@Hyena ~ CafeteriaSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Lily looked up at him with her eyebrows raised, smiling while blushing at the same time.. Giggling quietly before giving his shoulder a soft and playful slap with her hand, the type that ladies give -- meaning it wouldn't even hurt if she wanted to.
She went back to give the red jello on her plate a couple of spoonfuls.. Probably eating it all before cleaning her lips with a napkin, leaning to the side to rest a bit on Ryan's shoulder.. Her breathing calm. It seemed a lot of things were changing after -those- moments they spent together.
''Ooh, so comfy.. ~Squishy squishy!'' Lily childishly whispered while nudging her face against his shoulder, giving it a couple of playful squeezes while grinning and looking up at him.
@Angel ~ Principal's OfficeSpoiler (click to show/hide):
Principal Olivia opened the door within a few seconds, smiling wide and beckoning Naoto to come inside her office.
''Oh, your schedule? Well, if you'd take a seat of course I'll look for it! Actually, I don't know if there's any left.. But I'll look, don't worry!'' She said with a reassuring smile and once Naoto had taken a seat and the door had been shut, Principal Olivia was leaning here and there -- looking in folders and whatnot while several poses might have been.. Too great for any male student to pass. But, Naoto wasn't any regular student.. Not male, at least.