing short as of recent, the normal supplies finding it more difficult too salvage the materials required resulting in less goods being sold, meaning less business. There was however a strange woman passing through, dressed in attire that would enchanted the senses, a mixture of black and gold, a silhouette of silk that clung too her busty figure, slender around the waist. Branding long golden hair with the traditional ocean blue eyes, not too mention the feline features that were recognisable at a distance, the bleached white tail and ears symbolising she was of Neko' decent. She came with a wagon pulled by what appeared too be a centaur, the bulky figure of the male horse like creature standing with pride, looming eyes looking over the crowds. Calling out the female neko would gesture towards the crowds too come closer, appealing too they're curiosity as she pointed towards a small box on the rear of her wagon, kicking up a small show in an attempt too get attention.

" Come round one and all! Come see the marvellous wonders that await, make all your dreams a reality...! "


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The barren wastelands of Fals devoured the foolish without mercy, inhabited by some of the most fearsome creatures too walk the lands of Vesperia, it was clear that any such man of creature that wandered these plains was not only cunning enough too evade them, but surely powerful enough too kill them. The sun would beat down on the water parched lands, the ground cracked as the soil had ran dry years ago, littered with the scattered remains of ruins of centuries past. The only form of life other than Vanderwulf would have been a small group of humanoids off in the distance, a gang of shrouded figures, they're bodies clocked in white cloth from head to toe, most likely bandits from they're attire and numbers, a good 5 or so. They seemed too be excited over something, circling around another object that appeared too be moving.


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Dijaro was one of the few area's in which the fields of Celsca bloomed the most luscious of grasslands, the blades of grass themselves were seen as a symbolism too the purity of the land, the creatures that wandered such a place being far weaker from the lack of radiation let alone the ability too feed on others due too the constant intervention of humanoid life, fertilizing the land with the remains of said monsters. The livid humming in the air, the sound of distant buzzing, as though like that of wings, small and fast, the flurry of yellow and black hovering over one of the many flowers that littered the regions closest too the city. The large exterior wall that ran around Dijaro being seen not too far in the distance.


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Polishka was a lively place, the strong glare from the morning sun raining down on the people that would set out too begin they're daily chores and jobs, mainly craftsmen that would work on the boats that came and went with goods for trade overseas. Yet there seemed too be a rather rowdy bunch of characters enter the scene that morning, a ship full of tradesmen, seemingly twenty or so bellowing out with cheers from eventually making port, having been at sea of over a month for whatever reasons they had. A group of three men wandering off the ship, taking they're leave of the others as they mocked one another, charging down the streets they're dominating demeanour was clear too see, the range of species were obvious also. With one being what appeared too be human, the other two of feline and canine breeds, yet they all held a familiar humanoid appearance and walk, albeit they're animalism features. They sauntered to the local bar, resting alongside the fish market that would normally sell they're food for equal tender. One such male mistakenly bumping into something, the smaller female that seemed far younger than themselves, Thism.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Taria » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:25 pm

Vanderwulf stands up and begins walk over to investigate what's going on. He clutches his coins idly in case he should be attacked.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:26 pm

Garian heard her before he saw her and went towards the sound, there he saw the Neko woman getting the attention of the townspeople. his sky-blue eyes watched hers, not knowing what she was doing, maybe a merchant selling goods? If that was the case, he'll see if she had any coins he can buy and moved close so that he was in the front, he made sure that his black hair was out of the way of his eyes and that he blended into the group, even though it was unlikely that he would.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby MelissaB » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:34 pm

Eve hid under the cowl of her robe utterly concealing herself within it. She spoke to no one as she passed them attempting todraw as little attention so she could. She headed towards any form of Market trying to continue her façade as a Merchant.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:39 pm

The wall was, by far, the tallest thing Julia had ever seen. The flowers, something so completely new to her the colors shocked her. It felt like she was losing herself in such a beautiful world of green and reds and yellows and blues, unlike anything she'd ever seen before. She passingly wondered what was making the buzzing sound, but she put that out of her mind for the moment. "We made it, Sister!" she whispers excitedly to the pendant. "Am I allowed to drop my guard now, Sister? ...Yes, you're right. I should think about getting some food soon. ...Yes, I understand I can't just steal stuff from people anymore. I'm not THAT stupid, Sister." she says, shaking her head. "But I have nothing to trade, Sister. And you said Dijaro holds its flowers in too high of a regard for me to shrink down and eat them without consequence. ...Fine. I'll go into town and see what happens." she says, dropping the pendant back onto her neck and continuing into the town.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Suraru » Fri Mar 02, 2012 4:40 pm

The bump knocked her down. If she was well rested she probably could of stood against it. She looked up and said "Excuse me" then started to get back up, as good as not being on her feet felt, she didn't want to be trampled.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Obscene Dreams » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:28 pm


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As Vanderwulf ventured closer he'd come too notice the bandits had captured something alive, a monster that was somewhat rare even in Fals, at least gender wise. A Naga of sorts, trapped within a barrage of nets that entangled around its snake like body, restricting its ability too move as it thrashed around helplessly, wasting its stamina whilst voicing its aggression with a hissing sound, rattling coming from the tip of its tail. Its appearance slender around what was the waist yet busty around the chest, feminine features, it was female. Normally the males roamed the wasteland, being the stronger of the two, also suggesting why this one was caught so easily. The bandits rustling up the nets before taking notice of the male, quickly asserting a defensive stance as they cried out in they're native tongue, on which was only known too the reptilian people of the north, without the knowledge Vanderwulf would not understand they're warnings.


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The female quickly spotted Garian from the crowd, taking notice of his charming features as she passed him a sly wink followed by the tender meow. Her body lingering for a moment over the box, leaning over it as she placed her ear too its wooden frame, listening to whatever was inside before suddenly shouting out with a brisk outburst, pointing directly at the male in question, grinning menacingly.

" You there! Man!... How could you like too be our star in this little show? Step right up! Accept your dreams!... "

She hadn't even explained what was going on as of yet, the crowd that continued to gather merely watching in bemusement, confused and baffled by the females somewhat idiocy.


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Also in the harbour town of Polishka the events of the traders having travelled oversea's with they're goods would have been heard by many and all, seemingly having a tale of two too tell let alone the amount of goods they had for trading, bringing business to the town. Eve seemed too wander down the centre of town, heading off towards the market racquets where the goods were sold, on the main street no less, yet there were rumours of a black market where items of considerable value were being traded off for coins, yet these seemed no more than rumours considering the trader was never seen in the same place more than once. As such, A tall, dark male seemed too linger in the shadows at the far corner of the market, his eyes concealed by the robe that slung over his body, simply watching, waiting.


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The man she struck seemed rather frustrated, annoyed by the sheer ignorance on Thism's part even though in truth it was his fault. Snickering as he barely moved from the impact, shown by his stern figure, the mass of muscle from working on the ship that carried him here. He seemed too call out too the girl, belittling her with his shadow, reaching down too clasp her small head in his hand, holding her steady as he spoke with a vulgar tone, his friends mocking her all the same. The human being the one she had struck.

" What the fuck?! .. Watch where your going bitch! Can't you see me and my buddies are just back from a long ass trip, don't fucking get between me and a cold beer... ! "


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Dijaro was one of the most populated cities by far, bustling with constant activity from the people within and the wildlife that flocked the streets, simply creatures such as dogs and cats that were thought too be lost too the world through radical evolution, and yet here they were. The streets were paved with dirt, the constant tread of footsteps flurrying the sights of those smaller, so much so that it became dangerous for children at time with the passing wagons that carried goods, merchants seeking trade. Yet there were always thieves on the prowl, eager too pocket themselves a valuable item from the foolish traveller simply passing through. Food stalls were too be found all over, from simple apples too the exotics such as a banana, a rare treat in those days. The occasional trader attempting too attract a crowd, trying too sell them off what was normally faulty goods.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby That_One_Guy » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:30 pm

Garian's smile fell from his face. Him? On stage? He looked around a bit before, awkwardly, going up to her, stepping onto the wagon to get to her, "What do you want me to do?" He asked her, confused, but curious, wanting to know what she had in store for him.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Taria » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:34 pm

Vanderwulf flips one of his coins into the air as it transform, turning into a spinning silver sword. He catches the hilt in his hand and holds the blade out to the bandits offensively. "Begone, dirtly little creatures." He tells them as he begins stepping towards their prey in the net. He keeps the sword held out at arms lenght, ready to twist his arm and slash into any who try to attack him.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby MelissaB » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:38 pm

Eve caught sight of the strange male in the shadows. She hadn't a lot of coins sell perhaps some. She decided to walk past him at first even if he was of note. he seemed unwilling to deal with anyone as of the moment she paused as he headed away and cast another glance at the man before turning down around a building to walk back in a circle. After she was done she would appear to be standing next to him. "Hello. What brings you to this place?" She didn't look at the man. nor did she soft her face. But her voice was soft.
A succubus. Poor misunderstood young ladies... they just want a little bit of love, little bit of death. Just like the rest of us -Gnarl

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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby MiscChaos » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:53 pm

Her curiosity captured by the spectacle that was the city, she just kinda stares with a stupid look on her face, holding onto her pendant like she's trying to make sure it gets a good look at the place too. "What, Sister? ...Alright, I'll keep a hand on the Coins. They're your valuable Coins after all. I'd hate to lose them. Intrigued by the merchants, she slowly walked by them as she makes her way towards the food stalls, seeing if there was anything worth pocketing. "So, Sister, how did you say I'd earn my meal? ...None of these merchants seem like they need a hand. ...Fine, I'll ask anyway." Julia then starts asking every merchant she sees if there's a way she can work in order to gain some food.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Suraru » Fri Mar 02, 2012 6:01 pm

Fear, and anger was flushing through her. 'You think you are the only one here that just got back from a long trip? Fuck my legs are killing me, asshole' she thought, but controlled herself not to say it aloud.
Instead, she decided to use this to her advantage for anyone looking. She used the added emotions to help work up a few tears, but said nothing. Her body was instinctivly flinching and shaking from the mans size comparred to hers.

Hopefully people would see this and have more sympathy, thus getting more from them. However, even though some of it was an act, she was in fact scared out of her mind.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Reena » Sat Mar 03, 2012 1:42 am

Reena walked slowly into the town, feeling eyes on her as she entered Yuyon.This town was filled with so many humans, or, rather, elf-looking humans. She hadn't met with many humans before, yet here she was walking right into one of their towns. It was so different from her home. She was a bit perplexed to see all the humans wearing so much clothing, though. It was a nice day, after all! Her eyes looked around in wonderment, taking in all the sights there were to see.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby jayjaycaps » Sat Mar 03, 2012 4:23 am

Jason had just came back to the town of Xnea after wandering around, recovering from his nightly hunts. No one knew he was a werewolf, and he perfered to keep it that way. He looked around where he was, looking for something to keep him occupied.
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Re: - Pocket Full of Coins [ In Character, Roleplay ]

Postby Obscene Dreams » Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:02 pm


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The female lightly pats the box a few times before the lid springs open, a small creature appearing from the never-ending shadows that seemed too devour the contents of the box. It seemed like a teddy of sorts, small, white, with a furry appearance and the facial features of a bear, the constant smile on its face and yet its eyes had been ripped out, crudely sewn over with messy stitches, extending one of its paws, seemingly too wait on receiving something. The female quickly responding, translating for the male and the audience.

" I hope you have some wonderful luck, My little friend here will take one of your coins, by your choice, and trade it for one of his own! But don't worry, its completely random, so who knows what you might get!?... "


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The bandits start too get jittery, running around in frantic as they organised themselves, unsheathing the small weapons they carried, an array of different creations salvaged from the ruins, one holding a blunt dagger that seemed too mutilate anything it'd touch while the others hand wooden clubs littered with stones impaled too increase the damage they dealt. The smallest bandit at the rear held something shiny in they're hand playing with the small circular object between they're fingers, glistening in the sunlight as they would toss it into the air, revealing its effects too be a summon. A skeletal wyvern taking form, much larger than vanderwulf, belittling him almost, yet it held no muscle nor flesh, its sense of weakness didn't seem apparent. The hulking beast charging forward, its bone crafted jaws sliding open too reveal lines of sharpened bone for teeth.


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The scene was a busy one, filled with curious eyes glancing at a distance, taking notice of the strangely dressed man, sure enough even in his day and age such full body robes were only used when there was something too hide. He seemed too respond, the weight of his body shifting slightly beneath the robes as a small gloved hand would appear from between the folds of fabric, gesturing towards the female with the contents on his palm. Holding several jewelled items, crudely crafted and yet they held an captivating trance. A pair of stud earrings with a green emerald gemstone wedged into them, A chained necklace holding a sapphire at its base and a ring with a luscious crimson ruby. He seemed too be wanting too trade them for something, another hand appearing from beneath the folds of the fabric, pointing too the jewellery with gloved fingers before gesturing with his hand the number required, 1 coin, 1 item.


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The market of Dijaro was not too be taken lightly, any foolish soul to come wandering by would be quick too learn that the merchants of this city can be as crude as the bandits that stalk the outer walls. Batting Julia away one by one, the merchants felt they had no need for such a little creature, knowing that her talents wouldn't venture beyond picking flowers and making daisy chains. Yet there was one merchant in particular, taking notice of the small fairy, her fatigue and hunger becoming apparent, gesturing to her with his hand as she flew close, giving her a place too stand whilst they spoke. A witty male, baring the toothy grin of a canine, the small, innocent features hidden by his clothes, they seemed more worn and tattered than most. His stall seemed too sell small wooden toys he had carved by hand, some more crude than others, seemingly lacking business. Speaking down too Julia in a soft voice whilst devouring a new season apple.

" Hello little fairy!... What brings you here?..


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The human male would respond rather subjectively, his head tilting to the side in amusement, watching the female cower before him, calling out too his group of friends as they approached more so than before, creating quite the little scene and yet there was no response from the passing crowd. Throwing her down, the brute strength of the male being felt as the female's fragile figure would be thrown too the ground, much rougher than before when she had only fallen over, so much so that she'd find herself against the tavern wall with the ominous shadows of the three male's looming over her.

" Can you guys believe this?!... She's gonna cry! Look at her. She's still a little baby... ! "


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Yuyon was normally quite the busy place and yet things seemed too have settled recently, the lack of activity coming off as a surprise for anyone who lived there, yet the avid passerby would likely not take notice. The town itself seemed lively enough with the odd person making way with they're daily chores, passing glances taking notice of the exotic female that had entered, a race that had been long forgotten for some time, even rare too be seen these days, female's more so than males. Her alluring figure captured the attention of most of those that passed by yet they seemed too distance themselves from her, all except one male in particular. Coming to greet her, the mass of muscle spanning across the creatures body seemed too show signs of his hard working way of life, carrying what appeared too be an axe of sorts, slung over his shoulder as he walked, swaggering from the weight of his steps, baring a devious grin before making his presence known at her side, upon closer inspection it was clear he was of bestial origins, A humanoid wolf, an animal among men in this village.

" Well look at what we have here... Quite the rare, extravagant sight if i do say so myself.. ! "


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Xena seemed more lively this morning than usual, the events in the town square attracting the majority of those that passed by, the young feline woman enticing a male too take part in what appeared too be a game of chance of sorts, taking notice of the small teddy like creature protruding from a box. The town itself seemed seldom of other activities, normally the people would continue with they're work yet with the lack of materials as of late they were finding themselves with a lack of entertainment, resulting in the bored fantasies of some taking over. There were rumours of a brothel forming just a little ways away from xena, within a cluster of trees too the south, having being built for the soul purpose of extracting what little money the military men that came too xena for weapons and armour had left.
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.

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