Aya, Lucy & Jasmine (Jazz)Player Rolls
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Aya uses Wire Anchors
Hit Roll: 48 + 10 (Tech App.) – 10 (Evasion)= 48, Gaze
0.5 Damage, Bound
Aya uses Mini-Missiles x 2
Hit Rate: 96 + 10 (Tech App.) – 10 (Evasion) – 10(MM Hit Rate) = 86, Hit
2 Pinchers defeated.
Lucy uses Beam Rifle on Prowler B
Hit Roll: 50 + 15 (Mark.) - 30 (WB Evasion) + 5 (Sights) + 3 (Paintball round) = 43 Hit!
With Burst Mode Addition: 1-39 = Miss, 40 - 100 = Hit!
Damage: 7K, Prowler B Defeated.
As the three of you begin to sweep up the remaining Prowler and Pinchers, the Bunker Crabs seem to get into position and start firing.
Enemy Combat Roll
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Pinchers x 8 > Move forward 10 Paces
Bunker Crab 1 Uses Hunker Down (Reduce damage by Half)
Bunker Crab 2 Uses Random Fire:
Targets (1-3) Lucy, (4-6) Aya: 5
Hit Roll: 92 + 20 (Accuracy) - 30 (Low Hit Rate) - 12 (Evasion) = 70, Hit!
Damage: 1K x 8 = 8K
Bunker Crab 2 Uses Random Fire:
Targets (1-3) Lucy, (4-6) Aya: 2
Hit Roll: 94 + 20 (Accuracy) - 30 (Low Hit Rate) - 65 (Evasion) = 70, Graze
Damage: (1K x 8)/2 = 4K
As the Pinchers move forward, You see hatches open on two of the three Bunker Crabs. Suddenly they fire beams of light in your direction, Lucy manages to dodge but Aya takes the blunt of the damage. Steam rolls from the openings as the creatures seem to try and cool down. But the third Crabs seems poised to attack.
Incoming enemies:
Pinchers > 10 Paces Side
Bunker Crabs > 25 Paces Side
The Overmind still hasn't moved but the other group of WBs have reached the site of the explosion. With the battle heating up, the pilot launches Jazz and lets her drop just between Aya and Lucy. "Sorry about the rough landing. But it looks like they need you in the thick of it." the pilot says.
Jessica & GroupEnemy Combat Rolls
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Glow Bats x 20 >Move 10 Paces Forward, 10 paces from all pilots
Stalkers x 2 No movement
Just before entering the killzone, the stalkers stop as the Glowbats move forward. Five start to move towards Maiza's location seemly trying to confirm her location. Another 10 Move towards Hana as they sense the energy from her Thermal Launcher. The last 5 seemed trained on you.
Just as your team is about to engage, you hear something over your Comm "Lieutenant Malcolm, I found the Dome Head, it's in the lighthouse west of the combat zone (30 Paces Away). It seems to be waiting for something. Wait! it's spotted me. I-I can't move. Requesting backup! Requestin..." Suddenly the call cut out. "Damn it!" Malcolm yelled. All Scouts move to the Lighthouse. Smalls! We'll try and deal with this Bastard. You focus on the Stalkers."
Player Combat Roll:
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Hanna Uses Thermal Launcher on Glow Bats
Hit Roll: 82 + 10 (Tech App) + 10 (Weapon Hit) - 20 (Evasion) = 82, Hit!
Damage 12K + 2K Splash, One Glowbat Defeated -50EP
Maiza stays completely still as the Glow Bats still seem oblivious to her position. How ever, Hanna isn't as calm. Without hesitation, she fires her weapon again causing another explosion. It incinerates one of the bats but the rest remain unharmed as their barrier dissipates. With the explosion, the stalkers turn their attention to the young pilot.