The faint beams of sunlight pouring into the room brought Kaythleen to shift around on the bed, hugging a space which should have been occupied.. A space which; was now.. Empty..Her hands grasped the sheets as she whimpered in her sleep, wanting her lover's company and warmth while she slowly began to wake up to a fresh new morning. The sunlight wasn't anywhere near her. Her sensitive skin shouldn't be all itchy then. Kaythleen screamed lowly when she fully noticed that Bomani wasn't at her side, less holding her and making her feel safe.. That reminded her of.. Azshara. She shook her head, holding her forehead with her right hand as all of those memories now brought her guilt and a nasty headache. When was the last time she had seen Azshara?.. Back at the ship? The docks?.. She couldn't tell.
A sudden rush of wind passing by her naked, smooth skin made her realize that putting her clothes back on might be a nice idea. She sat on one edge of the bed, seeing that she was at least wearing her underwear. The time for searching for Bomani would come later. Kaythleen stood up, putting on her suit and pulling her hood just in front of her eyes.
How she looks:Spoiler (click to show/hide):
Kaythleen sighed when she was ready to go, missing Bomani's warm chuckles.. Where had he gone to..? She walked over to a small table and grabbed her coin purse, hiding it smoothly somewhere in a pocket. Grabbing the peach and sniffing it first, finding it alright before beginning to give it soft curious bites. She opened the door with the keys, smiling faintly at the room where Bomani and her had spent a couple of very fun moments.. But that was days ago. Closing the door back again when she stepped outside, having made sure she carried all of her things with her. Placing the key in some other hidden pocket.
Kaythleen dropped the keys on a counter and left the Inn, yawning quietly as her suit covered her fully from the Sun. A quick glance around here and there. There was bound to be something or someone helpful around these parts, that book the Time Keeper had stated for her to find was still around.