by RavenLord » Mon Nov 28, 2011 3:26 pm
Garian, Kaythleen
Garian is back in his room, pirate whom he knocked out earlier is still unconcious and bound, not to mention she is also in latex...
Then Kaythleen softly knockes on his door. Before Garian can do anything Caileen stands up and opens the door. Fortunately it is Kaythleen, unfortunately... it is Kaythleen who is now able to see the pirate too.
Bomani, Azshara
As Bomani readies himself for another round, Pirate Captain slowly stands up and draws her sword. She doesnt bother putting her leather shorts back on or covering her wet and naked womanhood with something. Azshara slowly gets away from two.
-Ready? İ wont go easy on you my dear...
Meelie, Bashraa
Well, Bashraa and Meelie are in Bashraa's room. Doll seems to have made an excellent job cleaning the room.
Victoria, Iroma
Pirate endures Iroma's punches. He seems to be strongwilled, unlike many of other pirates. Victoria stands close to Iroma. She feels bloodlust stirring in her again as Iroma carries his interrogation. Sight of blood making her feel.... angry.
Keeper of Time
Keeper of Time sighs as he stops scrying on the marked ones. İt would take some time before these mortals can accomplish something. Well he also has to deal with Arcane Deities bickerings as they grow more frustrated with each other. He can let these Deities start another war, especially not now while so much is at stake.
Pip is teleporting around. Causing mischeif to some, joking with others. He is glad that Marked bunch dont summon him too often. He also thinks about starting a cult among some mortals to get some of his bigger friends summoned from daemonic planes.
"You see? The one who wins is the one who has the bigger weapon." - Immortal Baron Vorg