by Lady Foxy » Mon Aug 01, 2011 4:11 am
Dantooine, Jedi Enclave Entrance
A trail of smoke and a screeching sound went past the entrance of the sacred Enclave, startling a couple of Padawans and builders in it's way. The sound of a loud crash could be heard, revealing a shattered starfighter in it's crater. After moments of calling for Master Hurati, Padawan Satele Shan lies pulling a wounded Master Borris K'Jaan out of the remains of the crater.
''Master! Somebody help him!'' Satele yelled, putting him down on the ground as she saw Master Hurati coming to her aid, along with several Knights. ''Master Hurati! Help me carry him to the Medical Bay!'' She pulled his sleeve like a child, urging him to help her.
The several knights were shocked by this as they started to talk about why had this happened. ''Was he attacked by pirates?'' One asked while other responded, ''No, he's one of the best pilots i've seen. This must have been the act of a more organized attack, maybe bounty hunters?'' However, this chatter was shut down when Master Gora walked past them, putting a hand on Hurati's shoulder and another one over her mouth. ''Oh my..'' She said before staring at Satele.
On the entrance Hurati's Padawan is waiting for his Master's return, noticing how another Padawan is right next to him.
On the Shadow Reaper, About Thirty Minutes to reach Dantooine
A light flicked on the screen, showing a concerned Sith Lord on the screen. ''Lord Azrael. I've assumed you have eliminated K'Jaan by now. I doubt you have failed, but you know how envious the other Lords are.'' It was the Dark Lord Balgrum, one of the Lords responsible for the attack on Aldeeran.
Atton Rand: "Feels like my last time on Telos."
Bao-Dur: "Crashed a shuttle that time, too?"
Atton Rand: "No, pazaak.''