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the LOK wars. (war sims)

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2012 2:55 am
by bruiserdemon
this rp will be about fun little war simulations that you guys procedurally create :D. the point is not to win. it's just for fun. the unit actions you post can only be about your units. keep a mental note on every detail. it may come in handy

player 1 posts: a squad of 20 rifleman are walking through a rocky canyon on their way to an objective that is a few miles away due northeast. 3 of those 20 have rpgs
player 2 posts: 3 light machinegun units pop up from the left side of the canyon (relative to player 1's units) and begin opening fire on the enemy units below.
player 1 posts: 4 units immediately go down. 1 had an rpg. the rest react and take cover behind the nearby rocks. the remaining 2 rpg riflemen fire the rpgs at the above light machinegun men.
player 2 posts: 2 rockets miss and fly into the air. one explodes against the canyon wall and causes a segment that 1 light machinegun man was standing on to fall. the remaining 2 retreat.
me, the gm posts: player 1 wins under condition: player 2's units have died and/or retreated

YOU MUST COLOR YOUR BATTLE TEXT. it cannot be the same color as your enemy. it cannot be a color that blends with the post background such as yellow or w/e

and so on

the outcome on a player's units caused by the other player's actions is at the discretion of the receiving player.

only 2 people may fight at one time. once again, winning is NOT the point. it's just for the hell of it. whether or not an enemy shot blows up your tank is up to you to decide.
you pretty much get to decide what units you have and where they are coming from/hiding at.
the starting poster of a battle will be decided by me. only 1 battle may go on at a time.(to avoid complicating things) if a battle is in progress, wait until it's over to post if you want to play the next person who also wants to play. you cannot play twice in a row.
if you have a dispute with your opponent metagaming, i will decide if it is just or not. my word is final on the battlefield

in short, your opponent reserves the right to decide what effect your action had on his/her units, and vice-versa

Re: the LOK wars. (war sims)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:12 pm
by Suraru
well hell... didnt even see this in the unread.....

Re: the LOK wars. (war sims)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:22 pm
by bruiserdemon
would you like to put yourself in one of the player slots? if nobody joins in a few hours, i can play against you to give an example for everyone else how it works.

Re: the LOK wars. (war sims)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:24 pm
by Suraru
me, depends if anyone else joins.

I think this got ignored because no one saw it XD

Re: the LOK wars. (war sims)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:44 pm
by bruiserdemon
if nobody joins within an hour and a half from this post, you can make the first battle post and i'll respond

Re: the LOK wars. (war sims)

PostPosted: Wed Feb 29, 2012 11:47 pm
by Suraru
uhhh. sure?

Re: the LOK wars. (war sims)

PostPosted: Fri Mar 02, 2012 1:13 am
by bruiserdemon
on second thought, in order to be an impartial judge, I won't battle.
would anyone like to join suraru?

Re: the LOK wars. (war sims)

PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2012 12:41 am
by bruiserdemon
sorry, but this thread has floated to the depths of internet hell