KatyaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
"Ahah...Well put. But no, seriously." He cleared up his throat some, awkwardly trying to get adjusted to all the crap you stuffed up his horns. You could hear a muffled sound coming from it as he seemed to be attempting to blow the leaves out of it...Little success though. Regardless, he turned his attention to you afterwards. "Now now. I'm not going to just TELL you about it...If you want to know where the place is...You'll have to let me take you there." He stated, a big grin on his face. "It's easier than giving directions, you see. I mean, trees aren't really good landmarks, except if they're really really big."
OctaveSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Zinug slowly adjusted himself back in his chair, snapping his fingers over as one of the orc herms from earlier came over carrying a jug full of some kind of drink, which was promptly poured down to him in a big cup made out of wood. As you spoke, he calmly sipped down his drink, digesting your words as well as the beverage. "Strange for a...Monk. To be around here...You with the humans, I assume? I can tell you have a fair bit of their blood in your veins. Met a few of your monkey folk before, was wondering why you were...Less hairy than them." He chuckled toying with the diminutive wooden cup in his massive hands. "So...You want to fight me...A...Challenge, I think is the word." He clarified, tapping his fingers around the edge of the cup before setting it aside, getting up from his seat and walking over to the center of the dirt arena in the middle.
"You are not familiar with how we do things here...Yet, you come here and challenge me, without even knowing what you're getting yourself into first." He stated, raising a brow at you. "Which means, you are either very confident...Or stupid. Since the traitors there are with you...I'm going to assume...The former, for now." He was silent for a moment, cracking his knuckles slightly. "Very well then, I'll accept your challenge...But first, allow me to educate you on the...Etiquette of Orc Duels." He spoke, a few mumbles and grumbles from the other orcs around you quickly making it clear they weren't really sure how to feel about Zinug accepting the duel. Zinug, taking note of this, spoke up, still in common language, probably for your sake. "I knew humans would get to us here, sooner or later. Didn't really expect they'd be led in here by our own...But, I didn't expect they'd actually try and respect our rules. I half-expected a raiding party..." He spoke, crossing his arms some. "So like I said, I'll accept your challenge...But, I make a counter proposal. If you win, you become chief of this clan, as you would, at any rate. Clan Zinug will become clan...Octave...Doesn't sound very good, does it? At any rate, if I win, however...You become our slave. You join the Children of Lust. I think it's a...Fitting position. But you'll also become our spy for the humans." He spoke, a smile slowly forming in his face. "And you'll be helping us from the inside...When we take over your outpost."
"Those are my terms." He stated, opening up his arms some. "With that said...There are four types of duel through which we could decide this...There is the test of Brawn, the test of Voice, the test of Sport and the test of Death."
"The test of Brawn is a battle with nothing but your naked body, here in this arena. First to touch the ground with their head or get pushed off the circle, loses."
"The test of Voice is a battle of arguments. Nine judges from the orcs here present will be selected, and we must argue with them as to why we should be the one to win. The one with the most favorable votes, wins. I don't personally think you'll be much interested in this one."
"The test of Sport is a...Game. Four against four. Luckily, you have three orcs on your side already, so it's an option. Each team takes a side of the arena and we all share a single ball, made out of polished iron. The objective is to hit the members of the enemy team with the ball, if you're hit, you're out. The team who runs out of members first, loses."
"...And the test of Death. Is a battle to the death, in this arena, quite simple, really. No rules, no restrictions. First to die, loses, everything."
There was a moment of silence as he let you mull over your options for the upcoming test. "...So! Which will you pick? As the challenger, you get to choose which of the tests we'll do."
DorelSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Wynne slowly grumbled, coughing out some of your spunk with each of her breaths as she slowly began adjusting herself back onto her feet, sighing some once she was done, her tongue traveling around her lips to scoop up some leftovers before she glared at you. "You need to eat less meat...This tastes awful." She whined, despite having just...You know what, nevermind. She adjusted up her posture some, crossing her arms behind her back. "Well, I'd say our business here is concluded then, no?"
Kenji, Yasker & NydiaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Yasker DEX Roll (5,3,1-,X) = 9 Vs. Keeper Arm STA roll (2,6+,1-,X) = 9
Mordecai DEX roll (2,1-,X) = 3 Vs. Keeper Arm STA roll (6+,6+,5,1-,X) = 18
Nydia STR roll (6+,6+,2,2,3) = 19 Vs. Keeper Arm STA roll (6+,5,2,1-) = 14
Kenji STR roll + Musou Ryuuken Training (6+,5,5,1-,X) = 17 Vs. Keeper Arm STA roll (3,4,4) = 11
Keeper's INT Roll (2,1-,X,4) = 7 Vs. Nydia's DEX (4,6+,1-,X) = 11
Keeper's INT Roll (5,3,4,5) = 17 Vs. Mordecai's DEX (2,5,5) = 12
Keeper's INT Roll (3,5,6+,1-,X) = 15 Vs. Yasker's DEX (2,2,1-,X) = 5
Keeper's INT Roll (3,5,5,4) = 17 Vs. Kenji's STA + Musou Ryuuken Training (6+,4,5,4) = 19
The keeper's arms once more shot out towards the members of the the expedition team. The first strike went for Nydia but she once more slipped out of the way, stepping off to the side to let the hand grasp at thin air, her counter attack at the ready, she jabbed her blade right in-between the mechanical parts of the arm and the tubes, cutting off the ones that she hadn't gotten in her last attack. With a singular slice, the remaining streams of that cyan fluid spilled all over, causing the arm to retract back to the body, though slowly moving slower and slower until it simply limped down, as if dead. The Keeper glanced over towards it, its lower lid twitching slightly. Annoyed.
The next target was Mordecai, who, seeing everyone focusing on the arms, attempted to do the same, throwing one of his daggers at the arms to try and hit the tubes. Sadly, the knife just whizzed by away from its target, before Mordecai could finish cursing over his miss, the same arm came by swinging horizontally and smacking the doctor around the side, causing him to get sent rolling down the pathway for a bit before he slowly crawled back to his feet. "...F-fuck...I'm fine...Damage was...Superficial."
Yasker threw his chains around one of the arms, successfully entrapping it and slowly dragging it closer. The arm seemed to resist at first, but then an idea seemed to occur to it as it just threw itself towards Yasker. Landing a punch against the hunter's stomach, as it tried to pull back, however, it was sad to see that, despite the impact, Yasker was still holding on to it quite tightly, keeping it from moving out of place. That's where Kenji moved in, after having just deflected another strike from another one of the arms, he took the opportunity given by Yasker's grab on to the arm along with Yasker. With their joined strength, they both tugged strongly on the mechanical arm, a loud, screeching sound echoing around the tower before the mechanical arm popped out of its hinges, a big splurt of the fluids flowing inside the tubes splashing about as its connection had been severed.
With two of its arms now debilitated, the Keeper seemed to twitch its eyelid slightly again, clearly losing its patience with this encounter. "Very well." It spoke, its voice echoed. "I doom you to an eternity...As stone." Suddenly, its one eye hanged open fully, and a faint shimmering light began forming around his iris, slowly intensifying and growing brighter and brighter...
TamaraSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Replying simply with another feral grunt, Marley slammed his lengths down into Tamara's holes and growled loudly as it orgasmed a third time, his entire body shaking as it unleashed everything it had inside of the huntress, the feral glint in its eyes shining brighter than it had ever did before- Wait, now Marley just looked pretty dizzy...For better or for worse, it seemed like after having going at it three times in a row, he had just been totally exhausted, his eyes rolling around in a dizzied state as he just began pulling back, out of Tamara his shafts slipping out of her holes and letting them ooze out with his fluids before he simply rolled backwards, falling out of the sofa and hitting the back of his head against the floor, below, his legs hanging up, still shaking slightly. Glancing over at Marley over at the floor, for better or for worse, he seemed to have been just knocked out unconscious...So much for going big bad feral mode.
WyckSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Axle STA roll (6+,1-,X,1-) - 8
Vrox STA roll (6+,5,5,6+,5) - 27
Wyck STA roll (6+,3) - 9
Well, that went...Unexpectedly. After one or two more rounds, you found that Axle himself was just too exhausted to continue, you got to see and hear him just audibly collapse backwards into the lake, having been totally dried up from the rounds with you and Vrox. You were pretty exhausted yourself, hopefully Vrox was almost done too- Suddenly, however, it became clear that he wasn't. As the fact he had apparently won this competition only got him even more motivated to fuck you harder and faster. "Haha! I win! Guess the years are getting to ya, eh, chief?!" Vrox taunted, a big toothy grin on his face as he continued to ram his cock in and out of your rectum. Axle just slowly gave him the finger while still on the floor, which just got Vrox to laugh louder before he resumed his assault on you.
For better or for worse, he kept at it for a fair while. You had lost count of how many times he had already came inside of you by the time you finally noticed his legs beginning to fail, your bowels practically drenched with his stuff, even though you're pretty sure he was just having dry orgasms for a while now. The gator could let out little more than a tired whine before he couldn't even hold you up anymore, simply collapsing backwards as well, dropping you right in-between him and the also knocked out Axle, who had just stuck around there, not having enough energy to move out from his location.
"...I won though." Vrox claimed, raising a hand.
"Shut up...I got a headache." Axle growled, placing his hand above his own face.